East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 16, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Eioirr PAGES.
Low Death Rate
High Interest Earning
Economy of Management
Keep Your Money in Oregon
Advantageous combination offered by the Oregon Life
Insurance Company. Nothing to equal it anywhere.
Office -5th floor, Macleay Building, 286 Washington
Street., Portland, Oregon. L. Samuel.
The Dunlop Milling company plant
at Nashville, Tenn., was damaged
$260,000 by fire.
Including the Oregon and several
other somewhat old-fashioned ves
sels, the United States has 27 "first-
class" battleships from 11,000 to 16,-
000 tons size.
Edward R. Tufts, n Chicago million
Ollmrlng to Its Dead Mother's nll.e wlth larRe noll,nBS ot minlllg
Breast After the Rattle of Wouiul- property In Montana, nas Deen con
ed Knee In 1891 Adopted by Colo- vlcted of perjury In connection with
lid nud Mr Colby, of Washington,
Tragic History of Sioux ClUld Found
D. C. For tle Part Year She Una
lleen a Resident of Portland.
Brief Record of County
EVGPitS Special Correspondence
Measures Taken to Secure More Rail
road Facilities George George Is
Still Missing" Tuni-a-lnm Rrldgc
Had Been Accepted Fruit Cannery
saloon In Freewater for some time,
has gone to Echo, where he will go
Into the saloon business.
The play, "Nevada, the Wanderer,"
which was postponed on account of
the diphtheria scare, will take place
Friday evening, January 26. It is to
be put on by home talent.
Is Probable, to Be Built by a UUih PETITIONS CIRCULATED
Man Gambling Case Continued
New Bank Building Will Be Erect-
"Nevada," January 26.
Contract Awarded for Extension of
Bank at Free-
In the Chemawa Indian school is
now one of the most Interesting Indl- cnne(j n
getting a divorce from his wife.
J. C. Napier, the negro lawyer and
banker of Nashville, who was recently
offered the position of United States
consul at Bahla, Brazil, called on the
president today and thanked him for
the proposed appointment, but de
an girls In the United states, Lost
Bird, a Brule Sioux girl, who Is th
adopted daughter of Mrs. Clara B.
Colby, editor of the Woman's Tribune,
the equal suffrage paper which was
removed from Washington, D. C, to
Portland last year.
Lost Bird is a full-blood Brule
Sioux child, and was found on the
battleground of Wounded Knee, in
South Dakota, three days after that
battle, in which Sitting Bull, the
Sioux chieftain, was killed by United
States soldiers in 1891.
During the battle Lost Bird's moth
er sat In her tepee with her 6-months-old
child beside her, while the tribes
men were being shot down by the
soldiers. A stray bullet Intended for
a soldier, killed the mother while she
was sitting alone In the tepee.
Three days afterward, while some
squaws were looking over the bat
tleground, they found Lost Bird
clinging to the breast of her dead
mother, the corpse of the mother and
the living babe having been conceal
ed from view by the wrecked tepee
since the battle, three days before,
The Indian women, struck by the
pitiable plight of the child, called It a
Lost Bird, the name which clung to
It ever afterward. Colonel Colby,
Lieutenant Sidney B. Burbank, of
the sixth Infantry, has ben sentenced
to 15 months Imprisonment and dis
missal from the army for abandoning
his Filipino wife. The decree of di
vorce, which the woman obtained
also grants the woman alimony.
The bark Octavla has been wrecked
off the coast of the Province of
Buenos Ayres, between Puerto Me-
danog and Punta Mogotes. The Amer
ican vice consul of Bahla Blanca,
Dunlel Meyer, was aboard the vessel,
Details are unknown. Probably all
are lost.
It Is now regarded as certain that
the United Mine Workers' convention
will appoint a committee to confer
early In February with a committee
of mine owners and operators, and
that an attempt will be made to get
together and avert the threatened
Freewater, Jan. 16. A commercial!
dob was organlxed in Freewater Sat-j
rday evening with a membership of
over 25. Officers for the ensuing!
year were elected as follows: Pres
ident, John S. Vinson; secretary',
Miles Overholt; treasurer, J. H. Hall.
