l DAILY BAST ORKXiSONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAT. DECEMI1EH 11, IMS. EIGHT PA6BS. FAGS BGBT. PICTURE SALE WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR PICTURES SEE WINDOW DISPLAY SEE THE CUT PRJCES DO R E ARIZONA e ricrniKS for. riCTVRES FOR. 8 o 9c 12c o 2 -3 ONE WEEK MORE WE OFFER: 1M piece Floral Pink Soml-Porcelain 0 piece Floral Pink Senl-Poroetalil 100 piece Peacock Blue Semi-Porcelain M Piece Peacock nine Seml-Poroelaln GET BUSY Owl Tea House THE PLACE HIS INVESTMENTS ARE IN NORTHERN MEXICO. Writes of an Interesting Country, and is Well Pleased With Ills Prospects, Which Are Ninety Miles South of the Arizona Border An Attractive Climate, at an Altitude of 7000 Feet Everything ,n Full Foliage CU' unto Favorable to Vegetation and Vermin. this coming meeting as many vital subject which affect every Individual sheepman In the county will be discussed. Range division, forest reserves, pub lic roads, dipping vats, stock Inspec tion and other highly Important sub jects will be up for discussion, and It is to every mun's Interest to be pres ent and take part In the proceedings of this meeting. $11.00 $6.75 $10.50 $6.50 J. A. Borle, who left here on Oc tober 31 to visit his mining interests at Nacozaris, Mexico, Is well pleased with the outlook of the property and writes the. East Oregonlan an Inter esting letter from El Campo, Jora qulpa, Sonora, Mexico, the place at which his mines are located. Joraqulpa Is 16 miles from the railroad at Nacozaris, and Is in the steep mountains of northern Sonora. Mr. Borle by this time is located at Douglas, Arizona, for the wlntor, where he may bo addressed by his friends In this city. His letter Is dated November 30, at Joraqulpa. After writing directions for send ing his paper, Mr. Borlo says of the mines and the country In general: . I will leave here for Douglas, Ariz. In about a week, where I will make arrangements for the development of the mining claims, Incorporation pa- Sl'lT TO COLLECT DAMAGES. Plaintiffs Allege the Unlawful Use of Real Property. This morning J. C. Klinery and J. J. Klmery begun suit, through Attor ney Pan P. Smythe, against A. J. Eisner to collect S225 damages. In the complaint the plaintiff Is accused of having unlawfully and without the consent of the plaintiffs, used a house and barn belonging to the latter, and located on the west half of section 4, and the northeast quarter of section 5. township 3, north of range 32, E. w. M. AIbo, they are accused of having turned some stock Into 200 acres of summer fallow belonging to the plaintiffs, and in payment for these depredations the above sum Is asked. NEW ENGLAND DINNER. December IS, In Bowman Buildings List of Committees. For the New England dinner, serV' ed In the Bowman building on Fri day, December 15, the following com mittees have been appointed: Committee to furnish room, Mr. D. The great Incorporation Sale at the Boston Store closes Dec. 20. REMEMBER THE GREAT RE DUCTIONS IN PRICES NOW IN EFFECT AND PROFIT BV THEM. Big Boston Store Kemler. Mrs. L. Garrett, Mrs. Kyle pers, shipment of supplies, buying ore iong, Mrs. S A. Lowell. Committee sacks and to arrange for packers to on soliciting, Mrs. Brown, Miss Den- BERKFXEY GOES TO THE S. P. Well Known Citizen Becomes Assistant Civil Engineer In the Harrlman Ser ikm In Oregon. I C. C. Berkeley, the well known clt isen of Pendleton, who has been en gaged in the real estate business in this city for the past eight years, and who has been candidate for county surveyor and a successful farmer also, leaves tomorrow night for the Southern Pacific railway where he will be assistant engineer on the lines in Oregon. Mr. Berkeley, before coming to Pendleton, waa employed In the engl lywrlnt deoartments of both the O. K. A N. and Northern Pacific and his l.K work In railroading before com. Ins to Pendleton, was to superintend th construction of the Lewis river hrldee on the Northern Pacific In Washington. Mr. Berkeley Is a competent engi' neer and has had many years experl ence in railroad work. He will be under Assistant Chief Engineer Don aid, of the Southern Pacific lines in Oreiron and will have charge of some of the large Improvements now being made on that line In the southern part of the state. Mrs. Berkeley will re main on the farm near this city for the winter. Come in and see our Cut Glass Whether or not you are ready to buy, we urge you to come In and see our magnificent stock. Just from the factory of H. C. Fry. the famous glass cutter. LADIES' DELIGHT. Nothing more acceptable for a lady than something from our line of Cut Glass, any piece combining every element that a good gift should possess. The assortment being varied, you can find something at almost any price. After seeing our line you will certainly say that we have the best and the cheapest REMEMBER THE PLACE. Watch for our Window. Tallman & Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS. ' SEVEN INDIANS IN UMBO, Cliarges of Drunk and Attempting to Steal Morse On the record of arrests at the po lice headquarters, seven captures were recorded this morning, and all were Indians. Most of the arrests were made Saturday evening, two were nicked ud in different places about 8 