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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1905)
t BKQHT PAGES. DAILY KAHT OltECOMAN. PENDLETON, OISKGON. WKD.N KSDAY, DECEMIlEU 37, 1005 PERSONAL MENTION You Win Be When you see the Prices on all HOLIDAY COODS. Beginning Tuesday morning and ending Saturday nightr everything left over from the big Xmas rush goes at YOUR. OWN PRICE It Will Pay You to Visit Our Store Lee Teutsch's I Department Store : CITY BREVITIES Carpets Rider Carpels. . Ruder Furniture r.ader. ' x Juune Harness a antler's A dandy trade we nave bad, thank sou. Homier. Oet next to Haailey, ht know how to treat ysu right An up-to-date cottage for rent Call 'phone red 1T1; . - Now located In Pendleton at bosto 8lore Shoe 1 Pendleton Business College la In dorsed by business men. For Rent rurnlnl-ed housekeep ing room 107 Aura street Leather's Transfer company, day aa night aerTloe. 'Phone eWi (11. For Rent Store or office room In brick building. Inquire at Hotel Bt George. For Sale Complete work Chart Lovel and Bulwer l.ytton. Inquire at this office Buy a Pianola for your plauo. Easy terma Bllers Piano House, 113 Main street. For fine shoe repairing, see Green awald A Headstrom at Teutsch's De partment store. Shoes repaired while you wait by Oreenawald A Headstrom at Teutsch's Department Store. . First-class licensed stationary engi neer wishes position at once. En quire at this office. The Incorporation sale of the Boston store Is bona fide. Tou will see th reductions In prices very plainly. Qoed second-hnnd plnno for sale er rent In first class condition. Worth 1300, sells now tor 1165. Jesse Fall ing. Four cords of split wood for sale; and seven-room house near Pendleton academy for renL Also, I want a res idence lot earn of Main street: must be cheap. Ira Bamber, 15 Association block. Croup. Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc., have no terrors for child ren or adults who evacuate the bowels with Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This remedy expels all cold from the system and strengthens the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes. The Orig inal Laxative CoiiRh Syrup and Liquid Cold Cure. Sold by Tallman A Co. Deputy Moore Is here In the Inter est of the Knights of the Maccabees of the World, and calls attention to all members of Umatilla Tent No. 17, to assist him with Introductions to your friends who have no Insurance, and with those that are not satisfied with what they have got. Remember, we are working under the Legal Standnrd Rates, established by the MortuiU- Tables of the old line companies. Rvery man who Investigates our rates, Is satisfied with tlio futuro of, the or der. The deputy's success Is your success. Now get to work with him. That meant you, Sir Knight. U C Rader. Nuf seu. Rader Carpets--Radar. We use the beat California oak leather at Ham ley 'a ' For Rent Furnished cottage. Ap ply to J. M. Bentley. The Cuban tobacco crop was prac tically ruined thla year by unseason able and excessive rain Wanted Work by the day. Men's mending neatly done. Miss B. Quls torf, 624 Cottonwood street When In Portland stoa at the Betel Oregon. Rates II per day aad up ward. European plan. Free 'baa. For Sale Eighty tens chelae second cutting alfalfa, near town. Apply to D. II. Hunter, or 'phone Mala 54. For Rent Three furniahod houses nnd two suites of rooms. Light house keeping. Close In. See Spooneraore, 124 Wot Court street. ' The mission of 'Early Risers" Is to clear the way and give nature full sway. These famous little pills rid the stomach and bowels of all putrid mat ter, thus removing the causes of headache, oonstlpatlon. sallow com plexion, etc DeWltt's Little Barly Risers never gripe or sicken. A safe, pleasant, perfect pUL Sold by Tall man Co. SPECIAL PltAYEK SERVICE. At Congrojrutlonxl Church Thursday Evening. The prayer service at the First Congregational church on Thursday of this week will be of an Interesting character. Bright and brief, yet