East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 13, 1906, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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I Better Than a Bank
A bank allows you four per cent Interest on deposits left In their
possession six months or more. We do better than that You spend
the money and we allow you 1 per cent 'besides.
We give a 1 1-2 cent premium ticket, or 10 per cent, on every
twenty-five cent purchase of Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts,
Baking Powder, etc. Besides we give you better Teas and Coffees.
Try us and be convinced. You can buy as good extracts and spices
of others.. We do not claim any better, but we do save you 10 per
cent. Are you so rich that that Is not an Item? We think not
iGteB Ta (Hlooos
The Place
Christian Science.
First Society of Christian Scientists,
room 5, E. O. building. Services Sun
day 11 a. nk, subject, "Sacrament."
Wednesday meeting, 8 p. m. Reading
room open every day from 2 to 4 p.
m. Literature on sale.
Salvation Army.
Sunday services: Knee drill, 7 a. m.;
holiness meeting, 11 a. m.; Junior
meeting, 1 p. m. ; free and easy, 3 p.
tn.; salvation meeting, 8 p. m. Sat
urday night January 13, there will be
an old-fashioned sing song meeting
at the Salvation Army hall. Every,
body welcome.
Baptist Church.
The pastor's subjects for tomorrow
are as follows: Morning, "Kadesh
Bareea"; evening, "Breaking Fallow
Ground." You know you are welcome,
o come. Men are especially Invited.
First Congregational Church.
Rev. Richard Brown, pastor; 10:30,
holy communion will be administered
at this service. Sermon, "The Com
forting and Helpful Words of Jesus";
12 o'clock, Sunday school. Send the
children. Let us help you to help
them. At 6:30, Christian Endeavor,
led by Mrs. Lowell. Young people ur
gently Invited to attend. At 7:30, ser
mon, "What do the Scriptures Teach
Regarding a Reasonable Religion"?
Strangers Invited. Members expected.
Clmrch of the Redeemer.
Services for the second Sunday af
ter the Epiphany: Sunday school and
Bible classes, 10:30 a. m. Kindly no
tice the change of hour for the meet
ing of the Sunday school. The Sun
day school will assemble at this hour
Instead of at 10 o'clock, because the
members of the school will be present
at the service at 11 o'clock, with the
other members of the congregation,
to take part In the service appointed
for the Sunday schools by the Church
of England and the Protestant Epis
copal church throughout the world.
Our church and Sunday school will
Check the
Yo$ crtno figure on the results of
(a cold It Hks let run Its course. But
you can figure on results If you take
Our F. & S. Sure
Cold Capsules
at the start Your cold will depart
quickly. We don't understand why
anybody would let a cold develop Into
serious, perhaps fatal disease, when
it can be so easily eliminated from the
system. Keep a box of our Cold Cure
on hand and you will not suffer fieri
colds as you have before.
For Sale By
Tallman & Co.
623 Main Street
have a part In this service; It Is a
service of great Interest and beauty,
and the rector trusts that every mem
ber of the parish will be present, and
that they will Invite their friends and
all who are Interested In the parish.
Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30.
Strangers will be cordially welcomed.
Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, rector.
First Christian Church.
Bible school at 9:4 5. There Is a
separate rom for each class and a
class for any age. Come and study
with us for one hour. W. F. Taylor,
superintendent. Communion and song
service at 7:30, conducted by the
young people of the church. The sub
ject Is, "What Christ Taught About
Money and Its Uses." Prayer meet
ing choir practice Wednesday even
ing. All are cordially Invited to at
tend all these meetlrgs. N. H. Brooks,
Methodist Episcopal.
Sunday school, 10 a. m A. J.
Owen, superintendent; 11 a. m., ser
mon by Rev. I. D. Tallman: 12:15 p.
m., class meeting, leader. Rev. G. W.
Rigby; 3 p. m.. Intermediate league;
6:30 p. m., Epworth league; 7:30 p.
m., evangelistic services. All are cor
dially Invited. Robert Warner, pastor.
A Large Class Will Be Initiated Anni
versary Day.
At the meeting of the Eagles last
night it was decided to give a public
entertainment the latter part of this
month, probably on the last Friday of
the month. The affair will be held in
Eagles' hall, and will be mainly of
a musical nature. Features of the
program will be selection by the
Eagles' band. A small admission will
be charged, and the proceeds used to
Improve the stage, and otherwise pre
pare for future entertainments. A
committee consisting of R. C. Lawr
ence, W. G. Bogert and O. E. Larkln,
Is arranging the program.