A committee of five members of
the club was appointed to interview
the officials of the proposed railway
Water Main New
water Will Open Next Week
Schools Reopened, Diphtheria Be
ing Eliminated McQuary Building
Is Completed Miss Troy Has Been
Graduated In Spokane as a Nui
Will Kirk Has Appendicitis.
Milton, Jan. 16. Moses Taylor, the
States army and present at the battle
of Wounded Knee, saw the child and
learned of Its tragic history and took
I In Vi i r- cm and " " I ii il If i I a Vl t r1 ..
in the national caoltal. where himself Snka?e' Euene '"P1'
, . i j,j i, , jmuiyii nvciunti mill a
systematic plan of education whloh
has continued since.
The girl's life was spent in the cap
from Wallula to Walla Walla by the , nea- Weston, was In the city vester-
Northern Pacific, and to offer them daJ. circulating a petition among the
a rignt or way ana grounds tor a sta-: people which will be sent to the gov
tlon and yards at this place. Offlc-: emor asking Taylor's pardon from
lata at ana walla state tnat the tne penitentiary. The sentence of two
soad is assured, and that a double years for Taylor was affirmed by the
track will be built through the Hudson gUprtfme court. It seems that the
Bay country. This Is considered the petition Is being freely signed
oest possible route, as there are few ( throughout this entire section
smucs uiiuufiii lilt; nuusun Day,
The search for George George, the
stale line farmer, who has been miss-'
Ing for a few weeks. Is practically
given up, and his whereabouts Is as
oiyaterinus now as It was at first.
Dirfemat articles have been found
which for a time were considered ex- i
cellent clues, but when a search was '
...i.B ol . oon.B ue- tQ arrange wlth t0 do thls work waB
wmL .m Kll u.e tu.ury, , one of a wno claimed to be on
...e mat ns committee, suiciae, ana to ,he gcheme, nd merely hired by
aome hold that he has been murdered. hlm t0 flnd out wnnt wag Delng ftt.
The county commissioners have In
spected the Tum-a-lum bridge re
cently constructed over the Turn-alum
-Mid Walla Walla rivers near this
place, at a cost of $2300. The people
of this vicinity are petitioning the
county court to establish a county
eteen ""re ana B..a tary, He reclteg ln his petition that
and to put in a rural mall route. ; .. ,h. ,tlmnnv nf p!l1mBr ,hih
Since the bridge has been construct-: h.m nnH ,., h ,,na nnl
deem It Just that he should be pun
lshed on testimony of an ex-convlct.
Awarded Contract,
J. F. Campbell has been awarded
the contract for digging a ditch for
an extension of the water main on
Mill street. This ditch covers 2000
linear feet, and it will be 30 Inches
deep. The contract price Is 5 cents
per linear foot.
The Bank of Milton will In the next
10 days open a bank at Freewater to
be known as the Freewater Branch o:
the Bank of Milton. The bank will
occupy Mrs. Wright's building on De
pot street until the bank building is
erected by the company early In the
692, an Increase over 1904 of approx
imately $3,000,000.
In a quarrel over a dice game at
knife, and Benl Ruberto ln turn stab
bed Flllpls with a pair of shears. Both
men will recover.
ltal until last year, when the Colby The labor unions of Spokane, which
family came to Portland. She was have been jangling for several years
given every advantage. Her assocl- past, will try and meet on common
ates have been of the best people to grounds by surrendering the charter
Taylor was convicted of the crime
of attempting to fire the wheat field
and barn of James Banister, for which
it was alleged he had hired two men,
and he was also accused of having
asked them to thrash Banister, who
was Taylor's brother-in-law, and who
Taylor claims, was mostly the cause
of a separation between him and his
wife. One of. the men Taylor tried
tempted. The other man was named
Palmer, and Taylor now carries 15
efflda-vlts with him, which he claims
were formerly Issued against this man
for deeds committed ln the past, and
it is claimed that these affidavits show
that Palmer has spent most of his
time heretofore In the Idaho penlten
be found. Her training has ever been
levatlng and her surroundings in
With all these advantages it Is said
the Sioux blood often asserts Itself in
her disposition.
