TWELVE PAGES. DAILY IAN. rCNVVBTON. OfUBCrON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER it, 100&. PAttS Rum. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Carried Uio Body 200 Miles. A young Indian, unknown, died ear Wupato Wednesday and today two friends took the body In a road wagon and started acroHH the country with It for burial at Warm Springs, Ore., a distance of 200 miles. Tho Indian came to Yakima about month ago and went to work on tho new Irrigation canal under con struction on tho reservation. He took alck two weeks ago. Ho was a stran ger among his fellow aborigines, but many of them contributed to his wants during his sickness. Irs. Minnie Charles, an Indian woman of charitable disposition and Christian kindness, took charge of the young man arte he died and she went among her tribe and raised money enough to secure a coffin and secured the help of the other Indians to send him back for burial among the dead t bin tribe. Yakima Dally Republic. City Hnll Auction. "Going, going, gone; and sold to (he gent with the big hat," und similar phrases were bandied about the truck room at the city hall this morning when City Marshal Curran auctioned ff the Junk which had accumulated at the station during the past year. The results of the sale totaled $89. 16. Five saddles, three pistols, three watches and a pair of chaps all of which had been put up by the Indians nd other arrests as security for fines and forfeited during the past year, were sold at the auction this morning. Yakima Dally Republic. Bungling Ktray Law. There Is much dissatisfaction with the new estray law. Seven years ago the atate legislature passed a good law regulating the taking up and sell ing of estrays. Every legislature since that time haa whittled at It until we now have a very poor apology for law. The present law requires the farmer to deliver estrays to the con table of his precinct without remun eration. Very few men care to make a 10-mllo trip with an estray for noth ing, and aa a consequence most of the estrays will be left out on the hlllB to Starve. Cambridge (Idaho) News. Tho DalUw Raised IJceswe. As was announced, a special meet tug of tho members of the council was held last night to consider the question of saloon licenses. As a re sult an ordinance was passed raising the licenses of saloons In the city from 1300 to 1400. This ordinance Is In accordance with the state law, DAILY MARKET REPORT. Burl IX and Selling Prices of Produoi In Pendleton. With the advent of the holiday ses en. unusual Interest centers ka tat retail markets. As a result, groceries, aneat, fish and produce shops all carry large stocks In anticipation af Thaake glring needs. The feliowtng arises arc aaw aurreat In Peadletan: Prnlta. Apples, $1.40 per tax. Cranberries, II 2-3 cents per assart. Oranges, 40 cent per dnsea. Lemons, 15 cents per dosea. Bananas, 40 cents per dosen. O rases, it cents oer basket. Vegetables. Hweet potatoes. 6 cents per lb. Cabbage, 3 cents per lb. Parsnips, 2 1-2 ct-Ms pr lb. Turnips, 2 cents per lb. Celery, II cents per doa. Potatoes, $1.25 pe sack. Oaluns, $1.50 per sack. Ilutter and Eggs. Creamery butter, 70 to 76 ceiMs pe rail. Country butter. 6t cents per roll. Fresh eggs, 40 certs per dozen. Casa eggs. 36 cents per dosen. Miscellaneous. Sweet pickles, 80 cents per galloa. flour pickles, 80 cents per gallon. Mince meat, 15 cents per lb. Pntlence. There's no music In a "rest," but there's the uinklng of music In It. And people nre always missing (lint part of life tnclcsly, always talking of perse verance and courage ami fortitude, but patience Is Hie liwst and worthiest part of fortitude, mid the rarest too. Knskln. Objectionable. "Do yon think that that wretched lit tle I'nttersby Is consistent?" "Yes, I do, and consistency, you know, la a Jewel." "Maybe so. Rut In Pattcrsby'a case I don't like tho setting." Cleveland Plata Denier. Sana-nine. Tba Pessimist What Is the use of Struggling? We must all meet our Waterloo some day. The Optimist Well, when I meet my Waterloo my name Is going to be Wellington. Animals Think. Church Do you believe that animals think? Gotham Certainly. Doesn't the ear bog who takes np all the seat think he owns the car? Yonkers Statesman. The most pleasant, safest and best remedy to use for Coughs, Colds. Croup, Whooping