East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 28, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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You Wffl Be
When you see the Prices on all HOLIDAY
GOODS. Beginning Tuesday morning and
ending Saturday night, everything left over
from the big Xnvxs rush goes at
It Will Pay You to
Visit Our Store
Lee Teutsch s
Department Store
Carpet Rader Carpets.
Rader Furniture r.ader.
auniane Harness a ' tmlif'i
A dandy trade we hare had, thank
you. Hauler.
Get nett to Ham ley, he knows how
to treat yeu right
An as-to-dats cottage for rent. Cull
"phone red ITU.
Pendleton Business College Is In
dorsed by business men.
For Rent I'urnlsr-ed housekeep
ing rooms. 117 Aura street
Leather's Transfer company, day
nd night service. 'Phone main 111.
For Rent Store or office room In
brick building. Inquire at Hotel St
For SuJu Complete works Charles
Lovel and Bulwer Lytten. Inquire at
(his office
Buy a Pianola for your piano.
Easy terms. Ellers Piano House, 813
Ualn street.
For fine shoe repairing, see Green
awald A Headstrom at Teitsch's De
partment store.
Shoes repaired while you wait by
Greenawald t Headstrom at Teutsch's
Department Store.
First-class licensed stationary engi
neer wishes position at once. En
quire at this office.
The Incorporation sale of the Boston
itore Is bona fide. Tou will see th
reductions In prices very plainly.
Good second-hand piano for sale
r rent In first class condition. Worth
1300, sells now for 1165. Jesse Fall
Pierce City, Idaho, has IS Inches of
snow. This is two feet leas than should
be there at this time of the year, and
much more snow Is needed to give
good water for the mines next sum
Four cords of split wood for sale;
and seven-room house near Pendleton
academy for rent. AIho, I want a res
idence lot east of Main street: must
be cheap. Iia Number, 15 Ansoclatlon
During the p'lst seven months there
have been In tho United Slates 2009
eases of smallpox of which 6!l result
ed fatuity. During tho same period
lust year there were 6192 cases, of
which 158 resulted fatally.
The Chicago Hebrew Institute has
oiencd a school for tho Instruction
of refugeo Russian Jews In the Eng
lish language, and will extend the
movement to all parts of tho United
Mates, where these people are found.
Croup, Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Cough, etc., have no terrors for child
ren or adults who evacuate the bowels
with Kennedy's Laxative Honey and
Tar. This remedy expels nil cold from
the system and strengthens the throat,
lungs and bronchial tubes. The Orig
inal Laxative Cough Syrup and Liquid
Cold Cure. Sold by Tallman ft Co.
U C Rader. Naf ae...
Rader Carpets Rader.
We use the best California.
leather at Hamley's.
For Rent Furnished cottage. Ap
ply to J. si. Rentier.
Now located In Pendleton at liosto
Mors Shoo repadar.
John Qagen's Family liquor store.
Court St., opposite Golden Rule hotel
Home cooking every Saturday by
ladles of Christian church at Oray
The Cuban tobacco crop was prac
tically ruined this year by unseason
able and excessive rains.
Wanted Work by tho day. Ken's
mending neatly done. Miss R. Quls
torf, 624 Cottonwood street.
When In Portland stop at the Hotel
Oregon. Rates II per day and up
ward. European plan. Free 'boa
For Sale Eighty tons choice second
cutting alfalfa, ne.ir towa. Apply to
D. II. Hunter, or 'phone Mala Hi.
For Rent Three furnished houses
and two suites of rooms. Light house
keeping. Close in. See Spoooemore,
l!t Wirt Court street.
Hathaway, Soule A Harrington,
shoe manufacturers, have failed at
New Redford. Mass. Liabilities not
yet made public. Assets, $587,860.
The last high record ($93,000) for
a seat on the New York Stock Kx
change was broken December 28, by
me sale or a scat for $97,000, which
Includes the $2000 Initiation fee.
The Oregon State Horticultural so
ciety will meet January 9 In Knights
or i-ytnias hall at Portland. It Is ex
peeled to be tho largest attended and
most Important mooting In the his
tory of tho society.