Since coming to Portland Lost Bird
has been a student at Chemawa, a
portion of the time.
Aid Society.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Con
gregational church held Its annual
election Friday, the following offic
ers being elected: President, Mrs.
Jennie Atcheson; vice president, Mrs.
Jennie Hoon; secretary, Mrs. Nellie
Campbell; treasurer, Mrs. Henry
Groath. The ladles of the society will
meet each week regularly, and will
assist ln paying the salary of the pas
tor here.
John Malla, of Park City, Utah, Is
expected here In the near future to
Rook over the situation regarding the
"establishment of a fruit cannery at
this place. The only objection to a
cannerv heretofore In Freewater. was spring. The building will be a hand
the fact that there was no bank here. ' some brick.
and now that there will be two banks, The public schools were opened
the fruit cannery will no doubt be a yesterday morning after being closed
to I two weeks on account of diphtheria
The case of Harry Badgcro. who ' In the Milton and Freewater precincts.
was chanted with playing cards In Ed Editor C. E. Brown and family, who
White's clear store. Just across the : were under quarantine for some time,
Milton side, which was postponed have been released, and It Is believed
until January 19. will probably be that the disease is entirely stamped
DOftDoned until later as circuit court out
In In session in Pendleton this week. I Rev. Harry Baker Smith, pastor o
and It will be Impossible for Judge the Christian church of Milton, Is as
Foe to attend to this case, which ho slstlng In a series of revival meetings
lias In charge. at Hood River.
The schools were opened yesterday J- E. McQuary hns completed the
3rtcr heine closed for two weeks on erection of a frame office building on
account of diphtheria In the Milton ; door south of his hotel In this city.
nd Freewater districts. He has rented the building to Dr.
-John Peamler, who stolo some coal Ruckman who will use It for a dental
Trnm t- Kunnvslde school district, . office,
ill. latter nnrt of last week, was fined Miss Ida Troy, daughter of Mr. and
935 and costs, and has been taken to Mrs. A. E. Troy, has returned from
Tmlletnn HpoKane, wnere sne nas oeen iukwi
R. W. Gandy, recently from Call- a course for a trained nurse. She has
fniula- and a former resident of this received her diploma, and expects to
place, has purchased the residence nurse in Milton and different parts of
nmni,rtv of O. W. Hansell for $850. ; Umatilla county.
Mr. Oandv expects to put up a build- T. C. Frazler, city treasurer, has Is-
intr in the business district shortly, sued the following financial state.
.h.,. he will conduct a cloak, suit ment for 1905: Total receipts.
.ml ladles' furnishings establishment. $9101.15. Of this $3721.84 was r
John S. Vinson has sold the build- celved from the electric light system
r,. r,nw nccunled bv the Peacock and $1898.08 from the water syBtem
Milling company's bank to the Bank $66.75 was collected for fines. Total
e Miifn- ,-nn.rideratlon. $1000. The disbursements were $9040.07, $1000
rr,.rv Mllllnii company will erect for electric light extension and $2066
- t,n,iinr for a bank early in the 54 for salaries. The bonded indebted
i r,A it ! the Intention of the neas of the city Is $27,000, and the
Hank of Milton company to erect a floating Indebtedness is $3000, bear
k-ir-v hnlldlna- also. I Ing Interest at D per cent interest,
HuKh Williams, a recent arrival Will T. Kirk, a former student of
from Franklin county, Washington, Columbia college at this place, and
has purchased 20 acres of land In the a graduate of the business department
j.,,ir,n nv d strict for wtncn ne is reported quite in wun appenuiuiu;
.i tisn ner acre. He will, move at St. Luke's hospital, In Boise. Mr.
