DAILY MAST ORE GQNIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1005. TEN PAGES. ............. ........................... ! e PO MURDER TMA I'Ol" I. PLAY SUSPECTED FOR GEORGE GEORGE. For !the Following Week Carving Sets Nickle Plated Ware Chafing Dishes Silverware Pocket Knives Sissors Razors Air Rifles Shotguns, Rifles, Hunting Coats. Infact numer ous articles which are useful and pleasing TEe Taylor Hardware Company i Now Is the Time TO BUY YOUR APPLES FOR. CHRISTMAS We have a supply of Mountain Reds, at $1.75 the box. Also some extra fancy Spy's, Parmains, Spitzenbergs, Baldwins and Red-Cheek Pippins. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. FTRST TEAM AT BASKET BALL. Commercial Team Will Issue a Chal lenge After the Holidays. Soon after Christmas a first team will be selected from the basket ball players of the Commercial association gymnasium. This team will then rep resent the association In any games than can be arranged with adjoining towns. For some time past Manager Tom Milarkey has been corresponding with other places with a view to secur ing games. It Is hoped to have games with Baker City, La Grande, and Walla Walla. Also', there Is a possi bility of meeting some Portland team. Next Wednesday evening the two games postponed from last week will be played In the gymnasium. In order "to allow ample time for the store peo ple to attend, the games will not be called until 8 o'clock. BAPTISTS IN SESSION. Eastern Oregon Rally Now In Progress at Ok- First ItuptJit Church. Delegates from practically all the Baptist churches In eastern Oregon are In session In this city In the as sociations I rally which will continue tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night Rev. George T. Ellis of Athena, Christmas Gifts For the Children Make yourself happy by mak Ing the children happy. Better come at once if you haven't yet purchased for them. We carry a full line of toys and, dolls. The assortment Includes trains, tool chests, blocks. games, guns, toy horses, pictures, chins dolls and wax dolls, dressed and undressed, with cloth or kid bodies. Also a large lot of Bisque and China heads. We are selling oar Toy-, etc at a discount. So save money by baying here. Tallman & Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Rev. W. H. Gibson of La Grande, Rev. Harry Secor of Baker City, Rev. H. Wyse Jones, evangelist. Rev. Leonard W. Riley and Rev. G. L. Hall, pastor of the Pendleton church, ai-9 among the ministers present at tha meeting besides lay delegates. The session opened at 10:30 this forenoon with a business meeting, and continued this afternoon according to the program printed in the East Ore gonlan on Saturday. "Progressive Evangelism." by Rev. Secor of Baker City, and "The Personal Touch and Personal Word," by Rev. W. H. Gib son of La Grande, were the leading addresses of the afternoon session. Both of these addresses were followed by discussion. Tonight at 7;30 an Interesting ses sion will be held and all are cordially Invited to attend. Special music by a select choir will be a feature of the evening session and Riv. George T. Ellis of Athena, will conduct an evan gelistic service at 8:16. The meeting will continue tomorrow and tomorrow night. On tomorrow evening a special evangelistic service will be conducted by Rev. H. Wyse Jones, who recenly held n successful series of meeting in this city. All are cordially Invited to attend the meet ing. Especial attention is called to the evening BCBSions to be held. Splotches of Blood Found on Hie Bed Which the Missing Man Occupied When at Home, and Several Buck shot Found .on the Floor George Has Been Mi-wing Four Days Hunting for Trulls with Blood hounds George Was the Object of III Will From Several Different Dl-riH-llon. Frcewater, Or., Dec. 19. (Special to the East Oregonlan.) For four duys George George, the Freewater rai.cher, who recently horsewhipped Will Williams on finding him riding in a buggy In company with Mrs. George, has been missing, nnd fron facts learned today It Is thought he has been murdered. This forenoon the sheriff of Walla Walla county went to George's house, between this place and Walla Walla and made an investigation of the premise Splotches of blood were found on the bed occupied by the missing man, and on the floor several buckshot were found.. There Is a suspicion Unit the buckshot was lost from a slung-shot probably used upon George while he lay In bed, and that after being mur dered his body was secreted