DAILY MAMT ooniax. mtniiBTOir, orboon, Monday, December is, ms. EIGHT PAGES. Brief Record of County EVentS Special Correspondence FA. SALE EGHQ NEVUS NOTES (RKAMKIiY PLANT WILL HE INSTAL1.ED AT ECHO. have been made from Eoho In the past few day. Five carloads were ship ped to Portland by the Frye-Bruhn company, of Seattle, at 13.25 per hundred. Another shipment will be made by this company today of about 10 carloads at (S.40 por hundred. Stanfteld Brothers, of Echo, shipped three carloads Wednesday, which brought them IS. 40 per hundred also. These cattle wore mostly brought from the Butter creek country, and many of them were raised on the famous Thompson and Rogers ranches. By-laws Adapted. The Umatilla Water Users' assocl- Awllants of W. Wilson Cannot fia Fount! Heavy Force at Work ea the Fnrnlslt Bitch School Rooms Crowded 10 the Limit Water Work9 Put In Operation IV- eembcr 18 Shipments of Flno Deri atlon. which was formed here for the OitUe Wateruscrs Adopt ConsUtu- vwpowe of obtaining water under the , Umatilla Irrigation project, have com- ou anu u)-ias. pleted a set of by-laws and resolu- Hons, which were forwarded to Engl- nees John T. Whistler, at Portland Saturday, and he will forward them on oemg maue lor s v.....l..u ct from there th(J 8ecrelary of tne ln. et the M. E. church Christmas eve. terior. Land which will come under Aa elaborate program will be carried ,hls propo8ltlon in be assessable, and I a levy of S or 10 cents will be made. The Fraternal Brotherhood will give it is. however, exempt from any or- a ball and social at the I. O. O. F. ganlzation fee, which law was passed kail Tuesday evening. Those attend- j Dy the legislature at the time the Big will be given the privilege of danc- Malheur Water Users' association was tog on the lower floor and different organlxed. This has saved the social games will be played on the elation an expense of over S100. The upper floor. capital stock was placed at 1540,000, U. H. Gillette has purchased two ' which Is half of the amount required, lots ln Echo, and has erected a rest- Two hundred and fifty stock subscrip eence thereon at a cost of $1200. He' tlons and contract blanks have been will move his family Into the new . ordered and the association will begin aome earlyHhls week. I. F. Hermlston, the merchant, was si Echo Saturday on business. He ays that things are getting lively ln Mm section since the Umatilla Irriga tion project has gone through. Creamery Probable. Parties from Walla Walla have been hi the city the past week looking over the situation about Echo for the pur pose of putting In a creamery plant. Tber think it a fine location for a ereamery. and will probably carry out abelr plans in the near future. For ttie present they have arranged for a large quantity of cream to be ship ped to Waila Walla from here daily, and have sold a number of cream separators to farmers In this vicinity. The four principal Greeks who were being hunted by a posse for a number ef days, for having assaulted W. Wil son, the section foreman, last Satur day, three miles west of here, and nearly killing a fellow Greek, whom they supposed was the cause of hav ing one of the gang fired, are still aliasing. The last heard of them was at Irrigon, where they were seen by some trainmen. They each had S45 eomlng from the railroad company, bat evidently considered their free- Cora of more value. The two Greeks who were captured were set free as the plaintiff said they had nothing to e with the row. Crowding Ditch Work. There are now 100 men and 1J5 aersea at work near town on the con struction work of the Furnish Irriga Hon ditch, which will be entirely com. stated early ln March. The Echo schools are so crowded that it will be Impossible to take ln another scholar this term. One or two extra teachers will be hired for aez term. Mr. Lyle, the proprietor of the Hotei cho, is contemplating having an ad dition added to his popular hotel ln live near future. It is necessary fo bdth hotels to turn people away every Ight, and It will be necessary to add sleeping accommodations. The Echo water works will be ln eperatlon Monday, and arrangements have been perfected to have the