DAILY KA8T OXlafGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, IMS. PAGE TWO. GREAT DEYICE. CLOSING OUT SALE at the- Golden Rnh Store Positively going out of business Watch for our big "ad" GENERAL NEWS. Fr.ink Heller has disappeared from Milwaukee, Wis., and with him nearly 1100.000 belonging to the Skarb Pols ki Mutual Building society, of which he was secretary-treasurer. Captain Frank Fratx, who will re ceive his commission as governor of Oklahoma In January, Is only 22 vears of age and will be the young est executive that stats has ever had. Otto Hayes, president of the Gallon, O., National bank, has been found guilty by a Jury on six counts, for violation of the national banking law, which led to the failure of the bank. Ptormer Director of Public Safety A. L. English and former City Ar chitect Philip H. Johnson, of Philadel phia, have been Indicted In Philadel phia on a charge of conspiracy to de fraud the city in the building of a smallpox hospital. A vigorous effort will be made at radical changes we shall favor Its discontinuance In Iowa colleges next falL" NORTHWEST NEWS. Alex and Elbert Kanseler, brothers. were drowned In Lake Kahlotus, Wash., Thanksgiving day. Both bodies were recovered. A private or state bank Is to be opened at Ellensburg, Wash., with a capital of 125,000, all owned by local subscribers. It will be the third bank In the place. At the November teachers' examin ation there were 1172 applicants for certificates In the state of Washing, ton. Of these 241 were without teach. Ing experience and 302 wrote to raise grades made at the August examina tions. Justice of the Peace Henry A. White of Rainier Beach, was Instantly killed at Seattle by a street car. His back was to the approaching car and he this session of congress to Increase stepped sideways to avoid It, but got the appropriation for the, medical de partment of the army, and Increase the ratio of opportunities for ad vancement In rank for the officers of that department. The output of pig Iron this year in the United States Is estimated at 22.600,000 tons. This production will be over twice the output of Germany and almost three times the production of Great Britain In 1904. The great demand for pig Iron continues and It Is probable the near future will see an advance In price. In making Its final reports the state October grand Jury at St Louis, Ho., made a supplementary report charac terizing the police department of St Louis Is "demoralized" and "disor ganized," charging that perjury and false testimony are regarded as duty by policemen and that witnesses are terrified and Intimidated. The conference of directors of ath letics of Iowa colleges held at Dei Koines, adopted the following resolu tion: "Resolved, That American foot ball as now played Is not a game suit able as an athletic i-port for institu tions of learning, and unless the au thorities controlling the game make upon the wrong track. His body was dreadfully mangled. At Spokane Fred Zlnk and A. J, Llndster quarreled and then made up and agreed to take a friendly drink to celebrate the reconciliation. One drink led to another, both got drunk and the upshot was that Zlnk stab bed and badly wounded Llndster. Two kinds of goods and trade; a bargain's a bargain and moneyback. One makes friends, and the other loses em. . Schilling's Best at your grocer's. W.D.FLETCHER TUB PICFHR WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. SOS Court Street Jewelry nde to order. Wedding rings spcctnlty. All work guaran Torture of a Preacher. The story of the torture Of Rev. O, D. Moore, pastor of the Baptist church of Harpersvllle, N. Y., will Interest you. He says: "I suffered agonies, because of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip, had to sleep sitting up In bed. tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which entirely cured my cough, and saved me from consumption." grand cure for diseased conditions of Throat and Lungs. At Tallman Co. and Brock & McComas, druggists. Price 50c and $1.00, guaranteed, Trial bottle free. HELD QUARTERLY CONFERENCE M. K. South In Tills City Will be Sup plied by Local Ministry Temporar lly. Quarterly conference of this district was held at the M. E. church south, In this city yesterday, Rev. H. S, Shangle, presiding eider, in charge. Arrangements were made to supply the pulpit of the M. E. church, south, In this city from the local ministry until a regular pastor Is selected. VS. STANDARD iltEAT ARRAY OK FIRST CLASS LEGAL TALENT. Suit I of National Importance In Every Phase Action Was Begun in tho Courts of Missouri and Inxtlgat ed by Governor Folk Rockefeller, Rogers and Otlier Eminent Flnan. cicrs Have Been Summoned and Must Testify, and Also Governor Folk. New York. Dec. 4. The hearing In the great legal fight of the state of Missouri against the Standard Oil rompany, which was transferred to this city, opened today, with one of the most remarkable arrays of legal talent on each side. The hearing takes place before Frederick H. Sanborn, who was ap pointed commissioner to take testi mony hy Governor Folk, of Missouri, and the subpoenaes were Issued by Justice Fitzgerald, of the supreme court. Whatever the final outcome of the suit may be, it is a matter of national Importance and Is attracting the attention of the whole country. The charge against the Standard Oil