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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1905)
EIGHT PAGES. (feast (fefrqaxa wy aftrtaowi incrt 8aa4af) at rVadfeaaat Ortfc at U un oBnoviAa inuuni coktaxt. mtcurnoi una, aa a ma Pate), M awataa. af MaU IHUf. Out. OTntk a? bin . mm aMala. ar ! et. a r-'. a awll Wrf, aa -a:kK ar afatl Wrl. r alba. r hM-iiM). rr. kj aill -Wklf, MX B.aTa, Bill... mm-wI7. roar amtai, by . I . I . .M . l.ou . .! . .tu . l.H) . .T . Mi mimUl larHpa. kXkat Ktin AaMefatlaa. Sr.alaa Is oa Ml? at S. R BVk'a Ha Staaaa. at ll.t.l Fartiaas aa Batai rnkaw, I'attlaa. Sri-fus. Oaa kVaaikm Bar-aa, 40 Foarta atwt. vif Borraa, MB Sacarttr bulldlof. WaUifNB. B. C, Sanaa, Ml Koartwatb n. w. .Mala 1. Katat at PraaVtan Pnatoftir aa aecoat alaoa aittf-r. JIOTICI TO AD7XRTI8EBS. Oaa tor anr-rtlalitx aattar to apatar tn DM t Brrontan But b la kf 4:45 b. m. l tb. pwdtnf dir; copy fnr Moailay'a HfN mart t In bj 4:43 p. m. the preepdlof tarda?. He trmt has kept clean hands . and stainless heart, He, that In climhlng. bore no . brother clown, Whose vision sees not God and man apart He has not failed! To him the victor's crown! Florence A. Jones. LAW AND ORDKll DEFEATED. The Morning Tribune makes a falae statement when It says this morning that the law and order forces were not defeated in the recent city elec tion. With the exception of Judge Fee and Will McCormmach, the sa loon candidates were elected. The Tribune Is ashamed to have the news go to Its country patrons that It helped place the saloons In power In this city and so is squirming from un der the load. Hinkle, Ell and Mumm were the saloon candidates, were worked for, teeth and toe nails, by the saloons, the Tribune, and Its partisan leaden, with the editor of the Tribune and mil the leading gamblers in the city as ward heelers, working industrious ly all- day, loading gamblers, bartend ers, questionable characters, and ev ery possible sort of men to be found, Into the carriages hauling saloon vot ers to the polls. These are the facts and can be sub stantiated by a hundred persons If need be. The Tribune fought the candidates which were pledged to better morals, its partisan friends fought them and the saloons with the help of the Tribune and its friends elected their candidates for council. In all excepting the second ward, where Frank Frazier was defeated by Will McCormmach. The backbone of Judge Fee and W. H. McCorm mach Is the only hope of the law en forcement people. Let the Tribune shoulder Its nasty load. It may not be pleasant news for It to send out to the country that It, s republican paper, joined hands with the saloons In this city to defeat a conservative, representative body of men for the city council, but such are the facts. The East Oregonlan has no censure for the new members elected by the saloons, for they are not to be cen sured until they have actually com mitted some breach of good govern ment, but they were elected by the saloon vote and defeated men openly pledged to better morals. There has been no moral wave in Pendleton, o such Is understood by the lawbreakers. But there has been s revolt at municipal Indecency and flagrant law violation, open gambling (which Is another name for licensed robbery) and all such things, and a strong vote was regstered against these things. To be defeated In such s cause Is an honor and to win on a law violation platform la not a pleas ant notoriety, as Is exldenced by the Tribune's effort to squirm from under Its share of responsibility. While politics did duty in the city election the saloons were on the side of the party which won. That Is sufficient warning to the conserva tive and hard thinking country peo ple to be on their guard for deseltful practices next spring, when the coun ty election Is to be held. The same men who worked hand In (love with the tinhorns to defeat the candidates for the council pledged to decency, will go before the country people next spring holding up their hands and swearing they are free from pollution. Just remember this. PLACE FOK IDLE MONEY. Pendleton academy Is a home Insti tution and Is furnishing free educa tion to a number who cannot pay their way through school. There are cozens more young people In the county hungering for an education, but who are unable to bear the ex- pense of living away from home even though they might receive free tuition. Does not the subject of scholar hlps In this rendleton school appeal to Umatilla county people having Idle money? What