,;. fumilv here and will make It hl Kirk has been one of the editors
Siome In the future. i the Payette (Idaho) Independent for
Oeorge Ireland, who conducted a some time.
The Coeur d'Alane club, at Coeur
d'Alene, will this spring build a $10
000 club house. The funds are all ln
The output of silver, copper, gold
and zinc from the Coeur d'Alenes
ho was then a colonel In the United during 1905, was valued at $15,220,-
A Modern .Miracle.
'Truly miraculous seemed the re
covery of Mrs. Mollle Holt of this
place," writes J. O. R. Hooper, Wood
ford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by
coughing up puss from her lungs,
Doctors declared her end so near that
her family had watched by her bed
side 48 hours; when, at my urgent re
quest Dr. King's New Discovers was
given her, with the astonishing re
sult that Improvement began, and con
tlnued until she finally completely re
covered, and is a healthy woman to
day." Guaranteed cure for coughs
and colds. 50c and $1.00 at Tallman
& Co. and Brock & McComas', drug
gists. Trial bottle free.
of the Central Labor council, and
then reorganizing.
The Crescent Coal company proper
ties on Coos Bay, have just been sold
to San Francisco men for $149,000,
The mine is only In process of devel
opment, but has been a producer for
six months. The steamer Chlco1 Is
taking the output regularly.
Upon the completion of the General
Hospital at Centralla, Wash., that
place will have the largest and best
equipped hospital In Washington out
side of Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma.
The building Is the abandoned Grace
college (Baptist) and contains 100
rooms for patients since being remod
Chairman of Walla Walla Republican
Central Committee Deposed.
The Walla Walla tSatesman gives
the following account of the fight in
the Walla Walla county republican
central committee and the removal ot
Eugene Lorton, Senator Ankeny's
man, from the chairmanship:
After wrangling for two hours this
afternoon the republican county cen
tral committee elected Alexander
Cameron, the well known farmer and
former member of the legislature
from Walla Walla county, as chair
When the committee met this after
noon ln Justice Huffman's office ev
ery precinct was represented. Eugene
Lorton tendered his resignation as
chairman and then the fight was on.
The enemies of Lorton presented the
name of Cameron, while the friends
of the retiring chairman put up J. K
For about an hour the members of
the committee then went at It In a
hammer and tongc fashion, the lead
ers of each faction accusing the other
of trying to disrupt the republican
party. Several warm speeches were
made, In which members of the com
mlttee were charged with Inspiring
articles that have been publlHhed in
the newspapers throughout the state
relative to the fight that had been
develoned In the party ln Walla
After everv one had been given a
chance to expatiate to the fullest de
gree the ballot was called for, which
resulted ln the election of Cameron
over Wilson by a vote of 15 to 12.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
ot smell sad comn.eiely deraiiKe the wole
flyfltem when entering It through the mu
cous surfaces, hnrb articles should never
be used except on prescript- n from repu
table physicians, as the damaiee they will
do la ten-fold to the good you can poaalbly
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufacturd by K. J. Cheney A Co., To
ledo. O.. contains no mercury, and la taken
Internally, actinic directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the ayatem. ln
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be aure you
ftet the genuine. It la taken internally and
maue in Toledo, unio. by v. j. cneney
Co. Testimonials free.
Hold by druggiata. l'rlce Toe per uuttle.
Take Hall's Family I'llla for conatlpatlon.
The amount of snowfall ln Spokane
so far this winter Is very large com
pared with last season. To date 23,
Inches of snow have fallen, while
year ago up to and Including Janu,
ary 12, the amount was only 4
Inches. Last winter, however, was
the lightest In snowfall for the last
25 years, as only 11.1 Inches fell du
Ing the entire winter. The heaviest
winter for the same period was 188
1890, with 79.1 Inches. The heaviest
single month was February, 1
with 37.8. Inches.