o'clock. Two more were found back of Murrell's saloon later In the nlgnt. A third was locked up on the double charge of being drunk and of having tried to take another Indian s norse. About 11 o'clock an old Indian with a grey, stubby moustache, was found r on mine the streets and was tasen into camp by Officer Sheer. The last arrest was made at midnight when a carry the ore from the mountains to the railroad, a distance of 18 miles. The proposition seems most prom ising, and I am well pleased so far. Joraqulpa ("Hor-a-keep-a") Is the name of the mountain upon which the mine is located. We are 90 miles south of the Mexican border and is miles from the railroad at Nacozaris. which Is the terminus of the line at present. "We are located at an altitude of about 7000 feet and from our camp have a magnificent view of the coun try which seems to be mountains all around. The Taqul river is in sight for 12 or 15 miles. We are very comfortably fixed for the winter and laving considerable rain which makes it unpleasant getting around. The mountains are very rugged and steep and the water runs off quickly. They will have some snow In March or April, but not a heavy fall, and It does not stay long. The wild flowers are now In bloom here and everything is green. I have killed but one small snake since com Ing here and one centipede. They tell me that there are tarantulas and scorpions here, but no one seems to be afraid of them. They get out of the way if you give them a chance, The Mexicans wear a very thin shoe or maybe a sandal, and sleep on the ground under any kind of shelter, or with no shelter and appear to be oblivious to the "bugs." or at least indifferent to them.. Respectfully. "J. A. BORIE." nlo. Miss Cora Warner, Miss Sadie Warner. Miss Follett, Mrs. McConnell. Committee on food, Mrs. Wattenburg, Mrs. Farley, Mrs. D. Kemler, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Lena Warner, Mrs. Geo. Harris. Committee on tables, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. Call, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Liege, Mrs. Drake. GAUiOWAY LEAVES THE ROAD. Will Be Succeeded by Douglas Ball- Will Be Employed at the House. A. B. Galloway, the well known rep resentative of the Blake-McFall com pany, has been here today on his last trip In his old position. He has been made head of the wrapping paper de partment In the above house, and con sequently will move to Portland from Walla Walla, where he has resided during the six years he has been upon the road. . Hereafter Douglas Ball will cover the territory between Pendleton and Spokane for Blake-McFall, while Frank J. Moule will handle the bu: ness between Pendleton and Boise. Cut Price on j OVERCOATS t .0 OVERCOATS $5.50 I .00 OVERCOATS $6.00 $10.00 OVERCOATS $7.00 f 11.60 OVERCOATS.. $8.50 115.05 OVERCOATS $10.75 111.00 OVERCOATS r '. $13.00 130.00 OVERCOATS $14.50 BOYS' OVERCOATS TAKE A DISCOUNT OF OQ PEB cs3n- Baer Bb Daley Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatter For- IDAHO IS PROGRESSING. Railroad Building In Northern tlon of the State. State Auditor Bragaw of Idaho, who passed through Pendleton yes terday, on his way from Rathdrum and other northern Idaho points, said of conditions in the northern coun ties: The building of the Spokane In ternational through Kootenay coun ty has made very, lively times up Now Living In Spokane. John Shroeder, who sold his farm near this city last year. Is now locat ed In Spoknne, where he will make his future permanent home. His family Is now there and Mr. Schroedei Is In the city today closing out his remain ing Interests In this city and will re turn to Spokane in a few days. He has purchased a section of fine wheat land close to Nez Perce city, Idaho, and will farm that hereafter, but the family will reside permanently In Spokane. They are well pleased with Spokane as a residence point. big Indian with blood on his cheek, there Tney are working on the waa arrested By urricer manning. No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine and spend hours soaking, iweetening, flavoring ud coloring when JqII-O produces better results in two minutes? Everythinf: in the package. Simply add hot water and set to cool, iis penecuun. .- tlm limunwife. Ki trouble, less ex oen.se. Trv it Uwhy. Ju Four Fruit FU ors: Lemnri. Omiye, Strawberry, Easp. lerrv. At erocjra. He. We Lead the Way To better things In Groceries, and to lower prices for life's necessi ties. If you are not getting the satisfaction you desire In these par Ucnlars, we can render you material assistance, and save you many a dollar. Give us a trial. No prizes go with our groceries.. Just satis faction. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. AGENTS FOR GOLD MEDAIi BUTTER, AND BORN'S COFFEES. CHASE ft SAN- grade all along the line In that coun ty, and laying track from the con nectlon with the Canadian Pacific. It is expected that cars will be running Into Bonners Ferry by New Tear s, and It will not be long after that time until they will have service to the state line. With competitive railroads that section of the state will have trans portation advantages which will give extended market for Its lumbering In dUMtrles, and also the mines that are now paying tribute to the smelter rust, enabling the miners to ship their ore to outside smelters. 