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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1905)
TWELVE PAGES. PACK TWO. atly east onsnoMArr. phndleton, Oregon, Saturday, December if, ims. : : the nJKniLOi i 1 A LOOK Will convince jrou thai we are showing lor rnristiuas many new creation ia artistic furniture new before shown In uny Pendleton store. A Carload of Select Pieces of Furniture iMihoJ us direct from Chicago. Thlg :it'tlon U the largest and most beautiful ever exhibited In Pendletoa. Just come la and admire what we .ire showing. Baker & Folsom HOME OP ARTISTIC FURNITURE. GENERAL NEWS. OTT South Peach, Long Island, 9000 eedfish were recently taken In one aclne the largest single catch ever srerded along the Atlantic coast. The noma of John T. Thomasen, In Ih York city, burned, while the aather. who Is a night watchman, was any. Mrs. Thomasen and five chil dren were burned and smothered to efceth. The Dunkirk, N. Y.. school and efcarches are closed because of an til 1 1 of cerebro-splnal menlngi- Jte. There are $0 cases now In the tK-e, and practically nil business Is aaapended. John Peterson, a mason's helper, fetching projecting bricks, climbed STATE'S WOODPILE. Prices of Wood Range) From f 2 to $4 Per Cord. Salem, Dec. 18. Tho superintend ents of the different Institutions met with the board of public building com missioners yesterday afternoon, at which time the bids for the furnish ing of wood were awarded aa follows: For the asylum main building all the first growth of fir offered for $3.50 per cord or under was accept ed. The penitentiary took 60 cords of oak at $4 and nothing else. The reform school took all the first growth fir at $3.50 or under. The mute school took the first growth at $1.75 nn 1 (3.60, the second growth at $2.75 and the split ash at 14. The capltol nrcentpd the 100 rnrdn of first rrnwth feet to the top of the spire of St. M 3 Bn an(J the bUnd gchoo, took the Methodist KptaoofMil Churcii. Sunday school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen, superintendent. Sermon, 11 a. m., by Rev. I. 11. Tallnuui. Class meeting, 12:15 p. m., Uev. O. W. Rlgby, leader. Intermediate league, 3; Kpworth league, 6:30 p. m. Evening service under the direction or the pastor, 7:30. A cordiul Invitation la extended to all services. Hobert Warner, pastor. Christian Science First Society of Christian Scientists of Pendleton, room 6, East Oregonian building. Services, Sunday, 11 a. m. Subject, "Christian Science." Wednes day meeting at 7:30 p. m. Salvation Army. Knee drill, 7 a. ni. Holiness meet ing, 11 a. m. Juniors 'meeting, 1 p. m. Free and easy, 3 p. m. Salvation meeting, 8 p. m. IinXl-it Church. Morning topic of the pastor will be, "Will You Also Go Away?" In the evening the topic Is, "Queen Esther, the Heroine." Those wishing to con sult with the pastor concerning mem bership may do so In the morning service. Our Bible school Is Increas ing. Let all be In their places tomorrow. arirhael's church, Brooklyn, and then upright on the top of the gilded (a space 10x14 Inches.) 160 feet the ground. The announcement Is officially ade at Tokio that Japan will perpet- the protectorate over Korea at coaC Only a faction of the lm- al court element at Seoul Is ab stracting the, backed by an considerable but active number of a populace. lfsls Mae Carrington of Springfield, lass., who won the championship of W country In a recent stenographic test held at New York, has now 126 cords of slab wood at $2. Loath Wall Paper Rons. "Most persons hare an Idea that all pieces of wall paper are necessarily of one length," remarked a wall paper man. "Sometimes when I receive or ders from a distance I wonder Just what the patron Is flguriug on. lie may get enough to paper two rooms, ami be may get only half enough. Some figure overeconomlcally and some over generously. Our domestic panera run eight yards to the piece. Those from I'rancp and Germany measure nine ptea a poMu.m .iv- , rog gQ ,ength thnt contain quite twelve yards. Then, of course, there's the repeat. On some of the new papers week. Miss Carrington won, al Eh among the competitors were .) .. .i , !, ffiatnat mnlp limn n. " . .:. ..n a . l.i. I- . . , eLa attain " llu BUJ,lll,:ai lIUlll IUIB U Ul aerators of the country, fane attain- 4 a soeed of 126 words a minute an 1 ! t and on some others noja- lTwbytorutn Churcii. Morning worship at 10:30. Sermon, "The