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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1906)
EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREdONIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1900. PAGE FIVE. REMOVA SALE- After January 26 Donaldson's Pharmacy will be located In the room now occupied by the clothing department of the Peoples' Warehouse. Prior to moving we will give a removal sale and cut prices will prevail on all druggist's sundries. This Includes all Rubber Goods, Tolh-t Soaps, Brashes of all descriptions, PurseH, Hand Bags, Mir rors, Stationery, Fancy China, Slutting Articles, Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, etc. This Sale WillJMean a Saving of 25 Per Cent DONALDSON .Reliable Druggist O S3 At old stand near postofflce until January 28. The Home of'SUNSIIINE" Preparation. CITY BREVITIES U C Rader. Nuf seu. Nuf sed. U C Rader. Rader Carpets Rader. Carpets Rader Carpets. Furniture Rader Furniture. For Rent Two light housekeeping rooms, furnished; 617 Aura street. John Gagen's Family liquor store. Court St., opposite Golden Rule hotel Sensational one-half price sale on Laces and Embroideries at Teutsch's. Monlgles restaurant, SOS East Court street. Meals 20 cents and up. For Rent Three light house-keeping rooms, furnished. 620 Thompson street. J 1.25 and 1 1.50 Wrappers on sale Wednesday, a. m at 68 cents, at Teutsch's. Buy a Pianola for your piano. Easy terms. Ellers Piano House, 811 Main street. O. L. Palmer, please write your postofflce address to 1304 Sharp St.,, Wash. Sensational one-half 'price sale on Suits, Skirts and Coats commences Wednesday, 9 a. m., at Teutsch's. When In Portland stop at the Hotel Oregon. Rates 11 per day and up ward. European plan. Free 'bus. Sensatlonnl kid glove sale starts Wednesday nt 8 a. m. Regular $1.25, 11.50 and $1.76 qualities at 68 cents a pair at Teutsch's. For Sale 160 tons alfalfa hay on the Hudson Bay ranch, 12 miles west of Milton. Address, -'Phone 1782, Walla Walla, Wash. For Sale 160 acres of eastern Ore gon's finest wheat land, In Sherman county. All under cultivation; 1 1-2 miles from the most progressive town on the Columbia Southern railroad. A reasonable amount of food thor oughly digested and properly assimi lated will always Increase the VICTOR EDISON COLUMBIA Talking Mucl 'nes and Supplies 5,000 RECORDS J. A. OWENHOUSE 813 MAIN ST. Distributor. PINE NUT CREAM Brisk buying of Pine Nut Cream proves its goodness in curing rough hands and chapped faces. Pine Nut Cream is not sticky nor greasy. It is quickly absorbed and can be used at any time. 25 cents a bottle. Koeppens' Popular Price Drug Store A. C. Koeppen & Bro's. strength. If your stomach Is a "little off" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat and enable the digestive organs to assimilate and transform all foods Into tissue-building blood. Kodol relieves sour stomach, belch ing, heartburn and all forms of Indi gestion. Palatable and strengthening. Sold by Tallman & Co. CIRCUIT COURT IS IN SESSION. (Continued from page 1.) empaneled to try the case: L. C. Rothrock, Frank Curl, D. E. Curgill, Kenneth MeRea, Frank Sloan, John Wyrlck, S. H. Hopkins, E. E. La Hue, Thomas Thompson, D. M. Russell, J. W. Keen and William Brown. The plaintiffs are represented by C. H. Carter, and the defendant by John McCourt. The caHe, as stated by the attorneys to the Jury. Is a claim of $227.25 still unpaid for linoleum furnished for the Hotel State bar some time last year. The plaintiff claims that no part f the amount has ever been paid, and that the whole amount Is past due and payable. The defense claims he never bought the linoleum, but that the same was purchased by Sam Roberts, who closed up for the bene fit of his creditors and was succeeded by Mr. Cruise, who refused to assume the Indebtedness as the price was not satisfactory, and claimed he ordered plaintiffs to take up the linoleum. At the time suit was brought at tachment .proceedings were com menced, but to prevent his place of business being locked up Cruise gave a bond with William Roesch as surety and this Is the purpose of the suit, to determine whether Jhe defendant was responsible to Baker & Folsom for the payment of the amount Cruise was Inter closed up and Is not present, but the bond being suf ficient to protect the plaintiff's claim, the case Is being tried on Its merits today. The balance of the Jurors have been excused from further appearance un til 9 a. m. Tuesday morning, the 16th. Why Puy Rent? Why rent a Piano and pay $60 or more a year for the use of the same when you can buy one worth $365 for $186 on payments of $10, yes, $8.00 a month, at the closing out sale of our Walla Walla stock. See Ellers Piano House, J. C. Gallagher, Mgr., before tomorrow night. Perfection enn only be attained In the physical by allowing Nature to appropriate and not dissipate her own resources. Cathartics gripe, weaken dissipate, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers simply expel all putrid matter and bile, thus allowing the liver to assume normal activity. Good