water works system extended over on the east side of the track, so the residents toere will also be provided with water and fire protection. A number of shipments of cattle taking stock at ISO per share. The following letter was written by the secretary, which accompanied the by-laws and resolutions: Echo, Ore., Dec. IS, 1905. Mr. John T. Whistler, Engineer Recla mation Service, Portland, Ore. Dear Sir: We submit herewith for your approval and examination, art! cles of Incorporation and by-laws of the Umatilla River Water Users' soclatlon. We have endeavored to follow closely as possible the instructions of the department of the Interior as out' lined in the pamphlet on organization of water users' associations, with, however, some few slight changes, which we hope will meet with your approval. The capital stock we place as low as possible at this time, as we find one-half of the same must be sub scribed before we can elect a board of directors and perfect the organiza tlon. Section 6670 codes and statutes of Oregon. Under this section 6070 we can later Increase our capital stock. Any changes or alterations you might suggest will receive prompt at tention. We are anxious to see the organization go forward without any unnecessary delay, and will do all ln our power to further the enterprli Tours truly. UMATILLA WATER USERS' ASSO CIATION, Louis Scholl, Secretary- Torture of a Preach. The story of the torture of Rev. O. D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist ehurch of Harpersville, N. T., will Interest you. He says: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip, had to sleep sitting ap In bed. tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cared my .cough, and saved me from consumption." grand oure for diseased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At Tallman Co. end Brock A McComaa, druggists, Price 60c -and fl.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Pendleton Business College Is In 4orsed by business men. Only 7 more selling days until CHRISTMAS but we want to fill those days full of BUSINESS. GIVE US A CALL AT ONCE We know that the way to get the Business is to give Big Values. We always do this but for the remaining 7 days until Christmas, we are going to make even lower prices on many lines of choice, up to date goods, suitable for presents for your friends. For the Men and Boys 10 doxen low Ties, regular 25c ties, for this sale they go for. . . 6 doxen 35c Four-ln-Hand Ties for this sale only 25C 60 doxen fancy Ties for 25C 50C and G5C 100 men's Suits to close out at less than cost ZOO boys' Suits must be sold at cost and less. 50 Overcoats for boys and men, all to be closed out Men's fancy Shirts 75 $1.25, and u lo $2 Boys' fancy Shirts 4gc (JQC and (JSC Men's all wool Sweaters $1.50, $1.85, $2, $2.25, $3 Boys' Sweaters, all wool 75 $lf $1.50, $1.75 Boys' Shoes for wear, and dress, too $1.50, $2, $2.25 Men's Shoes, the best you can buy $2.50, $3, $3.50, and S5 Men's Suspenders, per pair 25C, 30C, 35C, nd 50C Men's and boys' Handkerchiefs 5c. 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, a $1 Men's Suit Cases, leather; from $4 up to $((.75 Men's Suit Cases, cheaper ones. $3 down to 75c Men's and boys' Slippers. . 75Cf $1, $1.50, $1 .75, $2 LADIES! Don't let your husband or brother or son, go without that preseat, when you can get such sensible, useful presents here at suoh low prices. They will appreciate nothing you a . them, so much as some ar ticle they can wear and use. For the Ladies and Children TOY8, TOYS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Toilet Cases , $3.50, $2.50, $2, $1.50, $1, 75c, nd 50c Manicure Sets, any price you want Fancy boxes of fine Writing Paper and Envelopes. Fine China of all kinds. Plates, Cups and Saucers, Vases, Chocolate . Sets, Cake Plates, Cracker Jars, etc. Pictures worth 25c will go during this sa,le 2 'or 25C Fancy Waists and Waist Patterns. ' Dress Skirts until Christmas 20 PER CENT orP Ladles' and Misses' Coats and Suits at Big Reduction. Millinery at Half Price Fancy silk and all wool Head Shawls 50C " $3.50 Fancy Hosiery, per pair.. 25C, 35C, ",d 50C Silk Petticoats for two weeks only $3.93 Silk Petticoats, tetter quality $5.50 an1 $6.50 Furs of all kinds, from 75C op to $7.50 Children's Coats of all kinds 10 PER CENT OFF regular price. Handkerchiefs, all good values; from up .to 50C Perfumery ln fancy packages IOC a $1 Fancy Neckwear Qq ap to $2.50 Slippers, Gloves, Hose Supporters, Llnea Pieces; all put up In attract ive form for preseata. BUYING PRESENT THIS YEAR WILL RB EASY, FOR WE ILYVE GONE TO GREAT PAINS IN MAK ING VI' SUITABLE ASSORTMENTS FOR ALL CLASSES AND YOU CAN FIND SO MANY APPROPRIATE GIFTS ON OUR TABLES, YOU ARE SAVED THR WORRY AND TROUBLE OF RUNNING ALL OVER TOWN TRYING TO FIND PRESENTS FOR ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU FOR ALL OF THEM. THE FAIR DEPARTMENT STORE, Pendleton, Ore. Healthful Exercises PI Can be had In so many different that It Is hard to keep track of them alL But whatever your particular bent, we are abundantly able to gratl fy It; whether yonr penchant la for Football, Hand Ball, Goll, Tennhv Boxing, Fencing or l unching; tfce Bag. We have tho apparataa for every manly and womanly sport and exercise. FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE Agents for SPALDING'S ATHLETIC AND GYM NASIUM GOODS. Sherman County land for sale at Klondike Sta tion, Oregon. 480 acres at $25 per acre 800 acres at $25 per acre 320 acres at $25 per acre 640 acres at $18 per acre This land is all in cultivation, has fine improve ments. For further particulars address H. . SMITH, The Dalles, Ore. e a :: ee e aa ee ee es ii ea ea ea ea :: a a aa ee ea ea ee ee ee ee ee ee ea ea ea ee ea ee ea ea ee a ee ea ee e aa ee ee - ee ee ee ee ee aa ee ee ee ee ee ee ea aa a a ea ee ee ee e e ' Holiday Offerings by Brock (& McComas Co. The time is ripe for - )& goods at city prices. We offer both. All New 1 905 Stock --Nothing left over from last year. The liberal patronage we have received during the y r will be receprocated in liberal prices for your Holiday purchases Decorated China French an d Bavarian Won 105 dreilgns and coloring Plates, Cake Plates, Plati-i , small Dl.iheB, Cups and Saucers. Cream and Sugars, Comport .'. utc, ranging price from 50c to $3.50 each All now stock Special Prices. Toilet, and Manicure Sets tTsually sold at 0 per cent higher prices. For young and old. 1S0S stock. New and Clean. From $1.50 Lo $10.00 each REAL CUT GLASS Water Carafes Water Pitchers Water Glasses Punch Bowls Vases Berry Dishes Fruit DU1 k Comports Celery Trays Spoon Trays -Candle Sticks Butter Dishes Fruit Dishes Card Trays Ths Olass Is from the Bergen firm, (who cut glass for Tlf fanys). Every piece a diamond of the latest cut - Cut Glass is a new line with us and our low prices will intro duce this, the best line In America. Perfumes Fine odorx from the best perfumers, In plain and fancy bottles from 25c to $10.00 each Cameras Make an Instructive and entertaining gift. We have them from Eastman, the Kodak Man, from $1.00 to $10.00 each Leather Goods Hand Bags, Purses, Music Rolls, Roll Up Toilet Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxes, etc. 1905 stock. Quality and Price Right Cigars We have a few boxes of good cigars for holiday trade. mong them Imported Porto Rlcans, the kind that good smokers pick, at $2.00 per box. Fancy Cigar Jars, Leather Cigar "quite the thing." IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE WK AUK SHOWING FANCY ATOMIZEIW, VACES, BONBON BOXES, BRUSHES, PLAIN AND KKY, AND A VARIETY OF HMALL WARES THAT WILL PLEASE. NO infill TENSION Terra Cotta Bronzes Consisting of Busts, Allegorical and Historical Figures, Vases, etc. Artistic and pleasing de coratlons. Price from $1.50 to $1.00 each Framed Pastels In light and dark wood frames. , $3.00 to $6.00 each Good subjects and desirable decorations. Lowney's Candies For Christmas, will arrive Dccomber 20th, fresh from Boston. We offor you fresh stock In plain and fancy boxes, filled with choice chocolates, etc., from 35c to $6.00 per package. Fountain Pens Mooney, Conklln, Marshall, Waterman."' Useful proeonts to stu dents and others. $1. to $10.00 each A TRIPLICATE MIRRORS, FANCY BOX STATION PRICES THIS YEAR AT BROCK & M'COMAS Co. The Old Reliable Prescription Druggists. a a