iiah t hat omcnnwiAiv, pNflrm.KTn. oirpnov. mrnAY, ofxtrmiucii , iuoa. e e e e e e ee ee ee e e L (Dih)QB stipes ieS"&flOIDS For the Following Week Carving Sets Nickle Plated Ware Chafing Dishes Silverware Pocket Knive Sissort Razors Air Rifles Shotguns, Rifles, Hunting Coats. Infact numer ous articles which are useful and pleasing The Taylor Hardware Company If Lumber and Dollars have any connection In your mind you should find out what we can d for you. We can furnish you with th finest grained, kiln dried Lumber foi Interior work; with sound heavy tlm bers for all building purposes, etc. At amazingly fine stock of Pine. Fir, etc Also mill work f every description. Oregon Lumber Yard Near Court. House Pendleton Oregon. 'Phone Mnln 8. STATE FAIR MAY GET FORESTRY BUILDING Salem, Deo. 11. The state board of agriculture held another session yes terday and finished up the business of the annual meeting. The premium list for exhibits to be made by counties was left the same as for the 1104 fair, as follows: First prise 1300 Second price Third prise . Fourth prise Fifth prise . Sixth prize . Seventh prize Eighth prize 100 To this they added a department for Individual exhibits of farm products, with three prizes, $75 for the first, 60 for the second and 125 for the third. In addition to this It Is hoped to obtain from manufacturers some articles of farm and household use to be given the successful exhibitors In addition to the cash prize. Secretary Durbln expects to have the entire premium list revised, print ed and ready for circulation by Feb ruary 1 nt the outside, and have the race program finished also, so that everybody interested may receive early Information. The secretary's salary for the year was fixed at $75 a month and he expects to- give almost his en tire time to the Interests of the fair. One of the most Important matters to Salem which came before the board yesterday, was a proposition made by Electric Lights They are the beat. They require no oil. They are Hie cheapest. They give plenty of Unlit. They require no cleaning. Tliey are always ready for use. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. CORNEIt COCRT AND GARDEN 81 1 What Santa Claus Says about our laundry work Is the opinion of one who has years and experience to back him, therefore it "goes," and you will find as he has, that we keep our promises, treat our customers right and clean and do up their line In a style Irreproachable for neatness and finish. ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDR.Y 160 100 160 100 100 100 Hon. J. H. Albert In the following communication: "Owing to the failure of the city of Portland and of the Historical so ciety of Oregon to meet the require ments of the law authorizing I lie Lewis and Clark commission to, In Its discre tion, deliver to them the forestry building erected by the Bald commis sion upon the Lewis and Clark exposi tion grounds, I suggest that steps be taken by your board to have the unique building taken down and mov ed to the state fair grounds to con stitute with Its contents a permanent state forestry exhibit. "If placed near and facing the Southern Pacific railroad track It would be an attraction which might be deemed so profitable to the South ern Pacific company as to Induce them to give materlul encouragement to the enterprise. Indeed, by co-operation on the part of your board, the Southern Pacific company and the Lewis and Clark commission, I believe Its removal can be accomplished." A committee consisting of President Downing, W. F. Matlock and Frank Lee was appointed to take the mat ter up with the railroad company and the Lewis and Clark people and ascer tain the probable cost of moving and rebuilding the structure, also to as certain If the owners of the ground upon which It stands will allow It to remain htere Until the next session of the legislature, when it may be pos sible to obtain an appropriation to carry out the project. nJMk stomach mm lilted Mad I For Women ! ul all ogee there is no safer or mora reliable remadj than the Hitters. It has been used by women all over the world for over