full of blessing to those who are present. Every member is expected to be present. Bring a friend. If you are not present we shall want to know the reason why. Coma on time, 7:30 o'clock. Richard Drown, acting pastor. Reduced Prices. Wn have Inaugurated an - after Christmas sale and all prices on holi day goods have boen cut from 20 to CO per cent This vale Includes those beuutlful Japunese novelty boxes, frames, etc., which are so popular. All our fancy purses, toilet and man acure sets, engraved brass, etc.. In fact all our holiday line. It will pay you to come in and Investigate. Take u look at our window as you are passing by, or better still, come In nnd have a look. KOI2PPKN BROS. Real Estate) TnuiKferH. Lewis Bolus and wife to A. L. De marls, for 320 acres In township 4, north of range S7, B. W. M. Consid eration, $4300. ., , Louis Winters and wife I to Nick Grosgebauer for 10 acres, more or loss. In section 22, township 8, north of range 35, E. W. M. Consideration $3000. W. O. Estes nnd wlfo to T. B. and N. D. Hwcarlngen, for lot 8 and the west 30 feet of lot 7, block 2, In the town of Pilot Rock. Consideration $1000. ; New Year's Tokens Beautilul line of gifts for the New Year . Brass engraved toasts and ap propriate wordings for the New Years greeting. Pretty bon ton boxes filled with the ohoioest sweets. ' Hosts of prett ideas suitable for the occasion. ; KOEPPEN BRO.'S '; ,'. Popular Priced Drug Store C. C, Hunt, of Ontario, is In the city on a short visit Fred W. Andrews of Echo, has been visiting here today. E. B. Kester of Springfield, Ore., has been visiting; here today. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Walker left this morning for a brief visit at Weston. Robert Burns, O. R. A N. agent at Walla Walla, has been here since last evening. H. T. Booth, the Baker City Insur ance man, arrived this morning from Portland.. O. E. Harper, of the Blue Mountain creamery, came over last night from La Grande. E. H. Henderson, of Astoria, has been a visitor in town today, having arrived this morning. T..F. Boylcn en me up from Ante lope a few days ago to vlwlt his fam fly at 306 Johnson street Mi Carrie Stanton, of Helix, came down from there yesterday and has been visiting friends here. D. B. Richardson and son, of Helix, came down from that place on the afternoon train yesterday. . Charles Alepach, of Lewiston, Ida ho, was here for a short time thla morning between trains. , M. 8 Corrlgal and two daughters! have been visiting here today from there home on Butter creek. J. M. Hewitt of Haines, Baker county, arrived last night and has been a visitor In the city today. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knight have re turned from North Yakima, where they passed Christmas with relatives. J. B. Saylor, the extensive cattle man of the Echo country, came up from Echo lost evening on a short visit J. B. Montague, of Walla Walla,' passed through todiy to Arlington, where he win visit for several month! with .his brother. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Redfleld left this morning for Heppner, after having passed Christmas as the guest of their relatives here. . ' . ; John H. Lewis, state engineer, ar rived this morning from Salem and will leave this evening for the Free- water country. . T. G. Montgomery is now In north ern Texas, looking over new range land that Is being opened up apd. promises to make wheat land. Mrs. J. R. fihephard, of Salem, Is in ine city louay visiting ner brother, Fred Lockley and family, and her daughter, Miss Bess Shephard. Mrs. J. R. Candish, of Salt Lake City, formerly a resident of Pendle ton, la In the city on a brief visit She has been visiting her brother, E. S. Wilbur and family at Duncan, and Is In the city today accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur. George Strand, a member of th Pendleton high school nnd Com mer- clal association football teams, ar rived In Baker City last night from La Grande where the latter arrant. tlon yesterday defeated the "Beet pullers" by a score of 8 to 0, and after a brief visit with friends at the Saga- ore returned to Pendleton this morning. Baker C"y Herald. A Few Snaps In Nice Groceries Sugar, 14 lbs. - $1.00 Oranges per doz. 25c, 35c, 40c v.