Preparation of the World To day for the Coming of the King." Bible school at 12 m. Young people's meeting at 6:30. Evening praise and prayer with short evangelistic ser mon at 7:30. M. E. Churcii, Soutlt. Regular services will be held at this church tomorrow. Sunday school will be held at 10 a. m. Sermon by Rev. O. H. Glbbs, of Milton, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. This church will be sup plied regularly by ministers of this city and county until a regular pastor Is assigned. Church) of the Redeemer. Regular services will be held at this church Sunday morning and evening. All are cordially Invited. Strangers in the city having no regular place of worship are especially Invited to at tend the service. Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, rector. First Christian Church. Bible school', 9:46 a. m. Morning services, 11 a. m. Christian Endeav or, 6:30 p. m. Evening services, 7:30. Sermon, "A Modern Babel." Prayer meeting and' choir practice Wednes day evening. Everybody Invited. N. H. Brooks, pastor. The sun dips down to the sunset sea; The long, dark shadows troop over the lea; Tho woodlands ring with vesper songs, And the old earth weeps; for day Is gone. hush creeps o'er the children of men. Like tho hush of death; and the echoes then Die out In the air; and the twilight shroud Is clasped o'er the breast of u world, work-bowed. Then sleep, the angel akin unto death Breathes over the world her magical breath. And all things yield to her powerful sway, And on fairy wings are wafted away. O Glorious Night! where all things stand On the brink of death; where the I Mighty Hand That Violileth the world, alone can break The chain that binds, when the new day wakes. Night cometh to all, when the sun dips low, When all things fade from the sunset glow. When we look far over the sunset sea, To a new-made day, our eternity. Ella A. Mowry-Thompson, Spring Valley, Minn. Rough skin and cracked hands are not only cured by DeWltt'a Witch Hascl Salve, hut an occasional appli cation will keep the skin soft and smooth. Best for Eciema, Cuts, Burns, Rolls,, etc The genuine De- Witt's Witch Haael Salve affords Im mediate relief In all forma of Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding PIKa. Bold by Tallman A Co. "Queen Esther, the iltvolne-." This will be the theme which Rev. O. L, Hall will speak upjn at the Baptist church next Sunday. pt It up for a full hour. Hants were blindfolded. The com- VORTirffERT NEWS. bly a long tailed bird pattern, If o bit over the figure is required far each lcng'.h It means a loss of five feet on every strip put on the wall." Philadel phia Record. Tot a scrap of water can anywhere fee found of the nature of a will, left asr Senator Mitchell, though diligent search has been made through all of H effects. Larry Nelson, old, poor, sick and ateipondent, suicided In Portland with carbolic acid. He was a dishwasher tnr occupation, and without family or tasvti relatives. Frame buslnses houses valued at A Ilnlr Cat Tlint Hnde War. The crapping of the flowing locks and beard of Louis VII. of France brausht on three, ceuturies of blood s'.ic.l. The archbishop of Rome hud decreed (lint the French king, as a pen ance, should shave hml have his hair cut short. Ills appearance so star tled and amused his sp-mse, Queen Eleanor, that she laughed uloud and TKW burned in the night at Gold ; beyin contemptuously to flirt with the Hill, Ore. A bucket brigade saved , Count of Aujou, nfterward Henry II. Vbe entire town from destruction. The : of England. The shorn king stood ftre was of unknown origin. I the disgrace for a time, but nt last Two unknown m.-n held uo J. W. ' sent evidence of Ills grievance to the Dawson, an Astoria butcher, robbed fcira of $300 und made their escape. Taey puked him In the face with pis tols and threatened his life. Condon has organized a mercantile aoclatlon, and It Is proposed to have very business man enrolled, and gmwecule an active campaign of ad vancement of the city's lntercst3. J. F. Shorcy, manager of the City! Messenger & Delivery company of Portland, was fined for violating the ahild labor law for employing messen ger boys longer than 10 hours per ky. He has appealed to the supreme art. pape and obtained a divorce. Eleanor then married Henry, aud as her dower the rich provinces of I'oltou aud Gul enne passed into his hands. Louis made hot