.!-M.ll. .... Mi Hm'f ltil .li.ir r - rff ' - "Trill TEN PACTS. 0 B. M. O. . EST MATTRKSX OX EARTH i its nun ii', It's eoverd with finest art tick, You'll find if impervious to moist , r, The very best one you can pick. M APJS, filled with the finet silk floss Of dollars fifteen is the. price, It's edge the imperial roll You'll find no mattress so nice. NLY lo be found at Rader's It weighs hut thirty-five pounds ; It's one-third lighter than cotton Though put within the same bounds. E ' A(!JLI one of you ought to know That this beautiful mattress of worth Is guaranteed to give satisfaction So its called the Best Mattress On Earth. (First prize.) B. R. STURM, WILL I? I WILL 1 wish I'd money in the bank, ' I wish I had the dough ; I'd join the eager, anxious throng And down to Rader's go. I've got to buy a mattress Before they take a raise, For they never will be cheaper Since the people's got the craze. And shall I upend my money now To get that famous bed ? Or sleep on shoddy all my life. And be laughed at when I'm dead? It fills n weary want of man, The wife w'ill say, "Wf sed." P.. M. 0. E. we talk about Is the Tosra of a bed. GEO. W. HANXA. BEST MATRESS ON EARTH to-wit: You Can Lie and Rely On It M1 ' UCII has been written on Hattrcsxex fine. new one now comes and falls into line. Jader's Silk Floss on tile market appears, And removes from the mind all doubts and fcara. Delicious, soft India fibre, not hair or wool, Expressly desiirned to givo comfort the full. R efuse to let dealers o'er your eyes tho wool pull. (Second prize.) P. SAVILLE. B. M. O. E. FOR ALL Young maiden listen to me, And I'll put this in your head : Wed no man upon this earth Without a silk floss bed. Young man, if you should marry, You'll have no peace through life Unless you buy B. M. O. E. To please your loving wife. Old mpids may now be happy And lay hot bottles by; They'll sleep warmly on this mattress Until the day they die. We send messages by telephone, For that's the style of late; But Rader's Silk Floss Mattress Is just as up-to-date. (Third prize.) GEO. W. I ANNA. For the Best Mattress On Earth U C - T 'fir 1 liiV1 mmi , . ,n , ' DAILY fcAfrf OttfiHOOVIAN, PENDLETON, Ultras Oi WHY? QECAUSE it is made from pure silk floss, some times called capock, which is a vegetable pro duct, therefore pure and sanitary in it's natural state. Because it is felted into one bat by the only process known for silk floss, weighs but 35 pounds although it has the same bulk as 50 pounds of the finest felted cotton, thereby mak ing it one-third Iiehter to handle and it is con sequently more elastic and is guaranteed to retain its elasticity longer than the best felted cotton. It is covered with finest heavy art tick and mad3 with Imperial Stitched Roll Edge, thus iPJLHTS this mattress to retain its shape. pje-hiltt,hej cost of the best curled hair but mare saiitary, aid will retain batter shape.) GUAR.AN TEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED BEST MATTR CSS ON EARTH MY call is for attend ion As I show this fiituo as bed. Remember it's tho latest And will alwuys bo ahead. Dwny fibre brough ,t from India, Every rival puts to flight; Ready for inspecti on Since none but it is -right. May the sale be 'ay weight AH the thirty-fi'e pounds, Take it felted, tuko it filled, Take it tied uik'i bo(und: Remember the jric j is right Each B. M. 0. E. I say" Should bring in en sh before night, Svino fifteen dolhu -s today. Gib. W. II AM N A. The MA ID and BATCH The nights are cnl d and very hleak, And as the. old maid lies down to sleep, She shivers and s,he shakes her head: "Oh, if I had a Silk Floss Bed I" The batch in bis ca bin is happy and gay . As bo on his Silk Floss Mattress lay. lie is old, but I think he will sts.nd tho storm,. With a 15. M. O. E. to keep him warm. The whole