'iMiMitu.M.t,,.',,,. -.'..V..',".1-' " "" ' 1 V'''.::-i'-'-i' ivanftmm mt-.t;.,t .,,,.,.. ... 'TITO pav. dumk jQwiAW. inymjgrow. orboon. fhujay, ukckmheh an. iww. PAflH nvsT" si-jssxisssiisttssissssxsssssrsssisirsrrrsriissxj Jii25ixissi2ri:ii::irririi:irit .............................. ' "" "................................................. ! Greet!; QirasteiSis ; Sale Firaitw THREE DAYS OF REDUCED PRICES THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Oar magnificent stock of FurruLure, the largest, the most, select, the newest, and the best in Eastern Oregon will be offered for Three Days at of 15 per. cent on every article in the store. We carry Furniture and Carpets of a higher grade than any store in Pendleton and are showing goods in all lines that nave never before been carried here. a Reduction Artlttlo n.w c win the admlratlo.. China Closets stent that can be teen y u of nil who crII. our ttor. Somt to Bed Room Liiiia FREE! FREE! FREE! A REAT'TIFCL FRAMED PICTURE, SIZE 18X20 INCHE9. FREE W1T1I EVERY $5 Pl'RCUASF. MADE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. A collection that In not equalled In Oregon outside of Portland. Over t( different stylet awult you to choose from. In all finishes and woods. We have those beautiful Napoleon style suits. Tabounetts Those pretty little Tubouittts are as useful as they are ornamental. They are shown In golden oak, weathered oak and mahogany. Parlor Tables FTom th. hsury hand-curved to the lighter styles. In beautiful golden ak. weathered oak and ninhognny. I'nusually large line to ehoose from. To match all rooms. Suitable to find a place In any home. In all woods nd finished In golden oak. maht gany and weathered oak. Dining Room Furniture In this line we have kept ulneust of other lines and have u magni ficent showing of Tables. SMeh iards and Chairs, In sets or can be select ed separately. You will see nil I he brightest and newest Ideas In our showing. . Writing Desks We are displaying a fine line of writing desks for ladles and geh ti.men. They make perfect holiday gift. Golden oak. weathered oak and blrdseye maple. Some have bevel plate mirrors. Build Up the Home In Hiving gifis. use Judgment and selett articles that will add to the pleasure of the receiver ami Improve the appearance of the home. Some thing that will be use! til nnd ornumental. Home should he first In the minds of all members of the family, and presents should be selected accordingly. f... M 8 ' " Rocke,rs t j i ; ) it. 1 I WE ARE SHOWING OVER 150 DIF FERENT STYI.E ROCKERS. FROM THE MASSIVE, HEAVY LEATHER FINISHED OAK ROCKER TO THE MODEST PIAIV CHAIR. WE ARE ROWING THEM IN EVERY DESIGN' AND PATTERN THAT ARE IN VOGCK THIS SEASON" REDUCED PRICES OX EVERY ROCKER IN THE IIOFSE PEKING THIS CHRISTMAS SALE. , THIS ROCKER FOR $1.75. Morris Chairs A number In golden oak, built solidly at a rock, elaborate In design of different styles to select from. The cushions are reversible. Keep your husband at home by making him comfortable. Music Cabinets Make highly prized gifts for musicians choose from. We hive a fine select line . In golden oak, weathered .ak and mahogany finish, leaded or cathe- dial glass doors, plain or swell front. These elegant pieces of furniture . would be-highly appreciated as a gift. -u ' BUFFETS Iron Beds Over 7& ilifforent style b?ds to cliooe from. Sofas, Lounges and Davenports ' Right In s'.yle. right In make, right in finish, j mice nnd-rlwht In price. Carpet Department magnificent In appear' J In this department we show the hlRhest grade carpets, fancy rugs In superabundance, -curtains, portlers, etc. Ostermoor Mattresses Helpful Hints pleas Hure are's some (t.ual the Ostermoor; J15 any place In the United States. Only store In Pendleton that handles the genuine Ostermore mattress, ;j In our store ve have soni-thin ihe mattress that Is recognized as the one great and satisfactory mattress.; I helpful suggestions for glfi givers there is none "Just as good." Imitators have failed In their attempts to :i Pictures, framed or unfrnmed. Pictures Framed end Unframed. Umbrella Stands n - . Hall Racks, Glasscock's Baby Jumpers and Walkers r arlor Chairs , ! Mirrors, all sizes and shapes, Hat Seats, Dressing laDies, corner t-tiairs, jasies, t ancy screens Chamber Sets, Reed Parlor Suits, the latest thing out To match all rooms, suitable to find a place in any home. In all woods and finished in golden oak, mahogany and weathered Oak. ' ; HOLIDAY FURNISHERS BBAKEI. t & FfflLSfffiia HOLIDAY FURNISHERS A. LIFE IN THE ISLANDS AMERICAN ENERGY IS TRANSFORMING HAWAII. F. V. Carter, Formerly of Seattle, Tells of the IndiiMrles on Hawaiian GroupWill ExiHTlment With Wheat Sugar Can Principal Crop American Cnttlc, Sheep and Horses In Gootl Dcnumil. F. W. Carter