by the murderer. Immediately after the above evi dences of foul play were discovered, the sheriff secured two of the blood hounds fro mthe penitentiary for use in locating the body and trucking the assailant. However, up to this time the senrch has been unrewarded. Ever since the 'sudden disappearance of Ceorge four days ago, there has been much speculation among neigh bors concerning him. When last seen he was In a morose frame of mind over the troubles In his family. Con sequently, there was a suspicion that he had killed himself or had left the country. However, with the discovery of the evidence of foul play, the sui cide theory has nearly been abandon ed, and It is now thought by officers and others that George was murdered. Considerable trouble is said to have existed between -George and Williams over alleged attentions paid Mrs. Georse by the latter. The climax of the affair was reached several weeks ago .vhen George found his wife and Wllllamp riding towards Walla Walla In a busgy and then beat him severely with a horsewhip. Thereupon he told Williams to get back Into the buggy and directed Mrs. George to drive him 10 me nospuni in waiia walla. This the woman did. Since the whipping episode, George and his wife have lived apart, so It Is said, and the man has ,been brooding considerably over the trouble. Should It prove that George was re ally murdered, suspicion may bo fast ened upon some parties who are In terested In a certain criminal case now pending at Walla Walla. George Is said to have been a witness against the parties In the case, and that without his evidence a conviction could not be had. Consequently It may develop that he was put out of the way to pre vent his appearance In the case. How ever, so far all efforts have been dl rected towards finding the body of trie missing man and thus settling the question regarding his death. A. O. IT. W. Elects Officers. The following officers have been elected for the coming term by Viola Lolge No. 114, A. O. U. W.: G. W. In lex. master workman; G. W, Itt.-ves. foreman; S. A. Newberry, iv. i.iLcr; C. 1'. Davis, reporter; J. E. I learn, financier; J. M. Bentley, re celver; Glenn Rowlund, scribe. NATURE SPARE8 The strlckea IUwe Fram Grief. What a fortunate provision of nature It is, that deprives the rose of mental suffering; for how poignant would be its grief to discover. In the height of Its blooming glory, that a canker fed at its heart, and that Its beauty and fragrance were doomed forever. Nature always spares the suffering; she is a veritable store-house of pleasing rewards, for those who seek her aid. In the years gone by falling hair and grayness have cast a gloom over the live, of thousands of young women, but thanks to the ln vestlgations of scientists the true cause of hair destruction Is now known to be a germ or parasite that burrows into the - hair follicles. .Newbro's Herplclde absolutely destroys this germ, thus permitting th. hair to grow as na tur. Intended. Sold by leading drug gists. Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to in. uerpiciae co, Detroit. Mioh. A. C. Koeppen It Bros., special agents When w say Interest we mean that we will not only pay you some thing every six months for tha money you put for safety In the savings department of the bank, but we will also take an Interest In yoar business, be a friend In need, vouch for your standing, and In every way strive to give you safety, promptness and courtesy. Commercial National Bank Pendleton, Oregon DATES ARE APPORTIONED. All Week Day Night Contracted for the Eagles' Hall. Now that the new EagleR' building Is completed and dedicated, the dif ferent lodges that have secured the hall for meeting purposes will soon move their paraphernalia and begin their meetings there. On Monday nights the Woodmen of the World will have the hall, the Red men on Tuesdays, the Knights of Pythias on Wednesdays, the Elks on Thursdays, and the Eagles on Fridays, Saturday nights will be leaned to Messrs. Gulott, Burroughs and Mllar ky for dancing purposes. Weekly meetings will be held by every lodge meeting In the new hall. CATTLE SHIPPED FROM ECHO. Two Hundred Head Are Sent to Paget Sound Market. County Stock Inspector Frank Rack has Just returned from Echo, where he inspected 200 head of fat cattle which were shipped to Puget Sound markets yesterday. One hundred head of the onttle were shipped to the Frye-Bruhn company at Seattle and 50 head to the Tacoma Meat company ,nt Tncoma. e e e e e e e