WN PAGES. DAILY EAST OBERONIAN, PENDLETON. OIIEOON, FRIDAY, DECEMRETrX IS, IfM. pass aamor. Only Three Days More of Toy Buying Thursday, Friday and Saturday ALL MECHANICAL TOYS AND DOLLS AT HALF-PRICE Doll Carriages, Go Carts, Wagons, Pianos, Blocks, Wheelbarrows, Chairs, Banks and a a thousand other things that will make the children happy at prices that are right. Lee Teutsch's Department Store PERSONAL MENTION CITY BREVITIES Carpets Rader Carpets. Ruder Furniture Rader. The Delta, tlw home of sweets. Humane Harneea a amley'a A dandy trade we have had, thank you. Hamley. Get next to Hamley, he knowa how to treat you light An up-to-date cottage for rent Call 'phone red 1791. Now located In Pondleton at Boeto Store -Shoo repalier. Carload of novelties for Christmas at Graham ft Hunter'. Price reductions, Incorporation sale Boston store, bent ever. Pendleton Business College Is In dorsed by business men. John Oagen'e Family liquor store. Court St., opposite Golden itule hotel Leather's Transfer company, day and night service. 'Phone main Ell. Headatrom A Qreenawald, shoe makers at Teutsch's Department store Anything you want In the way of artistic furniture at Graham ft Hunt er'e. For Rent Store or office room In brick building. Inquire at Hotel Ku George. For Sale Complete works Charles Level and Bulwer Lytton. Inquire at this office Buy a Pianola for your piano. Easy terms. Ellers Piano House, 81J Main street For fine shoe repairing, see Green awald A Headatrom at Teutsch's De partment store. Shoes repaired while you wait by Greenawald ft Headatrom at Teatacb's Department Store. First-class licensed stationary engi neer wishes position at once. En quire at this office. Get your wifo a fine rocker for Christmas. Beautiful assortment al Graham ft Hunter's. Did you see tho carload of new goods unloaded at Ornham ft Hunt er's, for the Chrlntmaa trade. The Incorporation sale of the Boston tore Is bona fldo. Ynu will Bee th reductions In prices very plainly. Hinging birds for Christmas pres ents, fine Gorman warblers for sale at 107 Jane street 'Phone Red 2912. Four cords of split wood for sale; and seven-room house near Pondleton . academy for rent Also, I want a res idence lot east of Main stroet; must be cheap. Ira Dumber, 15 Association block. Croup, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc., have no terrors for child ren or adults who evacuate the bowels with Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This remedy expels all cold from the system and strengthens the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes. The Orig inal Laxative Cough Syrup and Liquid Cold Cure. Sold by Tallman ft Co. U C Rader. Nuf set.. , Rader Carpets Rader. Christmas candles at The Delta, We use the best California oak leather at Hamley'a. Magnificent assortment of bonbon boxes at The Delta. For Rent Furnished cottage. Ap ply to J. M. Bentley. When In Portland stop at the Hotel Oregon. Kates 1 1 per day and up ward. European plan. Free 'bus. For Sale Eighty tons choice second cutting alfalfa, near town. Apply to D. IT. Hunter, or 'phone Main 646. The mission of 'Early Risers" Is to clear the way and give nature full sway. These famous little pills rid the stomach and bowels of all putrid mat ter, tnus removing the causes of headache, constipation, sallow com plexion, etc DeWitt's Little Early Kisers never gripe or sicken. A safe, pleasant perfect pill. Sold by Tall man ft Co. DKYIj VOIl THE HOWARD TRACT XvgotiulioiiM l'Hin a llnn ol J10U0 Valuation. It Is currently repo d that a deal is pending between Mirnr w. K T.'t. lock and James A. Howard for the purchase of the lattor's tract of land lying on the north side nf tin. riunr Tho Ftrlp extends along tho bank of me waiters mlllrace between the Main street brldra and the irriinn.i.. of the Pendleton academy. However, It Is said that the trade will not be flnolly closed until the return of Mayor Matlock from Salem. Four thousand dollars Is understood to he the price agreed upon. Tortnro of a Preacher. The story of the tortsre ef Rev. O. D. Moore, pnstor of the Baptist church ef Harpersvllle, N. T., will interest you. He says: "I saffercd agonies, beeaure of a persistent cough, resu.tlng frora the grip. I had to sleep sitting up In bed. I tried many remedies, without relief. until I took Dr. King's New Dlscavery tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and saved me from consumption." A grand care for diseased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At Tallman ft Co. I id Brock ft McComas, druggists. Price