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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1905)
DAILY IM HIUIWi.MI. IHMWUII, ORBOOIf. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, IMS, ! AMONG THE EXCHANGES i OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Potlatcu Company Employs 2000 Men The Mirror Imagine that very fow people In the southern part of the county have any conception of the great activity that Ih being Known In the northern part of Latah county these perfect winter days. The Pot latch Lumber company In alono re sponsible and Ib' alone entitled to the credit for this condition of affairs. Their operations there are being car ried forward on a gigantic scale. A conservative estimate planes the num ber of men now In the employ of the Potlatch company In this county, at 2000. This lurga army of men Is employed In building the W. I. & M. railway, the stations, depots and sidetracks, the monstor dam at Pntlutch, the con struction of the large sawmills and yards at Potlatch, the erection of houses, business places and other structures In the now town of Pot latch as well us the hundreds of men employed In their lumbering camps. Moscow Mirror. Insane) Weuthor Olsarvcr. It was discovered yesterday upon his examination hy a physician, that Henry A. McNalty, who was appoint ed as weather observer at the Baker City station about two months ago, was Insane and he was Immediately placed In the custody of the county authorities for detention until It can be ascertained whether he has rela tives who wish to care for him or whether he should be commlttod to the state hospital for tho Insane. McNally camo to Buker City from Philadelphia, but has been In Panama previous to his residence In the Qua ker City and It Is believed that sick ness contracted there resulted In the derangement of his mind. He has been In the weather service for the past 18 years and was considered one of tho best observers In the depart ment. Ho Is & well educated man and for merly followed tho profession of a civil engineer. Baker City Herald. Ah to the noise Grand Jury. Inspired, evidently, by a belief that thero was something peculiar about former police administrations In the city of Boise, the grand Jury In the district court is pursuing a line of In vestigation which, while It may not result In Indictments, may neverthe less prove a fertllo source of Interest to tho members of the Jury. It Is known positively thnt the grand Jury Is endeavoring to find out If In for mer administrations there had been DAILY MARKET REPORT. Buying and felling Prices of Protfac In Pendleton. With the advent of the holiday sea son, anusual Interest centers In the retail markets. A a result, groceries, meat, fish and produce shops all carry large stocks lu anticipation of Thanks giving seeds. The following arteee are new entreat in Pendleton: Fruits. Apples, $1.46 per box. Cranberries, 16 2-3 cents per quart Oranges, 46 cents per dosen. Leanons, 35 cents per dozen. Bananas, 46 cents per doten. Ssapea, 60 cents per basket. Vegetables. Sweet potatoes, 5 cents per lb. Cabbage, 3 cents per lb. Parsnips, X 1-3 cents per lb. Turnips, 1 cents per lb. Celery, 66 cents per dos. Potatoes, $1.25 pe sack. Onions, $1.60 per sack. Butter and Eggs, Creamery butter, 70 to 75 cents ne toll. Country butter, 50 cents per roll. Fresh eggs, 40 certs per dosen. Case eggs, 35 cents per dosen. Miscellaneous. Sweet pickles, 80 cents per gallon. Sour pickles, 60 cents per gallon. Mince meat, 15 cents per lb. BXCl IiSIO.V TO CALIFORNIA. Under Auspices of tho Oregon Devel opment IjrnKiic Leaves Portland on SmmUh1 Train, Jnnuury 13. Secretary Tom Richardson, of the Oragnn Development league, Is very anxious that the state at large should be well represented on this excursion. The party, which will be composed of ladles and gentlemen, leaves Portland at midnight, January 13, 1906, stops being made at Sacramento, San Fran clsso, Palo Alto, San Jose, Paso Ro bles, Snnta Barbara and Los Angeles. Special entertnlnment will be accorded the party at these points. The rate from Portland will bo $63 for one person, which Includes