noblor deed could be done by men having plenty of Idle money lying In the banks, than to select some worthy boy or girl of their acquaintance in the county and give them a free scholarship, paying the Institution the money to keep It going and In this way furnish some worthy young person a free educa tion? Merchants having a wide acquaint ance In the county, banks having friends and patrons all over the county, capitalists having friends In I various parts of the county, could select some young person for this , school and while giving an Invaluable gift to the person so selected, could also assist in keeping tho school alive and filled with worthy students. ItKADY FOK HOLIDAYS. Santa Claus is already unloading and displaying his sparkling wares in Pendleton. Never before In the history of the city have such stocks of holiday goods been found on tho shelves of Pendleton stores as this year. The season is opening favorably, despite the unspeakable condition of the streets. Trade is already heavy and continuing from now until the first of the new year it will be remarka ble. No use to Bend to Portland. Chi cago or elsewhere for Christmas goods. No need to send your money out of Umatilla county to get suitable Christmas presents. In sending away you do not know what you are get ting until It arrives and then It Is too late to say anything, for your money is gone. Read the Christmas ads in the East Oregonlan, They will save you money and bring you bargains. Every day the 8anta Claus announcement will be made In these columns. Home merchants are prepared for your trade. You can get what you want. just when you want It at reasonable prices and your home merchant Is here to stay. Not one dollar should be sent out of Umatilla county for Christmas goods this year. FOLK'S BALLOT REFORM. Governor Folk proposes to revolu tionize the voting system In Missouri. At present every ticket In the field Is provided with a separate ballot thus encouraging straight voting and mak ing It almost Impossible for voters to cast a mixed ballot or show any in dependence. To this hide-bound and iron-clad rule and law. Is due the corruption in Missouri's large cities. To this non progressive method Is due the triumph of the gangs and rings and the un speakable political tools which have debauched Missouri politics for years. To this flagrant fraud Governor Folk Is first turning his attention, after having jailed all the corruptlon- Ists. He will recommend a modern method of voting, allowing for the Independent thought and sentiment of the age and In keeping with other 20th century Improvements. The ballot cannot be safeguarded too much and Missouri's progressive governor is to be congratulated on his determination to give his state some thing modern. No honest man need fear an honest ballot and dishonest men should not have the law on their side. AMERICAN COFFEE FIENDS. According to the department of commerce and labor, during 1904 there were 1,053,000,000 pounds of coffee consumed In the United States, valued at J81.000.000. This is equiv alent to about 13 pounds for every man, woman and child of the popula tion. The total production of the world during the same year was 2.260, 000,000 pounds, so that the United States consumed nearly half of the total supply. But 104,000,000 pounds of tea, worth 117,000,000, were Im ported during the same period. The Imports of all tropical products during the year amounted 1465,000,000, while the total Imports of all sorts reached the enormous sum of 11,036, 000,000. Advice to 1 1 . U n Unma a f .thr - IA S iHVI , . . J S, vnnr fnrliMtt Hrr3mi it is nee'essnrv that great suiienn 1 better VX " yur powcrto acviate her Buttering, would you not t A liniment will which 1st Y0 AUSTRALIA'S WOOL CROP. The following estimate of Austra lia's present year's wool production Is from the official board of trade re turns: Nearly 6,000,000 sheep have been added to the flocks In Now South Wales, bringing the total there for 1805 up to an e8ttt..uted basis of 34, DSI.000 head. This should bring the production of the state for 1905-08 up to "90,000 bales, or an amount about equal to the clip of 1900-01. Latest statistics show that- there were In Queensland at the .end of 1904, 11,192.938 sheep, an . increase of some three million head since the close of the preceding yoar. Returns from Victoria show that previous to the drought the sheep census of 1900-1901 gave a total of 10,843,000 sheep for this part of the colony. These figures were reduced at least