Cough, etc., Is Ken nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This remedy expels all cold from the sys tem by acting as a cathartic on the bowels. Bold by Tallman A Co. THE PORTLAND or PORTLAND, ORBOON. Amsrlrsn plan, $8 per day and npwsr Headquarters for tourists sod eommercts travelers. Rpeclsl rates msde to femllle and single gentlemen. Tht manasemee rill be pleased at all tinea to show room and (Its prices. A modern Turklsn bat establlshmut In tb hotel. H. C. Hi iw ICRS. Ussiest which provides for a $400 license. The amount, however, Is discretionary in municipalities. Another ordinance refers ' to drug stores or other places where spirituous liquors are sold. This ordinance pro vides for a license of $200 being paid where liquors are disposed of In less quantities than one gallon In bottles or packages only and not drank on the premises. An Infringement of this ordinance makes the dispenser liable to a fine of not less than 125 nor more than $50 for the first of fense and nut less than $50 nor more than $100 for subsequent violations. The Dalles Chronicle. Holding Steers for Ilvthx Price. John Fleming, stock buyer for Chi cago parties, has been In Heppner the past week for the purpose of buying about 1000 head of steers, but was unsuccessful, owing to tho fact that growers were unwilling to let go at the price offered $18 for 2-ycar-olds. While here, however, he pur chased 800 lambs and yearlings of N. A. Kelly for J2.25WJ2.75, delivery to be made next spring after shear ing. Heppner Times. Charged Wllti Cattln Stealing. John Partln, who resided In the Izee country for many years, was arrested yesterday by Sheriff Ambrose, being wanted at Rttzville, Adams county, WuBh., to answer to a charge of cat tle stealing. In what manner It Is claimed that Mr. Partln Is guilty of such a charge was not learned. He will be held by Sheriff Ambrose to await the arrival of the sheriff or a deputy from Rltzvllle. Blue Moun tain Eagle. Bnow on Upper Willow Creek. Wlllard Herren came down from his mountain home at the Willow Creek coal mines, Saturday. Mr. Herren states that the snow Is about five Inches deep at the coal mines, and only about six Inches deep upon Ditch Creek flat. The south hillsides are almost bare. As yet there have been no severe storms In the moun tains. Heppner Gazette. Willow Crook Ranch Sold. George Currln made transfer Mon day of his ranch just above Heppner. on Willow Creek, to John Byland of Sand Hollow. This ranch Is known as the Jones farm and Is a very desir able property. It consists of about 1000 acres of alfalfa and grazing land. The consideration was $10,000, Heppner Times. Royal Women Gamblers. Marie Antoinette was a slave to cards. On one occasion she played for thirty-six hours at a sitting, with but an Intermission of a couple of hours. "The play at the queen's table at Fontulueblcu," wrote the Emperor Jo seph II., "was like that lu a common (ambling house people of all kinds were there nnd mingled without de corum. Great scandal was caused by the fuct that several of the ladies cheated." Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII.'s III fated queen, was never quite so bnppy as when playing for high stakes. The records of privy purse expenses are full of her wluniugs from her royal spouse, for she was a lucky player, Chicago Journal. . The Knfclux Klnn Rltnnl. That only two copies of the Kuklux Klan ritual are known to exist Is the statement of Thomas Dixon In the Metropolitan. One of them, he says. Is In the library of Columbia college; the other Is among the archives of Tennessee. It was the composition of General George W. Gordon of Mem phis, and It began thus: "This Is an Institution of chivalry, humanity, mercy and patriotism, em bodying In Its genius nnd Its principles all that Is chlvalrlc In conduct noble In sentiment, generous in manhood and patriotic In purpose." Four Spiders to (he Pound. The lizard spider (Melon lurjule) Is the largest species of venomous spider known. He Is of a bright yellow color with three red stripes on his back nncl a crescent of pure Mack on the abdo men. Full grown specimens of the lizard spider (so called because their chief food Is small lizards, frogs, etc.) measure four Inches across the back and have legs ten Inches long. Four full grown males collected by a Brit ish exploring