EIGHT PAGES. DAILY K.VST OIlliGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1905. PAGE TOREK. 1 NEW F0RIV10F FRAUD HAKEIt COUNTY PEOPLE BUY COSTLY MUSIC. Craphopliune Swindlers Secure Money nil Note Frtululuntly Old Game Hon liven Worked Before, Hut In Catching Many Nv Suckers. A schemo to bluff Ignorant and un suspecting victims Into paying money kas been discovered by attornays Hart A Smith of this city, Hays the Baker City Democrat A rancher by the name of D. B. Kretzner living In the Pocahontas district, came to their fflce last March and related to them a story of how two men, representing themselves to bo agents for a graph phone company, had come to his home and tried to sell him a ma chine. They were offering what they aid was a $15 machine for only $5, and as the terms were so good Mr. Kretzner bought u machine. Ho wanted to pay the price of the graphophone to th men at the time, but they told him that they would make It easy and If he would 'give thorn his note for to payable In flvo months It would bo satisfactory. As the men seemed very accommodating Mr. Kretzner wrote out the note and gave It to tho men. A number of ther families living In the neighbor hood, also bought graphophones at the same price giving their note for the amount The men then disappeared and about 11 days afterward all the par' ties who had ordered machines, re ceived a letter from an attorney by the name of Frank Black In Council Bluffs, stating that he ' held their aotes for 1155 on a graphophone ac count and would expect payment at the proper time. Some of the ranch era were afraid they would be prose cuted If they did not pay the money, though they knew they had signed no note for such an amount, and sent the money asked to the lawyer. Mr. Kretzner, however, brought the letter to his attorneys In this city and was Informed that It wan all a scheme . to get money out of him. He was told not to pay any attention to Law yer Black's letters. Nothing more was ever heard by Mr. Kretzner about the matter until Saturday morning, a man who said his name was Sweet, from Pendleton came to his home, and after stntlng that he was employed by the graphophone ompany as their attorney, demanded that he be paid $165. As proof of his statement he exhibited several money orders glevn him by different ranchers In this vicinity for the same amount ' . - Mr. Kretzner would not be fright ened Into complying with the man's demands but referred him to his at torneys. Lawyer Sweet then left and has not been seen since. It Is not be Heved that any lawyer of this name Uvea In Pendleton. After the graph ophnne swindlers left this county last March It was rumored that they were frauds, and accounts of their operations were printed In the Demo crat sen PHI VXW ROMS Or THX HOLMES BVSI ntm Collage, Ttnth aad Washington 8ta., Portland, Or., bow under eoutrurtlon, will ba plfndldlr llfbttd and will hart rry conven Itnra f th accommodation at fioo atuonta. There will b 12 office for bualnraa tract Ira, (julpMd with department tMPDboore, adding anachlaaa, looeMtaf Irtlgtra, card fllra and ap pllunrfi nereeaarr to the modern butnfa office. TVp plicd 14 iradtiitca In nnaltlom I nut rear. HOLMES, I U BUSINESS COLLEGE For rn tiling writ to temporary addraasi 28-32 Y.M.C.A. Bldg., Portland. Oregon . f f I V" K f '1 ( X T I V v. y James Honey tiriiliain of Siunti'. Candidate fur UongTCMN from the Second District. GRAHAM VOll CONGRESS. Bilker County Mining Man In Out Tor Uio Offlco. The Baker City Herald prints the following sketch of James Harvey Graham, who has announced himself for congress from this district: James Harvey Orahum. the well known Baker district mining man. has announced his candidacy for con gress from tho Second district on the democratic ticket Mr. Orahum is widely and favorably known through out this section of eastern Oregon and Is a well known democratic poli tician. He was born at Paola, Kan., and educated in the public schools of that place. He Is aged 35 years. He was admitted to the bar of Kan sas In 18S8. Later he moved to Cripple Creek. Col., and In addition to having been Identified with big mining deals was chairman of the Colorado state senatorial commltUn) for two years. The notes which the two men col lected were altered so that they read $165 Instead of 15. The lawyer in the cose and the Pendleton attorney are both believed to be Involved In the swindle and those who bought the talking machines for S5 are advised not to pay $155 without consulting their legal advisors. TO NAVIGATE CLE All W ATE 1 t. Agitation for IloatH on the Idaho Stream. The reports of the government en gineers regarding