one-third by the losses Inci dent to the dry seasons which shortly thereafter ravaged tho whole of Aus tralia. ! Now the returns show that the number of sheep In Victoria at the close of 1904 was 10,168,000. In South Australia 6,000,000 sheep were recorded at the close of 1903. as against 5,335,220 In 1900, the rate of Increase over the previous yuar being about 6 per cent. In West Australia the number of sheep was about 2, 600.000 at the close of 1903. and tho rate of Increase In this part of the colony, though small, has been con stant since 1900, when 2,431,861 head of sheep were registered. Tasmania In 1900 contained about a million and a half of sheep; 1902, showing nearly 10 per cent decline from 1901, and at the beginning of 1904 the flocks had Increased to 1, 700,000 sheep. In New Zealand the statistics for 1903 showed that the decrease of two million odd sheep reg istered In 1901 had not been made up. That 2000-Year Clock. Richard Strutt, a son of Lord Raylelgh, has Invented a clock that will run for 2000 vears. The motive power Is a small piece of gold leaf, which I, electrified by means of a very small quantity of radium salt The gold leaf bends away from the meta) substance and keeps moving under this Influence until It touches the side of the containing vessel. At tho moment of contact it loses Its electrical charge and then springs back and Is again electrified, and the process Is repeated. It is thought that a thoroughly reliable clock could be made with the use of radium salt for $1000. MASS OF SORES Awful Suffering of Linfe Boy from an Itching Humour j CURED BYCUTICURA Not One Square Indr of Skirt on His Whole Body Unaffected "My little son, a boy of five, broke out with an itching rash.. Three doc tors prescribed for him, but he kept getting worse until we could, not decs him any more. They finally advised tne to try a certain medical college, but its treatment did no good. At the time I was induced to try Cnticnra he was so bad that I had to cut his hair off and put the Cnticnra Oint ment on him on bandages, as it was impossible to touch him with the bare hand. There was not one square inch of skin on his whole body that was not affected. He wasone mass of sores. The bandages used to stick to his skin and in removing them it used to take the skin off with them, and the screams from the poor child were heart-break, ing. I began to think that he would never get well, but after the second application of Cuticura Ointment I began to see signs of improvement, and with the third and fourth appli cations the sores commenced to dry np. Hit skin peeled off twenty times, but it finally yielded to the treatment. Now I can say that he is entirely cured, and a stronger and healthier boy you never saw than he is to-day." ROBERT WATTAM, 49M Center Ave., Chicago, 111., Dec 30, 1897. SIX YEARS LATER nr. Wattam writes "Your letter of the 21st in regard to the case of my little boy at hand. I sm truly thankful to say that the cure effected by the Cuticura Remedies has been a most thorough and successful cure to date." Chicago, Feb. 23, 1903. 1 Sold thrwurhoat tha world. Cnticnra Reiotvrnt, Sne. flnfurmf Owcwlatt Gialfft Pl'l,, W. prt vial il , ointmr. t, auap.SAr. IVpoti: ljudi.n. It Cliirtrr aatiw Stv 1 Frk h Kim, dr la f ,t i Bo a. Iff CluoUMfet Arr. F'rfttr l.ruf and Chtm. Cora., Nol Prttpriiajfl saraaad for "Uow 10 Cur lluinoux. Young Husbands A J n an SMli-Vl awin a VTaWf r 1-iL-A tipprl. Iteffirt Vflll Can ne Dome iy ncr wiumi you kjvc yourself ; you wouiu uo anyuung Mother's F wcnzJ of unquestioned value in pre,ai.incy, wonderfully ease the ordeal through your wife most pass; it is easily within yourpowcrt procure it; surety it cannot I e illier than vonrcliity touoio. One rVtir r rnf .ill t'rtt Mnrei. Our vahn!''- ttn.A, " M-tliirlii(:," i In at. fief .' Of GOm, 1 -. In. eW (X af BAD MOOD livery part of U10 body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength, and when from any cause this vital stream of life becomes impov erished or run-down, it invites disease to enter. No one can be well when the blood is impure; they lack the energy that is natural with health, the com plexion becomes pale and sallow, the vital energies are at a low ebb, and they suffer from a generul broken-down condition of health. The system is weak ened and unable to resist the diseases and disorders that are constantly assail, itijj it. The Liver and Kidneys, failing to receive the proper stimulation and nourishment from the blood, grow inactive and