i : ! UAH MAt OftM)tiMIAM, Jburmft. OIWOON, &TrRU, DKCKMBEH Be, MM, xjoh i'aw, Your Health Depends On Your Kidneys j Every Reader Should Teat the Wonderful Merits of this Great New Discovery 4RVING'S BUCHU WAFERS IX you wish to be rich in health, you ihould be careful of your KID NETS as a good financier is of hli oash capital. Tour KIDNEYS are your capital Your healih depend principally on them. If you ketp THEM well you may possesa your health In safety. Now by thu U not meant that good financiering lor your health is to overlook all Hie other organs and merely look atter your KIDNEYS. Tour oth3r organs may need care, but your KiJJNKYS most because they do most. If you are sick begin with your KI'J.EVS, because Just as soon as they ure well, they will help all the other organs to health. For a great many years It has been the custom for people to say: "My Blood Is out of order, it needs puri fying. I feel all used up. my skin needs clearing, by Drain fools tired." They are right, but do they act risht? They generally go and get a laxative to purlfv their blood: but does blood run through the bowels? Science proves that all the purify ing that your blood needs, In fact all that can be done, must be done by your KIDNEYS. The KIDNEYS are filters. They strain and purify your blood. When your blood Is impure nothing can purify but your KID NEYS. When the KIDNEYS are clogged from overwork of any kind, worry, exposure or excesses, they can be set right by that wonderful new remedy known as IRVINQ'S BUCHU WAFERS. They are a small wafer and pleasant to take. They are not a patent medicine or secret romedy and the formula Is cheerfully fur nished to the numerous physicians who prescribe them in their practice, recognizing the efficiency of their, ln Kicdicnis. such as Buch, Juniper Ber ries. Asparagus, and other valuable r.nd purely vegetable extracts, which are so concentrated as to make them more than doublo their value. ' Price, 50 Cents per Box TALLMAN & CO., 623 MAIN STREET "iuii jiri;;lj UBkMafekattsBMaki PAINFUL PEPIOIS Life often seems too long to the woman who suf fers from painful periods. The eternal bearing down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness, griping, cramps and similar tortures are dreadful. To make life worth living, take arisaii Woman's Relief It quickly relieves inflammation, purifies and en riches the blood, strengthens the constitution and permanently cures all diseased conditions from which weak women suffer. It is matchless, marvelous, reliable. At all druggists' in $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, iri strictest confi den.' t, telling us a II your symptoms and trouble. We will send freeaJvlcs (in plain sealed envelope). Address: La dies' AJvijory Dept. , The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. "I SUFFERED GREATLY," writes Mrs. L. E. Clevenger, of Belle view, N. C, "at my monthly periods, all my life, but the first bottle of Car dui gave me underfill relief, and now i am In better health than I have been for a long time." FARMERS 4 A I i MEAT 18 DISEASED. TRmrXF BATS COUNTRY " Sherman County land for sale at Klondike Sta tion, Oregon. 480 acres at $25 per acre 800 acres at $25 per acre 320 acres at $25 per acre . 640 acres at $18 per acre This land is all in cultivation, has fine improve ments. For further particulars address H. E. SMITH, The Dalles, Ore. Country People Who Bring Freah Mont to Town to Sell for the Pur pose of Securing Funds for Clv-lst-innt Are Unjiwtly Condemned by tlte Tribune An Alleged "Butch er" It Quoted aa Blind. 1 Dross Injustice waa done to every former in Umatilla county in aii at tack by the Morning Tribune of .this city this morning. Preceding, the holidays small far mers and stockmen In different purts of the county butcher young animals from their herds and peddle outfhe freah meat In this city and the smal ler towns of the county. In many Instances this is one of the chief methods by which many fami lies of moderate meanse secure Christmas mcney and It Is just as le gitimate ns it is to sell apples, poul try, butter, eggs, potatoes or other farm products. Put true 'to Its usual tactics, the Tribune declares that meat brought In from the country Is diseased, thus creating " a prejudice against the country people who support Pendle ton and who find their only market for farm produce among Pendleton residents and business men. Without making a specific charge or naming the alleged guilty party It casts discredit upon every farmer who may hereafter haul a load of farm produce to this city. It Is extremely unjust to the sterling citizenship of the rural districts of Umatilla county ind will result In great harm to In nocent people who make a practlco of selling their produce in this city. Country people are