for the complexion. Sold by Tallman & Co. Marriage Licenses. Mnrrlage licenses were Issued to day to the following: Frank Scran ton and Jesse Hamer; S. W. Creeson and I.lllle M. Howell. Sensational sale on muslin under wear at less than one-half, Wednes day, 9 a. m., at Teutsch's. Rader Furniture Rader. PERSONAL MENTION A. C. Cogswell of Boise, has been a visitor here today. B. L. Sheridan of Echo, Is here to day upon business. John Wynn, of McKay creek. Is In the city today on a trading trip. E. L. McDowell, of the Rural Spirit, Is In the city today on a business visit. Attorney S. D. Peterson came down from Milton last evening to attend circuit court. Elmer Knight, O. R. & N. switch man at Umatilla, has been In the city on a short visit. Mrs. R. Alexander left last evening for Baker City to visit for a short time with friends. G. W. Thompson of Heppner, has been a visitor In the city today, hav ing arrived last evening. Miss Mattle Matthew of Portland, is visiting for a few days with her cousin; Miss Norma Alloway. Henry Lazlnka, the well known cat tleman of Camas Prairie, is In the city visiting his family for a few days. J. J. Raulstone of Adams, arrived yesterday morning from western Ore gon, where he had been upon a visit. Mrs. Walter Adams Is quite 111 this week with a severe attack of the grip, which threatens to develop Into pneu monia. J. N. Burgess, manager of the Cunningham Sheep & Land company, arrived last evening from Wasco county. R. A. Kelsny of the Cunningham Sheep & Land company, came In from the company's ranch yesterday upon a short visit. G. W. Proebstel of Weston, has been In the city today upon a short visit, having come down on the evening Jxaln yesterday. B. B. Hall, cashier of the Farmers' bank of Weston, came down last eve ning and has been attending to busi ness here today. Harry C. Thompson of the Pendle ton Savings bank, went to Echo yes terday to assist for a few days In the bank at that place. Mrs. A. J. Brown and son Clifford Drown, arc here from Wllllamfcport, Ind., upon a visit with the former's son, W. S. Brown. ' W. A. Wlnsboro, representing the Faber Self-filling Pen company and other houses, has been In the city today upon business. Mrs. C. E.Redfield left this morn ing for her home at Heppner, after having visited a week with her moth er. Mrs. Eleanor Cameron. Miss Wynn Coman, daughter of E. B. Coman, the veteran conductor, ar rived from the east last night and left this morning for Spokane. -" R. E. Tarbett, "of the Flair Store, who was In Spokane last week, se lecting spring and summer goods, re turned home Saturday evening. C. Ottershagen, representing the Pacific Steel & Hardware company, has been here today after having been absent from this territory for a year pnst. Charles L. Swain of Irrigon, who has been employed In the hydro graphic survey being made by the state engineer on the Little Walla Walla, Is In town today. G. W. Buchanan, of the firm of Clark & Buchanan, who experted the county records, came up from Port land this morning to appear as a witness in the Davis trial. Frank Menefee, prosecuting attor ney for the Seventh district, came up last evening from his home at The Dnlles, and has been attending to le gal business here today. Natt and Paul Webb, stockrais ers of Walla Walla, passed through here today on their way to Heppner, to look after their sheep interests In that country. They ulso have some sheep in Iduho. Graham Dukehart, of Portland, who studied voice culture In Dresden, Germany, under Prof. Dr. Miller, Is In the city for a few days looking over the field with a view of locating here and organizing a class. John Hnnna, of Umatilla county, made a homestead proof this morn ing at the land office. His witnesses were George H. McDonald, of Pendle ton, and Charles Hudson, of Meach am. La Grande Observer. BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS. I'rugraiii for the Week ItcglniiliiR WIUi Tuesday. Tuesday, 7:30 Meeting of the new bonrd of trustees, at the home of Dr. Rlngo. Wednesday, 7:30 Prayer and fel lowship meeting. Subject, "How May I Grow in Grace?" Thursday, 6 Second annual ban quet and roll call of the church will be held In the banquet hnll of the Eagles' building. This is for mem bers, their wives or husbands, those contemplating membership and all visiting Baptists. Friday, 6:30 Fellowship lunch. Bi ble study at 7 o'clock. Choir rehears al also ot 7. At 8 o'clock the Chris tian culture study class, "The Life of Christ." Everybody Invited to this evening of fellowship and Bible study. Ferguson nt Black foot. Operator J. W. Jackson, of the O. R. & N. has Just received a letter from J. A. Ferguson, formerly oper ator nt this place, stating that he Is now night operator at Blackfoot, Idaho, on the O. S. L and Is well pleased with his new position. ScTMiiKin-Sliiisls. At Walla Walla yesterday Will P. Slurgls and Miss Ada Scranton were united In mnrrlage In the presence of a few friends. Great remnant sale commences Wednesday, 9 a. m.; one-fourth to one-half regular price, ut Teutsch's. ODDS AND ENDS IN Lac GMralinis PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Save Your Coupons Where it Pay to Trade Save Your Coupons II SKET BALL FRIDAY NIGHT. Pendleton High School Team Will Take Scalps From La Grande the Second lime. The second game of basket ball to be played between La Grande and Pendleton high school teams will be played at assembly hall In. this city next Friday night, January 19. The La Grande team was defeated by Pendleton In the former game by a score of 4 to 6 and the Pendleton girls hope to repeat the score at the coming game in this city. Considerable Interest Is being taken In the game since the girls of both teams are in the best of practice and the two teams are evenly matched. The high school girls of this city are making preparations for the enter tainment of the visitors, who will ar rive on the westbound train on Fri day morning and will return home on the early morning train Satur day. Florence ItolxTts' Troupe Disbands. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 13. John Cort. managing the tour of Florence Roberts, the Pacific coast favorite, who has been headed toward New York with "Ann Lamont," announced here today that the company would close at Vlcksburg, Miss., tomorrow and go to Denver. He gave all mem bers of the company notice that they were at liberty to leave the company although they had the option of going to Denver with Miss Roberts, where she will begin rehearsing a new play. At Chicago Henry Wulff, former state treasurer of Illinois, and J. W. Loeb, have pleaded guilty to being engaged in a swindling scheme under the guise of the Continental Finance company. Sentence was deferred. FREE COFFEE , ALL A demonstrator will serve the Crescent next week, Jnnunry 16 to 20 Inclusive, at EAST KX1 GROCERY, where a complete line of staple and fancy groceries can be found. We have our own wagons and deliver groceries to any part of the city, and make a specialty of promptness. Our solicitor will coll and take orders. We handle only fresh, high-grade groceries. A trial order is solicited. East End Alia Street, Next to Alia House, JOHN DYER, Prop. Successor to Dyer & Cox. The ASta Mouse Alta Street, Cor. Mill Street. The Farmer and Stockman's home. The popular boarding house. Meals served at all hours, All home cooking. Large, well kept rooms. Rates $1.00 per day. 'Feed yard in con nection. A. J. Cummings, Prop. One or two pair of a kind at a reduction of 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. 11.50 CURTAIN'S FOR $1.00 PAIR; 1 PAIR OF KIND $2.25 CURTAINS FOR $1.50 PAIR; 1 PAIR OF KIND $3.50 CURTAINS FOR $2.35 PAIR; 1 PAIR OF KIND $2.00 CURTAINS FOR $1.50 PAIR; 2 PAIR OF KIND $2.50 CURTAIN'S FOR $1.85 PAIR; 2 PAIK OF KIND $3.25 CURTAIN'S FOR $2.40 PAIR; 2 PAIR OF KIND REMNANTS IN DRESS GOODS, SILKS, TABLE LINEN'S, OUTING FLANNELS, FLANNELETTES, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, ALL AT 1-3 Off Remnant Price A HEAVY DEMAND FOR MOORHOUSE COLLECTION. Artistic Booklet Issued by Noted Pho tographer of Pendleton Finds Ready Sale All Over the Country East Orcgonian Will Issue Second Edition In the Near Future. So great has been the demand for the Moorhouse collection of Indian photographs Issued by the East Ore gonlan, that Major Moorhouse has de cided to Issue a second edition to meet the trade. The second edition will be issued by the East Oregonlan and will be enlarged and Improved in many ways and will be placed on sale at all the leading book stores and agencies in the country. The excellent photographs of Ma jor Moorhouse's collection are rare and beautiful and as the public comes to understand more and more of the value of the collection, the demand will be more and more brisk. The pictures are historical In every way and the halftones from which the book is printed reproduce per fectly the photographs from which they are made. It has been but a few weeks since the first edition was placed upon the market, and already orders from every quarter are reaching this city. Calls for the books have been receiv ed from prominent dealers in all the northwest cities and the private or ders received by Major Moorhouse attest the worth of the collection. WEEK always satisfactory Coffee Grocery 'Phone In your order. Main 536. SECOND N Give ear onto wise counsel. Coal that is one-third dirt, weighs great deal more to the scuttle and lasts much shorter time than the good, clean Coal w. sell. If yon want the best, our Coal It die kind for you. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office, Pendleton Ice & Cold Storage Company. 'Phone Slain 178. Egg Makei COLESWORTHY. BONE SHELL GRIT 127 nd 129 EAST ALTA. Poultry and Stock Supplies. Hay, Grain and Feed. Cr-STX Wh ynot eliminate ery element of chance or uncertainty by getting our figures when you need anything In lumber T Cray's Harbor Commercia' Company W. J. EE WELL. Manager. Phone Matt . THE POPULAR PLACE" TO EAT IS THE The French Restaurant Everything served flrst-claaa. Rest regular meals In Pcndle ton for 25 rents. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Hill Feed. Chopped Feed, etc., always on band.