On March 8, anniversary day, a
large class will be Initiated Into the
order and something of a program
At the meeting last evening Dr. J.
A. Best resigned as aerie physician,
Dr. D. J. McFaul resigned from that
Capacity last week, 80 that the, sole
physician now Is Dr. Garfield.
The San Francisco bark Challenger
Is a total loss by fir in the harbor of
Kobe, Japan.
Bnjor TJln Herplelde on Account of
Its Distinctiveness.
The ladles who have used Newbro's
Herplelde speak of it In the highest
terms, for Its quick effect In cleansing
the scalp of dandruff and also for Its ex
cellence as a general halr-dresslng. It
makes the scalp feel fresh and it allays
that Itching which dandruff will cause.
Newbro's Herplelde effectively cures
dandrufT, ss It destroys the germ that
;auses It. The tamo germ causes hair to
fall out. and later baldness; In killing It,
Herplelde stops falling hair and prevents
baldness. It is also an Ideal hair dress
ing, for It lends an aristocratic charm to
the hair that Is quite distinctive. Sold
by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps
for sample to The Herplelde Co., De
troit Mlcb.
Koeppen Bros., special agents.
We liave the only complete Optical Parlors in Pendleton, anil
are prepared to examine the eyes according to the most recent meth
ods, having all the newest apparatus and proicrly arranged parlors.
WINSLOW BRoS. an main street
Debut Misses Taylor and Ilcnnhigcr.
This evening a pleasant little party
will be given at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Taylor, on the north
side of the river. It will be In honor
of Maxlne, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor, and of Luclle, the
little daughter of W. S. Hennlnger.
Both of the little ones are just tt
months old today, and the party will
be given tn celebration of the event.
A number of neighboring friends have
been Invited and a program will be
given. The affair will be managed by
Mrs. Wilson, grandmother of the lit
tle Miss Hennlnger.
Monday Afternoon Club Entertained.
Last Monday evening a pleasant
party was given by the Monday After
noon club at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. T. G. Montgomery. The game
of "600" was played, and tho club
prlge was won by Mrs. J. P. Walker,
and the guest prize by Mr. C. E. Trout
man. Following the enrd playing re
freshments were served.
Those present were as follows: Mrs.
J. P. Walker, Mrs. H. E. Collier, Mrs.
C. E. Troutman. Mrs. C. K. Cranston,
Mrs. J. L. Miller, Mrs. J. W. Maloney,
Mrs. A. J. Goodman, Miss Agnes
Fletcher, Mrs. J. T. Hlnkle, Mrs. J.
Wallace, Mrs. John McCourt, Mrs. E.
C. Smith. Miss Flo McNette, Messrs.
H. E. Collier, J. T. Hlnkle, A. J. Good
man. J. L. Miller, C. E. Troutman,
J. W. Maloney, E. C. Smith, R. M.
Mayberry, J. R. Raley and E. B. Al
drlch. The club meets next Monday at the
home of Mrs. J.. L. Miller.
Itec-ptlon to Pastor.
The M. E. parsonage on Johnson
street, was the scene of a delightful
reception last evening tendered to the
pastor, Rev. Robert Warner and wife,
by members of the church and
friends. Rev. Warner and family
have Just moved Into the new pastor
ate and this reception was In honor
of the event. A large number were
present and a delightful evening wa3
Surprise Party.
A pleasant surprise party was ten
dered Miss Luclle Imbrle, at her home
on Jackson street last evening, by n
large number of her young friends.
About 40 guests were present.
Social and Personal Notes.
Mrs. Ben Burroughs entertained a
small company on Friday evening at
Mrs. Charles Ferguson and baby
left Wednesday for a month's visit at
Walla Walla.
The Entre Nous dancing club gave
a most enjoyable dance on Thursday
evening at Music hall.
Mrs. Seth Catlln of Portland. Is ex
pected In the city soon to be the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Leona Thompson.
Mrs. J. R. Dickson will give 'a din
ner party this evening In honor of her
sister, Mrs. L. W. White of Portland.
Mrs. T. W. Ayers of Heppner. a pio
neer resident of the county. Is visit
ing In the city with friends and rela
tives. V
Mrs. W. F. Boothby of Salom, is ex
pected to arrive tomorrow evening
uopn a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
John McCourt.