SO years and hundreds of them have testified to Its goodness. If you suffer from any al'ment peculiar to your sex get Hostetter'o Stomach Bitters at once, und b made well again. It has never naaii known to lull In casu of Impoverished Blood. Monthly IrrtiiiiliulUea or DUziiuw, Vomiting, Cramp. Back ache. Nervous Headache, Bleeplaaa ncm. OMlhuniM, Iiulim miou, Dyspep sia or Colds. Don't fail to try a bottle totluj . Delay only make a cute so much harder. lour aruggist win wuvvu you with the genuine with our Private Stamp over the neck. RANGE IS DIVIDED. Amicable Settlement Between Sheen men and Cattle Men. Contrary to the predictions of many the division of the range In the We naha forest reserve between the sheep and cattle interests was not attended by any serious disagreement. An amicable understanding litis , been reached and the committee of : 2 appointed to divide the range has reproted to the chief ranger as follows: To the Hon. Supervisor and Ranger In Charge: "We beg to submit the attached re-; ports of the actions of the committee j by Its various sub-committees on the matter of apportioning the range 1 within tho Wenaha reserve between.: the sheepmen and cattle men. 'We have In the various sub-com mittees called In the stockmen Inter ested In said reserve and acted as nearly and properly according to the i respective Interests as It Is possible for us to do. We have apportioned every portion of the reserve among the men and the arrangements In most Instances meets the general approval of all . concerned. We, , as you may know, have had a hard time In agree ing, but have eventually done so. "We find that there has been ranged during the past year on the entire re serve to the number of 276,980 sheep and It Is deemed advisable to range for the coming year 200,000, that the general average taken throughout the reserve of the Increase of lands Is 82 1-2 per cent. "We further find that during the past year there has been ranged on the reserve 18.608 cattle and recom mend that 18,750 head be allowed In the reserve for the comnlg season. "We have In a general way desig nated on a map, which we file here with, the lines between the sheep and cattle ranges, but, owing to the lnac curacies of the maps at the disposal of the committee, as well as a lack of knowledge of the country by sections, township and ranges, we have deemed It advisable and necessary to particu larly describe In this report In full the entire reserve as apportioned Tho report la duly made a part here of and attached hereto. "We think the committee was com posed of representative men who are acquainted with tho entire reserve and we have acted throughout with a spirit of fairness between the rival stock Interests, and as well have taken Into consideration the betterment of j the range, all the committee have I recommended less stock that hns i been grazing on the reserve. We ap- ! nrehend that tho reserve Is the one salvation of the livestock business In this country and we bespeak the men we represent In saying that we shall do all In our imiver to assist In pro tecting the rantre. "H. C. BRTSOX, Chairman. "E. L. ROUTH, Secretary." Petrified Fore. Elmer Forshay's corps of surveyors ran Into a petrified forest last week while making the survey for the South Side ditch. Some beautiful specimens were found of agatlte wood some had the gleam of opals, others resempled oynx. and from one glis tened brilliant red and green and pur ple, says the Emmett (Idaho) Index. Through nearly all the specimens there runs a vein of Jet black, closely resembling polished ebony. One large piece was brought In that had the appearance of a decayed log, but It was so hard that a hammer was nec essary to break It. The grain of the wood and even the knots could be plainly seen. The petrifications were found In a gulch about half a mile couth of the West fruit farm, east of town. am Zazell !! Palmist and Clairvoyant World's greatest exponent of FORTUNE TELL ING and PALMISTRY. Four years consellor to the court of Belgium. This wonderful woman stands to day the peer of all in her profession. Location