company is that It formed an as-roemont with the Republic and Waters-Pierce companies, said to be branches of the Standard Oil compa ny. but pretending to be separate and distinct corporations, to control the price and output of oil in the state of Missouri. There are really two suits, although both are based upon he same facts. The first, which was Instituted in the Missouri suprem court, declares that by reason of the pool the three companies have for felted the right to their charter and should no longer be allowed to do business In the state. The other suit was started In the circuit court of Jackson county, and demands that the parties to the al leged pool be prevented from carry ing out their alleged unlawful agree ment Tlie hearing of the witnesses will bo held at the office of Henry Woll man, at 74 Broadway. As Is the cus tom In such proceedings, the com missioner will not pass upon the ob jections of counsel. Witnesses will be asked to answer every question and the objections offered will merely go Into the record, to be passed upon by the court before which the real trial will take place. When a witness de clines to answer, pleading that In so doing he would incriminate himself. the matter win have to be referred to the court In this way some highly Interest ing and Important Information re garding the workings of the Standard Oil trust will probably go Into the records. John D. Rockefeller. Hen ry M. Flager. John D. Archbold, Henry H. Rogers, Wade Hampton and many other prominent directors of the Standard Oil company are among the witnesses summoned to appear before the commissioner. Hurst's Automatic Switch and Signals Wlureby Trains Operate Tliclr Own Switches on Exliibitlon In the New Schmidt Building. The Hurst Automatic Switch and Signal, a patent device for the auto matic operation of railroad switches and signals. Is being exhibited in the new Schmidt building, where a work ing model Is on exhibition and the public is invited to call and see It work. The Hurst automatic switch Is tho Invention of Charles M. Hurst, of Rawlins, W'yo. By his arrangement switches are actuated by the move. ment of trains and Is a safeguard against danger of trains running Into open or misplaced switches and the value of his patented device Is In estimable. It Is claimed that the Hurst system will revolutionize railroading of this day, because of the small cost of plac Ing It on the different tracks. It de creases the cost of operating, main tenance, cost of repairs and time lost by stopping to operate the switches by hand. The Hurst company Is arranging to build a large factory In Portland for the manufacture of the automatic switch and signals and are offering the citizens an opportunity to become interested in the company. The exhibition of the working model will continue Monday, Tuesday and Wednsday. BUSINESS COLIjEGE NOTES. Branch Commercial Teachers? Agency Has Been Rftablished. W. L. Vincent will be with us again next Monday. 1 Bertram Sturm, one of our commer- cinlites, was the winner of the 25 prize offered by Rader. Watch these columns next week, and see who is the winner In the gold medal contest. Papers will be graded today. Mr. Archie Clendennen, of John Day. Ore., will enter school Monday, Arrived In town on Fridny. Our night school students, Misses McBrlde and Harris, spent Thanks giving out of town. The former ut Athena and the latter at La Grande. Mr. Rosea West, brother of lira. E. M. Churchill, of Prosser, Wash., is here visiting for a few days. Evangelist Jones spoke to the stu dent body of the P. B. C. one after noon recently. A speaker like Rev. Jones is certainly welcomed by all. Mr. Wattenburger, of Galloway, Or., called at the school on Saturday morning. He Is father of the Misses Ina and Cora Wattenburger, who are with us for commercial work. A. P. B. C. Bible study class haa been organized at the Baptist church, Last Sunday was the first meeting, an da goodly number In attendance. A branch offlae for the Warrens- burg-Midland Commercial Teachers' Agency has been established at the P. B. C. ThlB agency is quite widely known and deserves the patronage of all commercial schools and teache of this as well as other localities. BANQUET JANUARY 8. Woodmen of tho World Will Install and Give Social Entertainment At the meeting of Pendleton Camp No. 41, Woodmen of the World, held on Saturday night the date of the an nual banquet and installation of offi cers was fixed for January 8, at the Eagles hall. A committee of five was appointed to have charge of the arrangements and the event promises to be one of the most pleasant in the history of the camp. The committee which will arrange the program and have charge of the entertainment Is as follows; A. J. Owen, chuirman; Thomas Fits Gerald. V. Stroble, William Hale and Phil McBrian. llano $182.00. Two bargains: Ono for 2182.00, the other for 8210.00; both like new and worth nearly twice as much. Easy terms. Eilers Piano House, 813 Main street. The commissioners of the District of Columbia will recommend the pas. sage of a bill providing for a Juvenile court in the city of Washington. "This Is no time for mirth or laughter, 'TIs the cold grey dawn of the morn ing after." There will be no "morning after," If you will carry a box of CALIFORNIA PRUNE WAFERS, and take a few before going to bed. They will fix you all right