'There Is a heavy snowfall for this earlv In the season, which assures a big output of logs during the winter. The mills are all running on full time, with a supply of logs that will ,t until the boom season comes in the spring. "Kathdrum and Coeur d'Alene are Improving very rapidly, and Is more prosperous than ever before, and the future of all Industries seems to be the most encouraging." Echo Is Enlhiudiistic. Echo people are enthusiastic over the prospects of securing government irrigation in addition to the many pri vate projects now under way In that district. O. D. Tee), the well known irrigator, who is in the city from Echo today, speaks highly of the land under the government project and be lieves that the entire district tributary to Echo will, in time, be In a high state of cultivation and one of the most productive sections In the west ml IP Has Rheumatism of Heart, R. C. Hager, of Gibbon, was brought to this city Sunday morning suffering from a severe attuck of rheumatism of the heart. He has been 111 for pome time, but hlB condition has not been considered serious until quite recently. Mrs. Hnger accom panied him to the city and will remain with him. Dr. C. J. Smith is attend ing "nlm. Ditto, In 1'nuitilla. The cattlemen of the Baker district have no complaint to make this year, The ranges were fine up to the be, ginning of winter and now there plenty of hay on hand to feed during the snow season and this hay can be purchased at a reasonable price. If the market would only Increase a lit tie the stock conditions would be un surpassed. Baker City Herald. IP-NOTS-WE-NOX-MI DEAD. Mother of I'mapliio, Highly Respect ed and Widely Known. Ip-nots-we-non-ml, mother of Urn- aplne, sub-chief of the Umatlllus, died yesterday on the reservation, after having been HI but a short time. The dead woman was 78 years of age at the time of her death, and was wide ly known. Her son, Umaplne, Is one of the most Influential and respected Indians of the reservation. The fune ral services occurred this afternoon, the Interment being In the Indian cemetery near Cayuse. . You should not forget that each day of your Ufa brings yon you nearer to the time wLen your capacity for earning aecroasea aim S finally cease What are you doing toward providing a fond that will 2 become your mainstay and comfort, and prevent your becoming de- i , nnn relnctailt relatives? m iwui " Prudent people forestall uch a possibility by creating fund for J thd, declining years by depositing with Mils Dan reguiariy . iru 2 of their Income, which, aided by the compound inter-., wo i, makes the accumulation of the fund certain. j Commercial National Bank SHEEPMEN WILL MEET. Many Important Topics to Ho Discuss ed in Tills City Next Saturday. An Importnnt meeting of the Wool rowers' association of Umatilla county will be held In this city next Saturday, December 23, for the pur pose of discussing the feasibility of opening a public road through tne Blue mountains from the foothills to Meucham or Kamela where large dip ping vats will be constructed and where the O. R. & N. will enlarge and Improve the stock yards to suit the needs of Umatilla county stockmen, All sheepmen In the county are urgently requested to be present at Iiook at the Property. Any one who wishes to see the Hal dene Dickson property, which Is to be sold at auction next Saturday, may do so by applying to J. M. Bentley, who will be pleased to show them over the place. Verdict of Suicide, Yesterday morning an Inquest over the remains of Roxey McNeurlan, who drowned herself at Umatilla, was held by Coroner T. M. Henderson. From the evidence presented to the coroner' jury a verdict of suicide was return ed. Winter is Here But is your system strong enough to withstand the severe cold and Inclem ent weather. If not, you're liable to attacks of Chills, Colds, Grippe or Pneumonia. Strengthen the entire system by tuking Hostetter's Stomach Bitters before It Is too late. It also cures Heartburn, Bloating, Belching, Indl ffcstlon. Dyspepsia, Insomnia and Ma Inrla. Get a bottle todny, also ask your druggist for a free copy of our 1008 Illustrated Almanac. It's well worth having. A HOLD UP that will benefit you If you take ad vantage of the opportunity tks w,p . lifting and pu ing before you ear new fall styles of Neckw r degases. Rich i.jlor8 artistically harmonised prevail In our autumn assortmsat and we will be pleased to outfit y.S We are haberdashers In general. Despain's Cash Store Court Street, Opposite Golden Rote HoteL IF YOU CARE FOR YOUR HEALTH take linen to a laundry where care ful, cleanly and sanitary m.thoda are employed. Need take no step further than to our door needn't do that We will call at yours if you let us knew your wish. May we put your name en our list when our wagon goes the rounds today. Robinson's Domestic Laundry Chafing Dishes Silver Table Cutlery Numerous articles that make splendid presents Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. HARDWARE PLUMBING 643 Main Street For sale at the East OnfuUhui office Ijarge Bandies of newspapers, trmfrfig ever 10 big papers, can be had for 1M r bnndte.