entitled to the highest consideration from Pendletoi. for upon this great class Pendleton draws Its support and the East Ore gonlan takes this opportunity to de fend them against the wholesale im putation of the dishonesty and malic iousness charged by the Morning Tri bune. The article from the Tribune Is as follows: "Is diseased meat being sold by pri vate Individuals to residents of Pen dleton? "Local butchers declare that cer tain persons have, during the last few days been bringing meat of diseased milch cows to the city and peddling the article about the city. Several cases are known to butchers where such beef has been pawned off on Innocent buyers. ' "In speaking of the matter yester day a well known butcher said: These parties who have been selling Infer ior and diseased meat to citizens about town attempted to dispose of the same stuff to us. Upon examining the meat we found that It waa not up to re quirements, and that portions of It were actually diseased. The stuff was flatly rejected. Since then,- 1 understand the meat has been dis posed of to different persons about the city. The matter should be in vestigated by the proper authorities at once,' " If the ' well known butcher" men tioned by the Tribune knew that dis eased meat was brought to town, why did he not report the name to the authorities? There is a law against selling this sort of food. Why is the name of the "well known butcher" withheld by the Tribune? The charge la too serious and too much detrimental to the in- tereKts of highly desorving country people of Umatilla county to admit of any such wholesale accusation! It Is up to the Tribune to name the butcher who makes the charges and to name the party alleged to have been peddling diseased meat, or else admit that It has simply made a ma licious accusation against every farm er in the county. information which has reaohed Boise. The extant of the find la not now known, but It Is stated a good-tlstd vein has been uncovered, and that the formation of the ground Indicates a coal bed of considerable extent. The anthracite is found under a stratum of sandstone with a, layer of Igneous i rock above that, as Is always the case with anthracite coal, .do. It Is declared by those who are familiar with Pcnn-' sylvahla and other anthracite fields. ' The location of the Oregon find is on the Owyhee river, some 12 miles from the Short Line railroad. On tario would probably be the shipping point. If the find develops Into a commercial- proposition. Boise Statesman. 44444. 1 CLAIM 100 TEARS OLD. Grant County Man Receives n Surprise From Undo Sam. Ira Sproul of this city recently re ceived word from relatives in the east that the administrator of his grand father's estate has Just received a no tice of the settlement of a claim against the government after the same had been pending for more than a century, says the Blue Mountain Eagle of, Canyon City. It waa one of the many claims known as the French spoliation claims, the history of which may be familiar to some readers or the Blue Mountain Eagle. In 1796 France was Involved In a war with England and In turn for help given tho United States which enabled this country to gain Its Inde pendence, France expected the assist ance of this government, which was at that time not only young In years, but far from being the strong power that dte is today. The United States re fused to help France, and as a result for a short time American commerce suffered. Mr. Sproul's great-grandfather and 'its brothers owned a schooner which carried on a trade between Boston ind other N'ew England ports. Their vessel was among the many unfortu nate craft that fell a prey to French privateers. The United States secured from France Indemnity not only fn tho Sproul vessel, but for all American vejsels lost U their owners at thai tlmo and there the matter stopped. All efforts to secure tho payment of the claims from the United State failed until during President Cleve land's administration, when an order wns made authorizing the payment of the Sproul claim to the heirs of the estate. While the claim at one time amount ed to about 160,000, Mr. Sproul Bays that there arc so many descendants of his great-grandfather and his brothers that by the time the money Is appor tioned to all the heirs the amount received by each of them will be very small. Tho most remarkable feature of the Incident Is the speed which marked our own government In the final ad justment of the affair. Christmas Presents At Your Own Price AU ChWmware, Glasswtuc ana Crockery la aur department to be "sold at what K will bring, as wu nre closing uut the line. Don't forget te give aur grocery and bakery departments' a. call Really the beet In the elty. . . .... Fresh Nuts, Candies and Christ mas Baking C. ROHRMAN 393 FAST