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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1905)
f&QHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, IMS. PAHS ITVE. Sil-kid Shoes for Women H $3.50 This is the shoe that is tion than . any advertised ladies shoe on the 5 . market. They fit better. They look better. They wear better and the workmanship is better than most $5.00 shoes. They come in all leathers and all styles. S Let as show yoa the Sil-kid. Lee Teutsch's Dept. Store CITY BREVITIES U C Rader. Nuf Mu. Carpet! Rader Carpet. Leathers Tranafer, Phone Main 111. A dandy trade we have had, thank you. Hamley. Get next to Hamley, he knows how . to treat you right. Now located In Pendleton at Boeto Btore Shoe repaher. Preebyteiian (air at Bowman bulld ' fag Friday and Saturday. Leave order (or alfalfa hay at Telephone stable, W. F. Cook. Craghead & Hayes of Athena, have some bargain In business chances. -1 John Gagen'a Family liquor store. Court flt. opposite Golden Rule hotel. For Rent Store or office room In rick building. Inquire at Hotel St George. '" For Rent Newly furnished house keeping rooms. Apply 301 South llaln street ' For (Ine shoe repairing, see Green awald Headstrom at Teitsch's De partment store. Shoes repaired while you wait by Greenawald St Headstrom at Teutscb's Department Store. Bee the elegant booths at the Pres byterian (air Friday and Saturday at the Bowman building. Dr. C. J. Smith Is located In his new fflce In the Smith-Crawford build lag, opposite the postofftce. Hot lunches and all kinds of useful articles on sale at the Presbyterian lair Friday and Saturday at Bowman sliding. The advocates of separate statehood (or Oklahoma and Indian territory and (or Arizona and New Mexico arc weakening, and there Is a growing conviction that "Joint" statehood, I. o., Oklahoma and Indian territory as one state, and Arizona and New Mexico as one state will be a realised fact daring the coming session of congress. This Is the picture of the new eye glass mounting. It can not come off and does not wrinkle the (ace. Come and let us show yoa this new anting. Louis Hunziker Jeweler and Optician 726 Main Street. WE SERVE THE BEST IN Made Willi &4iuj&& CHOCOLATE. SAME AS CSEDATniDK OWN STOKES ! AND WORLD FAMED. KOEPPEN'S Popular Priced Drug Store A. O. TtOEPTEN, Prop. Pendlston, Oregon. giving better satisfac- Humane Harness at J amity's. We use the best California oak leather at Hamley's. See the handsome goods at the Pres byterian (air this week. Price reductions. Incorporation sate rtoMon store, best ever, Pendleton Business College Is In iorsed by business men. Pendleton Business college has no equal. . Write (or catalogue. House (or rent at 215 Locust street Furniture must be sold within (ive days. Call at once. Wanted Girl (or general house work. Best wages. Apply to Mrs. T. G. Hailey, 111 Jackson street Madam Amber, whose marvelous forecasting of the future, during the Portland (air created such a sensa tion, can be consulted at the Palace lodging hffuse. Several Philadelphia policemen will be tried (or complicity in shanghaiing saiiors. it Is alleged they helped get sailors drunk and connived at enroll ing them (or the merchant service, receiving commissions from the mas ters of ships on such transactions. Good News, Baptist Church. Topic tonight, "A Crucial Test"; Saturday night Mr. Jones will take (or the topic, "A Two-(old Vision." A men's mass meeting will be held on Sunday afternoon. Many are already Interested In this evangelist and his message, but those who listened most attentively become more Interested In th ecvangcllst's Christ. He preaches not church, but Christ You will re ceive a blessing 1( you come to wor ship with us. A large audience came lost night and several came (orward, confessing Jesua O. L. H. Much Know to Southward. B. B. Neil. H. T. Connell, M. F. Dick, all of Alba, were In the city yes terday spending the day. According to members of the party there has been considerable snow In that sec tion, and the stage has been running from Uktah to Nye on bobs. Around Cape Horn, near Willow Springs, the road is said to have been filled with drifted snow to such an extent as to make the highway Impassable. Two Wore Sentenced. On being arraigned Cramer entered a plea of guilty and was given an In determinate sentence by Judge Ell'.s. This under the law will mean at least one year In the penitentiary. Also a plea of guilty was entered by Charles Bellinger, charged with horse steal ing, and ho was given a year's sen tence. Chapman will be arraigned Monday. Engineer and Fireman Killed. Wllkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 1. A New Jersey Central train last night killed Clarence Detro, engineer. Fireman John Liebert and seriously Injured four trainmen. The train left the track and plunged Into the Lehigh river. HOT CHOCOLATE TOWN. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. A. A. Miller has Just returned from Walla Walla. '" J. R. Swltxler, of Umatilla, spent the day here yesterday. W. A. Ferguson. o( Walla Walla, has been visiting In the city. Dr. D. J. McFaull went to Weston today on professional business. Mrs. L. B. Wells and son, of Echo, were here yesterday upon a brief visit. H. C. Means, of Umatilla, came up from that place lost night for a short stay here. Conductor and Mrs, H. W. Cameron spent Thanksgiving here. Their home Is in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Berry and duughter, of La Grande, spent Thanks giving In Pendleton. J. D. Gregolre of Adams, has been a visitor in town today, having come down on the morning train. Mrs. C. 8. Mudge and daughter, Eunice of Echo, are guests of Mrs. H. C. Willis for a few days. Miss Alma Barnett, of Weston, came In last night on the westbound train and left this morning for her home. W. Roy Saxton, of the reclamation service, came up from Echo this morn ing and has been visiting here today. J. N. Burgess, R. A. Kelsay and J. M, Keeney, purchasers of the Cun ningham property, are In the city to day. Miss Lula R. Lorenx, correspondent of the Oregon Daily Journal, Is In Adams today In the Interest of her paper. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. E. Prultt of Baker City, who spent Thanksgiving In the city, left for their home last evening. W, U Knight, brother of A. U and A Die Knight, of this city, spent Thanksgiving in the city. His home I- at Helix. Gus La Fontaine, who ha Just re turned from his winter ranges, says his sheep are in excellent condition (or the winter. Joe Nolf, formerly deputy game warden here, Is now employed a a salesman in a large sportsmen's goodd house in Chicago. Dr. MoNabb should be congratulat ed on his selection of such a piano as it Is a Grand, and a Checkering at that. The oldest In America, best in the world. J. H. Nolf will leave within a (ew days (or Seattle, where he will Join his son Fred. Afterward he will go to Chicago upon a visit to his two sons there. .. 1 Colonel J. M. Bentley went to Wes ton today to act as auctioneer in the sale of the Young property at that place. The sale Is being held under the direction of B. B. Hall, as admin lstrator. Dr. D. C. McNabb purchased from Kllers Piano House, for cash, the Chlckcrlng Quarter Grand, that was selected and used by Mrs. Walter Reed and Mr. Alexander In their recent concert here. There are a number of wealthy people In Pendleton who are content plating the purchase of Grand pianos before Christmas. Of course a Grand is -the thing and nothing but the Chickerlng will do. HIS LORDSHIP NOT IN TOWN. Continued from page 4.) Clark fair, but Just how he acquired the position of head waiter at Bing ham Springs is not known. For some time past Eva,ns has main tained that his father was coming upon a trip to the Pacific coast, and that he would visit with him In Pen dleton, A week ago he said that his parent had arrived In Portland, but was 111 in a hospital there. It was supposedly to meet his father that he left here, hut Inasmuch as he headed for Spokane Instead of Portland, his story regarding his father now has little credence. This morning Sheriff T. D. Taylor left on the 9 o'clock train for Walla. Walla, and on his arrival there he was Informed by Deputy Joe Blakcly of Evans' disappearance. However, he had not been seen on the train nor at the Walla Walla depot by the sher iff, consequently It Is believed the Englishman remained aboard the train and Is headed for Spokane or Canada. Orders for the arrest of the alleged midshipman have been sent out, and It is believed ho will soon be taken. At 4: IB this afternoon the sheriffs office received a message from Colfax to the effect thut young Evans had been arrested there by the sheriff under orders from this place. He will rr brought back at once. FAIR IS OPENKD. Presbyterian Women Hnvo a Large Display of Goods on Hand at the Bowman Building. The Presbyterian (air being can ducted by the women o( the Presby tcrlan church was opened this after noon In the bowman building with a large display of useful and beautiful articles for sale. The fair will continue tonight, to morrow and tomorrow night, and Is being well patronized. It is being held for the boneflt of the building fund of the church. Mrs. William Blakeley Is In charge, and Is being assisted by a large numl er of women who are serving In the different booths and on var'ous committees. TWO INFORMATIONS. Serious Charges Filed Against Chap man and Cramer. This afternoon District Attorney Phelps filed Information In the clr cult court against Will Chap, nan on the charge of assault with a danger ous wenpen. Chapman Is the young man who ran amuck Tuesday and fired 10 or 12 shots from a revolver before he could be taken in. Also, Information was filed against George Cramer on the charge of burglary, the prisoner being accused of having robbed a saloon at Weston. NO MORE EXPERIMENTS. Government Will Stop Black Sand TcxtM at Portland, Experiments with bluck sands In saving magnetite, gold and rare min erals which have been carried on by Dr. D. T. Day in Portland for the United States geological survey, are about to be discontinued and the plant dismantled for lack of funds. The Portland Chamber of Com merce is trying to arrange for a con tinuation of the experiments. At the lust session of congress an appropri ation of 2C,000 was made to enable the geological survey to examine the black sands of the west and determine what useful minerals they contain and how they can be economically ex tracted. These Investigations have been carried on In Portland during the last summer, and the experiments have been beneficial to the states of South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, California, Colorado, Washington, Idaho and Oregon. About 88 carload lots and 400 small samples from all parts of the country, especially Mon tana, remain to be tested. These facts are set out In a letter the chamber Is sending to the com mercial bodies of Butte, Spokane, Lewlston, Tacoma, Denver, Boise, Se attle, Bellingham, Everett and other cities, asking them to exert their In fluence to secure, by Joint resolution of congress, before the Christmas hol idays, a further appropriation of 120, 000 to keep the work going until the matter can be reached by congress In the regular way. The Portland cham ber volunteers to assume all expense thus far Incurred by congress for equipment and furnish free quarters and