nrrlved Tuesday morn ing from Seattle nnd will leave to night for the coast shortly to leave for his home In the Hawaiian Islands, says the Yakima Republic. Mr. Car ter la In America to secure a shipment of cattle, sheep and horses which he will take back to the Islands to place on his ranch there. "I am located on what is known as the Parker ranch there," said Mr. Carter. "It contains 2760 acres und Is stocked with 30,000 head of cattle, 2000 horses and 0000 sheep. All of the stock It used by the people of the Islands and there Is a good market. "I went to the Islands from Seattle In 1804. It Is nn excellent country for the stock business, but very poor as a farming country. I have seen whole acres of potatoes destroyed In a night by the black blight. It makes the fields of potatoes look as If a mighty flame had swept over and blackened the crop. The country Is very arid. There It a mountain there 14,000 feet high without n spring or any sign of water on II. "The natives nnd whites meet on an equal social plane. There It but little of race prejudice. The only time that It It evident It at the elections. The Itlsnds are now divided Into counties and we are governed by a legislature and governor appointed by the pres ident Election times are very hot over there and the government Is very good. The preponderance of the bal lot Is with the nntl'-es, all of whom - mny vote, being cltl7ns of the United States, "There are a large number of lodget In the Islands and the fraternity spirit It very active. The Odd Fellowt and Matonlc lodget there are the oldest wett of the Rocky mountalna, being established long before lodget of these order! were started nn the coast of thlt country. "I Ilk the country very much and find the lift there pleasant and tnjoy ahlt, but It seems mighty good to get baek to the ttatet and se. those whom I kntfw tnd know and fe.l that I am ttl with 'MUt own people.' "Sugar It ta. main erop In th. coun try. In (aat you night say it It the ta.kboi. erf trad. In ttia Islands. The nst arovd and modern machinery la U. world fr making sugar It to be ftutd ta th. lalaada, I believe the tkea of manutaaturlnf sugar In vogue ta.r. it ta. bv la th. world. The susar Is nil mails from cane, there being no sugar beets grown. "The Islands are becoming every year more and more of a stopping place for tourists. The volcano Kll auea Is a great attraction for tourists, who make it a point to stop off when gnlng to nnd from the orient. "I would not advise nny young man to go to the Islands with the Intention of going Into the farming business. The seasons there are very unsettled and farming Is not a success. When It rains It rains heavily, but for nine months nut of the year there Is no rain nt nil. We are cnrrylng on ex periments now to determine what are the crops and the kind of grain best adapted to the country. "I will take a small amount of wheat bark with me and try It and If It Is successful we will Import a quantity from the states and grow It in the Islands. I understand that macaroni wheat has been a good pro ducer when sown In the arid lands In the Moxee. If It will grow there I should think It would do so In the Islands. I am told that the wheat goes 40 bushels to the acre In the Moxee arid lands." NEARLY 300 STUDENTS. Oregon University Enjoying a Large Enrollment Eugene. Dec. 22. When the Uni versity of Oregon closed Its doors for the Christmas vacation, the registrar's hooks showed nn enrollment of 298. exclusive of the departments of music, law, medicine, etc. This Is an Increase of 15 per cent over the total enrollment of last year, and Is the largest enrollment, counting students of actual college rank. In Ihe history of the university. y As there will be a large number of freshmen at the opening of the sec ond semester, February 10, It Is ex pected thai the enrollment for the year will reach the 3S0 mark The Good Old Way. A severe cold or attack of In grippe Is like a fire, the sooner you combat It the hotter your chances are to over power It. But few mothers In this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old-fashioned reliable treatment such ns would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Doschee's German Syrup, which was always llborally used In connection with the home treatment of colds and Is still In grenter house hold favor than any known remedy. Put even without the application of the old-fashioned aids C.ermsn Syrup will cur. a severe cold In quick time. It will, cure colds In children or grown people. It relieves the congested or gans, allays the Irritation, and effect ively stops the cough. Any child will take It. It Is 'Invaluable la a house hold of children. Trial size bottle. IBc; regular size. "8c. Tor ssl. by Tallmtn Co. At Demon's