of lost articles, friends, etc., her specialty. Consult her on business and love affairs, divorces and marriages. This wonderful woman carries letters and testimonials from prominent people from all over the United States. She Never Fails. The Future an Open Book to Her SHE IS IN PENDLETON AT THE ARLINGTON DEC. 22 to 27 Inc. Salt Against O. R. & S. Attorney C. E. Norton yesnrdnv filed a suit In the circuit court of this county In behalf of Eden Drown against George McCabe and the O. n. & X. to recover 16248, aliened to be due for goods, wares, n'erchandlsc and labor, performed at the Instance of and for the benefit of tho defendants, Baker City Democrat. The Isthmian canal commission has purchased 646,000 pounds of blasting powder and 618,600 pounds of dyna mite, 30.000,000 feet of lumber, 120 locomotives, guinea pigs and white mice, wooden legs of assorted sizes, Bibles and playing cards. The pigs and white mice are for medicinal experiments. DON'T FAIL TO. SEE HER im FR.AZER THEATRE K. J. Taylor, . Lcmco and Mgr. E. W. Parker, Resident Mgr. 4 Nights Commencing . SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24th Meva, Harper A Derrick, preseai MISS GEORGIA HARPER and supporting COMPANY In some of the Latest and Best Productions. Seattle P. I. says: "Best popular priced company In the west." Portland Oregonlan says: "Played to capacity every perform ance." Seats on sale at Brock A McComas1 Saturday. Dee. It, at 10 a. m. Price J5e, S6e and tOc. ........ .....e......e....ee....ee Holiday Offerings by Brock ($ McComas Co. The time is ripe for good goods at city prices. We offer both. All New 1 905 Stock -Nothing left over from last year. The liberal patronage we have received during the year will be receprocated in liberal prices for your Holiday purchases Decorated China French an dliavarlan Ware 1005 designs and coloring Plates, Cake Plates. Platters, small Dishes, Cups and Baucers, CTsam and Sugars. Comports, etc., ranging price from 50c to $3 50 each All new mock Special Price Toilet and Manicure Sets Usually sold at 0 per cent higher prices. For young and old. 1905 stock. New and Clean. From $1.50 to $10.00 each REAL CUT GLASS Water Carafes Water Pitchers Water Glasses Punch Bowls Vaees Berry Dishes Trult Di.il Comports Celery Trays Spoon Trays Candle Sticks Rutter Dls'ae Fruit Dlshss Card Trays This Glass Is frem the Bergen firm, (whe cut glass for Tlf faayi). Every piece a diamond of the latest cut Cut Glass Is a sw line with us and our low prices will Intro duce this, tho best line la America. Perfumes Fine odors from the best perfumers, In plain and fancy bottles from 25c to $ 1 0.00 each Cameras Make an Instructive and entertaining gift. We have thera from Eastman, the Kodak Man, from $1.00 to $10.00 each Leather Goods Hand Bags, Purses, Music Rolls, Roll Up Toilet Seta, Collar and Cuff Boxes, etc 1906 stock. Quality and Price Right Cigars V We have a few boxes et good cigars . far kellday trade. niiing them Isaportea Forte Klaaas, die klad tkat good smokers pick, at $2.00 r box. Faaey Cigar Jars, Leather Cigar Cae.s "quite the thlag." Terra Cotta Bronzes Consisting of Busts, Allegorical and Historical Figures, Yassa, etc. Artistic and pleasing decorations. Price fresa $1.50 to $1.00 each Framed Pastels In light and dark wood frames. $3.00 to $6.00 each Good subjects and desirable decorations. Lowney's Candies t For Christmas, will arrive December tOth, fresh from Boston. ' We offer you fresh stock In plain and fancy boxes, filled with choice ehoool.tes, etc., from 35c to $6.00 per package. Fountain Pens Meeaey, Ceaklla, Marshall, Watsrsaaa. Useful reseats te stu seats aad ether. $1. to $10.00 each IV ADDITION TO TBI ABOVE WE ARE SHOWING FANCT ATOMXEMS, VACE8, BOXEsV BKCBM9, PLAIN AX1 EirV, AND A VARIETY OF KIAI& WAHCS TsTAT Witt FXJLAMst, XX HJGIf TENRrCTN TRIPLICATE MIKROKI. FAXOT BOX STATION- purer Tiirt tear at BROCK & M'COMAS Co. The Old Reliable Prescription Druggists. aeeee... ................... ......a..o.. ....((.. ....(... .n..t.i..M...f...itti..t.....t....i.t4f..i.f..tt..v.irv.n.rr....f..sit.....tf.t..i..t...... ' .