ttc and !., guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Elks to Give a Dance. Pendleton lodge of Elks will give a dance on Friday evening, December 28, at Eagles' hall. HIrIi School Dance Tonight The high school club will rlva lis regular dancing party at Music hall this evening. Mining and lumber Interests all over Idaho ere greatly disappointed In the amount of snowfall up to thla time In the mountain districts. We have had some exclusive llneB of holiday goods each year since we have been in businessln Pendleton, and this year is no ex ception to the rule. Be sure and see our one before you buy. KOEPPEN BRO.'S Popular Priced Drug Store J. A. Conklln haa been here today from Echo. B. L, Sheridan haa been In' the city today from Echo. Mr. and Mrs. William Gillette, of Echo, have been visitors here today. B. F. McCullough. of Echo, has been In the city today on a short bus iness trip. Colonel J. H. Raley left lasty night for Portland, where he will attend to legal business. Alvin Jones has gone to La Grande to spend the holidays with hla mother, Mrs. E. A. Jones. A. Zeuske leaves tonight for Cold Springs, where he will spend the hol idays with relatives. Herbert Boylen the well known Pi lot Rock sheepman, haa been here on a short visit today. J. W. Allen, of Corvallls, arrived here this morglng and has been a visitor during the day. C. P. Gearhard, of Walla Walla, came over from that place last even ing and has been here today. George Bentley, who has been In the city for several days, left this morning for his home near Athena. Alger Fee, who haa been 111 at hla home for several weeks, Is Bllghtly Improved and Is now able to leave his bed. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reed, of Heppner, have been visiting In the city toduy. having arrived last even ing. Itev. B. H. Richards, of Cambridge, Idaho, arrived from there last night and will fill an appointment here to morrow, Mr. and Mra J. A. Carlson, of Ka mela, will spend the holidays In this city the guests of Mr. and Mra Bert Huffman. L. R. Stlnaon, grand K. of R. 8. In the Knights of Pythias, left last night for Portland after having passed yes terday in this city. Pete Grant. O. R. ft N. rood master of the La Grande division, , passed through this morning to Walla Walla, on a brief business trip. Seth Lockwood, a student at Whit man college, passed through hare last evening on hla way to Helix to spend the vacation at hla home. Mr. and Mrs. Qua Hill, of Pendle ton, arrived In the city last night for a few days' visit with Baker City friends. Baker City Herald. James Hill, the well known Whit man college student and athlete, arriv ed last evening to visit with his rela tives here during the Christmas vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raymond and family, and Miss eva Hodder will leave tonight for Helix where they will spend Christmas at the Raymond country homo. Dr. Lynn K. Blukeslee left for Port laud this afternoon to consult an eyi specialist concerning an ailment which huH attacked one of his eyes recently. He expects to return to morrow night. H. J. RtJllman, of Pendleton, crack shot of the Northwest Sportsmen's as sociation, nrrlved In the city thla morning to attend the hearing of the Gold Coin mine case in the circuit court tomorrow. Mr. Stillman Install ed the stamp mill at the Gold Coin. Uuker City Herald. Rev. J. M. Cornellson, Presbyterian minister on the Umatilla reservation. is in the city this afternoon on a trad ing and business trip. The telephone line which has recently been extended to the resrvatlon Is now connected and the Presbyterian mission has di rect communication with the city. HOLIDAY HINTS Both Useful and Ornamental CHRISTMAS TREK SUNDAY. Amwnprlaw Kxrrcisew at Firm Con- grcgntloiuU Church. Christmas will be appropriately ob served by the First Congregational church, mention of which was Inad vertently left out of the Christmas an nouncements yesterday. . On Sunday mornlns at 10:30 a Christmas sermon will be preached by Rov. Richard Brown, acting pastor, the subject to be: "Wonderful, Won derful." At 7:30 the Christmas exercises ac- compnnlcd by the Christmas tree, will be enjoyed nnd at tho close of the ex ercises a series of Interesting illustrat ed pictures showing scenes In th, early life of Christ will be presented by Rev. Brown by the old of the ster- eoptlcon. A departure from the regular order will be observed by the Congregation al Sunday school this year. Each class will give something to the others, In stead of receiving gifts from