Turkeys, ducks, t;, chick. tnd oysters. TRUST GANNDTRULE SUGAR nEET GROWERS oept Iho Trust's Dictates They Feed Effort of the Trust to Force the Price Down Meets Willi Hitter Opposition Refore Colorado Growers WHI Ac cept the Tnist'9 Dictates They Feed Their Reots to Cnttle. Unless the suirar trust shows a wil lingness to be fairer to the farmers of the slate it may have difficulty In supplying its factories with raw ma terial, says tho Denver Post. State Senator W. A. Drake, a delegate to the Colorado Sugar Reet Growers' associ ation, which Is holding Its convention nt the Chamber of Commerce, says that he will feed his sugar beets to his stock unless the sugar trust Is wil ling to pay at least J6 a ton, flat rate. "Cattle fed on sugar beets gain three pounds a day," said Senator Drake. "When such results can be obtained, and they cannot be obtained with nny other food, there Is no use selling our beets for less than 15 a ton. We can make at least 15 a ton on the beets by selling them In beef." Wiiiuh IleeiH Grown at $1.50 n Ton. The sugar trust Is working to low.ir the price of beets to 11.50 a ton. The trust will save 1120.000 annually If It tan force tho price of beets 60 cents lower. This Is the golden egg the sugar trust Is trying to get possession of by crying for the maintenance of the tariff on sugar from Cuba and the Philippines. The second and perhaps last day session of the beet growers of the state wan a lively one. Most of the work devolved upon committees. The committee on nominations and the committee on "new contracts" were the busiest. The nomination committer agreed to recommend the selection of a mnn from the northern part of the state ns president In place of William B. Kbbert, of Rocky Ford', the acting president. Tho commute found much good timber for the office, but It was snld this morning that It would go to either Slate Senator W. A. Drake, or J. S. McClelland, both of Fort Collins. R. Q. Tenny, of Fort Collins, will In all probability be elected tecretary of the permanent organisation. The "contracts" committee ran against fame snags. A majority fa vored a fiat rats of IB a ton for beets, regardleft or the quantity of augsr In them. Some of th. committee want ed more than 16. On. of th diffi culties met with Is that many of the farmers In the Arkansas valley have contracts extending until 19X0, and It win be impossible to bresk them un less the sugir faetorlet content. The contracts call for a parentage basis in th. payment for th. beet, ad for taut ratom a flat rat doMld not at present he ""ade to apply' to' the crops of those having long con-! J tracts with the companies. i . The question of asking the sugar j J factories to furnish seed at 10 cents . a pound Instead of at 15 Cents a pound, as at present, was also taken upj by the contracts committee. A ma jority agreed that 10 cents Is enough. Nothing will cure indigestion that doesn't digest the food Itself, and give the stomnch rest. You can't expect that a weak stomach will regain .Its strength and get well when It Is com pelled to do the full work that a sound stomach should do. You wouldn't yexpect a sick horse to get whcll when It is compelled to do a full day's work every day In the week. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is a perfect dl geslant and digests th. food regard less of th. condition of your stum ach. Relieves Indigestion, B.Iching. Sour Stomach, and all stomach disor ders. Sold by Tallman & Co. I Charles Faas, n wealth)' bank di rector and brewer, was set upon In broad daylight by footpads Just out side the door of his home In West 113th street. New York, and robbed of $5000 In Jewelry and cash. He was badly hurt. The robbers escaped. Rough skin and cracked hands are not only cured by DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, but an occasional appli cation will keep the skin soft nnd smooth. Rest for Eczema, Cuts Hums, Bolls, etc. The genuine De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve affords Im mediate relief In all forms of Blind. Hleedlng, Itching and Protruding Piles. Sold by Tallman A Co. At Demon's. Hnnanss. oranges, apples and lem- Chafing Dishes Silver Table Cutlery Numerous articles that make splendid presents Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. HARDWARE PLUMBING 643 Main Street The Best Christmas Gift An Improved PHONOGRAPH A Th. playing sad singing Is as saturnl as though tb. .at.rtatn.ra w.r. right ln'your sitting room. An entiie evening's enjorm.nt. as- lusW.ly for. you. and your family an. I Invited eompany. The present of a VICTOR, COl.UMBl or BDISON, will . a teurc. of pleasure for yearj Machine tvoni $. t. flM.M each; tad I.BOt Records to seleat from. J A. OWENHOUSE DISTRIBUTOR. WITH EILERS PIANO HOUSE 8 IS MAIX STRICT.