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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1905)
MIGHT PAGES. BSAiXX atAaTT MUiMlNIAN, VCMIILRTON. OKKUOM, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEH. S3, IMS i AMONG THE OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Going After Artesian Water. The Tlmo-Hcrald 1h pleased to note thnt local people have determined to take up the matter of pushing experi ments for artesian water In this val ley. As a matter of fact It cannot be considered strictly an experiment, for nrteslun wutor can be secured to a certainty, the only question being; the depth necessury to secure a sufficient flow of commercial value. This will be settled the coming season to the satisfaction ot all and that without nsking old or a bonus from anyone. Metisrs. Den Brown, I. 8. Geor and W. Y. King will secure a drill of suf ficient capacity to go to a depth nec essary to test the actual flow and force of this artesian basin. These gentlemen expect to make a business of sinking wells and have the capital to place the best machinery on the ground that can be obtained. The suc cess of the venture Is not questioned and people will hall the coming with delight. Prom present Indications, there will be a great amount of work to do as soon as the machine Is on the ground. Burns Tlmes-Hcruld. Dead Hotly Found In Salmon. Coroner William Irwin today recelv- ed a message from Whlteblrd stating thnt the dead body of a man had been found In the Salmon river about two miles above the mouth of Slate creek and about 16 miles above this point The coroner will leave tomorrow to hold an Inquest, when It Is believed some Information will develop that may lead to the Identity of the man. At the point where the body was found there is a large eddy and the fact that the remains were found above the recent water line seems to show plainly that the man had been drowned during a period when the Salmon river was at a high stage. Such stage of water In the Salmon Is only reached during the spring flood nnd therefore It is probable the man was drowned several months ago. At this time the officials are unable to recall that any person was reported as having been drowned lost spring and the finding of the body therefore reveals a mystery. Grangeville Free Press. Colonization Company. The Settlers' Land & Colonization company, limited. Is the name of a new, strong corporation launched In the business world at Welser this week, and last Wednesday articles of Incorporation were filed by County Auditor Smith, The capital stock of the company, Is placed at 11,000,000, divided Into Is double the amount voted last year. 100,000 shares valued at 110 each, Our property value has materially ln and non-assessable. Its Incorporators creased In the past year and with a nnd directors are Silos Wilson, J. M.l 10-mlll special tax we believe enough McQee, all of Nampa; Edgar M. will be realised to have a full nine Helgho, Lot U Feltham, of Welser; j months school next year which we so Dr. Starkey, of Council; George L. I badly need. Monument Enterprise. AITKH ORGANIC UNION. Movement to L'uiWil Presbyterian and OimilK-rlnml Preshytprinn Churches. St. Louis. Dec. 37. At a meeting of be held at the Southern hotel this evening, two committees of five mem bers each, representing the Presbyter ian and the Cumberland Presbyterian churches, the final arrnngemcnts will be considered for completing the or ganic union of the two churches on the basis which has been approved by a majority of the Presbyteries of the two churches la the . spring of the year. After the two committees have completed their work, the entire com mittees appointed for the purpose by the two churches, will hold their first Joint session, which will conclude with a ttnnquct. Tomorrow and on the following day the Joint committee will hold a num ber of meetings until every detail of the merger, so far as the union ot boards, colleges, Presbyteries and synods of the two churches. The plan of corporate union Is to be submitted to the two general assemblies next May, when the Presbyterian assembly will meet at Dcs