Mrs. Valllunt. a New York gradu
ate, has opened parlors at 612 Thomp
son street Doos halrdresslng, mani
curing, massaging and scalp treat
ment. Lessons given. Ladles treated
nt their own apartments. 'Phone Red
The mission of 'Karly Risers" Js to
clear the way and give nature full
sway. These famous little pills rid the
stomach and bowels of ail putrid mat
icr. tnus removing the causes of
headache, constipation, sallow com
plexion, etc DeWitt's Little Karly
Risers never gripe or sicken. A safe,
pleasant, perfect pill. Sold by Tall
man ft Co.
Dr. HolHliurtiHi Had Upturned.
Dr. Kvn Hnlslngtnn has returned
from a stay of throe months In Ymk
Neb., where she was called by the Ill
ness of her father, Daniel George,
who died October 21 from the effect
of abscess of the liver, after a long
and painful Illness.
Notice Is hereby given that
Lllllun R. Curnes, having left my bed
and board without cause or provoca
tion, I will not bo responsible for any
debts hereafter contracted by her.
Dated December 28, 1905.
Everything in the holiday line
has been reduced from 20 to 50
per cent for the balance of 1905.
Just step in and see what the
reduoed price means to you. Take
a look at our window or better
still come in.
Popular Priced Drug Store
Zoe Houser Is In the city today from
his Butter creek ranch.
W. H. McCormmach visited his
ranch north of tho city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Walker are
visiting with friends In Weston.
Mrs. M. V. Preston, of Freewater,
Is In the city today on a trading trip.
Will Wyrlck Is In the city today
from the Wyrlck farm north of Echo.
Sam J. Domance, of Joseph, Wal
lowa county, has been visiting here
C. H. Gardiner, of Echo, has been
a visitor here today, having come up
last evening.
Donald Rader Is visiting In Walla
Walla with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Rader.
A. H. Richards and J. Armstrong,
of Kennewlck, Wash., are In the city
upon a short visit.
J. B. Switzler came over lost even
ing from Walla Walla, and has been
visiting here today.
A. H. Sunderman, the welt known
sheepman, leaves tonight for a three
weeks visit at Lowell, Ind.
W. D. Chamberlain left for his
home at Athena this morning, after
a brief business visit In the city.
Charles Gray arrived this morning
from Astoria, where he spent Christ
mas with relatives and friends.
T. W. Tandy, a school teacher of
Echo, came up on the evening train
yesterday for a short visit here.
Mrs. George Hartman, Jr., has re
turned from Astoria, where she visit
ed for several weeks with relatives.
George O'Connor, of La Grande, ar
rived last evening from Walla Walla,
where he visited with friends for a
few days.
E. P. Ashby and daughter Bessie,
of North Powder, are In the city to
day, having dental work done for
Miss Ashby.
Henry M. Fish, day clerk at the Gol
den Rule hotel, returned last evening
from La Grande, where he passed
Christmas with friends.
Robert Adams, of Spokane, arrived
this morning and will visit for a
couple of weeks with his father, Wal
ter Adams, and brother Clarence.
S. B. Calderhead. eeneml rricrht
and passenger agent of the W. ft C
R., came over last evening from
Walla Walla and returned this morn
Assistant Superintendent wminm
Connolly of the La Grande division of
the O. R. & N., passed doVn the line
to Umatilla todny on a tour of inspec
J. A Green la In the city for a few
days with his f am 11 v. hnvlnir n.f
turned from an extended trin ihmnrh
southern California. He will leave in
a few days for Spokane.
Oliver Kelsay. who has heen in
with appendicitis. Is about recovered
and will resume his run on tho Pen
dleton-Hunllngton passenger division
or the o. R. ft N. In a few days.
Judge and Mrs. T. G. Hulloy will
leave tonight for Salem to reside per
manently. Thev are dellehieri a.tiv.
.saiem as a home town and an ninn..
antly situated in the Wolverton resi
dence there.
