1IH.KTO. (INMNIN, TUESDAY, JANUARY S, IMC, pagm nrn AMONG THtL EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE After Uw ItolHB Gumblers. Four more of the Indictments found by tho grand Jury In the district court were made public Saturday, when Phil Martin, of Boise, and Thomas Ward and Theodore Llchty, of Star, were brought Into court and arraign ed. Mr. Martin Ih charged with the crime of knowingly permitting gam bling In a house rented by him; Mr. Thomas Is accused of a similar of fense, while Mr. Llchty answered to tbe Indictment for just plain gambl ing. John Rldenbnugh also appeared to answer to the chargo of gambling. All four were arraigned nnd enter ed pleas of not guilty. Mr. Martin was released on his own recognizance to appear at the next term of court and Llchty and Thomas were planed tinder $300 bonds each to answer at the same time. . There are said to be three other In dictments In the hands of the clerk of the court and corresponding bench warrants In the hands of the sheriff. These Indictments are said to be for gambling and permitting gambling. liolse Statesman. Coal famine In Yakima. There Is a coal fnmlne In North Yakima. 'The yards have been clean ed out of every lump and many people are clamoring for fuel of one kind or another. Those who let their supply of coal run down are now hunting the wood sellers to replenish their bins. Not for a long time has such a con dition existed In this city. The cause of It Is mainly on account of the big demand from over the northwest for Roslyn and Cle Elum coal. Coal Is - aow being taken from those districts by the O. R. 4 N. for use on tho loco motives on the Pacific division of the food. The nhortago of cars has also had some effect on filling the orders. It la expected that a fresh supply will be received here some time next week. Yakima Dally Republic. Will Not Go Out of I laker District. Mr. Andrews In his statement today said It had been the Intention of the Ragla river company to run wires to Union and La O ran do. but owing to the distance and tho competition they decided to supply power for the Baker mining district alone. They will go Into the Bourne, Greenhorn and all adjacent camps with their wires In addition to furnishing power for the mines In the Sanger district. Baker City Herald. TVIcplainn Extension. Manager C. B. Porter, of the Pocl fle States Telephone and Telegraph company, of Baker City, yesterday re turned from Austin where he estab lished a telephone exchange. He says that thriving town tins taken on the most surprising growth since the; WKSTKKN RANGERS. apply Was I'ntimially Heavy and Quality Better. Chicago, Jan. 1. Close to 390,000 western ran go cattle were received during the past year. This Is the larg est supply that has come from the ranges since 1896, when the total was 430,000. The offerings were this year, In fact, tho second largest on record and show an Increase of about 86.000 over the arrivals of last year. The bulge In the receipts this year was due large ly to the fact of the unsatisfactory market conditions which prevailed In 1904. Prices were then so low and the quality of the cattle so poor that thousands were turned back on the range for another season's grazing. This made the output for 1904 smaller than If conditions had been normal and added materially to the number available for market this year. From tho year 1896, when the larg est year's supply was recorded, there was a steady decrease In receipts until 1902, when tho total was 309,000 against 140,000 the previous year. The Increase In receipts this year was close to what the trade expected, for early In tho season predictions were made that tho total would reach 400, 000. A Grim Tragedy Is dally enacted In thousands of homes, as Death claims. In each one. another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. Put when Coug'is and Colds are properly treated, the tragedy Is averted. F. G. Huntley, of Oaklan don, Ind., writes: "My wife had the consumption, nnd three doctors gave her up. Finally she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which cured her, nnd today she Is well nnd strong." It kills the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed at 60c and tl.00, by Tallmnn A Co. and Brock & McComas Co., druggists. Trial bottle free. Estimate to Order. According to the assessor's census enumeration Baker county has 6608 legal voters. Based on the average of 4.8 per cent for each voter, the population of the county Is 23.684. The assessor's census, however, will show that the population Is about 20, 000. According to Polk's directory, Ba ker City has about 10.000 population. This gives Baker City nearly one half the population of the