Moines, that of the Cumberland church In Decatur, III. Wunl ('out nil t Ilraiowcd. Hagerstown, Mr., Dec. 27. The hearing In the m ittr "f tie petit on of Joseph Hryan nnd Hugh L. Bond jr., surviving trustee of .he Chsea pcako & Ohio Canal, nskliig permis sion to make a new contract with the Chesapeake Ohio Transportation company for the operation of the waterway, came up before Judfre Koa ly In tho circuit c;nrt today. The canal has been worked with a lots for some time and the time of the extended conitact Willi '.ho transport ation company expires -in January 1 next. Unless the court grants p"rm!a elon to renew th contract with t--.' transportation cntnimny under .nor? favorable -condition. v li'ch will In sure tho operation of the canal with out loss, the canal wilt have to bo closed. Improve- the Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 27. The board of directors f tho Pennsyl vania railroad has been called to meet here this afternoon to consider plans for extensive Improvements of tho system, which will necessitate an expenditure of about $18,000,000. Most of the Improvements will bo mado within a radius of !0 miles from this city. Ono of the principal items will he the construction of an extension of the low grade freight lino to Philadelphia through Ovor brook. This line will cost $7,000,000 and will require two years to build. Frultmen In Convention. Dcs Moines, Iowa, .Dec. 27. The Western Association of Fruitgrowers opened Its annual meeting here to day. The attendance Is quite large and the meeting presents many Inter esting features. . Many prominent fruitgrowers nnd experts from this and other fruit states are In attend EXCHANGES Qlasgow, of Glasgow, Tenn.; W. H. Wilson, of Hoqulam, Wash. The principal place of business Is Welscr, with branch offices In Boise, Nam pa, Council and Twin Falls. Welser Signal. A Ilerituge From CarelonmeHM. Because the estate of a man who died over 31 years ago was not prop erly probated. It has become necessary for thd present owners of the half block on the south side of Bannock street, between Third and Fourth, to begin suit In the district court against the heirs of the dead man to quiet title to their property. The half block Is now well built up, and, being close to the center of the city, la quite valua ble as residence property. Mrs. Ellen L. Bush owns half of the ground, the quarter block at the cor ner of Foutth and Bannock, being lots 7, 8 and 9 of block 39, of the original townaite, while F. I Williams has the next CO feet, lot 10. Theodore A. Sloan lot 11, and Mrs. M. Ethlene Bounds, formerly Mrs. Curr, Is the proprietor of the lot at the corner of Third and Bannock, where her resi dence Is situated. -Boise Statesman. Robbed an Old Man. About 8 o'clock Baturday night two men rapped on the door at the home of Peter P. Williams, who lives at the outskirts of Meridian. Mr. Williams was alone In the house, and was read ing at the time. Going to the door he was confronted by two masked men with drawn revolvers, ho demanded his money. Powerless to resist. Mr. Williams gave them what money he had In the house, about 111 In all. which the robbers took and mado a run for the train to Boise, which was standing at the depot. Meridian (Idaho) Tribune. John Day Dam Computed. The dam across the John Day river above Spray was completed last Fri day. The construction work was commenced on the 28th day of Aug ust, last, the main dam being 14 feet high and 150 feet long with a 100-foot crib work on the south side. This dam marks the first step towards utilizing the waters of this stream for Irrigation purposes, and its success will be observed with keen Interest. Monument Knterprlse. Ten-Mill School Tax. At the special school meeting held In this city last Saturday the citizens unanimously voted a 10-mlll special tax for general school purposes, this ance nnd some highly Important pa pers have been promised to be road. DAILY J1AUUKT KKPORT. Rnylnp anil Selling Prices of Produce In Pendleton. With the advent of the holiday sea son, unusunl Interest centers In th? retail markets. As a result, groceries, meat, fish and produce shops nil carry large stocks In anticipation of Chrlst mas and New Tears needs. The fol lowing prices are now current In Pen dleton: Fruits. Apples, $1.75 to $2 per box.' Cranberries. II 2-3 cents per pound. Oranges, SS to 0 cents per dozen. Lewons, 85 cents per dozen, p.annnas, 40 cents per dozen. , Vegetable. Sweet potatoes, t cents per lb. Cabbage, 3 cents per lb, Tarsnlps, 2 12 cents per lb. Turnips, 1 cents per lb. Celery, 60 cents per dozen. Potatoes. $1.25 per sack. Onions. $1.60 per sack. Cauliflower. 