.-err. PAGE EIGHT. A1LT EAST OKKl.QMAN, PKMIU'IIX. -mUmiV, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1M5. QOirr PAsMM. i PICTURE SALE WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR PICTURES SEE WINDOW DISPLAY SC PICTURES FOR. 5c PICTl'RES FOR. 9c i2c : SEE THE CUT PRICES S o 3 u a) B g '3 ca v O ONE WEEK MORE WE OFFER: 100 piece Floral Pink Semi-Porcelain M plus Floral Pink Semi-Porcelain loe piece Peacock Blue Setnl-Foroelain , a Piece Peacock lne Seml-PoreeUln $11.00 $6.75 $10.50 $6.50 GET BUSY Owl Tea House THE PLACE SAVED FROM THE SUGAR TRUST. Lands Will Revert to Homesteaders Instead of Speculators. The Klamath Falls Express makes public some Interesting facta as fol lows: It Is alleged that the swamp lands bordering on the lower Klamath lake In California, had a narrow escape from being gobbled up by dummies In the Interest of the sugar trust Just before the state of California ceded these lands to the federal government. Some narrow-minded, or Interested people declare that the state lost 180, (00 by being In a hurry to cede these lands to the United States government In order that they might be reclaim ed and Irrigated, but when It Is con- Come in and see our Cut Glass Whether or not you are ready to buy, we urge you to come In and see our magnificent stock. J mat from the factory of H. C. Fry. the famous glass cutter. IiADIES' DETiIGHT. Nothing more acceptable for a lady than something from oar line of Cut Glass, any piece combining every element that a good gift should possess. The assortment being varied, you can find something at almost any price. After seeing our line you will certainly say that we have the best and the cheapest REMEMBER THE PLACE. Watch for our Window. Tallman & Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS. E 0 SALVATION ARMY IS TO PREPARE THE MEAL. Pupils In the Pulillo Schools Will Itc Asked to Ilrlng One Penny, One Potato and One Apple, each, to Uio School rooms on Thursday, Decem ber 21, to Help in Preparing tlie Dinner Tlio Dinners for Each Family Will Do Delivered in a Sep arate Host on Saturday Evening, De cember S3. sidered that these lands will, in a few years, be opened to actual settlers In 80-acre tracts, the loss of $60,000 to th estate of California will add 750 prosperous families to the population of that part of the state, each on 80 acres of flrxt quality soil under the homestead law at Just the cost of re clamation and Irrigation, while these lands would have cost the settlers, in addition to reclamation, from 110 to J 60 an acre. If they had gone Into the hands of land-grabbers. It Is alleged that the sugar trust was on the point of gobbling up these valuable lands through dummies, when the plans were frustrated by the legislature of California ceding the lands to the government. It will be remembered that there was some op position in the legislature to the ces sion of these lands at the time, and It can readily be imagined where the sinews of war came from to oppose the cession. It is stated that the purpose of the sugar trust In acquiring these lands was to rent or sell them to parties wh would raise sugar beets to sup ply an Immense factory to be erected on the ground. One hundred and fifty Christmas dinners will be served to poor fami lies in Pendleton by the Salvation Army on Saturday, December 23. Arrangements are being made be tween Captain Holder, of the Salva tion Army, and City Superintendent Traver, of the public schools to have each pupil In the publio schools bring one penny, one potato and one apple to school on Thursday, December 21, to be collected by the officers of the army and used In preparing the Christmas dinners. The dinners will be prepared In boxes, each box to contain the entire dinner for each family to be served, and on Saturday evening before Christmas, these boxes will be deliv ered over town to a list of families al ready prepared. The dinners will consist of chicken, potatoes, salads, celery, cranberries, enke and other substantial and plain foods and will be prepared by exper ienced cooks. Parents and pupils are urgently re quested to see that the penny, the po tato and the apple are taken to school by each pupil, on December 21. The money so collected will be used in purchasing the chickens for the din ner. the potatoes for the salads and the apples for pies Other provisions will also be purchased with the money derived from this collection and It Is hoped that Pendleton responds liber ally and cheerfully to this mission. The army officers find quite a number of needy families In the city and all such have been listed and each will be served with a dinner on Saturday evening. On Monday night. December 25, the Salvation Army will give a Christmas tree entertainment at the barracks on West Webb street to which everyone is cordially invited .to attend. A large tree will be prepared and all who desire to donate small gifts for poor children in the city may rest as sured that all such gifts will be promptly delivered. Captain Holder wishes to make this one of the brightest Christmas sea sons ever enjoyed by the needy fami lies in the city, and to this end In vltes the co-operation of all In his work. ADDING TO HIS HERDS. W. S. Goodnuin Hits Gone to Heppncr to Make Selection of lino Animals for Breeding Purposed. W. S. Goodman, the well bimn stockman of the Mudson Bay farm, passed down the O. II. N today lo Uepimer with the Inlnnllnn nf mir. chasing some fine bulls for his