VAGJI VVB. DA1LX EAST OneOOMIAM, PEHDIJETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1105. TWELVE PAGK8. A.V INPKPKXnENT NICNVSPAPEll ; aMished every afternoon (except Sunilay) nt Pendleton, Oregon, by the KASTOltKGOXlAX ITKLISTHNG COMPANY. Member Serlnrs-McRae News Association. San Francisco Bureau, 41) Fouth street. Chicago Bureau. SOI Security raiding. Washington, V. C, ISureau, 60t Fourteenth street, N. W. TM Orepnnlnn Is on ale at B. H. Rich' News Stands, at Hotel Port land nr I Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon. Telephone, Main 1. Entered at 1 i.lleton Postofflce as second-class matter. She Stuck to Him and He Won. country schools, better business blocks and still larger storks to select from next year. Trading at homo is perpetual mo tion. What you pay out to home mer chants comes back to you In a dozen different ways. Hut once sunt out of the county and your money never returns. MITCHELL'S FAVORITE lt)KM. Pieturt' a man of ''." :intl a woman of i'O tmtltjing aloug a dusty read, the man pushing a wheelbarrow bearing two small children, and tie woman carrying a bundle of clothing half as largo ns herself. It was in the summer of IM'3, during that panicky time in which Eartunos were swept away like straws. The place w;n in central .Missouri, although the people were westerners and had a tinge of the mountains in their faces and oyos. The suu was tailing hot, the heated road was parched and white. TW load was heavy ami they stopped often t rest. Teams passed md drivers looked wonderingly at the strange conveyance Work could not be secured for love or money. Thousands of coal iacrs had struck in Missouri that summer and the farms were tilled ia many places by men working for their board. Money, thero was At noon they built a fire and cooked a scanty meal in the dusty hate. At night they spread out a scanty bed under the stars and slept lewath some sheltering tree in the road. On and on they trudged as Mas country sympathized and watched thein pass out of sight around tike turn of the long lanes. N Three years before they had eloped in Oregon. She was rich and la was poor and there is the whole story. Her father had money ad loved money and objected to a poor man being taken into the family. But love and youth and ignorance and inexperience and Cupid, manipulated tho affairs, as they always do, and tho wedding was sol- auized in spito of protest. K So here they were. Ditter indeed was tho fruit they were tasting mm that hot September day in the winding lanes of Missouri, walking westward, riennilcss. among strangers, without work. But she was far from whimpering. She walked, walked until her Scot were blistered, and all the. time she knew the old niau had money Irinir idle in the bank at home. But sho had taken him to be her own, in spite of fate or fortune a diversity, and whatever betide, she was there to encourage and not la eomnlain. So thev walked westward. cettinr out of the country where there was no more work on account of the strike of 1 893. He was proud of acr courage when he thought alwut what they were doing, and the Mare of the wondering people onlv intensified her devotion. It had all come true. All that the friends and family had prophe- aiei about him was now beinz demonstrated. He was no good. lie would never amount to anything. ' tf But she stuck to him. She had made if choice and was villine to be faithful to it. Others mieht do otherwise, but she would stick to him to the last Elrh. She bad forsaken a splendid home for him. She had wandered Vmt with hirn, seeking what seemed an impossible goal, an impossi- Ue onnortnnitv. The inevitable extreme of poverty stared them in tfr face. They had gone east where he hoped to rise to u position of amfluence in some calling, but all the avenues were crowded, overt low ntr with men with like aspirations. Thev had spent the last dollar while seeking that ignus fatuus, todav seemed farther away than ever. Tint being westerners (Vt never lost hopo. althouch everything