A. E. Armstrong, of the firm of
jiimsxrong jiros., liverymen, of Ken
newlck. Wush., Is In the rltv tHn
looking over the horse market with a
view to purchasing several head of
cnoice norses.
Mr. and Mrs. William Welles of
"ana Walla, left this morning for
their home after having visited at the
nomc or trisjr nephew. Frank K
nenes, county superintendent of
punlfc schools, for a few days.
A Few Snaps In Nice Clean
Sugar, 14 lbs. $1.00
Oranges per doz. 25c, 35c, 40c
Republic Coffee, Best on Earth 25c
Fresh ranch eggs per doz 40c
Tomatoes, standard, 3 for 25c
Peas, standard, 3 for 25c
Soda, Arm & Hammer 4 for 25c
Red Ribbon Cream per can 10c
Syrup, per gal 50c
Beans, pink or white per D 5c
Apples, Bett. on Earth, per ttoi $ 1 .75
Soap. Silk or Golden Star, 6 for. 25c
Dates just, arrived per lb 10c
Macaroni, per box- 40c
Full cream cheese per lb 20c
Comb honey per lb 20c
Sweet corn per lb 25c
Kraut per qt 10c
Agents for the White Clover Butter
Low Tax IiCvy Adopted at Last Eve
ning's Council Mooting.
The tax levy for city purposes Is
6.2 mills. The ordinance fixing the
levy was passed at a meeting of th
city council yesterday afternoon atUc
a heated argument lasting nearly
three hours In which council men and
taxpayers freely participated, siyo the
Oregon Dally Journal.
The fight hinged on the adoption of
the majority report of the waya and
means committee recommending a 5.2
mill levy, as against tho minority re
port recommending a 5.! mill levy.
When the vote wns taken there were
11 ayes and 4 nays. Councilman Ar
nnnd, Peldlng, Dunning, Gray, Mas
ters, Menefee, Preston, Shepherd,
Vaughn, Wallace and Wills voted to
sustain the majority report, whlie
Councllmen Bennett, Rushlight, Knl
lahcr and Sharkey opposed It. Whea
tho vote on tho ordinance fixing the
levy at 6.2 mills was presentel It
passed without a dissenting vote.
Falkncra Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Falkner, of
Cold Springs, gave a big dinner on
Monday. Some of the Invited guests
were Mrs. D. McCourt and son, of
Cornwall, Canada; Mr. and Mrs. John
Campbell nnd two sons, Mrs. Fred
Morten and children, Mr. and Mrs.
John McRae nnd children. Hill Mc
Court, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McRae
and son, of Pendleton. They pluyed
games and all had a most enjoyable
Oppression! I have seen thee face to
And met thy cruel eye and clouded
But the soul-wltherlng glance I
fear not now
For dread to prouder feelings doth
give place
Of deep abhorrence! Scorning the dis
grace Of lavish knees that at thy foot
stool bow
I also kneel but with far other vow
Do hail thee and thy herd of hirelings
I swear, while lifeblood warms my
throbbing veins
Still to oppose and thwart, with
heart and hand,
Thy brutalizing ' sway till Africa's
Are burst and freedom rules the res
cued land,
Tamping oppression and his Iron rod;
Such is the vow I takt so help me
William Lloyd Garrison, In the
Boston, January 1. 1831.
I cried aloud, "There Is no Christ
In all this world unparadised!
No Christ to go to in my need
No Christ to comfort me and feed!
He passed In glory out of sight.
The angels drew Him Into light;
Now in the lonesome earth and air
I cannot find Him anywhere.
Would God thut Heaven were not so
And I were where the White Ones
Then from the gray stones of a street
Where goes nn ocean drift of feet,
I heard a child's cry trembling up.
And turned to share my scanty cup,
When, lo, the Christ I thought was
Was in the little one I fed!
At this I drew my aching eyes
From the far-watching of the skies;
And now which ever way I turn
I see my Lord's white halo burn!
Edwin Markham.
Ad Evangelical Follow -Up.
The telephone has come to be of
assistance in about all the vocations
and avocations of the everyday world.