herd onormorns. Mr. Goo,l.tiun is constantly adding his excellent hard nf rnttla ini una has one of the finest herds In the In land Empire. He Is an enthusiastic ockman and believes in hnmlllnir the best possible strain, and with this end view, cnunges nis Hires regularly. iub Improving the standard of his stock with each generation. The weather Is now Ideal for feed ing and stock are In excellent condi tion. of to A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY Mast Have Lanrlaat and Glossy Hair, No Matter What Color. The finest contour of a female face, the sweetest smile of a female mouth, loses something If the bead is crowned with scant hair. Scant and falling hair. It is now known, la caused by a parasite that burrows into the scalp to the root of the hair, where It saps the vitality. The lit tle white scales the germ throws up In burrowing are called dandruff. To cure dandruff permanently, then, and to stop falling hair, that germ muRt be killed. Newbro's Herplclde. an entirely new re sult of the chemical laboratory, destroys the dandruff germ, and. of course, stops (he falling hn1r, and prevents baldness. Sold by leading druggists. Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. A. C. Koeppen & Bros., special agents. QUALITY CHEAPNESS When a customer has once been educated to quality ho will seldom seek a store that appeals merely to the desire to save pennies. Our policy is not to offer special lines of goods, at, or below :'. In the hope of selling other goods at a sufficient advance to cover the loss. We believe In making a legitimate profit on everything we sell, and we do sell a great many things at exceptionally close prices. If you simply want bargain groceries, pay the cheap price and pet thorn; if you want reliable goods, the kind that brings you back fir more, give, us a trial and be convinced. , No prizes go with our goods. Just satisfaction and prompt service, and courteous and liberal treatment are assured at the up-to-date store of GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Our own wagons deliver goods free, to any part of tlie city. Yoa should mot forget that each day of your life brings yea yon nearer to tlie time vrljea your capacity for earning decreases and finally ceases. What are yoa doing toward providing a fund that will become your mainstay and comfort, and prevent your becoming de pendent upon r. lnctant relatives? Prudent people forestall -nch a possibility by creating a fund for their declining yevua by depositing with tills bank regularly a portion of their income, which, aided by the compos ml inter we pay, nmkus the accumulation of the fund certain. Commercial National Bank WHEAT CONVENTION. New Departure In Agricultural Edi cationals. A wheat convention is planned for the winter school to be held for the farmers In the Washington State col lege at Pullman. The convention is called to Investigate wheat, the prin cipal product nf agricultural counties In eastern Washington. Farmers, millers, shippers and all those Inter ested in wheat are Invited, and a spe cial effort will be mado to get them to attend. ft is expected excursion rates will be granted by both railroads and that the convention will be attended by several hundred persons who are di rectly interested In the product under discussion. The matter has been under consld eratlon for several weeks by the agrl cultural department of the college and Inquiries have been made among millers, wheatgrowers and others in terested In the wheat Industry. The state grain commission has heartily endorsed the project. The convention will continue at least three days, and experts In wheat growing, milling, shipping, etc., will be on hand and will deliver addresses on the wheat Industry. In addition to the lectures, much time will be dc voted to a study of the market con ditions, shipping facilities and the use of the by-products of wheat to the licst advantage. The convention will begin the sec ond week In January, and continue for an entire week if the Interest and attendance will Justify. Many prom Inent millers of the northwest have signified their Intention of attending this convention and hnve given it a hearty endorsement. BIG WRECKER HERE. O. R. & N. Car With a Capacity for Lifting 0 Tons, in I'se Yesterday. The big wrecker helonging to the O. R. & N., was brought from La Grtndo Sunday night and yesterday evening was used In picking a car out of the ditch near Barnhart. The car loft the track Sunday and tumbled down the embankment with but slight dam age to either the car or the track. The big wrecking car Is equipped with a Bteam crane with a lifting ca pacity of (0 tons nnd a small box car Is only a small load for it. The track was not blocked by the derailed car and tho .work of picking It up was not a difficult task. The great Incorporation Sale at the Boston Store closes Dec. 20. REMEMBER THE GREAT RE DUCTIONS IN PRICES NOW IN EFFECT AND PROFIT BY TCIEM. Big Boston Store ADAMS CITY ELECTION. T. A. Llennllcn Is Mnyor But One Ticket In the Field. Adams, Dec. 12. The city election passed off quietly yesterday, there be ing but one ticket in the field. The following officers were elected: Mayor, T. A. Lleuallen; treasurer. Dr. E. R. Todd; recorder, O. L, Baker; councllmen for two years, C. C. Darr, Charles Otterstedt and John Gelss; councilman for one year, J. A. Winn. F RETURNED HE INTENDS TO PAINT AN INDIAN FROM REAL IJFE. PETTY DIKTVRItEltH. Drunks and Fighters und