miTRT QTRFFT MAKING NEW YEAR CALLS Is an obligation of soolal require ments; It Is also an Imperative obli gation that every caller should pre sent an appearance of gentlemanly gentility. Our "latest" overcoats are Irreproachable In style and cut, and If you are In need of the best appearing, best fitting and best wearing cloth ing ynu can get them thoroughly guar anteed at Despain's Cash Store EAST COURT STREET. Opposite Golden Rule Hotel. TMAS TIliEN Leather's Transfer company, day nd night service. "Phone main 611. Cans Your Linen should be perfectly laendered II yea would look your beet on Clirlstma If l( is sent to us your linen will be ex actly as II should be; anowj white Bad Spotless We lake particular pains ta satisfy each customer with fine Laandrjr work and with accurate and aarefol headl ine and sorting of the elotUee. Pendleton Steam Laundry 'Phone Main II. FISHMAN ft PETERS, Prof. -eeeeee; Electric Lights They nre the best. They require no oil. ' They t ie tlie cheapest. Thi Klvc plenty of light. Thiv require mi cleaning. They lire always ready for ns. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. CORXER COURT A XT) GARDEN r1 You Do Up Ycir ririfc "We Do the Rest." : Wrap up your washables, let Us know what day each week to call for them and when you want them deliv ered at your door and dismiss the matter from your mind. Back they'll come laundered, fresh, sweet, soft or crisp as the case requires and alto gether to your liking. This laundry suits men, suits wqmen, suits every body. . , , ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Nothing will cure Indigestion that doesn't digest ths food Itself, and give the stomach rest. Tou can't expect that a weak stomach will regain Its strength and get well when It Is com pelled to do the full work that a sound stomach should do. Tou wouldn't yexpect a alck horse to get whell when It Is compelled to do a full day's work every day in the week. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a perfect dl geatant and digests the food regard less of the condition of your stom ach. Relieves Indigestion, Belching .Sour Stomach, and all stomach disor ders. Sold by Tallman A Ce. I Yakima Cannot Sell Bonds. I Up to date no bids have been r. celved for the $48,000 Issue authorit' ed by the voters of the city at a spec. lal election held on October 12. In the terms of the election proposition It was specified that the bonds should draw but 4 per cent Interest. This was done because It was thought that the state of Washington would tako up the bonds In case they were not bought by some bond company. The ctate, however, has troubles of Its own at the present time, and cannot buy any bonds. The bids, If any are received, are lo be opened at the regular meeting of the council on Monday night, Jan uary 1G. In case no bids are re. celved by that date matters will be left Just where they now stand. It is probable that another election will need to be called to vote on the prop osltlon of Issuing bonds at a higher rate of Interest If these cannot be disposed of. From present Indications It would appear that the council will have to arrange for another election. Eastern bond buyers object to the 4 per cent Interest rate as being too low when the I7-mlll tax levy Is con sldered. They say that 4 1-4 per cent t the least should be paid by the city of North Taklma em it bonds Taklraa Dally Republic.,. ... S$Hia ' Claims AT CLARK.' & CO.'S LEGAL BLANKS tloga of them. '. A foil supply always kept to stock. ' Anthrsctue la Mjalbenv, . , , , A vein d what la said to be excel lent aathracrte ecral has beea alscoV red in Malheur, etfuaty, Oregon, Jugt acVose the Idaso .IM. acwr'dlsB to Gift Givers find much in our line that makes presents that are the delight of receivers. This year we present to the people of Pendleton many especially valuable articles that are suitable for Ladies, Gentle men, Boys and Girls. Any of the following articles make a suitable Christmas Gift and one that will be appreciated: Wostenholm Carvers ag.oo, ta.iO, Bl.JS, 4.fi, W.oo, HM Assorted Carvers f.oo to Rogers Knives and Forks Sterling Silver Bolstered Knives and Forks 1 $.et) Rogers Berry Spoons 11.00, tl.J.5, ll.K), aj.M Rogers Tea and Table Spoons .. . . Pocket Knives from , ige to il.t Scissors and Shears, all styles and slses. ) Razors Henckel's and Cattarangus. . Coffee Percolators. f ' fs.ee, $!.&a - Hendee Ladles' flair Brushes., Hendee Military Hair Brushes Hendee Clothes Brushes ........... i l ' Hendee Horse 'Brush, appropriate for all horsemen. ' Hendee Floor Brushes for house use. . . . . $1.09 J.50 pal .... Il.ae WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR SHOWING ft y HARDWARE,. 6TOVE6, RANGES ; Phono f.TainI21 " 211 COURT; STREET: tn lWMnMIHIIIMI iee.eesessis e '