county. Baker City Democrat RH)l!cd Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of West Thirty fourth street, New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I had It Rheum or Ecsema for years, but noth ' Ing would cure It. until I used Buck lea's Amies Halve." A quick and sure hsaler for cuts, burns and sores; Ho at Tollman A- Co.'a and Brock A MeComas Co.'s drag stores. Sumpter Valley road got there, and predicts for It a brilliant future. Special Traveling Agent McQllllv ary reports that 100 new subscrlpers have been obtained In Baker City and 60 transfers of telephones ordered. This means about 200 new 'phones right away and a gang of line men will he here at once to make the nec essary chnnges. Baker City Democrat. Would Damage Baker Uty. From an authoritative source It was learned today that the Oregon Rail road St Navigation company Is plan ning a move which If carried Into ef fect will damage Baker City material ly. The plan under consideration is to build the line which was surveyed some time ago from Lewlston, Idaho, to Lime Point Burn a line will enter the hfeart of the great copper district and mako it posxible for the owners of claims In thnt locality to ship their ore and mine their property which has been lying Idle for so many years, but will make Lewlston the distributing point of that district Instead of this city. This move It Is understood Is to be made In order to head off the propos ed electric line from this city Into the copper region and unless some change Is made In the present plans of the corporation active steps toward the new line will commence In a short time. Baker City Herald. Would Reinstate Express Office. One resolution that we should make for the new year, la that we will se cure the reopening of the Orantte ex press office. About a year ago the office was closed owing to a disagree ment between the stage company and Eastern Oregon Express company over the rates paid by the latter for hauling express matter from Sumpter to Granite. The result of the disa greement was the cutting out of the Granite office. An express office here lt a great convenience. It may seem like a small matter, but we need one and ir we don't go after It we will continue to he off the map so far as express offices are concerned. Gran ite Gem, Big Docket In Baker County. The circuit court of Baker county will convene next Tuesday. On the docket as already written are 51 equity cases, (1 law cases, and three criminal cases. The first criminal coso to be called Is that of George Cavnnnugh, charged with holding up Dr. Parker and J. T. Donnelly, while on a huntnlg trip. The district attor ney has Insisted on a rand Jury which will be called on tho meeting of court. It Is understood that the dl trlct attorney wants local conditions In Bnker City Investigated. Baker City Democrat DAILY MARMOT REPORT. Rnylng and Selling Prima af rrwfaee . In Pendleton. With the advent of the holldny sea son, unusual Interest centers In the retail markets. As a result, groceries. meat fish and produce shops all carry large stocks In anticipation of Christ mas and New Years needs. The fol lowing prices are now current In Pen dleton: Fruits. Apples, 11.76 ts tt per box. Cranberries, II t-l cents per pound. oranges, 15 to so cents per dosen. Lewons, 86 cents per dosen. Bananas, 40 cents per doaea. Vegetables. Sweet potatoes, i cents per lb. Cabbage, 3 cents per lb. Parsnips, lit cents per lb. Turnips, 2 cents per lb. Celery, 10 cents per docea. Potatoes, 81.16 per sack. Onions, 1.6t per sack. Cauliflower, 10 cents head. Tomatoes, 10 cents per lb. Pop corn, 8 13 cents per lb. Butter and Egsa, Creamery butter, 71 to 76 seats per roll. Country butter, IS cents per roll. Fresh eggs. 46 cents per doiea. Case eggs, 36 cents per doaea. Miscellaneous, Sweet pickles, 81 cents per gallon. Sour pickles, II cents per gallon. Mince meat. It cents per lb. Olives, 16 cents per pint Walnuts, 11 1-1 cents per lb. Almonds, 16 cents per lb, t House Burned In High Valhiy. The residence of O. W. Prllllman, High Valley, was burned Christmas night Lo&g complete. The fire caught from a stove-pipe through the roof. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Prllllman, and he has the sympathy of many friends. Loss on house, probably $800; in surance, $300. Household goo'ls al most a total loss no Insurance. Union Republican. The soothing and comforting ef fects of DeWltt's Witch Hose! Salvo, when applied to Plies, sores, cuts, bolls, eto, subdues pain almost Instant ly. This salve draws out the Inflam mation, reduces swelling and acts as a rubefacient, thus circulating the blood through the diseased parts, per manently removing the trouble entire ly. Sold by Tall man A Co. Notice Is hereby given that mr wife. Lillian E. Carnes, having left my bed and board without cause or provoca tion, I will not be responsible for any debts hereafter contracted by her. Dated December 18, 1906. GEORQB H. CARNES. Log driving will begin at once on the I'mpoua and other headwater streams of the Willamette. Heavy rains and snows have raised all the streams of that region, Including the coast counties. A CRUSHED GENIUS. The First Musical Efforts f the Composer Urlea. Oue day I must have been twelve oi thirteen I brought with me to school a music book ou which 1 had wt-itu. lu lurge letteia: "Vui-lutlous on a tier muu Melody For the l'iauo, by Euwuiv. Grlcg: Opus I." 1 wanted to show 1, to a schoolfellow who bad taken some interest In tue. But what happened? In Uie middle of tlie Uermuu lesson this same schoolfellow begun to mur mur some unintelligible words, which made the teacher cull out bulf unwill ingly: "What Is the matter! What are you saying there?" Again a confuse,! murmur, again a call from the teacher, and then be whispered, "Grieg bus gut something." "What does that mean, Grlcg has got something?" "Grlcg bus composed something." The teacher was not very partial to me, so he stood up, came to me, lookcJ at the music book and said In a pecul iar, Ironical tone: "So the lud Is mu sical; the lad compose. Remarkable'." Then he opened the door Into the next classroom, fetched the teacher in fro'ii there and said to him: "Here Is some thing to look at This little urchin Is a composer." Both teachers turned over the leaves of the music book with In terest Every one stood up In boll) classes. I felt sure of a grand success. But that Is what one should never feel too quickly, for the other teacher bad no sooner gone away again than my master suddenly changed bis tactics, seised me by the hair till my eyes were black and said gruffly, "Another time be will bring the German dictionary with him. as Is proper, and leave this stupid stuff at home." Alas! To be so near the summit of fortune and then all at once to sec oneself plunged Into tbe depths! How often bas that happened to me later In life! Rdward Grieg in Contemporary Review. AN OCEAN GRAVEYARD. Me Ula4 Is Moat Durtnu Place For Navigators. Sable Island, sometimes and not too extravagantly termed tbe graveyard of the Atlantic, la set among shoal wa ters that afford the beat of feeding ground for tbe particular klnda of fish that Gloucester men most desire, hali but, cod, haddock and what not, and so to Its shoal waters do tbe fiahcrroen come to trawl or band line. Lying about east and west, a Bat quarter moon In shape la Sable Island. Two long bars, extending north west erly and northeasterly, make of It full, deep crescent Nowhere la tbe Ashing so good or so dangerous as close In on these bars, and the cImct In and the shoaler the water the better tbe fishing. There are a few men alive In Gloucester who have been la close enough to see the surf break on tbe bare bar, but that waa In soft weather and the bar to windward, and they la- variahly got out In a hurry. Two hundred and odd wrecks of one kind or another, steam and sail, hare settled In the sands of Sable Island. Of this there Is clear and Indisputable record. Of how many good vessels that have been driven ashore on the long bars on dark and stormy Bights or In the whirls of snowstorms and swallowed up In the Due sand before mortal eye could make note of their disappearing bulls there Is no telling. A Gloucester fisherman needs no tab ulated statement to remind him that the bones of hundreds of hli kind are bleaching on the sands of Sable Island, and yet of all the men who sail the sea they are the only class that do not give It wide berth In winter. James B. Connolly In Scrlbner'a. Mother atare's Children. One of the most wonderful things Mother Nature does Is to teach ber children bow to accomplish things with means and appliances that seem en tirely Inadequate for the purpose. A bird will build an Intricate and beauti ful nest with no better tool than ber beak (birds do not nse their claws for this purpose), a caterpillar can shape a symmetrical cocoon and bees the sharp angled cells of their combs. These are familiar Instances of this, but by no means as wonderful as those shown In the work of some sea animals that live In fcheUa. St Nicholas. Cariosity satisfied. A woman cycled up to a butcher's shop and went In with a smiling face. "I want you to cut me off twenty-five pounds of beef, please," she said, Tbe butcher was Incredulous. "Twenty-five pounds?" "Yes. please," It was a blx job, and when be bad finished be asked her whether she would take It or bare It sent home. "Oh. I don't want