dull, and the waste matters and bodily impurities that should pass off through these channels of nature nre left in the system to pioduce Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases or some other blood disorder. When the blood is in this weak ened and diseased condition it should be treated with a remedy that is not only thorough, but gentle in its action. S. S. S., a purely vegetable remedy, made of roots, herbs and barks, is just what is needed. It not only cleanses the blood of all impurities and poisons, and enriches and strengthens it, but PURELY VEGETABLE. and Ulcers, Skin Diseases and all other blood disorders, and cures them per manently. Our Medical Department will be glad to give advice without charge to all suffering with blood or skin diseases. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, LADIES Take Notice We haao a fine amortim-nt of fine silk embroidered Waist Paitcnw just arrived. The material Is Poplin, So (sett and one or two other Just as popnlur weaves, and the patterns are simply beautiful. We have a fine asnrunent and will pnt them on Special Sale at Special Price on Wednesday, Thnraday, Friday and Saturday. They are worth 93.00 a pattern, bat for the four days just . named we make m special price of only $3.48 Come Early WednewUy morning and set first choice of the pouerM. They won't last long, so be sure to come soon and you win get a beautiful waist pattern for only $2. THE FAIR. Department Store NEW IDEAS NEW STYLES NEW DESIGNS VI ARTISTIC HIGH-arlAM FTJRJflTTRK. OUR SHIPMENT OF NEW IDEAS IX FURXITURK FOR EVERY ROOM IN THR HOUSE IS NOW IN AN TOOK INSPECTION IS INVITED. WE ARE SnOWING MANY NEW CREATIONS IN FURNITURE NEVER BEFORE EXHIBITED HERE. V.2 HANDLE THE GEN UINE OSTERHOOR MATTRESS. BAKER & FOLSOM Artistic Furniture Opposite Post Office Sherman County land for sale at Klondike Sta tion, Oregon. 480 acres at $25 per acre 800 acres at $25 per acre 320 acres at $25 per acre 640 acres at $ 1 8 per acre This land is all in cultivation, has fine improve ments. For further particulars address H. E. SMITH, The Dalles, Ore. Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that trows. Good bread Is as sured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. a BYERS, WEAKENS THE SYSTEM AND INVITES DISEASE gently builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. S. S. S. reinvigorates every mem ber of the body, gives tone and vigor to the blood, and as it goes to the different parts, carries ro bust health and strength. S. S. S. acts more promptly and gives better results than any other medicine. It cures Rheumatism. Catarrh. Sores Prorrletor. Give sar unto wise counsel. Gael that Is ono-tldrd dirt, a ureal deal more to the acata as lasts much shorter time than the Reed, clean Coal w, srll. If you want the best, ear Oal Is the kind for you. Henry Kopittke PCTCn IIEXHY. Office, Pendleton Ice ft Cold W ag Company. 'Phone ( ITS. Mr. R. F. Payne, (Payas's pharmacy) Idaho Falls, Idaho, writes: "V hsve Just sold tht last cure (TRIB), send one-haUf dsxen at once. Trlb has caoaai five of the hardest kind of eases. One man hers uaed It last Sep tember, and cannot ameU'wIns, liquor or beer now without making him sick. He had been a hard drinker for It years." Father Desmarals, pastor of the Roman Cathollo church. The Dalles, Ore., writes: "I know of sood results obtained by the ess of your Trlb la sar ins liquor and tobacco users." Cswypr"' Why net eliminate svsry si or uncertainty, by fbruees when you need a laatfcar T Cray's Harbor Commend' Company W. i. f KWKI.U Manager. Ptione Main 11. THE POPULAR PLACE TO EAT 18 THE . The French Restaurant Everything served flrst- Benl regular meals In Pendle ton for XS cents. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop. MAIL LET L'H FILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring CoaJ HscognUed as the bsst and moat economical fuel. We a as prepared to con tract with you for ysur winter's supply. Wa de liver coal or wood to any part of th city Laatz Bros. HAIN KTHI'-n NEAR DBP Egg Maker COLESWORTHY. BONE SHELL nUT 1J7 and 129 EAST ALTA. ' Poultry and Stock Supplies. Ha-, Grain and Feed. LOST tost A bay mare weighing 100ft pounds, branded 17 on left stifle and 8 on left shoulder; and a at raw berry roan gelding weighing about 1000 pounds, branded O upside down oa left shoulder and a right angle sear on left hip.. A suitable reward wttl be paid for the return or Informatloa loading to their return to A. IX, Oasr derma, Pendleton, Oregon.