AOcbixsi on grip's
In Muslin Underwear
and White Goods
The newness, freshness. Immaculate nlceness of our Muslin
Underwear stock attracts all women.
On top of It all are the many bargains offered.
Every piece of white goods In our store Is greatly reduced.
Muslin Underwear on display hi Show Window.
Real Estate, Insurance, Loans and Investment
FRANK B. CIOPTOV, President; T. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President;
F. W. VINCENT Second Vlce-Pretddent; MARK MOORHOUSE. Sec
re' v-Treasurer; F. W. MATLOCK.
All plumbing and tin, sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to me
will be done right and guaranteed.
I have removed my shop to Court street, second door east of
Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do the
highest class work.
Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, as I have ln
my employ one of the best plumber In the business, and water, steam
and other pipe fitting la solicited. '
A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work.
Court Street, Two Doors East of Golden Rule Hotel.
at last a place where one can trust
their best linen or daintiest lingerie to
be laundered. We se only harmless
materials to cleanse all articles en
trusted to us. A trial order will con
vince you that we live up to our ad
vertisement Pendleton Steam Loundry
'Phone Main 179.
Is as cheap as any other lllumlnant,
and far more convenient
c- Let Us Figure With You
about wiring your home, office or
store. We can get you up a handsome
window display. Better talk with ua
on the subject.
Phone Maim $39 123 West Court
Two words. Schilling
Best; and one more that is
moneyback standfor the best
te trade : best goods and best
Tow gracttt'l I Koneybaca,
is of fine, selected Lumber. We can
give you any sort you require.
In large or small quantities, dressed
or in the rough. Fine flooring, Fram
ing Timbers, Joist, Siding, etc. Olva
us a trial order and see how thorough
ly satisfactory It will be filled.
Oregon Lumber Yaro
Near Court House
Pendleton. Oregon.
'Phone Main 8.
For coughs and colds no remedy Is
equal to Kennedy's laxative Honey
and Tar. It Is different from all
others better, because it expels all
cold from the system by acting as a
cathartic on the bowels. Affords Im
mediate relief ln croup, cougs, colds,
whoonlng cough, -tc. Children love
It. Sold by Tallman & Co.
Great remnant salo commences
Wednesday. 9 a. m.; one-fourth to
one-half regular price, at Teutsch's.
Two fine building lots, $200 each,
I -room house, two Iota; good well; located
near school, price S10E0.00.
Good 6-room house, larce barn, two large
lots, nice shade and fruit trees, large chicken
yard, "rice J2S00.00.
House, and lot near West End school, $600.
House and two lots on Maple St, $650.00.
House and barn, 7 lots, good orchard, plenty
well water, $2,000.00. TheBe three places must
be sold within 30 days. Come early and e
cure bargain.
$60 acres Birch creek, 25 acres alfalfa;
A gret bargain, $7,600.00.
160 aere ranch on McKay creek, to excha -e
for etty property.
New 8 -room house, large barn, chicken
house, lots. Price $$600.00.
160 acres one and
Athena at a bargain.
a half miles south of e
Also vacant lots ln all parts of the city.
If you wish to build we can sell you a lot
and furnish you the money to build your home.
Finest residence and two lots ln t e city,
nt lot on Jane street, near Court, $628.
$00 acre wheat ranch, 360 sown In wheat,
$16,000; IS miles from Pen leton, 8 miles to
$60 Mres; 520 in wheat, 1$ miles south of
Kidney Troubles
are easily relieved and cured ln the
Hoirinninff. but as the disease grows In
severity we must find a more potent
remedy. Here Is where Trvlmr'a Buchu ee
Wafers excel as a cure, ui tu,
, i i. Ae K,,f rnflm
tnry give quiuiv icim., . ee
than that, they give a sure anu lasting
cure, uney positively " ee ................ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea
rcoSMaVn SS