20 cents head. Tomatoes, 20 cents per lb. Pop corn, 3 13 cents per lb. Batter and ICgga. Creamery butter, 73 to 75 cents per roll. Country butter, (0 cents per roll. Fresh eggs, 45 cents per dozen. Case eggs, 35 cents per dozen. Mlscctlaneotis. Sweet pickles, 80 cents per gallon. Sour pickles, 30 cents per gallon. Mince meat, 15 cents per lb. Olives. 25 cents per pint Walnuts, 28 1-3 cents per lb. Almonds, 26 cents per lb. Transferring 200 Lunatics. Jackson, La., Dec. 27. Two hun dred Insane persons, one hundred of them whlto, tho rest colored, were taken from the Jackson Insane asyl um today and transferred to the re cently finished new Insane asylum In Plnevllle. It required five passenger roaches and one baggage car to transport the 200 patients and the largo force of attendants from here to Plnevllle. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh Hint Contain Mia-curr. as merrnry will surely destroy the tense of smell nnd comn.ciely derange the wnle system when entering It thronirh the mu cous nurtured. Such articles should never ee nseci except ou prescript. uns rrcm repu tnhte nhTRicliins. en the rinmeiru thev will do Is ten fold to the rood you ran posslblv derive from thein. lull s Catarrh Cure. maniuarturen ny r. J. i neney a Co., To letlo. (.. contains no tnercurv. and la taken liiicrnnlly, acting directly upon the blood and inucnua surfaced of the aratem. In huylnir Hall's Catarrh Cnre be sure yon get the gennlne. It la taken Isternally and maue In Toledo. Ohio, by P. J. laaoay Co. Tefltlmnnlnle true. Bold by rtriiKKeta. Price Tue nor unttte. Take nail's family Pills for constipation. The Chicago school board has begun an active campaign to exclude from the public schools every pupil and teacher In any degree affected with tuberculosis. A medical board will examine every "suspicious" case. A Bird la the Uaad. It Is. Impossible to trace the 0e of tho proverb "A bird In the hand U worth two In the bush," which In va rious forma of expression Is common to mnny conntrlec In middle English we find pbraBes which have the same purport. Thus In Hllle's "Commonplace Book" (1:30) wo find, "A byrde yn honde yi better than three In the wode," uud In Rhode's "Bnbees' Book," also of early date, "A byrd In baud Is worth ten flye at large." No doubt our modern version springs from these old saws, and It Is possible thnt tlicy may bave originated In the quuitit remonstrance of one Will Sum era, a Jester in the court of llenry VIII., to whom I,ord Surrey, In grati tude for mnny n good turn, had Riven a klngHi'lier from bis aviary. When Surrey sought to recover It, promising to replace It nnother day, the sapient jester is said to have declined, saying. "I prefer ouo bird In the hand to two In the bush!" The Seven sleepers of Epheaaa. The seven sleepers of Kpbisus were CoiiHtautine, DIonysiUH, John, Mas Imlnn, Mak-hus, Mnrtliilitn nml Seni plon, seven young men, converts to Christianity, who during the rwrswu ttou of Christians under the Emperor Declus, A. D. 250, refused to bow be fore an Idol spt up by the emperor ut Ephesus. The story goes that they fled ta a cave In Mount Cellon nn.l that Declus, In his rage, ordered nil caves In that mountain to be sealed up. Nothing was heard of them far 2110 years, when they were discovered by some workmen who were diguing foun dations. Awaking from their long sleep, they offered coins of such an tiquity that the attention of the au thorities was attracted. They did not long survive and their bodies were taken for burial In a large stone coffin to 6t Victor's church, Marseilles. Strength of Treasory Hotee. A single treasury