can never hnlf bo said When epeaking of a Silk Flf ss Bed. Now if you don't believe it so, Some one will shortly let yo u know. There aro storms without a nd storms within, But of all I dread are thVie within. Tho Silk Floss Mattress is tho one to fill The words once spoken "pt acc be still." MRS. G. 5 :. TOWNSEXD. n.,..fci. -a i mil n nt aaM ... ' OREGON, TUESDAY, DF.CEMBEK 10, 105. rev. Impervious to moisture and livens like feathers in sunshine. SHE SLEPT Old Aunt Josie was bothered for sleep, Although (deeping on a bed of down ; . Said she ached from her head to her feet Until she could hardly hobble around. At last her neighbors asked her to look At a B. M. O. E., only at Rader's found, Filled with silk floss, sometimes called capock, A third lighter than cotton in pounds. She got one on trial to use for a week; Impervious to moisture, with imperial roll edge. So well was she pleased, so sound did she sleep That she went and paid Rader, true to her pledge. GUY STRATTON. The MATTRESS FOR ME I'va slept on many mattresses And some 1 thought were fine ; But at last my fortune led me To try another kind. 'Twas -Rader's Silk Floss Mattress, Known as the B. M. O. E., , You can't find if you should try, ' t i One half so warm to be. ."'.., : Now, the nights are very cold And still will colder be; But if you own a Silk Floss Bod, Sweet comfort you will see. The Silk Floss Mattress stands alone; It leaves all others far at sea. Yes, they struck the right key note When "they named it B. M. 0. E. MRS. G. E. TOWNSEXD. ,fm - .mimim...,,.... i. ,, fcfci , ., . . ii PAGZ FTTB. B. M. O. E. VS. BROMO We've often heard of quinine As a cure for human ills, But Rader's Silk Floss Mattress Will beat the bromo pills. For the handy weight thirty-five, The cost is just fifteen, And the good it does in a case of grip Is very plainly seen. Some dealers that we know Will soon bemoan their fate; They're loaded down with mattresses That are not up-to-date. GEO. W. HANNA. MAY'S MATTRESS Hello Tommy! What's the matter? Have you and May fell out? Ha! Ha! I it a Silk Floss Mattress That, all this fuss is about ? Well, May got her mattress, A Silk Floss you may know, And I tell you if she hadn't There'd been trouble here below. Young man, just think of a home, And in it a Silk Floss Bed, Forget you ever wanted to roam, Then .happiness follows instead. MRS. G. E. TOWNSEXD. SHAKESPEAR ON B. M. O. E. De cendants of Shakespeare Have tfeen working, it's said, To help Mr. Kader While airing his bed. That this bed's a success, Is plain to be seen: Just watch for yourself The deliveryman's team. If Shakespeare should come back And hear the poems read, He'd see he wasn t in it, And go back to join the dead. GEO. W. HANNA. AWOKE WITH A KISS Drop in as you are passing by And see the new B. M. 0. E. ; Its price you will not reckon high When you perceive its quality. It was upon such M. as this That beauty slept a hundred years, And only wakened with a kiss So from the legend it appears. Now Rader sells B. M. 0. E.'s; Call in and see a sample. He's anxious all his friends to please, And his supply is ample. F. S. WARNER. MAID and MATTRESS Come listen gentle maiden, To what has oft been said; You are apt to sleep for life Just as yon make your bed. Young maiden, listen to me: Now the chances are yon 11 wed; Condemn the man as shoddy That can't buy a Silk Floss Bed. Said a mother to her daughter, Though in poverty you wed, I'll see to it, my darling That von get a Silk Floss Bed. : GEO'. W. HANNA. I'LL NOT LEAVE B. M. O. E. I just got here from Portland, Maine; I know I was nearly dead : I thought I'd entered heaven When I got in a Silk Floss Bed. My mind is bent on roving, Yet I'd hate to be misled, And emigrate to heaven And leave a Silk Floss Bed. GEO. W. nANNA. The Furniture and Carpet Man