Concerts have been transmitted' more
or less successfully 6ver the wires, and
Sunday mornfng preaching success
fully conveyed. ' After a. recent revival
In which scores of .eager "seekers"
had put in . their requests, for prayers.
1 11 c cpuicum. wuiuva His ILSliauy s
list qf names with tbelr telephone
numbers and with the Instruction.
"Jusf call up each one of these sta
ters and brothers tomorrow mornlns
and ask them how-rt goes with their
souls. Tell them t km on with
their prayers and Inform tham that
I am' praying for them right along."
Atlantic Monthly." '
Py request I have concluded to re
main In Pendleton until January 4th
and am open for engagements for
palm reading parties any evening ex
cept Friday. . !
Persons desiring either clairvoyant
or palm reading can consult me at
rooms 1 and 2, Arlington, between 10
a. m. and 9 p. m. Yoilr future is an
open book to me. I
Madam Zazell
Ohjoct to Receiver.
Memphis, Dec. 2S. Scarcely a rip
ple In financial circles occurred this
morning when a bill was filed asking
for the removal of Receiver John P.
Rdmonsrtn, appointed yesterday for
the Merehnnts' Trust company. Tho
bill asks that another be appointed.
The most pleasant, safest and best
remedy to use for Coughs, Colds.
Croup, Whooping Cough, etc,, Is Ken
nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This
remedy expels all cold from ths sys
tem by acting as a cathartic on the
bowels. Sold by Tallman Co.
Headstrom & Oreenawald. shoe-
makers at Teutsch's Pepartment store.
English Heirs Seek Fabulous Estate
in Oregon.
(.overnor Chamberlain and the
clerks of the different counties are
being besieged with letters from Eng
land and Australia In regard to an
estate, real and imaginary, valued at
nearly J2S6.000, and supposed to
huve been left by Benjamin F. Jones.
who died In Oregon, leaving his prop
erty to be equally divided among the
children of lOva and Joseph Jones, of
Wales, says the SaJem Journal.
This is thought to be another John
Scliallberg case, In which u. fabulous
estate turned out to be a myth.
The following clipping which has
been published in English and Aus
tralian papers, is what Is causing the
Copied from the levelling News of
September 10, 1904.
Sidney, New South Wales. Aus
Mr. Benjamin K. Jones, of Oregon,
U. S. A., has died, leaving an estate
worth 67,000, and the authorities are
seeking his heirs In Wales. The prop
erty is to bo divided In equal propor
tions between the children of Eva
Jones and Joseph Jones, of Wales,
but so far efforts to find these heirs
have been fruitless.
Simon D. Clark, a Nebraska pio
neer and famous hunter, was recently
killed in a fight with a griizly bear
In the Big Horn country. In which
region he had been hunting for sev
eral weeks.
H. H. Randall, a Seattle letter car
rier, has been arrested charged with
opening and robbing letters pnsslng
through his hands.
A Square Deal for Square
SS.VUU- Dealers, we take It, ar ethos who try t ghre their ans-
BMra goods that are "square" honest all through.
It you ar looking for usuful present for Christmas. &a want
sqaare deal" and also want to save 26 per cent, yoa saa get h at
Xew and Secmiii-Ilaml Fn.rr.itr
If the Pendleton Steam iAiadry Is
doing your work you are gettisg the
best If you have never gtvea us a
trial to show you how sspertor ear
work Is, do so NOW.
Only one kind of work sose by
our laundry, and that la the
Pendleton Steam Laundry
Those Main 179.
nSIUfAN A PBTTiOlW, Praps,
n&i?&,sTM'ai i
It Is f: r.1 with, maay Hecttsssd Not
eltles and sp-lo-dute Ek-Crhul Sup
piles. Desk lumps and fancy shades
for IneosMlsssriit lamps muk? acretil
Bbto Christmas Gifts
All Maura ota fur (virtue Mkesded tu
quickly. Miniature lamps tor ClirM
maa tree Proration.
Pbons Main 139 122 West. Court