else was gone. So when the last possibility for seenrimr work had been exhaust L thev started to walk westward. Tt was the only way left. She would have died before asking help from home, Grit that ia not the name for heroism of this kind. She stuck to him and they talked together, resolved to make the best of a bad fix. It seemed that it would be impossible to ever rise from such Vnth. And at times if a tear was shining in their eyes it was excus We. Ond never recorded such a tear as a weakness against a Inman beinir. ' 3 Xever mind how they rot out of it. But a shifting of fortune's wheel, a sudden lurch of the mnchin err of human affairs, and thev were lifted up, rehabilitated, all thrwh ibnt same indomitable peree which had given her courage to waDc beside him with a blistered heel. Thev prospered and rained and increased their wealth bv trood srtac and economy until today it seems impossible to Relieve that it is llie spnie pair. The old man's monev lav idle, rustincr in the bank and was finall irisled in bad investments. There was n srim irony in it all, but still lip never whimpered. And when the tide turned and honors began to fame in and life b!gan to take on a brighter and effulgent hue, then si was her time to crow. a SS She knew all the time it was in him to win. She knew all the time he was all risrbt. just like a devoted, Tinsel fish woman. Men starting into life at the same time, with money. rrrm!7 friends, artifices stren"thened by subtle influence in society and b"-iness. flourished and failed awav into a stale dead level. Those who had pitied her for her ignorance in going with him into an exile of poverty, now wondered if it were really him who had rushed pnt them in the race and was dozens of necks ahead. And in all of it they never lot their heads. Experience is a harsl: trarher, but she cives a rng?ed variety of common sense which com yrnsates for all her chastisements. Tt shows what a man with little prospect in life can do, if penman sticks to him. And bne would be that man who ever rated "rwmnn leos than of royal blood, after having been borne up by sucl tmstinted faithfulness and courage. He won because she stuck to him. Tt is a maxim worthv of Yie above tho front door of every home. She stuck to him and he The following poem, which was a favorite with the late Senator John H. Mitchell, was read at his funeral service by Rev. K. L. House. It Is entitled, "Misunderstood," and the name of the author was not given by those who asked that It be read at the funeral: Not understood, we move along asunder, ' Our paths grow wider as tho sea sons creep Along the years: we marvel and wonder Why life Is life, and then we fall asleep. Not understood. Not understood, we gather false im pressions in'd hug them closely as the years go by, Till virtues oft seem transgressions; And thus men rise and fall and live and die, Not understood. Not understood. Poor souls with stunted vision Oft measure giants by their narrow gauge. The poisoned shafts of falsehood and derision Are oft launched against those who mold the age. Not understood. Not understood, the secret springs of action Which lie beneath the surface and the show Are disregarded. With dissatisfaction We Judge our neighbors, and they often go. Not understood. Not understood. How trifles often change us: The thoughtless sentence or the fancied slight. Destroy Ions: years of friendship and estrange us And on our souls there falls a freezing blight: Not understood. Not understood, how many breasts are aching , For lack of sympathy? Ah, day by day How many cheerless, lonely hearts are breaking. How many noble spirits pass away, Not understood. O God, that man would see a little clearer, Or judge less harshly what they cannot see; O God, that men would draw a little nearer To one another; they'd be nearer thee, And understood. SKKD TO PEXDLirrOX. people of TJmatllla county, who are Making of sending away from home mm Christmas present wilt do well to sua to Pendleton for such. Today, and