the navigation of the Clearwater river.' come as a sur prise to people living along Its course, says an Oroflno dispatch. In these reports which are distributed over a lnrge amount of paper, the engineers declare that the careful examination of this river at the lowest stage, from Kamiah to Lewlstnn, resulted favor ably to barge navigation. Just what Is meant by "barge navigation" Is not clearly defined In the report am" one can only surmise In a general vay, that a barge Is one kind of flat bint not drawing more than one and one half feet of water. Even supposing that a barge drew only one foot of water, which It sure ly would If loaded with any cargo. It would be Impossible for one to make the trip from Kamiah to Lewlston. nt the stage the water wns when the examination was made last summer. There are rapids In abundance that a small canoe would become stranded on at certain seasons of the year. In the fall and spring when the water Is high, navigation by any means Is dangerous In the extreme. Loggers lose millions of feet of tim ber every year, by having their rafts torn to pieces by rapids and eddies. Even In a rowboat It would be a hazardous undertaking, to perform the feat of riding from Kamiah to Lewlston. Tho last congress In authorizing the examination of rivers to ascer tain the feasibility of barge naviga tion, Included the Clearwater, and authorized a thorough examination. In fact, It Is claimed that people liv ing on the river were the first to agi tate the question. What the ,object was Is a mystery. The expense of freighting by way of barges would be of no benefit; for while the downward transportation would be easily accomplished bar ring accidents the barge itBelf would be practically useless at the Lewis ton end of the voyage. To ship them back would only make matters worse. Not many shippers would care to assume the rink of shipping by this method, for the danger of loss Is too great It would be Impossible to build temporary barges that would withstand the rapids and eddies. The strongest would be none too strong. As far as saving freight by this means of transportation Is concerned. It would only antagonize railroad In terests through this valley and the ultimate result would be a worse stnte of affairs than ever. The un dertaking does not Justify the effort In fact the whole thing looks like going across to the other side of the river to get a drink. What the people want is for con gress to declare this river unnavlga ble, making it lawful to put in bridges to take the place of ferries. This Is the greatest drawback the Clearwater valley has. Farmers spend thousands of dollars yearly In this way, which would be easily saved by county bridges, and this sum expended on farm Improvements. As the law now stands It Is unlaw ful to erect a bridge across the Clear water river between Lewlston and Kamiah unless such a bridge shall contain a draw span. This practical ly excludes all possibility of bridges being built, as the expense of putting in a draw span would be too great. If this question was placed before congress In the proper shape and facts made known Just as they ac tually stand, that body would take different steps to relieve the situation and untold benefits would result. A Fearful Fato. It is a fearful fate to have to en dure the terrible torture of Piles. "I an truthfully say," writes Harry Colson of Masonvllle, Iowa, "that for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Pro truding P ies, Bucklen's Arnica Salve hi tho best cure made." Also best for uts, burns and Injuries. 25c at Tall man & Co. and Brock and McComaa. druggists. Thomas Hopkins, a cook, was found dead In a shack at Seattle, with a bowle knife driven nearly through his body. There were evidences of a drunken quarrel. Have Tried BEECH AM'S PILLS for Lassitude and Depression? Women who suffer at times from lassitude and depression will find Beccham's Pills a great help when the system is weakened or deranged. Full directions accompany every box. BEECH AM'S PILLS for Sick Headache and Nausea? These distressing symptoms that rack the system of sickly women are quickly re lieved by the gentle potency of Reecham's Pills. A friend indeed, when women are in need. BEECH AM'S PI LLS for Nervousness ? All women who arc subject to nervousness should at once have recourse to Becch am's Pills, the most wonderful remedy for women's ills ever compounded. Special directions accompany each box. BEECHAM'S PILLS for Loss of Appetite? When the stomach refuses food, it is time to take Beecham's Pills, back the appetite, strengthen the stomach and tone the vital organs. BEECHAM'S PILLS for