electricity. SHORT CHANGE THIEF. Pendleton Merchants Warned of a Shrewd Schemer. A llehtnlne short change artist was at work m Olympla this week, but was caught and sentenced to pay a rin r tioo. but this fine was sus pended on condition that he leave towp. A number of merchants were his victims. His stock In trade was a 12 bill. He would co into a store and pur chase E cents worth of stuff, tendering the bill as payment He wouia re ceive $1.95 In change. Then he would nrnduce a nickel, after pocketing tne dollar, and ask the merchant to give him a dollar for the 85 cents and the nlrlrel. U'hon this was done he would push the dollar In change and the mer chant's dollar over the counter and ask the merchant to give him back his tz hill. Several did and wondered lor a time how It was that they were short a dollar. PLAN A MILLION DOLLAR BOAT. Big Steamer to Run Between Seattle and Everett Plans are being formulated to put on a million dollar steamer Detween Seattle and Everett and a San Fran rtiann pnmnanv Is backing the project Although there Is an Interurban trol ley line between the two cities, the travel hv water has not been reduced and the capitalists think there Is a good opening to put In a good boat. Smaller settlements between tne two towns are pleased at the project, a the boats on tne run now ao noi stop at all places, as there are no landings. They think competition would be such that landings would be put In and in that way they would get the benefit BEETS IN CROOK COUNTY. Three Sisters Country Produces Fine Quality. H. B. Reed, who owns a ranch in Crook county, near the base o( the Three Sisters, brought a sample o( ugar beets to the city this week, to show what Irrigation will do (or that Industry, says the Telegram. These beets contain 15 per cent of sugar and grow to a large size. Mr. Reed things beet raising will be a leading Industry in Crook county when the land Is placed under a sys tem of irrigation. His ranch Is 40 miles (rom Prlneville, and Is without railroad facilities, but it Is expected that a line will be built In the near future. Mr. Reed rode on the stage for 100 miles from his ranch to Shan iko on coming out to his former home at McMinnville. "In order to reach McMinnville, 100 miles away, we had to travel around by the Columbia river a distance of 500 miles," he said. Gold Medal That is what tho Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges won nt the World's Fair. We will sell the first 10 coal Heaters, five wood Heaters and five S. el Rnngcs at COST. Tills Is done to adver tlso tho goods In tills city. Can you afford to overlook this? Wo also handle new and second hand Furniture. W. W. Bradley : 315 E. Court St. Healthful Beautiful ' The most beautiful and largest collection of framed plctmres ever brought to Pendleton are now displayed In our store. Those pictures were bought at a bargain and everyone is sold at bar gain price. (j The stock eonalsu of all sixes, from the small neatly and ar tistically framed to the larger and more heavily and more substan tially framed. These pletarea range In price from 10c nP to 910, and aD are bargains. The frames alone on many of these pletarea cost mora than we ask for pletarea, frames and all. Stationery The finest line late style stationery In boxes, and tablet, loose envelopes to match, ever shown here can be seen at our An the bright new Ideas are Included. Cook OOrilT STREET. Sherman County land for sale at Klondike Sta tion, Oregon. 480 acres at $25 per acre 800 acres at $25 per acre 320 acres at $25 per acre 640 acres at $ 18 per acre This land is all in cultivation, has fine improve ments. For further particulars address H. E. SMITH, The Dalles, Ore. IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT All plumbing and tin, sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to me ' will be done right and guaranteed. ' I have removed my shop to Court street, second door "east of Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do th highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, as I have la my employ one of the best plumbers In the business, and water, steam and other pipe fitting is solicited. A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work. B. F. BECK THE OLD RELIABLE PLl'MHEK AND TINSMITlL Court Street, Two Doors East of (inlilen Rule Iloicl. Byers' Best Flour Is made (rom the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread Is as sured when BYERS' BEST FLOUR la used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. I PENDLETON W. 8. BYERS, - Exercises Can be had In so many different ' hnt It la hard la keen track of I all. But whatever your partiewksr bent we are tbundantly able to rati fy It; whether your penchant la far Football, Hand Ball, Golf, Tans Boxing, Fencing or 1 unchlng she Bag. We have the nppa-t tar every manly and sport aasl exercise. FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE Agent for SPALDING'S ATHLETIC AND TM NA8IUM GOODS. Pictures e Bi Perry WOLFS OLD STAND. Purity in Laundry Work counts for everything. We use ensj pure water, pure starch and past soap. That Is why there is sneb I glossy goodness on the COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS, etc., that ne Launder. Is It any weav der, therefore, that we do a large beat ineas? Pendleton Steam Laundry FISILMAN PETERS. 'Phone 1 70. Family Washing at Family Rates, That House yoa are going to build will look bea ter, last longer and cost less if we furnish the lumber. Contractors whs pass as by are losing not only money, but reputation; because ne guarantee the soundness of every stick that gees out of our yards. Oregon Lumber Yard Near Court House . Pendleton Oregon. ROLLER MILLS ! Proprietor. - e e