for the next six days, Wtm East Oregonlan will be crowded wtta. Christmas announcements of Fredleton merchants, who carry just as largo stocks, just as well selected stocks, just as up-to-date stocks, I proportion to population, as mer chants In any city In the United Ptates. Remember, when sending away from home this winter to send to Pendleton, your home town. Keep the money at home and It will be returned to you In taxes which go to make better country roads, better A HARD ROW And a long pull describes the pathway j( a woman uillicteU with female weak ness unless she Is tinder the rare of a doctor who has had successful experience In the treatment ot men cases or else lias found the riant remedy which can be safely used Independently of the doctor. 1 -ortv vears into. Dr. K. v. fierce louim that women were Icing grossly mal treatedmainly throuuh Icnorance and carelessness, and he determined to devote himself to stuily and research till lie found the real cause of tlieir suffering and a proper remedy for it. lie louuil , ani aim irnm iaiure Lnboratory. the enrtli. .liirc rnmilirt f-r worrmn's uen'rnesses and ailmi'iits. He found in I.; n's flintier root. Uliu-k Cohosh loot. Unicorn root, Illuu Co'io li root mid l.ohh-n bcul root, the rcquirru Ingredients. The remedial virtues of these he ex tracted, combined nu I pre erved by his own peculiar iioifii.liuuc glyceric pro cesses, anil the cniii"iiii:d is now known the world over, as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. "The wearing of corsets too tight seemed loliave Im.uMit on an n il ihial prrssuir. wnkenllur tin ln.':mn-riK and resullini; id di placement, wlndi ivi.iil'lcd me until I vrn nt tit to walk, and ai nun s could lianlli s'and." wrllc Mis. Itev. rly Siitfrcavos. of l- Pulton St.. San l'liinr,u. Cnl. "A nelirlilxi tdvlsed me lotry lir. 1'n rce's Favorite I rrlptton. Ilcfoie the Unit holtle was us I I felt muiii liettrr. Impiovement wcni steadily on, and w, liln tour months I was like a new anil wo.l woman once men. 1 am now perfectly well and strong, ana ex tremely irra'eful to you for your blex-o remedy a Ijoon to sick women." A Oreat Doctor Book Free. Send 21 one rent stamps to Dr. It. V. Pierce, IhifTi.ln. N. V., to cover mailing and he will send vou a free copy of h s lOus-na-e Common Sense Medical Adviser, papcr-coverul Cloth-covered 31 stamps. fir. Pierce's Plensmit Pellets are the best and safest laxative for the use o! delicate wouiun. HER PHYSICIANS DESPAIRED. ADVISED CHANGE OF CLIMATE. Pe-ru-na, Used as a Last Resort, Cured Her a Severe Attack of Catarrh of the Lungs. of Owi : V - frag" ' y'3fr- it Bp . j mm, V ft MRS. IDA CALDWELL. The Sensational Cure of Mrs. Caldwell Is the Talk ef Her Acquaintances. Mrs. Ida Caldwell, 60tS Pearl street, Sioux City, la., Vice-President Order of Washington, writes: "I suffered with catarrh of the res piratory organs off and on for the last three year until I thought it was chronic. My chest and lungs were Ir ritated and I had to use the greatest care not to expose myself to chilly air or dampness a it Increased my troubles. "My pbytklan advised me to try a change of climate, but I waa unable to leave my family. Beading ot the won derful cure performed by Peruna, I oouent a nowe. "It waa with the greatest satisfaction that I found It the one medicine among them all which cured me. 1 was re lieved within three days and after two months and a half the irritation was gone, my longs perfectly healed and my health restored." Ida Caldwell. Ask yoor druggist tor tree Peruna AI Thousands of women owa their Urea to Peruna. Hundreds of thousands owo their health to Peruna, Hundreds ot thousands are praising Parana in every stala of the Union, We hare many thousand of letter from grateful women, with psrmiuloA to use them in public print, which caa never be used for want of space. Catarrh would not be such a cars In this country If the people thoroughly understand Its nature, ft must be treated at once to prevent It from majc Ing Inroads