Mrs. H. F. Johnson entertained at
dinner on Tuesday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. F. W. Vincent, Mrs. Roberts and
Mr. E. H. Clark.
Miss Bertha Matlock of La Grande,
Is expected In the city Monday for a
few days' visit with her sisters, Mrs.
Thomas Ayers and Mrs. E. A. Vaugh-
The Sans Soucl club met on last
Monday evening with Miss Roberts.
Mrs. A. W. Nye had the highest score
and won the club prize. The club
members will be the guests of Mrs.
Llna Sturgls on next Monday evening.
The "Jolly Neighbors" met this
week with Mrs. Lee Teutsch. The first
prize was won by Mrs. Dean Tatom
and the consolation by Mrs. Charles
Greullch, a new member of the club.
The guests of the club were Mrs. Rose
Campbell and Mrs. William Babb.
Yesterday being the birthday an
niversary of Leon Cohen, his wife ar
ranged a clever surprise In the way
of a dinner party. The table decora
tions were in red, and covers were
laid for 10. The guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Judd, Dr. and Mrs. F.
W. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Johnson.
Final Payment Was Mado Last Aug
ust, But Celebration Was Postponed
to Get a Better Attendance of Mem
bers Interesting Program Will Be
Rendered Tonight Including Ad
dress by J. H. LawTcy Varied Mu
sical Program, and a History of Uie
Local Lodge.
Tonight Eureka Lodge No. 32, I.
O. O. F., will celebrate the lifting of
the Indebtedness upon their new
building at the corner of Main and
Alta streets. The final payment upon
the last of the money owed by the
lodge was made last August. How
ever, the celebration of the event was
postponed, as many members were out
of the city at that time. This evening
the occasion will be fitting observed
at a meeting attended by the mem
bers, their wives and friends.
John Halley, Jr., will serve as chair
man of the session, which will be
started with the singing of the Odd
Fellows opening ode. A brief address
will then be made by the chairman,
after which a program consisting of
addresses, musical selections and rec
itatlons will be given.
The principal address of the eve
nlng will be by J. H. Lawrey and will
include a history of Eureka Lodge No.
. Also, a short address will be
given by H. E. Collier. Miss Bernice
Ruppe will render a vocal solo: Miss
Paralee Halley, a piano solo, and se
lections will be given by a male quar
tet, consisting of Supt. L. R. Traver,
Prof. J. W. Huff, Rev. G. L. Hall and
C. M. Weittenhlller. A recitation
will be given by Mrs. W. H. Bleakney.
Also, vocal selections will be render
ed by Miss Elizabeth Kinsona.
Following the literary program a
banquet will be served, and toasts
given by a number of prominent mem
players were Ray Vogel and Catherine
Smith, forwards; Ethel Temple, cen
ter; Dixie Todd and Gertrude Jordan,
guards. The Blacks were Jessie Fol-
so m and Minnie Casey, forwards; Eva
Scott, center; Norma Alloway and
Edna Thompson, guards.
Placing Your Money
Advantageously is not such an easy matter as might appear before
you come to try It
Unquestionable security, combined with profit make our Coupon
Certificates of Deposit very desirable as an Investment Liberal
terms and Interest for three, six or twelve months' deposits.
Commercial National Bank
Pendleton, Oregon
Scored Nine to Eight Over Commer
cial Association.
In the first match game which It
has ulaved. the Commercial aasocla
tlon basketball team was defeated last
evening by the high school team, the
score being to 8. As Is indicated
bv the score, the game was a hotly
contested one, and some good playing
was done by both sides. The line-up
of the teams was as follows:
Hluh school rStricklin and W. Pen
land, forwards; Btorle, center; Strand
and Thompson, guards.
Commercial association R. Pen
land, Wlgglesworth, forwards; Knight,
center; Folsom and White, guards.
The game last evening was the first
of three which have been arranged
between the two teams. It was play
cd In the assembly room of the high
The Reds) Won.
Preceding the game between the
above teams, there was a game be
tween two selected glrlB' teams, thi
Reds and Blacks. The former won
by a score of 4 to 1, the game being
very Interesting. For the Reds the
Rev. A. L. Thorougluiuin, of Weston,
Held Revival Services There for the
Pax 10 Days.
Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Thoroughman,
of Weston, returned this morning from
Richland, in Baker county, where for
the past 10 days Rev. Thoroughman
has been holding revival services In
the M. E. church south.