expedition weighed one ponnd four ounces. This giant of the spider family Is a native of Ceylon. To Please Hint. Mrs. Ascum But why do you buy such expensive things when you know your husband can't afford them? Mrs. Wise I Just do It to please him. Mrs. Ascum To please him? Mrs. Wise Yes; there's nothing he likes better than a chance to have something to complain about to his own people and pose as martyr. Philadelphia Ledg- Sincere 4mlraloB. "Why do you Insist on keeping a par rot?" "Because," answered the lonely man, "I like to bear it talk. The parrot Is the only creature gifted with the power of speech that Is coutcnt to repeat Just what It hears without trying to make good story of It" Washington Star. Aa Ideal Woman. "She tnnnages her husband without letting him see she does It" "Ob, more than that She doesn't even try to let other people see alia does lt"-Brooklyn Life. Femininity. Ds Style Was Bhe surprised when you told her there was a price upon her head? Detective Yes: she ssked ma If It was on straight Smart Set r PHYSICIAN 8. J. A. BEST. PHYSICIAN AND BUR- geon. Office over Brack McCo- mas' drug store, fornerly occupied by W hi taker. DR8. SMITH 4k DICK OFFICII Pendleton Savings Bank building. Telephonea: Main 801; residence, Main 1611; barn, Red 111. DR. AMY CURRIN. PHYSICIAN and Burgeon. Office, Room I. new Schmidt block. Office hours, 1 to I p. m. 'Phone 114. Diseases of worn en and coatlnement cases. DR. R. B. RINOO, PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Rooms 8 and 4 Schmidt hull (n 'Phnna. office. Main' 631. 'Phaaa, residence. Main II. DR. W. O. COLH, OFFICE IN JTJDD building. Office hours, 10 to 18 fire tn Judd building. Telephones: flea. Main 1871; residence. Main 1381. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO- oathlo Dhyalclan and surgeon. Of fice In Jadd building. Tenephones: Office, black 1411; residence, red if 31. DR. D. J. M'FATJL, JUDD BLOCK, telepheae Main 831; residence. black 111. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHY8I fian ana flnrrian. Office In Sav ing Bank building, room 1. Office 'phone, Main 1411: residence. Main, 1611. DR. LYNN K. BLAKH8UH4, CHRO nle and nervous diseases aa a is eases of weraea. Judd baildtng, cor ner Main and Court streets, office anew Mala It. X-Rar aad steetrte DR. H TOLP P YSTCIAi' AND Barges. Office la Aaseciatloa block, rooms 18-tl. Dar aad night. 'Phone Mala IIT. OSTEOPATHS DRS. O. S. ft EVA Holslngton. Graduates, Klrksvllle schoel. Suite 10-18 Despaln block. 'Phone Red 3181. All disease treated. BATH. TAPOR BATHS. SALT OLOWS, VIA v4 rasa and buums treatment 'Phaaa Red till, at address Mrs. F H. BawteMe. 18 Cosbla street. DENTISTS. DRS. COLLIER ft SWINBURNE Deatssla. Bnmltk -Crawford banding DR. M. 8. KERN. DENTAL BUR geon. Office, ream 11 Jadd build ing. 'Phone, black 1311. E. A. VAUOHAN, DENTIST. OF- floe as Jadd balldlag. 'Phone red 1411. DR. T. H. WIII72. DENTIST As sociation block. Telephone Main 111. VETERINARY BURGEONS. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. D. C. McNabb. Office at Tallman's drag store. T. J. LLOYD. D. V. 8., VETERINARY Surgeon anu Dentist. The only graduate veterinarian practicing In Pendleton. Office at Brock ft Mcfo- mas' drug store. Residence telephone Main 131. FRATERNAL ORDER B. P. O. ELKS. PENDLETON LODGE No. 388. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays of each month. All brothers visiting In the city most cordially Invited to attend. Hall In Eagle block. Court sU-jL Thomas Thompson, E. R.; H. C. Thompson, secretary. PENDLETON LODGE NO. 63 A. F. A A. M.. meets the first and third Mond. ys of each month. All visiting brethren are invited. RANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton. Ore. Organised March 1. INS 9. Capital, 3100.000: surplus. 1100.000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold n all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice- president: J. A. Borle. cashier; J. W. Maloney. assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits. 8260.000.00. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny. president; W F. Matlock, vice-president; O. M Rice, cashier; George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF A THE' na, Oregon. Capital inn 000: siir plus and profits, $13,601. Inter est on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Ad ams, president, T. J. Kirk. vlce-DiesI den;; F. 8. LeGrow, cashier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. INSURANCE AND LAND HI HINKS8 HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kind) of real estate. Doea a gen eral brokerage business. Pays tax and makes Investments for non-residents. Reference, any bank In Pen dleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. 8. HEN NINO ER, Vlce-Prea. C. H. MARSH. Sec. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THI oldest and most reliable fire an. accident Insurance companies. Offlo with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, J1.. U. 8. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made of land filings and proof. Insurance and collections. Office In Judd Lulld Ing, room II. COMMISSION HOUSE. OOLITMRIA PRODUCE CO., DEAN Tatum, manager. Office at Pendle ton lee ft Cold Storage plant Dealeis in fruit, vesetehles and dairy products 'Phone Msln 171 ENGRAVED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS etc. Very latest styles. Leave or dare at East Oregonlan office. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS ATTORNEYS. H. J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Taylor's hardware atore Pendleton, Oregon, JAMES A. FEB, LAW OFFICI I Judd building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY at Law. Office In Despaln block. JOHN W. M'COURT ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith-Crawford block. CARTER, RALEY ft RALEY, AT- torncys at Law. Office In Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylor's hard ware store. WINTER ft COLLIER, LAWYERS. Office, rooms 7 aad 8. Association building. JOHN H. LAWREY. ATTORNEY AT Law. , Office, Savin. Bank but ding 8TTLLMAN ft PIERCE, ATTOR neys at Law. Mr. Stlllman haa beeo admitted to practice in United Statet patent offices, and makes a speclaltj of patent law. Koooia l, 11, 13 and 18, Association block. GEORGE W. COUTTS, LATH COUN ty Attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages aad contracts drawn Collections made. Roe at 17, Schmld block. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Offices In Despala balldlag, at head of stairs. a A. NEWBERRY. ATTORNEY AT Law. Offices m Asao elation block Mala street. DAN P. SMYTHE, ATTORNEY AT Law, Office In Despaln block, lis at Court street CECIL R. WADE. ATTORNEY AT Law. Office In East Oregonlan building, East Webb street O. W. PHELPS. DISTRICT ATTOR ney. Offices with John McCourt In Smith-Crawford block. ARrmTKTTS Aim BTTLVRRR HOWARD ft RW1NOLM. ARCH! tecta and Archltectaral arnglneers. Practical and reliable plana and speot fi cations and thorough superintend ence of all kinds of building; aad con struction. Taylor BaUeina, Main and W er atiaeta. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT and Bnpeiintendeat Reoai It Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates famished on all kinds of masonry, eement walks, stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. T. M. KELLER. PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Esti mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Goodman cigar atore. Main stre t P. O. Box 104. PLUMBING. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. 8ANI- tary Plumb. re. 141 Main St. All work first-class. Best material used Prompt service. Sewer connections made. "Phone Main 811. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. WM. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER Cries public and private sales of al kinds." Commlssloa reasonable. Post office box 611. I IVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. ALTA ST Carney ft Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In eoaaectlon. 'Phone Main 701. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTELLI BROS., MARBLE and Granite works. Monuments of all descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Examine our work; 70 East Court street. BOARDING AND LODGING. ATHENA HOTEL LEADING HO tel In the city. $1.00 and $1.60 per day. rl. p. Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER NJ. MAN agement. Good meals and clean beds. If yoj come once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention Iven to commercial travelers. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Navln, proprietors. FVNEKAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER. FUNERAL DIRh,' tor and licensed embalmer. Orad unte of the Chicago College of Em helming. Corner Main and Web streets. 'Phone Main lSVi. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER ft FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors aud licensed embalmers. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone Main 76. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY man. Family washing a specialty. AM work done by hand, and first class. Goods called for and delivered 408 Court street. 8CAVEXGET3. WHITNER & OVk-.MAN WILL AT- tend to your scavenger work and sweep your chimneys. Headquarters at Goodman s cigar store. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything vou need In new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No Ml Court street W NTED TO BUT YOUR 8EC- on.-hand goods. Graham ft Hunt er, at old Basler stand. FOR RALE. 441 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 miles north of Athena, at 34 an sere. Terms, Craighead ft Hayes. Atnsna. FOR SALE A 6PAN OF HALTEP broke driving hor a AdoIv tr Mrs. B. Cunningham, or at Dutch tienry reed lard. 1 WANTED. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO laarn watchmaking, engraving. Jew eler work, optica. Easy terms, post tlona guaranteed. Money made leara Ing. Watchmaking-Engraving School. P. I. Balldlng, Seattle. SALESMAN WANTED CASH AD- vanced weekly; good territory open, outfit free. Some are making $11 to 1160 per month.. Why not yoa? Ad dress Washington Nuraer Camaaaw Toppealsh, Washington. WANTED A WELL EDUCATE f. young man wants position aa clerk Address W. L. Jones, Box 173, Pile Rock, Oregon. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS, BUCK aa help wanted; rooms or houset for rent; second-hand goods for sale; In fact, any want you want to get filled, the East Oregonlan wants youi want ad. Rates: Three lines one time, 16 cents: two times. 26 cents. six times, 46 cents. Five lines one time, 26 cents; two times. 86 cents six times, 71 cents. Count six wordt to the line. Send your classified ads to the office or mall to the East Ore gonlan, enclosing sliver or stamps f cover the amount. FOR RENT. NICE, NEW, LIGHT HOUSEKaTBP- Ing rooms to rent: and reems with er without beard. Call at E. O. office. MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY Write us for big bargains In the Hurst Automatic Switch ft Signal company's stock before switch goes on road. Regular price $6.76. Our price much lower. How can we do It? We have more shares than we can con veniently carry and must sacrifice to raise cash in order to meet payment on property we are buying, w. J. Curtis, III Commercial Block, Port land, Oregon. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE pair work on all kinds of machines stractarsj Iron work aad machine tings, Janctloa of Court sen A;it streets. Marioa Jack, Pres.; W. L zieger. Mgr. NOTICE OF BETTVZUMXT. To Whom tt May Concern: Having sold an disposed of th greater portion of my Interests aad holdings in Umatilla and Morrow counties, I am now desirous of set tling up all accounts, desaanda claims and controversies of every kind and character, existing between me and any person or persons whom soever, and I hereby notify any and all persona, individuals, partners or corporations who have any claims demanda or ansettled business ef any kind or character against me or with me, to present the eame to me at the office of Charles Ha ilton, la Pen dleton, Oregon, for immediate settle ment and adjustment within sixty 0) days from this date. All claims, demands, disputes or controversies so presented will receive my attentloa and prompt adjustment All disputes, controversies and contentions not so presented for adjustment within six ty (60 daya from this date, will be by me deemed and considered settled and adjusted. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 7th day of December, 1906. CHARLES CUNNINGHAM, Formerly Dealer la Blooded Sheep. MAIL LET US FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognised as the best and most economical fuel. We ass prepared to con tract with yuu for yeur winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city Laatz Bros. IAI HTHI'll NEAR DEP. SCHEDULE OF PEN DLETON-UKIAH Stage I fine Dally trips between Pendleton and Uklah. except bunduy. Stae leave Pendleton at 7 a, m., arrives at Uklah at I p. m. Return stage leaves Uklah at t a. m., arrives ai Pendleton I p m. Pendleton to Uklah. 