upon vital organs. If you suffer from catarrh, bny Pa run to-day, for a day. gained on the enemy, catarrh, means a day aeant recovery. We hare on Me many thousand testi monials like the one given here. We cam only give our readers a alight glimpse of the vast array of ansollclted endorse ments we are receiving. No other phy sician in the world has received such a volume of enthusiastic letters of thanks as Dr. Ilartman for Peruna. nanac for 1UU6. Going Out of Business The following prices can give but a meager conception of the prices we are making to move this stock at once. We are going out of business. India Linens White, Black and Tan 12 l-2c India Llnon, to close out at . . 15c Indian Llnon, to clone nut ut 18c India Llnon, to close out ut 20c India Llnon, to close out ut 25c India Llnon, to close out at 30c India Llnon, to close out ut .7c 1054C 14c 18c 22c Sateen Petticoats LOT 13 Sateen Petticoats, 7."c to KMC LOT 1.1 Kutoen Pcttlcouts, $1.00 to $1.1:1.... LOT 11 Sntccn PctllcotitH, $1.25 to $1.50... LOT 15 Sateen Pfttlcouts, $1.08 to $1.75.... LOT 10 Suteen Pettlcouts, SI. 88 to $2.50.... LOT 17 Clmmbray Petticoats, $1.8 to $1.5(1. 59c 7J)c JH1.28 $1.49 DSC White and Colored Waistings LOT 104 12 l-2c to 15c value, cut to ... LOT 105 18o to 25c value, cut to LOT 100 33e to 40c value, cut to LOT 107 56c to 75c value, cut to 8-sc 13c 22 c 39c "Golden Fleece" Yarns HEADACHE "My fftttaerhsd bMii iaffrr fmn Ick b4eh (or tb last twenty-uv year and nmrmr found anf nlUf an til bo ban taking yonr Caacarvtt. Sloe bm baa bcDO laklnf Caacarela b has Barer ha4 tha headache. They bare entirely eared bin. Case arete do what yon recommend them to do, I Will live you the Drlvllere of uitnt fait name." &.M- Dickon, 11 ReeioerBt,, W.lDdiaDapoLU,in4. Best Tor es. . r intiDoweis jg Shetland Floss, all colors, reifulur 10c; now, Cermnntown, all colors, cut to 30a Heavy Knitting Yarn, cut to 7C 8 -c 23c Golden Rule CANonrcATtuRne Store P1eaent, Ptlatable, Potent, Taete Ooo4, Do OooC fever hicken, Wnaken or Hrlpe, leo. tte Me. Nevet J old In bulk. The tannine tablet stamped, iBArantoed to enre or yonr money back. SWr1iD( Remedy Co., ChicafO or N.Y. jgft UiUltSUitTUMIlUOIBOIEt Steinway Pianos Staudord of Ue WorM. A. B. CHASE, HMEIUON, ESTEV, BTARIl riANOS. IteBreRentluK tho IiIr!"" everr dollar luild tttr llieiu. AdkcIus IMuiio Player, tiss of its kind. PIANOS VOn CHRISTMAS. Cheaper Hum you can bny aMsa a the Kast, Portlnnd or Sun PraaciHee, as vro ore going out of business) an4 must close out our entire stask nis nisiitli. Make your wife e sasly frlead a present of a SEWlXG MACHINE. Standard. "Domestic. Wheds A Uilxnn at cost. Must be Bold at 1 The Oiiecii. tho best sewaia; cblne ever sold for $20.00. Jesse Failing NEAR BRIDGE. Write the East Or gontan for a free cat alogue of them. A 'ul' sutply always kept In stock. LEGAL BLANKS Why eel eliminate every el am cbanee er uncertainty, by Msasj ee Mswes when you need aayiasae tn umber T Cray's Harbor Commerda" Company W. J. iEWELL, Manager, ftione Main tS. THE POPrLAR PLACsT TO EAT 18 THE The French Restaurant Everything served flrst-claae. I tent regular nieals In Pendle ton for 2A eents. RiniiiT oiinnis A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens. Prop. Give ear unto wise counsel. Coal that Is one-third dirt. a great deal more to the scuttle ani lasts much shorter time than the good, clean Coal w. sell. If you want the best, our Goal at the kind for yon. Henry Kopittke DUTCH HENRY. Office, Pendleton Ice & Cold Kteeaoe Company. 'Phone i:nln 17a. Egg Maker COLES WORTHT. BONE SHELL CPJT 127 nd 129 EAST ALT A. Poultry and Stock Supplies. Hay, Grain and Feed. LOST Lost A hay mare weighing lOOf ' pounds, branded 17 on left stifle and OB on left shoulders and a strawberry roan gelding weighing about lOOe liounds, br a tided V upside dowa ea left dhoulder and light angle soar on left hip., A suitable reward wH be paid for the return or Information leading to their return to A. H. goa. deruiau, Pendleton, Oregon.