Vagabonds in Pollen Court. In the police court this morning quite a bunch of petty disturbers of the peace appeared before Judge F1US Gerald. Thomas McCool was accused of as sault nnd battery und was given a sentence of $20 or 10 days. E. J. Mc Clure and George Leonard were ac cused of fighting, and tho case was set for 4 o'clock this afternoon, at which time the night officers will be on hand as witnesses. Meanwhile McClure was released on $15 bull. Walter Bannan, a common drunk, was given the usual $5 or three days. Ed Murphy (not tho councilman) was given a sentence for vagrancy, while Tll-o-quats, a citizen of tho reserva tion, paid a fine of $5 for bolng drunk on tho streets. Order Pernio, lake Notice. All members Excelsior Council No. 19, Order of Pendo, are requested to meet at Secret Society hall tomor row evening at 7:30, to meet organ izer. By order T. M. HENDERSON, Councilor, A. H. C. Eggerth, Sec. Buy a Pianola for your piano. Easy terms. Eilers Piano House, 81S Main street. Tills Is Not Often Done as It Is Dif ficult to Get tlie Indians' Consent Severn! of Mr. Usher's Paintings, Fritn Moorhonse I'hotograplis, Are on Exhibition on Main Street Mr. Fisher Will IjiIct Go South and to New York, and Then to Paris Mr. Fisher Ii Confining His Work for tiie Most Part to Portraits. Frederick Fisher, the artist. Is again In Pendleton and has been vis iting with his friend, Major Lee Moor house, for whom he painted several Indian pictures when last here. From here it is Mr. Fisher's intention to leave for the south, where he will spend some little time, nfter which he will go to New York. From there he Intends going to Paris, and he says he may remain four or five years this time. One of the objects of Mr. Fisher's present visit Is to paint an Indian from life, something which few ar tists have done owing to the difficulty In getting subjects to pose. However, Major Moorhouse has promised to use his Influence in securing a suitable Indian for the occasion, and It is probable the painting will be made. While In the city Mr. Fisher has several of his paintings, those made from the Moorhouse pictures, on ex hibit at the Henneman cigar store. Also, It Is probable that he will leave a number of them with Major Moor house, should they not be all sold when he leaves . Practically all of the work which Frederick Fisher does Is along the line of portrait painting. This he holds Is the most interesting, though he has also done some anlmnl nnd landscape work. For a time Mr. Fisher was engaged as an artist on one of the Chicago dallies, but does not like Journalistic work. He has never done any cartooning. While he usually outlines a sketch before mnk lng a painting, he made a very satis factory portrait of his father recently without the aid of such. At that time the old gentleman, who is the senior member of the firm of Fisher-Thor- sen & Co., was sitting in a character istic position. On the spur of the mo ment his son requested him to remain while he painted his portrait, and though he work was hastily done, it was lifelike and Is highly prized by tne elder Fisher. A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Paro HAS HQ SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phoa phatlo acid 0YAI BAKtNQ POWOtg CO., NSW YOgg, Cut Price on OVERCOATS I 1.0. OVXRCOAT8 $5 50 . t .00 OVERCOATS qq ll.0 OVERCOATS $700 $11.50 OVERCOATS $850 I1B.8J OVERCOATS $1075 $18.00 OVERCOATS $1300 $$0.00 OVERCOATS $1450 BOYS' OVERCOATS TAKE A DISCOUNT OF OQ rEK C"2""- Baer Daley Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters A HOLD UP that will benefit you If yon take ad vantage of the opportunity tke Bp lifting and pu mg before yoa sur new ran stylos of Neckw.r clegs Rich t.ilors artistically harmoi prevail In our autuma assorts! and we will be pleased to outfit we are haberdashers in general. Despain's Cash Store Court Street, Opposite Golden Hale Hotel. IF YOU CARE FOR YOUR HEALTH take linen to a laundry where ful, cleanly and sanitary matheda are employed. Need take no stop farther than to our door needn't do that We will call at yours If you let us knew your wish. May wo put your nam on our list when our wagon goes the rounds today. Robinson's Domestic Laundry WONDERLAND Our Store is a regular Wonderland of Holiday Gifts And on every side can be seen articles to please all; something to de '.ight the boy, the girl, the old, the young. Nevor In Pondloton has such a monster collection of Holiday uoods been displayed as wo now have. Every nook and corner In our store Is crowded with suitable presents. Some Suggestions for Gifts Books, Toys, Dolls, Souvenirs, Calendars, Pictures, I'orfumei, Fancy China, Silverware, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Jewelry Boxes, Cuff Boxes, Music Rolls, Steins, Ladles' jewelry, Gents' Jewelry, Pocket Knives, Victor Talking Machines. Ornamental Hholls, Holiday Stationery, Sheet Music, Photo Albums, Rcrap Books, Kodak Albums, Mirrors, Doll Furniture, Hobby Horses. Thousands of articles to select from. We invito you to come In and see our slgantla showing. Santa Claus has established his headquarters with us and your money will do double duty at our prices. Cook Perry COTJRT STREET. WOLF'S OLD STAND. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE RECORDS REDUCED FROM fl.l TO GOC 1ARO'R ASSORTMENT TO SELECT FROM. ' Tor sale at tlie Rum . .i t,AH Large Bundles of newest pet a, containing over loo big papers, can be had for JSC hands.