83; round trip 16. Pend' to Alba. $8.76; round trip, $6. Pendleton to Ridge, $3; round trip. 83.60. Pendleton to Nye, $1.60. round trip. 83.60. Pendleton to Pilot Rock. $i; roend trip. $t.60. Office at Brock ft MeOomaa drugstore 'icott's Sanlal-Pepsm Capsule. a positive cum For Tr1a,,timitlon or C-"-rr OT ID" MlsUldfF nl Dior . Ktttnejev. V j cure to pk Coram qalcklr and Hno twctl the wont oufi t Gonorrhoea and in lo mttftrrof how loiiir nUsu Int. AbaolDtelr carmW Bold by drnnfUift, pric $1 DO, or by nisvil, potpAid 1.00, 9 bait , U-h. THE SANTAL-PEPStN CO ieiLcroNriNB. OHtn BROCK A M'COMAS CO.. Druggists E chichcstcs's enausn 'ENNYROYAL PILLS urn. wiimi i.rlts, ask nmcri tor :.lU:iil.HTKltS KNOI.1SH t" HKD trM t.ulel tneuilw botes ! vlUMMrtkbaw. Th Milkfr. Brfe DtoircrciM KttbatUtitiaH anal 1m its liusish Baj of twiir I)iuUl. or 4. a Usnix Hr Klnlstr, T tat II astU "4 " Roflr for I I ,- l..Mr hi re lura Mail. 1 n.UO I mtlcn.iata.1. fctl Dinglita. Chirk ir t'hrMlsj C. MP MsValUan MsjssMsj, ft, hJEN and women. frt RICX far annfttnrftl 4'Mr,lnflK!U!llktlODI, Irrtuiuini or ui.oiattoua of mucous mrttrui 'i&. nutl colalra lintt..Cisici fin. s"11 r potaonuuf. ' t gr-la pis,., itrv lT,,,id fol 'til. :,T5. '-.'. WU IVtMMl, Wliaai Uto ' J "OmJUIM 3 OREGON ma union Pacific TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman atandard asat Tourist Sleesers dallv to Omaha and Chicago; tourist sleeper dally to Kaa aaa City; through Pullman sonnet sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East dally. TIME 8CHEDUI.R FROM PENDLsV TON. EASTBOUND. No. t, CVeago Special, arrive . ax; depa-t 6:41 p. sa. No. I. Mall ft Express, arrives 1:11 . aa.; departs, I a. i... JSSTBOUND. No. 1, PortUad Special, arrives 1:11 . an.; departs. 1:11 a. m. Na. I. Mall ft Express, arrives 11 . .; departs, 11 p. at. SPOKANE DIVISION. No. 1:11 . Ns a. T, Pendleton passenger, arrives . BV ' I, eaekmas asseagsr, departs. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Special passenger arrives 1:4 a, aa.; departs 1:41 p. m. Morniag trala eonneets with No. L Evening trala connects wltu No. I. No. T sonneots wMh No. 1. OCEAN ANT RIVER WrlEDTJLB. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing sates sabjeets to eassuaj. For Baa FraBdsco every five ansa, SNAKE RIVER. Rlaarla Is Lewlston T, mnB dall, except Satarday. 4:16 a. sa. Leave Lewtetaa daltar. nitt M- day. 7:a a. am. C. SMITH. Agent Pendtetea, YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH TOUR JOCRNE . If year tickets rea4 over tae Den ver aad Rio Oraade rallroa4, BBS "Soeale Lane ef the Worle." BECAUSE There are so msny scenic attractions and points of Interest along tho Uns between Ogden and Denver that IBS trip never becomes tiresome. If you are going east, write for In formation and get a pretty book thai will tell you all about It. W. O. M'BRIDE. General Agent, 114 Third Street, Portland, - Oregos HUNS PULLMAN SLEEPING CAll" EI.EtJAXT DIMXO CARti TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS Dl'LlTH FA RUO TO ( ORAND FORKe CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE niRoroH tickets to CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW TORK BOSTON And all points East and Routh. Througr tickets to Jspsn sad Chins, vsi Tsrunis end Northern l-srltlr Htsamaala Co. and American line. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday at 6 p. m. Per further Information, time earsa, maps and tickets, rail on or writs & Adam, t'endleton. Oregon, or A It CHARLTO", Third and Worrtson Hts . Portland. Of. Washington & Columbia River Railroad take this route ior Chicago, St. Paul. St. lonls. 8mm City. St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AM) SOUTH. Portland and Points on tlie Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday. Wednesday and Fri day, il IS p. m. On Tueaday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:16 a. m. Lsava at 6 p. m. dally. Leave Walla Walla 1:11 p. m. fee east. Arrive Walla Walla at I a. so. .roas For Infnrmnrlon regarding rates aaff seeommodstloDs. rsll on or sddrsss W aIiamh. Asrat, Uy(cJ Penoietna. s. B. CAl.PF.RnF.AD. O. V a., a sua n ana, "iiKioa.