e e s s e e e s e e s s e e e s s e e e e e e s e e e i e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e t e. e e e e s e e e ee In the Happy mm Where You Can Secure Presents For the Folks Too Old For Toys LIGHT STItOKE OF PARALYSIS. Attending Physician Regard Recov ery an Certain. Mrs. E. D. Turner, of 811 East Court street, Is suffering from a stroke of paralysis which affects her left side, She received the stroke several days ago, and since that time has been un able to use most of the muscles of her left side. However, tho doctor attend ing states that the attack will wear off after a few weeks and the patient re cover. For Christmas Dinners. Pupils of Pendleton academy are re. quested to bring their penny, potato and apple to be donated to the Sal vatlon Army for the free Christmas dinner to Pendleton poor, on Wednes day, since the academy will dismiss on Wednesday evening until after hol idays. The collection will be made by the officers of the Salvation Army. The donations for this purpose will be taken on Thursday by scholars of the public schools. The headquarters of the office of the assistant superintendent of the Washington division of the O. R. ft N. have been p-moved from Tckon to Starbuck. Smoking Jackets . Neckwear Will keep the man homo nights If received as a Qf tho season's colorings. Just the nowest shades. Christmas token of love. Lounging Robes, too. tones and shapes. $4.50, $5.40, $(i.50, $10.00 10c, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Cloves Hankerchiefs Are always acceptable, and good ones especially so. . , .. . , . . Of the Initial kind, also silk linen and cambric. Therefore Dent s Ilusmo and all the good kind at Special Xmas boxes; also combined, present the 75C, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 holiday aspect Monday, December 25th, Christmas The Holidays are IMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday " They say we have a fine line of Respectable colors In Fancy Vests Fancy Hosiery In addition to the white kind. Look these over Always appeal to the 'men folks. Their feet will Hit -i O.l i !!. 1 foel "'- ln ,lne Hoso- $1 ..(), $2..0, $3.o0. r 25c, 35c 50c. "AS1'. And then we have the Hanan Sho.a for men; the Douglas Shoes for men; the Gloria Shoes for You know how a fine Overcoat pleases a man. the lady members of the family. Well, we will meet you on the price. $3.50, $4.00, $o.OO, $6.00 $10.00, $15.00, $25.00. THE BIG BOSTON STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK Be sure and select early as your experience of past years vfcll tell you the Iasf days before Christmas are the busiest and the assortments are growing less. r MASONIC ELECTION. Regular Meeting of Pendleton Ixxlgc Well Attended Last Night. The regular annual election of of ficers was held by Pendleton lodge No. B2. A. F. and A. M., last night, the Installation Immediately followed the election. Judge H. J. Bean acted as Installing officer and T. C. Taylor as grand marshal in the ceremony of In stallation. The following officers were elected for the ensuing Masonic year: W. M., Will Moore; 8. W Louis Hunslker; J. W.,' W. H. McCormmach; Joe H. Parkes, secretary: George A. Hartman, sr., treasurer; Ralph Howlnnd, tyler, and T. J. Tweedy trustee for five years. The following officers were ap pointed for the ensuing year: S. D., Bert Huffman; J. D., Charles B. Bean; S. S., Fred Lockley; and J. B Charles B. Sampson. The order in this city is particularly prosperous, all the different branches, including the blue lodge, chapter and commandery having enjoyed a large Increase in membership and being In excellent financial condition. The dues ln the blue lodge have just been re duced 60 per cent and the order Is In a highly satisfactory condition. In Police Court. In the police court this morning John Howard, Indian, and Frank Far rail, white, were each given the usual sentences for being drunk. Rfldor Furniture Rader. SUITABLE XMAS GIFTS Fancy Ties, Four-in-Hand, Tecks, Bows and Clubs 25e to (1.00 Fancy Suspenders B0a to $1.50 House Coats $4.50 to $7.K0 Silk Initial Handkerchiefs 25c to 50a Kid Gloves, Mosha Gloves and Silk Lined Gloves, 11.25, $1.50, $2.00. Silk Mufflers .' SOo to $2.00 Boys' and Men's Sweaters at adlscount of 20 per cent Fancy Hosiery, per pair 25c to 50c A new line of Men's Shirts, Negligee, Golf and Stiff Bosom, 75c to $1 GET OUR PRICES ON OVERCOAT8 BEFORE BUYING. Baer (Bb Daley Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatter ii II ::