three meals to be served on diner botween Portland and Sncramento, and Pu'l mnn berth to Los Angeles. A rato of $56 will be charged where two peo ple occupy a double berth. A deposit Is necessary on each ticket to secure reservation. Section reservations will be held until December 25th. This is aa excellent opportunity to visit Cali fornia, as the auspices under which It Is given Insures a most enjoyable out mg. The excursion Is to be run only provided that not less than 125 per sons make the trip. All communica tions In reference to reservations, and ta the trip In general, should be a t dressed to Mr. Tim Richardson, man age rPortlnnd Commercial club, Port land. Oregon. ' ' THE PORTLAND or PORTLAND. ORKQON. Amsrlran piss. Is per day and npwarr. Beariqiiertrra for tourists and commerrli travelers Hiwelal rates made to famlllw and ilnvlr gentlemen Tin manasaaon will be pleased at all tinea to ahow room and live prices. A modern Turkish ball ataoTlsbm&iit In the hotel. U. C. IKIWKRS. Manager money paid by gamblors to members of the police force for "protection," und Into whose hands this money wont. There Is a belief prevailing that the Jury has taken up or Intends to take up the matter of tho letting of sewer contracts, a subject that Is of very great Interest to tho general public. An IniDresslon also prevails that the accounts of he last city administra tion will be gone Into, It being inti mated that tho Jury will send for the hooks, wirti re said to disclose a remarkable atatA f affairs. Boise Statesman. City Levy of 16 Mills, Total tax levy of 16 mills was voted by the city council last night at its regular meeting, at which all coun cllmcn were present. The regular levy being 10 mills which cannot be exceeded, a special levy of six mills was also ordered. Upon the report of the finance com mittee showing that the sum of $13, 315.50 Is required as a result of the general levy and tho amount of tax able property Is It. 331, 155 the 10-mlll tax was ordered. It also being shown that the sum of $4,186.91 Is required for lights. $2800 for streot sprinkling, and $1000 for the public library, the additional levy was Imposed, making the total for that ordinance $7896.90. La Grande Observer. Did Not Have Leprosy. Considerable excttemont was caused here over the reonrt that Ling, an "Id Chinaman, was suffering from leprosy. Several residents filed a complaint ngnlnst the celestial and he was or dered examined. Drs. Stockton, Bhlnnlck and Campbell made a thor ough examination of the Chinaman and found that several sores n his face were due to a blood disease and that he was not affected with, the dreadful leprosy. He was discharged from custody upon the report of the physicians. Grangevllle Free Pres9. Gilliam County Htock Notes. Two hundred fifty head of stock cattle were driven Into Arlington last week and shipped to Baker 'City, where they are to be wintered. A. Smythe returned from Sunny side, Wash., a fow days ago. He Is feeding 6600 sheep there for the early spring market. A large band was driven from Arlington last week to go to the same place. Fred Is cheap er there than on this side of the river. Arlington Itecord. i Give cor unto wise counsel. Conl that Is ono-thlrd dirt, weigtu- a grout deal more to the scuttle and lasts much shorter tlnio tliau the good clean Conl - sell. If yon want the beat, our aVtsl fe- tlie kind for you. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. - Office, Pendleton Ice & Cold Hterogt company. -1'iioue i-alu 17. ! ' ' REX UUGGIES. Are well built and they alford th simplest, safest and moat luxurious means of conveyanse tor town e country use. Prices all In your favoi When you buy a wagon It's Jut' common business sense to look Zo the vehicle that will give you tbt most for your money. WINONA WAGONS, will prove an Investment and not ai expense. They are reasonable It price, they cost Utile to maintain, ar honestly built, and will stand th. strain of a heavy load. We look after the 'Interests of ou customers and they, are, protected b a shop well equipped with up-to-dat machinery: Neagle Bros. Blacksmiths ' ! RoslynCoal $6.50 deliv l ered, $6.O0at the shed I Rewlyn Ton I, after thorough exhaustive testa, baa been se a Irded by the U. S. government for the nse of Its war vessels, e aa It stood the highest test. a PROMPT DELIVERY. ROSLYN WOOP A COAL CO. S J PHONE MAIN !. f PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND SUR- geon. Offlco In Savings Bank building. DRS. SMITH ' DICK OFFICE Pendleton Savings Bank building. Telephones: Main 101; residence. Main 1591; barn, Red 581. DR. AMY CURRIN. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office. Room 6, new Schmidt block. Office hours, 1 to 5 p. m. 'Phone 514. Diseases of worn en and confinement cases. DR. R. B. RTNGO. PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Rooms t and 4 Schmidt bull iug. 'Phone, office, Main 523. 'Phone, residence. Main zj. DR. W. G. COLE, OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 flee in Judd building. Telephones: flee. Main 1371; residence, Main 1381. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of ftrA In Jnriri hulldlna. Teneohones Office, black 1411; residence, red 1133. DR. D. J. M'FAUL JUDD BLOCK. telephone Main 111; residence, black 141. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSI- clan and 8urgeoru Office In Hav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone. Main 1411: residence, Mam, 164L DR. LTNN K. BLAKESL.B7H. CHRO nln anil nerreu diseases and dls eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Caort streets, urrto 'phone Mala 11. X-Ray and elect ri TherapeurJes. DR. r VOLP P rSICIAi- AND Surgeon. Office la Association block, rooms 18-36. Day and night. Phone Main 667. OSTEOPATHS DRS. O. 8. A EVA Holslngton. Graduates, Klrksvllle schoel. Suite 10-11 Deapain block. 'Phone Red 1111. All disease treated. DENTISTS. DRS. COLLIER AY SWINBURNE Dentists. Smith-Crawford building DR. M. 8. KERN, DENTAL- 8UR- geon. Office, room 16 Judd build ing. 'Phone, black 1161. E. A. YAUGHAN. DENTIST. OF- floe In Judd balldlng. 'Pbooe red 1411. DR. T. H. WHIT3. DENTIST As sociation block. Telephone Main 166. VETERINARY BURGEONS. VETERINARY C. McNabb. drug store. SURGEON DR. D. Office at Tall man i T. J. LLOYD, D. V. S.. YETERINARY Surgeon anu Dentist. The only graduate veterinarian practicing In Pendleton. Office at Brock & McCo- mas' drug store. Residence telephone Main 131. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE No. 288. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordially invited to attend. Hall In Ragle block. Court st. -it Thomas Thompson, E. R.; H. C. Thompson, secretary. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 52 A. F. A A. M., meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. RANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton. Ore. Organized March 1. 1889. Capital, $100,000: surplua $100,000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice- president; J. A. Borie, cashier; J. W. Maloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATTONAL BANK OF PEN- dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits. $260,000.00. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. aiaaes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny, president; W. r. aiaiioes. vice-president; Q. M. Rice, cashier: George Hartman. Jr.. assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE na, Oregon. Capital. $50,000: sur plus and profits, $11,666. Inter est on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C.. Ad ams, president; T. J. Kirk, vice-president; F. 8. LeGrow. cashier- I M Kemp, assistant cashier. INSURANCE AND LAND BFKINKSS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES rename aDstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all klnrii nf nwl aaraU .1W. - eral brokerage business. Pays taxa mm uuuu-i investments ipr non-residents. Reference, any bank In Pen dleton. , JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER. Vlce-Pres. C. H. MARSH. See. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THI oldest and most reliable fire am accident Insurance companies, Offlo with Hartman Abstract. Co; r . . JOHN HAILEY, jn., U. ' 8. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made of land filings and proof. Insurance and collections. Oiflce in Judd Lulld- Ing, room 16. COMMISSION HOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO, DEAN Tatum, manager. Office at Pendle toa Ice 4 Cold Storage plant . Dealrtt in trult, vegetables and dairy products 'Phone Main 178. .. V PLUMBING. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. SAN I tary, 641 Main St. All work first-class. ..Best material used. Prompt service. . v gewer connections maaa, f none uain ill. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS ATrORNEYB. EL J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Taylor's hardware store Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE 1 Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY at Law. Office in Deepaln block. JOHN W. M'COURT ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith-Crawford block. CARTER, RALEY & RALEY, AT- torneys at Law. Office in Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AI Law. Office over Taylor's bard ware store. WINTER A COLLIER, LAWYERS Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. JOHN H. LAWREY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office, Savin. Bank buldlng. STILLMAN A PIERCE. ATTOR- neys at Law. Mr. SUllman has been admitted to practice in United States patent offices, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 11 and 13, Association block. GEORGE W. COUTTS, LATE CO UN ty Attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn Collections made. Room 17, Schmid block. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices In Deapain building, at head of stairs. & A. NEWBERRY, ATTORNBT AT Law. ornces In Association block Main street. DAN P. SMYTH B, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In Desftalo block. East Court street . CECIL R. WADH, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In East Oregonlan building. East Webb street O. W. PHELPS, DISTRICT ATTOR ney. Offices with John McCoart In Smith-Crawford block. ARCHITECTS AND RUILDERS. HOWARD aV SWINGLE, ARCHI tects and Architectural Engineers Practical and reliable plana and speci fications and thorough superintend ence of all kinds of building and con struction. Taylor Building, . corner nam ana w er streets. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT and Superintendent Room It JudJ building. Pendleton, Oregon. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. - Eotlmatos furnished on all ktnds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Estl mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Goodman cigar store. Main stre t. P. O- Box 104, LIVERY AND 1EED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. ALTA ST Carney & Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rlcs st all times. Cab line In connection. Phone Main 7ul. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTELL1 BROS., MARBLE and Granite works. UdnumMiia nf all descriptions. Ornamental and cut atone lui buildlnga.- D.xainlne . our work; 7y East Court street , BOARDING AND LODGING. ATHENA HOTEL LEADING Ho tel In the city. Il.uo and $1.50 per day. 11. P. Milien, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER N.L . MAN agement Uood meals and clean beds. It you come once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention iven to c imuerclal travelers. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Navln, propiletors. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADKR. FUNERAL DIHlv tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College ,of Em balmlng. Corner Main and Web streets. 'Phone Main 130i. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER A FOLSOM. FUNERAL Di rectors Bud licensed embalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone Main 76. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE. CHINESE ..LAUNDRY- iiiaii. runii:y wasning a specialty. All work done bv hand, and flrat. class. Goods called for and delivered 408 Court street. SCAVENGE!' WHITNER & OV1 MAN WTT.T. T tend to your scavenger work nrf sweep your chimneys. Headquarters flt Cloodmsn's clpnr store. SFCOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLK, DEALER IN SECONP hand goods.' If there Is anything you need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No 13 Court street. W NTETJ TO1 BUT YOUR SEC-onj-hsnd poods. ' Graham A Hunt er, st old Busier stand. ENGRAVED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS etc, - Very ' latest styles. Leave or 1er at East Oregonlan office. I.ICIfSKD ArCTTONKER. WM. F. YOHNKAi. AUCTIONEER Cries poollc am private sales of al kinds. - Commission reasonable. Post office box 666. ''' 1 " ' ' rVR BALK. ; ' " 440 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 mile north of Athena, at $40 an acre. Terms., Craighead A Hayes, FOR SALE--A SPAN OF HALTEP broke driving hor a. AddIv tr Mrs. -Bv Cunningham, or at Dutck uenry f eed Yard. WANTED. SALESMAN WANTED CASH AD- vanced weekly; good territory earn outfit free. Some are making $166 tr $150 per month. Why not yoaT Ad dress Washington Nursery Comeanv Toppenlsh, Washington. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS, SUCH as help wanted; rooms or housue for rent; second-hand goods for sale. In fact, any want you want to gei filled, the East Oregonlan wanta youi want ad. Rates: Three lines on time, 15 cents; two times. 26 cents six times, 45 cents. Five lines one time, 25 cents; two times, 85 cants six times, 76 cents. Count six wordr to the line. Send your classified ad to the office or mall to the East Ore gonlan, enclosing sliver or stamps t" cover the ameunt WANTED A WELL EDUCATE!: yoang man wanta position as clerk LAddresa W. L. Jones, Box 171, Pilot noes, uregon. FOR RENT. NICK, NEW, LIGHT HOUSE KEE P- ing roams to rent; and rooms with or without board. Call at E. O. osflca MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON AMUSEMENT PAR lore, H. H. Williams, Prop., base ment of Hendricks building. Games and amusements nf all kinds. Open all day and evening. Music every evening. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY Write as for big bargains la the Harst Automatic Switch A Signal company's stock before switch gees o road. Regular price $5.76. Our prloe much lower. How can we do It? -We have more shares than we can eea venlently carry and must sacrifice ta raise cash in order to meet paynaeart on property we are buying. W. J. Curtis, 216 Commercial Block, Pert land, Oregon. " - . . t- PENDLETON IRON ' WORKS RE pair werk on all kinds of machines structural Iron work and - machine castings. Junction of Court and A.ia streets. Marlon Jack, Pres.; W, L Zieger. Mgr. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magaslnet or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAN the net publisher's price of the publi cation you desire, and we will have it sent you and assume all the risk of the money being .oat In the malls. It will save you both trouble and risk If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent rrom tne publish er's Tirlee. Address EAST OREGON IAN PUB. CO.. Pendleton Oregon. NOTICE OF SETTLTMBNT. To Wh om It May Concern: ' Havlnv ..j an, disposed of the gres'vi rUon Qf my .Jntorexta and noi'iin,,., in Umatilla and Morrow Counties, I am now desirous of set tling up All" accounts, -' demands. claims and controversies tot every kind and character, existing between me and any person or persons whom soever! and I hereby notify any and all persona, Individuals, partners er corporations who have any claims, demands or unsettled business of any kind or. character against me or with me, to present the same to me at th office of Charles ' Ha llton. la Pen dleton, Oregon, for Immediate 'settle ment and adjustment, within sixty (60) days from this date. All claims, demands, disputes or controversies so presented, will receive my attention and prompt adjustment. All disputes, controversies and contentions not so' presented for adjustment within six ty (60, days from this date, will be by me deemed and considered settled and adjusted. . Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, thte 7th day of December. 1005. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM." Formerly Dealer In Blooded 8heep. o Get The Best j I Good I Dry Wood and Z ROCK SPUING COAL rhe Coal that gives the most J lient. I PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS j Leave orders at llrnntnga' cigar store, Opp. Peoples ware- limine. , " v I 'Phone Main 6 eea-ee4ea.-eeeeeeee CHICHilbTER'S cr.'CISH PILLS ii iit.l. : AI-'K. .l".t rrliuMf t.4lla. hak lrirri fur ril (I'll I IS I s-! It'S l''M(:I.I6aH 'jA,B IGI I .i'1 turom butye wl wun iituerierHKi. i nkr miotnrr. nit mm nrtruu MiloJllMtlnim ltd lap! it tlimn Uuj of junr Itiugfl! tr 4. 16. Uslpa lHlflllHP, l'tnalsBlttll6 ud"ltr1ll rr I. l It , t.isr, hj r. Isirtl UalL lO.IMHI T.-stlrnoBlhla. Hold bt ftll ( lata. 4'htrlivt4-r4'li4mlMlCa. 9im Msv4Um ttsjMsar. I'UILA 14, ocott's Saittal-Pepsin Capsule; POSITIVE CURE For Trflkiitnatlon of 0tr of tb Uladdta-- and i)uebr.i EldnTB. IC j onn &o pr Cnret qntokiy tUhl Wraia nct-dy ib wtnt oMts ci JWonorrhtsayist) and .xM. ro BuKVrrof rxm loi(r tUni Intr. ALwolutalT OsarutlrMi 8uld by drurrinU. Wtc. 9) 00, or by mail. potptd I lit). .1 hrt -l TR V.fljD'1' SANTAL-PEPSIH CO. "IPiLFstOMTAINB. OHlA- imOCK ft M'COMAR CO., VrugxiA "EN AND WOMEN, IIHKS r nif 4)3 for Qont-tarftl 4le'-r.a.vra.ntlUUlkliuQI, trrUatcnt or uicnrt(uitf of diucuus tueuibrinen Iir.ts dJ not uttM 6( to IIT1C In,. ,.OT' '"J V 6-" arfBllU. ItM Kiel auwuii m. Xai I JbSfO il C fl. sF W V ad UNION PACIFIC TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tourist Sleepers dally to Omaha and rrtllraVA tnn wind -t a a 1 1 Iran- saa City; through Pullman tourist mping cars (personally conaaateai weekly to Chicago; reclining ehalr cars (seats free) to the East dally. TIME SCIIEDUI K FROM TON. EABTBOUND. Ne. 1. Oi eago Special, arrive 6 14 m.; depa-t, 6:46 p. sa. No. 6. Mail A Express, arrives 4:86 m.; departs, 6 a, - 138TBOUND. No. 1. Portlaa Rnfti-lal a-ia a. m.; departs, 8:60 a. m. ne. t. Mall A P.ipreaa, arrtvaa 11 m.; departs, 11 p. m. SPOKANE DmSION. Ne. 7, Pendleton passenger, arrives 16 . SB. NV 8. Snekaa ti . 9 m. --r- WALLA WALLA BRANCH. ffrteHal MPnlv mrwtmmm l.ii m.: departs 6:46 p. si. Morning train connects with Ne. 1. Evening train cennecta witM NO. I. No. 7 connects with Ne. 1. OCEAN AND RTTFR SCTTEDULB ITOM rU KTLAMD, AH aalHng date rabjeets te ahangj. Far saa Franetace every are days. SNAKE "RIVER. Rssaria. an Twiaaoa t di -t. dell, except Saturday, 4:65 a. aa. Leave Law tats dairy, except Frl- t . C SMITH. Agent Pendleten ' ' .' : -t;-.-.jr!i mt'he'r YOU WILL BE SATISFIED . WITH TOSH MCRNET It year tickets read over the Das- ver and Rio Grande railroad, the BECAUSE .,. There, are ae mariy scenic' attractions and pomts of Interest along , the Una between Ogden and" Denver that tba trip never becomes tiresome. '' ' ' ''" 1 '""R "rf-a If you are going east, write tor in formation and get a pretty book thai will tell you all aboat It . Hv.rtt M'BRIDK, General Agent,1'' 196 Third Street. Portland, Oregon w . -. -' - -. Vr- RUNS PULLMAN SI.EIPING C,'.!UI ELEGANT DININO CARU u , TOURIST SLKEPING CAli . " ' , ST. PAUL -- '-a MINNEAPOLIS-51 DULUTH FARGO TO I GRAND FORK J- CROOK8TON WINNIPEQ HELENA and RIITTK ' ": ' l'--" THROUGH TICKETS ' TO " A CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA ,.l ,J NEW YORK ; BOSTON ., u , And ail points East and. oUtW- Throngb tU'kru to Jaoan aad China, via I Tacoma and Northern PaWHc" eTaasikS . Co. aad Asierlcaa ltBa,j.- ltu . '" TIME I EbJ2. -fl 'Trains leave 'FendleOo "tiany el?tl'," Sunday at 6 p. nt -,--"i a v-a 'o ; For farther loformatlon, tltae cars maps and tickets, call on or arrlai M. Adaou, PendletoB, Oregon, or ' .A. D. CHARLTON I Third aad Verrlsoa 8ta., fortlssd, Oi i Washington & Columbia River; Railroad Chicago, St. Panl, St. Lonls, Kanaa City, St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Portland and Pelnu ' on the Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. il:lt p. m. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:16 a m. Leave at 6 p. m. dally. Leave Walla Walla 6:, 6 p. m. lot east Arrive Walla Walla it la n. .root west. for Informatloa regarding rates aat accoatsjodatloas. rail oa or address ; W. ADAMS, Agaat, Peadletoa. Otis') 8. B. CALDERHKAD, O. P. A., Walls Walla. Wsiaiagtoa.