to buy It," she explained. "Yon see, my doe tor tells me I have lost twenty-live pounds of flesh through cycling, and I wanted to aee what It looked like in a lump. Thauk you so much." explained. An old Scotch lady who bad no relish for modern church music was express ing ber dislike of the singing of au an them In ber own church one day, when a neighbor said: "Why, that la a very old anthem I David sang that anthem to Saul." To thla the old lady replied: "Weol, weel! I noo for the first time nnderstan' why Saul threw bis Javelin at David when tbe lad sang for him.' Enroni-aa-lna Her. Stationer What do you do with all the lead pencils you buy, Mr. Smith? You average nbout three a day. Mr. Smlth-Oh. that'a all right My wife la taking whittling lessons. Oolumbas Dispatch. Few enterprises of great labor or basalt would be undertaken If wa bad not the power of magnifying the ad rantagss we expect from them. John- Headstrom A Greenawald, shoe takers at Teutach's Department store. l 11 1L J. A. BEST. PHYSICIAN AND SUR geon. Office In Savings bank building. 'Phones: Office main 164; residence, main 176. DR. C. J. SMITH OFFICE SMITH L'rawford building, opposite postof flce. Telephones: Main 301; resi dence. Main 1691; barn. Red G81. DR. AMY CURRIN. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office, Room 6, new Schmidt block. Office hours, 1 to I p. m. 'Phone (14. Diseases of worn en and confinement cases. DR. R. E. RINOO, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Rooms I ana 4 Schmidt bull Ing. 'Phone, office, Main MS. 'Phone, residence. Main It. DR. W. O. COLE. OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hours, 10 to 11 flee In Judd building. Telephones: flee, Main 1171; residence. Main 1381. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO pathtc physician and surgeon. Of fice In Judd building. Tenephones Office, black 1411; residence, red MSI. DR. D. 3. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK. telephone Main (II;. residence, black 1(1. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSI clan and Surgeon. Office In Sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone. Main 1411: residence. Main, 1111. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRO nlc and nervous diseases and dts eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Offlo 'phone Main 71. ,X-Ray and electri Therapeutics. DR. r VOLP P fSICIAi AND Surgeon. Office In Association block, rooms 18-11. Day and night 'Phone Main 607. OSTEOPATHS DRS. O. S. A EVA Holslngton. Graduates, Klrksvllle schosl. Suite 11-11 Despaln block. 'Phone Red 1181. All disease treated. DENTISTS. DRS. COLLIER A SWINBURNE Dentists. Smith-Crawford building DR. M. 8. KBRN, DENTAL 8UR geop. Office, room if Judd bond ing. 'Phone red till. E. A, VAUQHAN. DENTIST. OP flee In Judd building. 'Phone red 1411. DR. T. H. WHITS. DENTIST As sociation block. Telephone Main III. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY C. McNabb. drug store. SURGEON DR. D. Office at Tollman's T. J. LLOYD. D. V. 8.; VETERINARY Surgeon anu Dntlst The only graduate veterinarian practicing In Pendleton. Office at Brock A McCo mas' drug store. Residence telephone Main ill. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE No. 188. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting in the city most cordially invited to attend. Hall In Eagle block. Court at. ot Thomas Thompson, E. R.; H. C. Thompson, secretary. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 61 A. F. A A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. BANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton. Ore. Organized March 1. 1889. Capital. 1100.000: eurnlus. 1100.000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J Furnish, president: T. J. Morris, vice- president; J. A. Boris, cashier; J. W Maloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided Droflts. 1560 nnn no Tnn... . general banktnn buntnu trvAhBnM uuumii ana soia on an parts of the wunu. inierem paia on urns deposits Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny, president; W F. Matlock, vice-president: Q. M Rice, cashier: OMim II p. m -n t - assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE na, Oregon. Canltal ISO no ft plus and profits, til. 601. Inter est on time deposits. Deals In foreign mm aomesuc exenange. Collection promptly attended to. Henry C. Ad ams, president; T. J. Kirk, vice-president; F. 8. LeGrow. cashier: I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. INSURANCE AND LAND BCSINKK8 HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla countv. In, ..n nilo nnd farm property. Buys and sells -in sinaj or real estate. Does a gen eral brnkerfiffA hiinlnMu .. ...... nd makes Investments for non-resi- iems. Kererenos, any bank In Pen- lieton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vice-Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec I. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS TH1 oldest and most reliable fire an. leeldent Insurant- rnminlu iimi.. with Hartman Abstract Co. IOHN HA1LEY. J1.. V. B. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made .if and filings and tiroof. Insurance ind collections. Oitice In Judd lullrt ng, room l. commission iinrsK. 'OLUMBIA PRODUCE CO., DEAN Tatum. manager. Office at Pendle III lee A rnM ttfnt-BM nl.ni n...i... n fruit, vegetable and dairy produce rt . . i . , .. ruuiifl nun im IM.r.MIIINCJ. IOODM AN-THOM PSON CO 8ANI- tsrv Phimh m SAf Main est A II vork first-class. Best material UMd. rompt service. Sewer eonniwHnna made. 'Phone Main 111. - Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS hiiihin H. J BEAN. ATTORNEY AT LA Vt Office over Taylor's hardware stor Pendleton, Oregon, JAMES A. FEE. LAW OFFICB U Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY at Law. Office In Despaln block. JOHN W. M'COURT ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith-Crawford block. CARTER, RALEY A RALEY, AT torneys at Law. Office In Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATTORNEY A1 Law. Office over Taylor's hard ware store. WINTER A COLLIER, LAWYERS Office, rooms 7 and 8, Assoclatlot building. JOHN H. LAWREY, ATTORNEY A1 Law. Office, Savin, Bank buldlns STILLMAN A PIERCE. ATTOfT neys at Law. Mr. Btlllman has been admitted to practice in United State patent offices, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, It an1 It. Association block. GEORGE W. OOIITTK LATE CO UN ty Attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn Collections made. Room 17, Schmld block. R. J. SLATER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices In Despaln building, at head or stairs. S. A. NEWBERRY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Offices In Association block Main street DAN P. FMTTHE. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office la Despaln block, East Court street CECIL R. WADE. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In East Oregonlan building. East Webb street G. W. PHELPS, DISTRICT ATTOR ney. Offices with John MoCourt In Smltb-Crawford block. ARCHITECTS AND BTTLDER8. HOWARD A SWTNOLE. ARCHI tects aqd Architectural Engineers Practical and reliable plans arti aped fi cations and thorough sunerlntend. ence of all kinds of building and con struction. Taylor Building, corner Main ana w or streets. C. H. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT and superintendent Room It Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Estl mates furnished free. Work run ran teed. Leave orders at Goodman clgs store. Main stre t P. O. Box 104. T.I VERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. ALTA 8T Carney A Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection. 'Phone Main 701. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTBLL1 BROS., MARBLE and (IranltA mvnrk Mnnilmunra All descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Examine our work; 701 East Court street BOARDING AND LODGING. ATHENA HOTEL LEADING Ho tel In the cltv. ti.oo urn iif.ii nr aay. a. r. Mllien, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER N.1 MAN agement Good meals and clean beds. If yoj come once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention iven to c mmerclal travelers. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Navtn, proprietors. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER, FUNERAL DIRlv tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balmlng. Corner Main and Web streets. 'Phone Main 130a. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER A FOLSOM. FUNERAL Dl rectors aud licensed embalmers. Opposite poetofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone Main 76. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY- mar. Family washing a specialty. AU work done by hand, and first- class. Goods called for and delivered 488 Court street. SCAVENGE"!. WHITNER A OVI MAN WILL AT- tend to your scavenger work and sweep your chimneys. Headquarters ai unnciman s cigar store. SFCOND-IIAND BEaLEKS. V. 8TROBLE. DEALER IN SECOND- nand goods, ir there Is anything rou need In new and second-hand crockery, call and get his price. No. r 1 . fin..... W NTED TO BUY YOUR SKC on i-hand rood, nnhim A Hum. er. at eld Basler stand. ENGRAVED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATION? etc. Very latest styles. Leave or lersi at East Orecontan office LICENSED ArCTIOXEElt. WM. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER Cries public and Drivste sslss nf i kinds. Commission reasonable. Post office box til. mil HM.F. 440 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND ( mues norm or Athens, at 140 an sere. Terms. Craighead A Haves Athena. FOR SALE A SPAN OF HALTER broke driving hor s. Applv to Mrs. B. Cunningham, or at Dutch Uenrr Food Yard. , ,rf M IIbBHbbjsbsjbjbbS WANTED. WANTED MEN AND WOUmH IB) learn barber trade la I weessi Graduates earn til to 111 per wee. Cata. free. Moler system ol aolleam 403 Front avenue, Spokane, Wssbl WANTED INOTALLMBHTI col lector for merchandise eeoaatai good salary and expenone. A1draji Globe Co.. 711 Chestnut St, Phlla,, Pa. WANTED A WELL EDUCATED young man wants position as elerk. Address W. L. Jones, Bom 171, Pilot Rock, Oregon. FOR RENT. NICE, NEW, LIGHT HODBBKH. ing rooms to rent; and reosss wHa or witnout dwh Call at M. O. ef MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON .MUSEMt PAbV lors, H. H. Williams, Pres., r ment of Hendricks boildiag. fjssass and amusements of oil kanda, Oeaa all day and sveaing. If sooe eaeey evening. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY- Write us for Mg T nianlaa fes Use Hurst Automatic Switch A Mens company's stock before swtteJi goes) as road. Regular price 16.76. Ow artes niucu wwer. now oaa we ae NT have more shares thaa we eaav venlently earrv and mnt urifli raise cash in nritai- mA on property we are buying. W. t. Curtis, 111 Comsoeretal BIms), Jrest- Laad, Oregon, SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IV you wont to subscribe to mntjnalaaa or newspapers In tbe United States or Europe, remit by postal note, esteek or send to the EAST ORBGON1AN the net publisher's price of the publi cation you desire, ajnd we will katve at sent you and assame all Use risk of the money being .oat In the amlle. B wtll save yeu both troable aad risk. If you are a sabecrlber to the KAST OK BOON IAN In rsmlttlsg yoa can deduct II per cent from tbe publish er's nriee. Address EAST OREOON IAN PUB. CO., Pendletow Oregon, PENDLETON IRON WORKS pair work en all kinds of asacbtae structural Iron work aa4 machine O! Stings, Junction of Covrt sad A:a streets, Marlon Jack, Pres.; W, a Zicger. Mgr. Konci or Bsrmcaam. To Whom H May CotMera! Having sold na, disposed of ski greater portion of my lalesesta aant holdings in Umatilla ana Morrow counties. I am now destroas of set tling up all aceoanta. denaaaeav claims and centroverslea of every kind and character, existing ttwees me and any persoa er persona was as soever, and I hereby nottty aay aa4 all persons, individuals, partners as corporations who have any claims, demands or ansettled bafltaess of aay kind or character against ase er with me. to present the same to ne at Ih office of Charles Ha trtea. Is) Pen dleton, Oregoa, for Immediate settle ment and adjustment wkthla sixty 0) days from this date. AH claims, demands, disputes or eontroverntee as presented will receive ssy atteattea and prompt adjustment All alnpatea, controversies and contentions net ea presented for adjuetmeat within sla ty (0f days from this date, wlH ha by me deemed and eeaaldered seMM and adjusted. Dated at Pendleton, Oreawa. Mb Ml 7th day of December, 116. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM, Formerly Dealer la Blooeta ffhr.-. Get The Best. ! Good Dry Wood j rhe Coal that gives the asonl t heat. I PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at HennlncV cigar store, Opp. Peoples Wsre noose. Thone Main I. P CHICHESTCR'S tnOLIBN ENfiYROYAL PILLS AFK. Ai. s rWktl.l l.aMlic., ask rwW tar t iiiCliKTKKX K NO 1.1 UKD hb-l Unlet I wtU Mi rtbbe. Tk thifctm Btf IBfrrtMM H.bUlejUav . 1m It Uetatb But f soar lirucgi-i. ar 4v aiaapt to fartlrt)l.rw, Tw4tstsiUAB ui -KrilesT fmr 1 Jlr. asa ia.tar at fajm MsUL lO.fHHI TretltaMBaUa, sVU kat trl nractuu. blo.txtOr t'h ranlraU flaw I'MILA.. m ass icott's Sanlal-Fspsin Capsules POSITIVE CURE Vor tr3uimUon or OaMfT or the BlwMt and Dta4 Kldiwfa, yj oar ro petr. Car, qafokty rutd Wrnu- BrlCUy the WO rot OeYS. ol 4ourrbee aod Uit, no nuitrof bow khtr rrtaad tng. AtwolateW aiirv Bold by d run lata. Prlo 81 .w, or by luait. iHrrrfnfa i.im, a bale., a.k THE SAITU-PEPSM CO, 1 L L B sTnaST-A mat asma HIUM K A M'COMAS OCX. Dranliw ir?Eai AND WOMEN. tip BUrG for unnatural i -rir a,in Aamfcnalltma, Irntaiiooa or UKewaUuii) ttf Diucuaa mutbrmui. Pain), anei nut uim- - t'f ciprtse, prepaid. u) It l,rJ bcttfcv, 2.H r-s"tl, ntt. ou ratiuaaaV Tlie Knat OreRonlnn Is Rwtteni Ore- Ron's representative pope. It h-ads and the people appreciate It and show it by their liberal palrenaza. It Is T-. -pW- tin ifcta nlasas f H tfFJ Outran laC Q the adorlii4ac atotliuaa af Uie i