attacks on Normandy, and devastating wars, which continued for some 300 years, wore the consequence of this cropping of a monarch's bead. Sound business practice ?3 us important, here, aa tic wealth of nature. Schilling's Best is the basis fit in CbjM S.ivorij. trjctl KmJa A your grocer's and money- W.D.FLETCHER Ttl: Pit -Ki:il WATCHMAKER .M JKWELKIC 805 Court Street. Jrnrlry -de order. Wedding rhtts a MRWt. All work guaran- A Dead Rcast of Vast Mnffnltude. Olaus Magnus, bishop of Vpsala, tells how a certain noble Englishman saw on Aug. L'7, 15;i2, "a dead beast of vast magnitude" which bad been cost up on the shore nt Teignmoutu. It was ninety feet long and twenty (Ke feet In thickness, and evidently a whale from the mention of Its blow boles, and the fact that Instead of teeth "there grew to bis palate above 1,0'JO plates of horn, hairy ou one side." The noble Englishman noted that It had "three bellies like vast caves and thirty throats, whereof Ave were very great." On Aug. 2S, 1730, an Eng-lsh-man with business Instincts saw two flights of birds collide with such force near Preston that 180 of them fell to earth, lie picked them up und sold them In Preston market forthwith. LIVESTOCK EXHIBITION. A Total of 26Z Entries Have Roen Made- at Chicago. Chicago, 111., Dec. IS. The great International Livestock exposition. under the auspices of the Exposition association, opened this morning In tho new exposition building at the Union stockyards. The building In which th? show Is held. Is the largest of Its kind In the world and was only recently completed. Its dimensions are enormous and It contains ample space for livestock shows, even on the largest scale. Notwithstanding- the fact that the number of entiles is mu"h larger than ever before, there would be room enough In the staMes and show rings for many more nnlmals. The list of entries shows a total of tr,i2. In the 10 classes for ho-es 670 horses have been entered. Nine hundred and twenty-five head of cattle will be shown In seven hree-ilif and weight classes. For the ft 30 sheep there are 12 classes for both weight and breed while 367 hoes hnvrt nn entered In the eight clase provHed. N-it onlv in number of clnsoes Tl entries, but also In nuall'y the entries this year far surplus tho of nny fortier year In the hltory of thoqe enoltlon. The juiginT of ho-ps alone would make the show an event of the great est Interest. Neariv everv T"Mtttimi state of the union Is represented bv entries, and there are also s-ne from Cnnada and severs! Knronpm countries. Never be'ore bns one of the stork shows In this rltv ntt-n"te1 so mnnv visitors from pV ni'-tq n' the countrv this one. nn-1 th hotels In the neighborhood of the tinlon stockyards are crowded to the limit of their ca pacity. The list of prizes Is unusual ly large and generous this year, anl a spirited competplon among the ex hibitors Is expected. Count the cups and count the cost. Much is saved by using AJoiGERtOM IIIIIIH'II Coffee Sold on merit- No prizes no coupons no crockery. J. A. rOLCER S COV San Fr.nolico tSTA.O.IICO 10 :Get The Best, Good Dry Wood j mission of 'F.arly Risers" Is to the wav and give nature full - ...... I 1 1 -J . V. A sway. These ramous nine ! .tomarh snd bowels of all putrid mat rhni removing the causes of headache, constipation, sallow com- pleNlnn. etc. DeWitt's Little Early nisei never arloe or sicken. A safe. pleasant, perfect pill. Sold by Tall man & Co. Th. clear i. J Our Window of Fountain Pens May give you HOLIDAY IDEA. One Dollar buy. Belf-Fllllnu, 11 k' Gold P ntaln Ten, fully guaranteed. The Btudeuuf I'rletid, lIH P, for tl.OO. Brock (& McComas Co. CARLOAD OF FINE PRUNES. Salem Sends Shlptrent Direct to New York City. A carload of the finest prunes ever shipped from the Pacific coast, pr from anv other point In tho universe, leaves Salem today for the New York market, savs the c'alem Journal. It consists of 5500 10-pound boxes of 20-30 Italian prunes. They were graded, pressel, parked and shipped by Tlllson Co., an l the car Is val ued at a little over $4000. These prunes are all of the "Wehfoot" brand, and go to the finest trade in New York city, via the Sunset route They ore put up In the most ele gant packages, faced and labeled with a fine colored plncard on which Is printed In larre handsome letter, "Oregon Prunes. Wehfoot Prand." Atfer the boxes were closed the en tire package was snd-pnpered before the final lahels were put on. This kind of product will certainly help give Oregon a reputation for the best prune that can be produced, and Till son ft Co. are n he congratulated nn sending the:.i out. This firm still has 20 cars of un sold prunes which Is practically the greater part of the crop that Is left In Oregon. These will be put up In fine style, nnd sent to the eastern market, hut. of course, they will not nil average as large us the shipment and HOCK SPUINU COAL Die Coal that gives the heat. PROMPT DELrVERIES. W C. MINNIS I,eave orders at Helming' cigar store, Opp. People Ware house. 