others as usual. All are cordially Invited to attend these exercises. TWO HlTMMtliU ACRES SOLD. Heirs Dlxpow of Protierty Valued at $15,000 to Fred Stein. Two hundred acres of farming land In tho vicinity of of Milton, have lust been sold for the sum of 216,000. The land was that belonging to the heirs of Slrah Masterson and lies close to the state line. It was sold o Fred Stein. Aged Indian Woman Dcnd. Obi. or We-o-luks, a highly respect ed Umatilla Indian woman, died near the agency yesterday evening and this afternoon was burled at the Presby terian mission on the reservation. Rev. J. M. Cornellson conducting the services. She was a faithful Chris tian, having been a member of the Indian Presbyterian church for years. She was mother-in-law of Billy Craig. the well known Indian. 1906 Purses. . Koeppen Brothers are showing an elegant line of ladles' purses and hand bags the correct 190 purses for ladies. Come look; bring your friends. Furniture Rader Furniture. f0JAUS HEAD Men SUITS OVERCOATS TRUNKS BAGS SUIT CASES NECKTIES SUSPENDERS PAJAMAS FANCY SHIRTS FANCY DRAWERS SILK 'KERCHIEFS LIN EN KERCHIEFS FANCY SOX DRESSING GOWNS LOUNGING ROBES HOUSE COATS SHOES HATS STETSON AND OTHERS CAPS FANCY VESTS WATCH FOBS CUFF BUTTONS COLLAR BUTTONS GLOVES KID GLOVES WOOL UMBRELLAS MUFFLERS SLIPPERS Children CLOTHING FOR BOYS DRESSES FOR GIRLS SHOES FOR BOTH AND TOYS WITHOUT END FUR SETS KID GLOVES warm: GLOVES SLIPPERS -UMBRELLAS wit Women SILK DRESS WAIST PATTERN SHOES SLIPPERS LACE DRESSES SILK nosE WOOL HOSE FANCY DOSE SILK VESTS UNDERWEAR CORSETS HOSE SUPPORTERS NECKWEAR ' RIBBONS PILLOW TOPS TAILOR-MADE SUIT SILK W.ATST SILT PciTlCOATS LACt WAISTS MILLINERY SATIN E PETTICOATS KIMONAS SHORT KIMONAS LONG PAJAMAS-SILK WRAPPERS COATS FOR STREET COATS FOR RAIN COATS FOR COLD FUR BOAS FUR COLLARETTES FUR MUFFS FUR NECKWEAR DRESS SKIRTS' WALKING SKIRTS SCARF PINS TRUNKS SUIT CASES BAGS FOR SHOPPING BAGS FOR TRAVEL SOUVENIR PLATES SOUVENIR DISHES UMBRELLAS House JIAVILAND CHH7A IN WHITE CHINA WITn GILT DECORATION AND CHINA GREEN ' -AND GILT CHINA HANDSOME AND CHINA GOOD ROGER'S TEASPOONS ROGER'S KNIVES . . ' ROGER'S FORKS SOUVENIR CUPS with man scnooL ' HOSPITAL AND INDIAN TENTS . ON EAOn ONE PENDLETON ROBES r PENDLETON BLANKETS . COTTON COMFORTS SILKALINE COMFORTS EIDERDOWN COMFORTS TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS PORTIERES LACE CURTAINS PILLOW SnAMS DOYLIES SIDEBOARD SCARFS TOWELS TABLE LINENS LAMPS DRESSER SCARFS HANDKERCHIEFS KID GLOVES FOR DRESS FOR STREET FOR PARTIES WOOL GLOVES The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TRADE MAY BURN OIL. O. K. ft N. Rngtncs Running Between (Portland and Umatilla, May Ho Cluinired. If storage tanks for fuel oil can be secured in Allilna, It is possible that the 00 engines In service on the O. R. & N. between Portland and Umatilla maye be changed Into oil burners soon, anyway, as an experiment. However, there Is no possibility of the engines used on the Blue moun tains being converted Into oil burners, la the opinion of railroad men, on ac count of the necessity of running with light fires down tho mountains, which would be detrimental to boilers with oil fires. The cost of changing a coal burner to an nil burner Is about J1000. and It would require a year to change the 60 engines on the Umatllla-Portland divisions. Administrator Appealed. Tom Scott administrator of the es tate of William Kuents, has taken an appeal to the circuit court from the le. lslon recently given In the case by County Judge Bean. The decision was unfavorable to Scott, and the pa pers for the appeal were filed today hv Halley A Lowell and James A, Fa Are you still undecided what to give for Christmas? Why not give jewelry? It Is close to the heart of everyone and nothing could be snore . appropriate and lusting. Jewelry is not necessarily an expensive gift Our experience of over nine years In Pendleton has gained for us the distinction of being the quality store, and made us famous for really worthy goods at the lowest possible prices. Our display of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Silver ware, Clocks, Fancy Umbrellas and the newest noveltlea In our Una was never larger or more varied than this season. Come In nnd see our display. LOUIS HUNZIKER Jeweler Baby Rings, solid gold KOe a - ap Ladles' Watches, gold filled $13.00 u d up 1847 Roger's Knives and Forks, ( knives and t forks, per aet..9S.M For sale at tho East OrpRonian office Large bundles of newt papers, containing over 100 big papers, can be had for 25e a bundle.