Richland Is In Eagle valley, one of
the finest alfalfa districts in the west,
and is a progressive and prosperous
place. Many large stockmen reside In
Eagle valley and Richland la the
school center of the valley.
The people In that section are great
ly elated over the promise of a rail
road, either electric or steam, from
Baker City, In the future. A power
site on East Eagle creek has been re
cently located and the company of
which Walter Pierce of this city, Is
a member, was formed for the pur
pose of developing the power and
building roads in that section of the
Lfrlng Is Recovering.
Harold A. Lorlng, collector of Indi
an music for the United States gov
ernment, was operated upon at St.
Anthony's hospital recently, and Is
now recovering.
Knew a
Good Thing
And Wasn't all Day About
Getting it
"I gave 14 75 for Just such a Piano,"
exclaimed a lady to her friend who
was examining one of those largest
size, strictly high grade, fancy walnut
cased upright Pianos rt our closlng-
ont sale yesterday. She was sincere.
Probably she did pay 3475 for Just
such an Instrument, although we sold
this style of Piano for 3425 during the
past six months; but now Is 3268. You
may be sure that this lady's friend did
not leave the store without having se
lected an Instrument.
In high-grade Pianos we can offer
you everything that Is most desirable
and up-to-date In modern Piano
building. In the matter of medium
priced Pianos, It Is sufficient to say
that we have still almsot a complete
assortment. You will find here brand
new upright Pianos from 3337 down
to $120, all for sale on terms of 326
down and $10 a month.
We really have no competition dur
ing this sale. Imitation Is not compe
tition, you know, and as the sale In
cludes every Instrument In the stock,
everybody who wants a Piano comes
to Ellers Piano House, and gets It.
Eilers Piano House
813 Main Si.
Clearance Sale
Men's Suits In all sizes, and worth A C
$6.50 to $10.00; now p4eW
Men's Garments of Winter Under- 1 9 1
wear, valued at 75c J mmfm
Men's Hats of various stylos and ff-f
sizes, $1.60 to $3.00; now 1 es
Boys' Caps for boys of 8 to 15 years, 1
valued at 25c to 50c JO
School Shoes 25c Off
down paina are a symptom of the most serious trouble which can
attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally,
come Irregular, painful, scanty or profuse periods, wasteful, weaken
ing drains, dreadful backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, Irri
tability, tired feeling, Inability to walk, loss of appetite, color and
beauty. The cure j
Woman's Relief
that marvelous, curative extract, or natural essence, of herbs, which
exerts such a wonderful strengthening Influence on all female organs.
Cardul relieves pain, regulates the menses, stops drains and stim
ulates the muscles to pull the womb up Into place.
It Is a safe and permanent cure for all female complaints.
tn strictest confidence, telling us all
your troubles. We will send free ad
vice (in plain sealed envelope). Ad
dress: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta
nooga, Tenn.
In my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs.
Nioml Bake, of Webster Groves, Mo.,
"and my menses were very painful
and Irregular. Since taking Cardul I
feel like a new woman, and do not
suffer as I eld."
The Kitchen
Enamel Wane has proven a boon to the hom.s as tt can be
cleaned with such ease, la so satisfactory and convenient. Its lasting
qualities have proven Uie economy of using our enamel ware about
the house.
Our superior grade of Enamel Ware flits Uie wants of the
kitchen In the way of Pons, Pails, Kettles, Coffee Pots, Teapot etc.
A complete line to select from. Our enamel ware la made of
extra heavy seamless steel with an extra coating of enamel. Will not
check or sea! off.
Hardware Co.
643 Main Street
K. J. TAYLOR, Lessee and Mgr.
E. W. PARKER, Res. Mgr.
TIhj W. T. Carlcton Opera Company Presents the Siirpamlngly Bril
liant Military Conilo Opera
Comes Marching Home
By tlicAutlior of "DOLLY VABDEN."
A Kunorli Organization of Singing Art Ism! A Delightful Bouquet
of Dainty Musical Gemsl A patriotic Mnstrrple-el Magnificently
Mounted! CoHtumcd Willi Exquisite Taxtol A Unique Ballot of Pret
ty Hoop-Skirted Lassies. ,
PRICES: Entire Lower Floor $1. 50--CALLER.Y: First Three Row
Reserved, $1.00 Last Six Rows Not Reserved, SOc.
HeaM on Sale at Brock A McConuw' Drug Store. Sunday at 10
A. M.