'Pltnne Main . DEC. 16 DEC. 16 Alexander's Saturday Night Specials Under thla heading each Saturday night we give a list of specials. Article Mentioned Below, on Sale ft cm 7 p. m. to 9 p. m., SAT- 7 P.M. to 8 P.M. 8 P. M. to 9 P. M. CorBets worth 11.00. R. 4 O. Cotton Blankets, double bee make In- all sizes; drab or "1". "old ,or 7U ' white, long or short hip effect. a palr' Sa,e prlCe Sale prlc. 40C 38c 8P.M. to 9 P.M. 7 P. M. tO 8 P. M. Bed Spreads, worth 13.00; every Changeable Tafreta ribbon, all Pair has been carefully to- . , , spectcd and guaranteed to be colors that Mil regularly at condltlon. g, I Be. Sale price price 13c $K60 Goods 'on Display In South Show window, FRIDAY and SATURDAY The Alta House Under New Management I have J wit .wshsaai Ike Aha Hmaa. I kave fixed to) aplrndl.. kape as empaayeel eoaapeteal kelp In all deyartauaaea, I Intend to alitor to these wfc. enjoy good home eooklno Tee: kaew bew Mreaoane reetaaraat eooklac becontea. We wtO asrre yea borne eooking, wholeeome and weU-eookcd, and plenty ef H. Y.u wlU rind thai I will e yon aaaare treatment. I anneal tke trade of faraUtee for ftaaday Dinner. You will Hnd H eeeas lea and la much lees trouble te come here for your Eaaday dlnnre Ikea te 4 one ap at boaae. I eerdlaUy fcavlle all old patrons and aM ef ay friends to give me trial. A. J. Cummings WHAT STROBLE DOES gTROnLESAV.. YOTJ MONKY ON FURNITURE. STROnLE SAVrS YOtJ MONEY ON STOVES. STROBLE SAVES YOC MONEY ON CHINAWARE. STROBLE SAVES YOTJ MONEY ON MATTRESSES. STROBLE SAVES YOC MONKY ON STOVES. STKOItLE SAVES YOU MONEY ON TINWARE. STROBLE SAVES YOU MONEY ON CUTLERY. STROBLE SAVES YOC MONKY ON CARPETS. STROBLE SAVES YOU MONEY ON CROCK ER Y. STROBLE SAVES YOC MONKY ON PORCELAIN WARS. STROBLE SAVES YOC MONEY ON NEW OOOD8. STROBLE SAVES YOC MOX2T ON SECOND-HAND GOODS V. STROBLE 31 KAST COURT STREET. Electric Lights They are the best. Thry require no nil. They are Hie cheapest. They give plenty of light. They require no chiming. They are always ready for nsc. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. CORNER COURT AND GARDKN ST RosIynCoal $6 JO deliv ered, $6.O0at the shed Itimlyn Vml, after thorough rvhniiMtlTe texta, has been e IwtMl by the C. S. government for the use of Ita war Teseels. hh It -iimmI the hlchetrt uwt. PROMPT DELIVERY ROSLYN WOOD A COAL CO. HONK MAIN 2. Byers' Best Flour Is modi from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread la as sured when DYERS' BEST FLOUR Is used. Bran, Shorts, Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. 8. BYERS, Prorrtetor. ..........e.eee ............. .. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE lso fine building lots. 1200 earn. B-room house, two lots; good well; located near school, price $1060.00 Good l-roora house, larce barn, two larg lets, nice shade and fruit large chicken yard. " rice 12600.00. House and lot near West End school, SOO. Houm and two lots - Maple St., H50.00. House and barn, 7 lots, good orchard, plenty well water, $1,000.00. These three places mmt be sold within 30 days. Come early and in curs r bargain. ! acree uu Birch creek. 26 acres alfalfa: greU bargain, $7,600.00. 160 aere ranch on McKay creek, to excha e for city property. New 8-room house, laige tarn, chicken house, I lots. Price $3600.00. ee 100 acres one and Athena at a bargain. a half miles sooth ot Also vacant lots In all prta of the city. If you wish to build we Jen sell you a lot and furnish you the money to build your home. Flnost residence and two Iota In t te ulty, $7,600. V.. tat lot ea Jane street, near Court, $616. (00 aore wheat ranch, 360 sown In wheat, $1 00't; It miles from Pen l.ton, I miles to market 910 aeres; 52 In wheat, II miles wrath ec city. HARTMAN (& BENTLEY 'PHONE MAIlI M. COURT trr, PENDLETON, ORB. made today. -V