note measures three and one-eighth Inches In width by seven and one-fourth Inches In length. It will sustain, without break ing, lengthwise, a weight of forty- one pounds; crosswise, a weight of ninety-one pounds. The notes run four to a sheet, a sheet being eight and one fourth Inches wide by thirteen and one-half .Inches long. One of these sheets lengthwise will suspend 108 pounds and crosswise 177 pounds. - It will be noted that single note is capable of sustaining, crosswise, a weight of ninety-one pounds, which Is twice the amount by nine pounds of the weight the note can sustain length wise, while. In the case of tho sheet. the crosswise sheet lacks thirty-nine pounds of double the sustaining power of the lengthwise sheet Napoleon's First Caose, Mad. ' That man Is made of mud by spon taneous generation under the sun's hent was the deliberate opinion of Na poleon, first of the moderns. If General Gourgnud can be believed. Referring to ancient civilizations In tho Pant Napoleon one day said to Gourgaud: "All this lends me to think that the world is not so very old, at least, as Inhabited by man, and within one or two thousand years I am disposed to accept the chronology appended to the sacred writings. I think that man was formed by the hent of tho sun acting upon mud. Herodotus tells us thnt In his time the slime of the Nile clinnged Into rats nnd that they could be seen In process of formation," Cerberus' Three Heads. The most famous of dogs Is Cerberus, who watches the entrance to Tartarus. He hns three bends, but Hercules drag ged him to earth and Orpheus pot him to sleep with bis lyre. The original dog cakes were given to Cerberus by the sibyl who led .Eneas through hell. They were made of flour and seasoned with poppies nnd honey. He must have been nn opium fiend, as the celes tlnl drug Is mado from poppies. A "sop to Cerberus" was one of these cakes given to the monster by Greeks and ltomnns as a bribe to let them Ic without molestation. .- Cheqaere Ina Fire. The Chequers tun nt Blapstones, neat Osmotherly, must be unique nmoug English Inns In one respect. It boasts of a fire which for more than a cen tury has never been nllowcd to go out. The place Is a quaint little building, to which mnny visitors resort on account of Its never extinguished fire and the turf enkes baked upon Its hearth. It has been In the occupation of one fam ily for over 100 years. Altrara nn the Watch. Children hove cars like the very spies of nature Itself eyes that penetrate all subterfugo nnd pretense. It Is good to set before them tho loftiest Ideals that have lived In human reality, but the best Ideal of all has to be portrayed by parents In the realities of borne life at borne. When yon are not watching and the children are that Is when the lessons are learned for life. Canatle Whlatler. ' James MncNcIU Whistler Is said once to have confronted Oscar Wilde nt the height ofNthe aesthetic movement with Du Maurler, who was satirizing the rostlethwnltes In Punch with nil his might nnd to have genially in quired, "Which of you two Invented the otlicrr . Friendship ot Books, The first time I read an excellent book It Is to me just as If I had gained new friend; when I read over a book I bave pemsed before It resembles the meeting with an old one. Oliver Gold smith. In Greenland the c&ndleflsh Is nsJ M lamp. It Is nbmit six Inches long and burns for fifteen minuter Price reductions, Incorporation sale Boston store, beat ever. PaTOTsssssssMsl jLUL PHYSICIANS. J. A. BUST. PHYSICIAN AND SUR- geon. Office la Saving Bank building. DBS. SMITH as DICK OFFICE Pendleton Savings Bank building. Telephones: Main 301; residence, Main 1631; barn. Red 681. DR. AMY CURRIN. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office, Room 6, new Schmidt block. Office hours, 1 to 6 p. m. 'Phono 114. Diseases of worn en and confinement cases. DR. R. B. RINOO. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Rooms 3 and 4 Schmidt bull ing. 'Phone, office, Main 623. Phone, residence. Main 23. DR. W. O. COLE, OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 flee in Judd building. Telephones: flee, Main 1371; residence, Main 1381. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMBO- pathtc physician and surgeon. Of fice in Judd building. Tenephones Office, black 1411; residence, red 1683. DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK, telephone Main (81; residence. black 11. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSI- clan and Burgeon. Office la Sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone, Mala 1411; residence. Mam, 16(1. DR. LYNN K. BLAKBSLsTH, CtIRO alo and serve diseases aad dls ef women. Jsdd buildtoc, cor ner Main and court streets, umc pheeie Mala 73. X-Ray aas etentrl Thereaeatlca. DR. r YOLP P Burgeon. Office black, rooms 18-23. 'Pheew Mala 6T. rstctju- AND ta AaseetaUoa Dear sad asaSat. OSTEOPATHS DR3. Q. ft BY A Helaingtoa, Oradaatea, Klrksvllle school. Salte lt-13 Deapala block. 'Phoaje Red 818L All disease treated. DENTISTS. DRS. COLLIER at SWINBURNE Dentists. Smith. -Crawford building DR. M. S. KERN. DENTAL BUR reaa. Office, room 16 Jadd hand ing. 'Phone red 3301. B. A. YADOHAN. DENTIST. OF- floe In Judd building. 'Pheae red 1411. DR. T. H. Wli;- DNTIST AeV sooiatloa stock. Teleoheaa Mala VETERINARY BUTiGBOKB. VETERINARY C. McNabh. drug store. SURGEON DR. D. Office at Tallataa's T. J. LLOYD. D. V. S., VETERINARY Surgeon inu intlst- The only gradaate veterinarian practicing In Pendleton. Office at Brock & McCo mas' drug store. Residence telephone Main 131. . FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 288. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordially Invited to attend. Hall In Eagle block. Co art st. -t. Thomas Thompson, E. R.; H. C. Thompson, secretary. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 52 A. F. A A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. RANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton, Ore. Organized March 1, 188. Capital, 3100.000; surplus, 1100.000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. ''urnlsh. president; T. J. Morris, vice president; J. A. Rorle, cashier; J. W. Mnlnney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits. t26u.nii(i.ue. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny. president; W. P. Matlock, vice-president; G. M. Mice, cashier; George Hartman, Jr., isalstant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE na, Oregon. Capital I fin 000; sur plus and profits, 312.501. Inter est on time deposits. Deals in foreign nd domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Ad ims, president; T. J. Kirk, vlce-presl-denl; F. S. LeGrow, cashier; 1. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. INSURANCE ANI LAM) BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city nd farm property, buys and sells ill kind i of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage uunliu-sa. rays taxe md makes Investments fur non-residents. Reference, any bank In Pen lleton. JAMES JOHN'S. Pres. W. S. HENN1NGER, Vlce-Pree. C. H. MARSH. Sec. t. M. BKNTI.EY REPRESENTS THI oldest and most reliable fire an, lecident Insurance companies. Offlc lth Hartman Abstract Co. IOHN HAII.ET, Jl U. 8. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made of and - filings and prnnf. Insurance ind collections." O if Ice in Judd lulld mg, room 1(T. COMMISSION HOUSE. "OLUMBIA PRODUCE CO., DEAN Tatum, manager. Office at Pendle 'on Ice A Cold Storage plant Dealrts in fruit, vegetables and dairy products Phone Main 178. CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME ZAZELLB. THB NOTED and reliable clairvoyant and palm ist prices reasonable. Office h- nrs 10 a. m. to 6 p. nt, at Arlington rous ing house; parlors 1 aad antil De camber 20. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS ATTOKNKYH. H. J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Taylor's hardware store Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEB. LAW OFFICM IN , "u" I'uuuiun. i STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY at Law. Offlee in Deanara block. JOHN W. M 'COURT ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith-Crawford block. CARTER, RALEY At RALEY, AT- torneys at Law. Office in Savings Bank baUdlng. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY A1 Law. Office over Taylors bard ware store. WINTER t COLLIER. LAWYERh Office, rooms 7 and 8, AssoclatioL building. JOHN H. LAWREY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office, Savin, Bank buldlng STTLLMAN ft PIERCE, ATTOR neys at Law. Mr. Still man has been admitted to practice in United State patent offices, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 13 and 13, Association block. GEORGE W. COUTTS. LATB COUN ty Attorney from Idaho. Civil snd criminal law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgagee and contracts drawn Collections made. Room 17, Schmld block. R. J. SLATE P., ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices ta Doepala building, at head e( stairs. 9. A. NEWBB7RRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Offices la AasoclaMoa block Mala street. DAN P. SMYTHS. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office la Dsspaln block. Last Court street CsCIL B. WADl ATTORNEY AT Law. Office la Bast Oregonian bslldtaa, Baet Wabh street. G. Yf. PHBLPS, DISTRICT ATTOR ay. Offices with Joha MoCoart In B mi th -Crawford block. AHCWrrrXTK AVD Bni.DFKS. HOWARD at SWTNOLE, ARCHI- taets and Architectural Bnglneera Practlaal and reliable plana and a peel flnatioBa and thorough superintend ence of all kinds of building and con st raotica. Taylor Bulldlag, corner Mala and W er street. C B. TROUTMAN. ARCHITECT and Saperlntendent Room 13 Judd balldlng. Pendleton, Oregon. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimate furnished on all kind of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leavs orders at East Oregonian office. T. M. KELLER PLASTERING AND cement j a specialty Estt mate' ' .ned free. Work guaran teed. Lr-cve orders st Oortrtman cigar store. Main at re t. P O Box 104. IfVEKY AND lEKu STABLE. CITT LIVERY STAH1.E A LTA ST Carney sc Kennedy. Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rtga at all times. Cab line In connection. Phone Main 701. MARBLE AND GUAM IE WORKS. MONTKRASTELLi HHUa.. MAKbLE and Uranlte works. Muuuuwuu uf all descriptions. OriiaiiiuiiUii and cut stone for buildings, hxmiime uur work; 7 East Ccurt street. BOARDING A.M 1AIH.IG. ATHENA HOTEL LEADING Ho tel In the city, tl.uo anil 11.61) uer day. H. P. Mllien, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER N. MAN agement Good uivaia and clvau beds. If yoj come uuce you will keep a-comlng. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention iven to c mmerclal travelers. - Mr. and Mix J. P. Navln, propi letoni. FUNERAL DIUKCTOKS. M. A. RADER. FUNERAL DIRb. tor and licensed einbaliner. Grad uate of the Chlrago College of Bin balmlng. Corner Main and Web streets. 'Phone Main 130,. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER FOLSOM. FUNERAL Di rectors aud licensed emhalmera. Opposite postofftee. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calif responded to day or night. 'Phone Muln 76. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by hand, snd flret class. Goods called fur and delivered 408 Court street SCAVENGEn. WHITNER & OVJ MAN WILL AT tend to your scavenger work and sweep your chimneys. Headquarters nt Goodman's rlgar store. SECOND-II AM) DKW.EItS. V. STROBLK, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 13 Court street W NTED TO BUY YOUR SEC-oni-hand goods. Graham A Hunt er, at old Raster stand. ENGRAVEl CARDS. ENGRAVED tARDS. INVITATIONS etc. Very latest styles. Leavo or ders at East Oregonian offlee. LICENSED AUCnONEEIf. WM. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER Cries public and private antes of al kinds. Commission reasonable. Post office box tt. FOR SALE. 440 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 miles north of Athena, at 31 an acre. Terms. Craighead ft Hayes. Athena. FOR SALE A SPAN OF H ALTER broke driving hnr a Apply te Mrs. B. Cunningham, or at Dutck Henry Feed Yard. 1 WANTED. SALESMAN WANTED CASH AD-" vanced weekly; good territory ears; outfit free. Some are staking IISS to me per mourn, why aot yoaT Ad- dress Washlunton Narsery Cossaaay, luppeman. wusinnos. WANTED CLASSIFIED AD8, SUCH as help wanted; rooms or houses for rent, second-hand goods for sale; in fact, any want you want to get filled, the ttast Oregonian wants your want ad. Rates: Three Unas o time, 15 cents; two times, 26 cents: six times, 46 cents. Five lines one time. 36 cents; two times, 86 cents: six times, 76 cents. Count six words to the Una. Send your classified ads to the office or mail to the East Ore gonian, enclosing silver or stamps to cover the amount WANTED A WELL EDUCATED young man wants nosltlon as clerk. Address W. L. Jones, Boa 172, Pilot Rock, Oregon. FOR RENT. NIC, LIGHT HOUSBKBBP- lng rooms to rent: and rooms with. er wlthoet board. Call at B. O. otntee. PLUMBING. OOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. SAN I- tarr Plumb-ra. til Main Rt in work Hrst-cuua, Best material aaed. Prompt service. Sewer connections made. 'Phone Main 811. SnSCELLANEOUS. PBNDLBTON AMUHBW HNT VAB- lore H. HL WUHanac Vvmm ment of Hendricks balldlng. and amasemaats ef all hands, Sbm ail day aad tnala. evealag. MONBT MAKING OPPOft-IsMrriW Write ue. for hlg hamalau an aha Herat AatomaUe Switch A ..Staraal company's stock betere switch gees a ' road. Regular arlee 36.16. much lower. How eaa we do I have more shares thaoa wt at veniently carry aad aw raise each la order ta meet. on property we are boring. Curtis, 316 Commercial Block, Fort land. Ore ron. - PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE pair work oa all kinda ot machines structural Iron work and machine castings. Janctlon of Court ana A.'ia streets. Marlon Jaok, Pres.; W. L' Vwr JiOTICB OF RWrTLTaisWT. Te Wham R May Concern: Having sold an . dtopemd of the greater portion ef my Interna sued nominee in untatiiia ana miiea i-uuuuvB, 1 am acw animB oi Bee tling ap all acceaats, dtiaaadav claims and controversies ef a very kind and character, existing between me and any person er nereoas whom soever, and I hereby notify any aad all persons. Individuate, aartners er corporations who have any claim, demand or nttUed swsjaeai af arrr kind r character against ni It With me, to present the same te me at that office of Charles Ha II ton, la Pea dleton, Oregon, for Immediate settle ment and adjustment,, within atxty (60) daya from this date. All claims, demands, disputes r ca(r6V4rsieS iff presented will receive my attention and prompt adjustment AM disputes controversies and eontentldlM aot se presented for adjustment within sla ty (68, days from this data, win be by me deemed and considered settled and adjusted. Dated at Psndleten, Oregon, thes 7th day of December, 19S6. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM, Formerly Dealer In Blooded Sheep. ee-e-e-e-eeeeeeee-e.e IGet The Best 5 Good f Dry Wood and ItOCK KPKINU COAL Hie Coal that gives Uie must liemt PROMPT DF.LIYKRI1M. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at HninlngV cigar store, Opp. Peoples Ware- llOIINA. Thone Main a. CMICHrSTCH'S MGLIM FEHfcYROYAL PILLS H.MrV Origin -J mill O.ilr ocv Al p. Alnatt i!liM .4lra, U. I - for (7U It'll r:STKK'N KNCUSU 'a Ki:i tnl (i.ttal raaMtirte knee mmim wih blue ntsUut. 1 ubr tto eUicr, ItU-TM OamarYrwa) HB)atltstUa mmi I at It4 Jems Hut ft r I'tuuui, irwdj -lev sk tampa ftv PaKtemlnr. T-taMlata 44l ,,IIMrrrFlA.ll4M"lnlealcS',T ra tatr-N Hail. fft.OlrO TrmtrcMrnteJ. fWid te u uf 4f locav t hiMMifv'Mt MfMf MlHiH ttmsmu. .fUlL scotf s Santal-Pepsia Capsules POSITIVE CURc For It:H.nmtt1oa orO'-Tb of the HLsUklo am, Uueav-t-d KidDoy. Y J ear bo pav. Cur onWjkly u4 Perm BBUy the wont OHri or (avntnlMfAt tin (aietM. tN Ok.trror huw tothjr UoJ inft. Abtvo'atelv avtnlrtt. Bolj by 4truKflrta. Prtot THE SANTAL-PEPSII CO., BROCK MCOMAS CO, Drugglf-ta. mEMAN3 WQMEflL Vm ntcO for tint farJ larhWfarril.lDrlArUIUlttOnaV, trrttktitrn or Uicr(uHL ut uucvUb nicabrtMiai. Wiuict. kntJoatuiiil:- Prot "o4tie. !INNAT1 ( Ti,o.E??a "4'r Diatrhlt, CtrcDinr out oa ruiuanh Ttie Kast lawcotuan la 1 gnn'a rrireartattve paper. 'It and the people apprr -atr It and i It by their liberal tmtrojtage. It la Um adTrniiCng ntrdlum of ttte asctttaa. enar price Wt We Py meant W. . at. IV Lr .-.Al WaBIIll ihU aV F. - am. m