-.. ' Republic Coffee, Best or. Erth . 25c Fresh ranch eggs per doz . 40c Tomatoes, standard, 3 for .. 25c Peas, standard, 3 for 25c Soda, Arm & Hammer 4 for 25c Red Ribbon Cream per can .... 1 Oc' Syrup, per gal 50c Beans, pink or white per lb 5c Apples, Best on Earth, per bos $ 1 .75 Soap. Silk or Golden Star, 6 for 25c Dates just arrived per lb . 1 Oc Macaroni, per box 40c Full cream cheese per lb ..... 20c Comb honey per lb -20c Sweet corn per lb 25c Kraut per qt - 1 Oc Agents for the White Clover Butter The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE A A AAAAAAAi . - - . - - - . - - . - . ..... ........ - b7WW'JWW yTTTTww vvvvvvvvvvvvwvwwvk66 IO AN OVKIISUBSCIUBKD. FAVORS EQUAL SUFFRAGE. A. W. Nyc Dln-wcs the QuontJon I Vopi Practical Standpoint. . Pendleton, Dec. 27. (Editor East Oregonlan.) I noticed In your paper yesterday an article on woman suf frage. I was sorry to think that you had to go away back to New Zealand and quote Murk Twain In order to es tablish the fact that womnn suffrage was beneficial and would tend to bet tering our political condition. We have seen that tried nearer home than New Zealand. You should have witnessed an elec tion In Dayton. Wash., during the two years the women were allowed to vote In that state. It seemed more like go ing to church than It did to the polls. Of course, the men talked politics and sometimes a few of them would speak a little louder than ordinary conver sation, but when they would see ladles coming to vote they would Invariably step aside and make way for the ladles to pass. I have heard some argue that It would make no difference In the gen eral result of our elections that the women would vote Just as their hus bands, fathers or brothers did. Now that Is a mistaken Idea. I have seen that Illustrated. I had five nieces and It was my misfortune to have every one of them marry repub licans; but It's one of the happiest thoughts of my life to record the fact that every one of those girls went to the polls nnd killed their husbands' votes, nnd they never had any family Jars before or afterwards. As a matter of fact, the majority of women would vote more Indepen dently and I might say more Intelli gently than the average man. Politics would cut but little "Ice" with them, tho yellow dog system would be cut out, and be a thing of the past. AD. NYE. AFTElt MOKE MUSIC. Mr. Luring Returns to IlCMrrvurion From Portland. Harold A. Lortng, who Is making a collection of Indian songs for the United States government, arrived this morning from Portland, where ho paused Christmas with friends, He expects to pass the next two or three weeks upon tho Umatilla reservation, learning the songs of the tribes living there. ' The Prices Are Cot Reduced prices on holiday goods 20 to B0 per cent off until January 1. Come In nnd learn the great saving you can make. KOEPPEN BROS. San Francisco People Take 1 1,000,000 of Japanese Bonds. ' San Francisco, Dec, 27. When sub scriptions to the new Japanese loan were recently invited people in this city subscribed for $1,000,000 of the new bonds. The loan was heavily oversubscribed, however, both In this country and In Great Britain that word, has been sent out here to the effect that the San Francisco sub scribers can only be allotted a third of their subscriptions. The total bonds to be allotted In this country Is $16,500,000. English Investors tak ing the remainder sold at this time. .The total new loan Is $121,750,000 of 4 per cent bonda They are to be used for the redemption of the fol lowing Japanese issues: Fourth Inter nal, $50,000,000; fifth Internal, $50, 000,000, both bearing per cent per annum. The new bonds are being, sold at a discount, so the Japanese j are really getting $100,000,000 for