and tone you U" before breakfast Tallman & Co., 623 Main St., Pendleton. Ore. 100 Wafers 25 Cents. Real Cut Glass Decorated China Terra Cotta Bronzes In advance of Holiday we are showing elegant samples of Real Cut Class (every piece a diamond) Imported Decorated China and Terra Cotta Bronzes, which we are pricing at bed rock figures. On display in our windows. I Brock"i McComas Co. 100 Reward, f lO. The readers uf this paiier will be dIum learn that there is ut Ipaat one drpstleti KiesHes that srlenre baa been able to rtir all ita stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's tfatarrb Cure la tha only positive cure no mown to the medical fraternity, ratarrli ns a eonatltiitlonal diaeaae, reoitlrea a constitutional treatment. Hall's t'aiarrb 'are Is taken internally, acting directly ipoii be blNKl and mucous surfaces of the yatem, there5y destroying tha foundation t dlnease, and airing the patient atrenirtb ny building up tha conatltntlon and aaalat ix nature in uoinx ita wore, ma pro- srletora ban ao much faith In Ita rnrarlre .owera tbat tbey offer Una Hundred 1KH ara for any case mat it tails to cura. enri for list of testimonials. kSdreaa: r. J. CHKNKY 4 CO., Toleds, O. Hold by all druggleta. ?5e. Take Hall's family I'llla for toasdpaatoa Radar Carpets Hani. FREE HOOKS DEFEATED. Walla Walla Votes Against Free Text Books for Public Schools. Walla Walla, Dec. 4. The vote on the free text bonk Issue In the public school election held In this city last Saturday resulted In the movement being defeated by a vote of 103 against, and 87 for free books. Great Interest was taken in the election and the sentiment Is now firmly established in the district and repeated efforts will be made to se cure free books until the abject Is ac complished. ' A Fearful Fate. It Is a fearful fate to have to en dure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully say," writes Harry "olson of Masonvllle, Iowa, "that for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Pro trudlng Piles, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best oure made." Also best for cuts, burns and Injurlos. 2 Be at Tall man & Co. and Brock and McComas, druggists. Knowledge is power. Coffee knowl edge means Golden Gate Coffee Sold only in aroma-tight tins. Never in bulk. J. A. FOLGER S. CO. Sam Francisco U.FOI.GERfc1 The Talk of the Town Our Shoes are the talk of the town, and why not; when you know we carry these well known makes you will talk too. SOROS1S Sb JENNESS MILLER, for women LITTLE GIANT SCHOOL SHOES and MALONY MAKE for Children FLORSHEIM and WALK OVER, for Men A combination that cannot be beat ALEXANDER'S Pendleton's Reliable Store The Alta House Under New Management I bare Just ..urebased tbe Alta House. I have fixed it as ta splendid -baps and employed competent belp in all departments. I Intend to as see to those who enjoy good home cooking. Ton know bow tiresome restaurant cooking becomes. We will serve yon heiae cooking, wholesome and well-cooked, and plenty of It. Ton win find that I will give yon square treatment. I solicit the trade of families for Sunday Dinner. You will find It costs less and Is much less trouble to tome here for your Sunday dinner than to set ono np at home. I cordutUy Invite all old patrons and all of my frieneai to give ane a trial. A. J. dimming FHAZE R THEATRE The Grace Johnson Co. One Week commencing Monday December 4 . Opening with the Great Eastern Success "AN ARTIST'S WIFE" Featuring America's greatest and youngest child actress BABY JUNE Sea Us o Sale at BROCK & McCOMAS PRICES 10c 20c. saw! 30c Electric Lights They are Uie best. They require no oil. They are the cheapest They give plenty of light They require no cleaning. They are always ready for sue. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. ; CORNER COTJIITMND GARDE? 8T For sale at the East Oregonlan office Large Bandies of containing over 100 big papers, can be bad for loo a handle. The demolition of the frontier for tllfcatlons In accordance with the treaty recently signed between Swe den and Norway is actively proceeding. ... ... BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE Two fine building lots, $100 each. l-room house, two lots; good well; located near school, price 1 1010.00. Good (-room house, larce barn, two large lota, nice shade and fruit trees, large chicken yard. rice 12600.00. . House, and lot near West End school, $100. House and two lots on Maple St, tltO.00. House and barn, 7 lots, good orchard, plenty well water, $2,000.00. These three plaees must be sold within 30 days. , Come early and m cure s bargain. 110 acres on Birch creek, 25 acres alfalfa; grt bargain, $7,600.00. 1(0 acre ranch on McKay creek, ts ncba ge for city property. New l-room house, large hsuss, t lots. Price 13(00.00. 1(0 acres one and Athena at a bargain. tarn, calek.n half miles south of Also vacant lots In all parts of tha city. If you wish to build we can sell yo a lot and furnish you the money to build your hems. In the oity. Vacant lot on Jane street, near Court, tilt. Finest residence and two lots tT,t00. a,'.0!-?. Wh.?at """ 860 ,own haat. tll.OOo; 11 miles from Pendleton, I sail ts 111 In wheat, II miles south of market. Ill elty. HARTMAN (2b BENTLEY COURT trf, PENDLETON, ORB. 'PHONE MAliI M. ee oo ... ess ...................................... .....e....c(.(aaaaaaaaaaaa