Constipation? They bring Women are specially liable to constipation and should guard against its dangers. Beecham's Pills regulate the bowels, exercise the liver and purify the blood. Read the special directions for women with each box. TmTTTT tt rwrj IT ILUdlid SO Sold Everywhere In Boxes. lOo. and 25c. v m SHEEPMEN TO MEET COUNTY ASSOCIATION TO MEET HERE DEC. 2S. Questions of Opening a County Road to Meacham, of Building or Leasing Dipping Vats and of Securing Am ple Shippers on the O. R. & N. in tike Mountains Will All Be DiscnsH ed Each Individual Sheepman Urged to Be Present A meeting of the Woolgrowers as sociation of Umatilla county has been called to be held In this city on Sat urday, December 23, for the purpose of discussing the apportionment of range, the opening of a public road from a point in the southern part of the county to Kamela or Meacham, the construction or leasing of dipping vats, the question of dipping sheep, and several other vital and important questions which concern each indi vidual sheepman In the county. Every sheepman In the county Is urgently requested to attend the meet ing, as Interests which will affect each one will be considered and every man should be present to give expression to his sentiments. The matter of opening a public road through the county for the purpose of driving sheep to the railroad stations in the mountains for shipment Is one of great importance and also the se curing of dipping vats with suitable range facilities In connection for the use of all Umatilla county sheepmen will be taken up at this time. At an Informal meeting of the sheepmen In this city yesterday even ing It was decided to call this meet ing and begin preparations for next spring. For a number of years the matter of securing a road through the county from a point on the Starkey road near "The Saddle" has been earnestly discussed by sheepmen. Each year a large number of sheep are lost in making the trip from the foothills to Meacham because there is no suitable road, and sheepmen are determined this season to accom plish something in the way of relief. The O. R. N. company has agreed to build capacious shipping pens at any place designated by sheep men and at this coming meeting the question of selecting the shipping point and petitioning for the locating of permanent shipping pens will come up for consideration, as well as other vital questions which concern every individual sheepman in the county. Rader Carpets Rader. Snow to Grant County. About five inches of snow fell hers Saturday. The weather has . been rather cool all week causing most of the stockmen to feed their sheep, however, the stockmen express no great fear for cattle that are out In the mountains. Monument Enterprise. Only about oi.e person in 100 Uvea to the age of 65, one-half dying be fore reaching the age of 16. Chafing Dishes Silver Table Cutlery Numerous articles that make splendid presents Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. HARDWARE PLUMBING 643 Main Street DOLLTOWN, OREGON A city of ono thousand of the cutest, brightest and prettiest people in the state. DOLLTOWN IS A SUBURB of Pendleton and Is located at Frazer s Book Store, whew the charming pernio are awaiting to be adopted into tho homes of the community. The, are all so .l ... tractive Unit they will bring happlncm Into every homo they enter. Among the Inhabitants of Dolltown aro tho family of real Ilandwcrck dolls from Germany. All slxea. family of kid bodied dolts. DOLLTOWN IS A WHOLE TOWN BY ITSELF, and has a complete collection of departments. Tlion, there aro the celebrated Kestuei- Dolltown People Dolltown Furniture Store Dolltown Furnishing Parlor Dolltown Jewelery Store All of whom will go to private homes upon In vitation of citizens. Each and every resident of Dolltown would make a companion for any boy or girl and will delight them all. Splendid collection of doll furniture, Ixxls, etc. Also baby bugglcn anil ' go-oartM. All patterned afwr tho largo slw. All well mode and attractive. Complete 1 Inc. of doll shocei, stockings, wigs, heads, arms, parasols for the drew lolls. All Uie various size memliers of Dolltown. In tills department necklaces, ear rings, combs, brushes, watehcet and everything to make up a complete doll toilet. In this connection wo wish to say that in our Dolltown will be found the largest and most beautiful collection of Dolls ever shown In Pendleton. We l,u- mode special effort in this Ue f..r a. ii.au . , Persons desiring Dolls for dressing should call at once and make selections so as to have thorn completed In time for the gift season. ' - Dolltown is at FRAZIERS BOOK STORE i