the! $121,750,000 Issue. The saving la In terest by this redemption process dur- ing a period of seven years to the ' Japanese government is placed at $7,910,000. LAD IKS' AID WILL MEET. Congregational Auxiliary, on Thurs day Afternoon. ' The Ladles' Aid of the First Con gregational church will meet in the parlors of the church Thursday af ternoon,. December 28 at 2:30 sharp. . Important matters are to be dis cussed, and all members and friends of the church are cordially ' invites' and urged to be present . This means you! flic hard Browa. acting pastor, ' Two footpads held vp a Pasadena street car at Los Angeles. They rob bed the cash box of $40, and II 'pas sengers of $60, and made their es cape. t . . . ... . CHEDITOnS MEET TODAY. 'Frt Broker Owvh ApproximsU-ly $100,000. San Francisco, Dec. 27. John A. Percy, attorney for R. Brent Mitchell, stated this morning there are no new developments In the affairs of the collapsed broker. Creditors met at t this oftomoon and planned for a thor ough Investigation of Mitchell's af fairs. Their loss will amount approx imately to $100,000. Mitchell Is con fined at home in a state of nervous collapse. CHARLES YFJtKES ILL. Physirinns SUito Tiutt Ho Will Ulti mately Ilccovcr. New York, Dec. 27. Charles F. Yerkep Is slightly Improved this morn ing, hut there Is little hope. I.oter. Physicians deny that Yer kes is dying and predict his ultimate retovcry. NOTICE Py request I have concluded to re main In Pendleton until January 4th and am open for engagements for palm reading parties any evening ex cept Friday. Persons desiring either clairvoyant or palm reading can consult me at rooms 1 and 2, Arlington, between 10 a. m. and 9 p. m. Your future is an open book to me. Madam Zazell , , s . - M ' A After a Divorce. Sioux Falls, S. D., Dec. 27. It Is learned today that Mrs. Robert Fttss slmmons arrived here Monday and engaged the services of a local attor ney to conduct a suit for divorce which she Intends to secure In this state when sho lias established a residence. Tuk-y Hurlcil Today. Chicago, Dec. 27. Judge Tuley. lean of the Chicago bench, was hurled today. The services were sim ple and private. Twnry-one Indicted. Cincinnati, Dec. 27. Tiventy-ono local dealers were today Indicted for alleged violation of the untl-trust law. MciCleilnn Sworn In. New York, Dec. 27. Mcl'llelan to day received his certificate of elec tion and was sworn In at noon. In Vlrclnla Over Sunday. Washington, Dec. 27. The presi dent expects to remain In Virginia un til Sunday. Son Wan llorn. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Mol itrom of Stage Gulch, a son. The most pleasant, safest and best remedy to use for Coughs, Colds. Croup, Whooping Cough, etc.. Is Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This remedy expels all cold from the sys tem by acting as a cathartic on the bowela Sold by Tallman ft Co. The first territorial fair Is In ses sion this week at Phoenix, Arlx., with an attendance of 6000 and an extreme A Square Deal for Square Dealers Ssuare Dealers, we taKO it. ar ethoae who try to give their cus tom rs goods that are "square" honest all through. If you are looking for usuful present for Christmas, and want a "square dear' aad also want to save 15 per cent, you ean get H at W. W. BRADLEY $1S HAST COl'KT STKKET. New and Second-Ilanil Furr.lti The BEST LAUNDR.Y If the Pendleton Steam Laundry is doing your work you are getting the best If you hnve never given us trial to show you how superior our work is, do so NOW. Only one kind of work done by our laundry, and that Is the best Pendleton Steam Laundry x 'Phone Main 170. FIS1LMAN A PKliillK, Propa ' ' jj ATTRACTS EVERYBODY It Is f: r.l with many Elcvtrkml Nov elites aad up-to-date Electrical Sup plies, Desk lamps ami fa my shade for lacBJuieaeeut lusiy nuikr imtciiI- Christnus Ciits All Hails for wiring attended to qulskly. Miniature laniM for (tirl-t-wmm tree) desoratloiM. J. L. VAUCHAN Pbose Main 139 132 West Court ly diversified exhibit