W,;,: x.-k...;-.- .J.:.J...,'.: t ' . . 1 . ' M ,-.,-.,.l.tw...,, . s ''MwtitiwhwitMit- ... ( f ,MMWll,iMIIWn mvimi tliw'""" """""" . ' .. ... .,, ...... ...... " ' :l-.r. t-W.-."l!.-'ll,C- ' DAILT EAST ORBGOMAIf, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER (, 1901. EIGHT PAGES. i: ij i 1 t: 1 1: i: 11 : !: s: i :: 2: ii :: i: St :: :: t: I ANTIC v AT THE SALE That this is a Gigantic Sale goes without saying, yes we are positively going out of business, and every dollars worth of merchandise must be turned into money in the very shortest time possible; we fully realize what this means, and look at it in a very philosophical way, the first loss is the best, as the saying goes; we have lost sight of the cost of the goods, and put a price on them so low, that we are convinced will make them go quickly. Judging from the throng ot people that have crowded our store since opening THIS GREATEST OF, ALL SALES we are at once let to believe it will not take us long to close out the entire stock. We are more than pleased the way eager buyers are coming and going away pleased and there is nothing like a pleased customer. Monday, Nov. 27th, we will be in good shape to serve you, we were so busy since Wednesday that we did not have time to go through all of our vast stock. We do not have space enough to quote prices on all our goods, but give you price below on many. Read carefully all this page, it will pay you, sale continues until every dollars worth of goods is disposed of. NO GOODS CHARGED DURING THIS SALE . :s 11 .. .. :: :: a i i i :: 2: 22 :: :: :: II 22 . Men's and Boy's Sweaters Bora 41c Sweaters 38C Boys 98c Sweaters 6SC Boys $1.50 Sweaters $1.18 Men's $1.75 Sweaters $1.40 Mao's t.!B Sweaters $1.75 Many other prices too numerous to quote prioes at this time. Ladies' Shoes We Stand Back of Hrery Pair of Shoes Wo Sell Yom. One tot of odds and ends; all sixes; value $1.59 to $1.00 In oar regular lines we will sell you any or oar $1.69 Shoes, Including Dress Shoes with patent Up. Old ladles' lace Shoes and several other styles $1.25 Ladles' Shoes worth $1.76 and $1.00 $1.48 all oar best $1.00 values $1.68 Children's Shoes Hie Beat That Money Can Buy. do Child's shoes, sises (tot 48C Ko Chllds shoes, sizes 1-2 to 11 68C $1.11 child's Bhoes, slses 11 1-2 to 2 88 C Cadet Calf lace, a good school shoe; medium weight; slses t to 8; regular price 98c 88C $1.11 child's shoes, sizes 8 1-2 to 11 $1.00 $1.16 child's shoes. 11 1-2 to i $1.13 Our Kangaroo Calf Shoe Is heavier, sewed with zig zag stitch, which makes it proof against rip ping; the 98c kind; sizes 6 to 8 88C The $1.18 kind; sizes 8 1-2 to 11 $1.00 The $1.$5 kind; sizes 11 1-2 to 2 $1.15 Dress Goods LOT 19 Dress Goods; value 75c to $1.00 59C LOT 21 Dress Goods; value 15c to 16c. "9C . LOT 12 Dress Goods; value 48c to ,75o. i . . . -39C silks V !f-lnoh black Taffeta, guaranteed $1.50, . . $1,19 If-lnch black Taffeta, guaranteed $1.15 "98C 19-inch Peau de Sole, 90c .' 69C 19-inch Wash Taffeta, 86c 65C 19-inch corded Wash Silk 39C Men's Hats LOT 80 Mens black and colored Hats, 0c to "e 45c ', LOT 81 Men's black and colored Hats, $1.00. .(J5(j ! LOT 82 Men's black and colored Hats, $1.50 to '"95c LOT 8S Men's black and colored Hats, $2.00 to ' $1.35 ' LOT 84 Men's black and colored Hats, $2.50 to : $1.79 Boys' Hats LOT 85 Boys' Hats; value 80c IOC LOT 86 Boys' Hats, values up to 66c 39C LOT 87 Boys' Hats, values up to $1.00 55c Men's Underwear ODDS AND ENDS LOT 70 Men's Underwear 75o to $1.00 55C LOT 71 Men's Underwear, $1.25 to $1.15. . . .QQ LOT 72 Men's Underwear, $1.60 -$i. 18 LOT 72 Men's Underwear, 60o 25C Boys' Pants LOT 79 Boys' Pants, 36c to 85c 18C LOT 74 Boys' Pants, 50 to 65c 39c LOT 75 Boys' Pants, 76o to 90c 58C LOT 76 Boys' Pants, $1.00 o $1.25 79C Ladies' Hosiery 10c Ladles' fast black Hose, guaranteed. , . .(J i-4Q 18c Ladles' fast black Hose, guaranteed. . J2 '"'C 25c and 35c All our 25c and 15o Hose, Including WHITE FEET. LISLE THREAD, ELASTIC TOP 19c Children's Hose 10c fast black Child's Hose f l-2g 13c fast black Child's Hose IOC 28c wool fast black Child's Hose . . . 23C Men's Hose We are making a big cut In men's SOX, wool and cotton. Ladies' and Misses' Knit Underwear LOT. 60 Misses' Pants, 25o IOC LOT 61 Ladles' Pants, Vests and Union Bults; value 26c to 35c 19C LOT 62 Ladles' Pants and Vesta, 60c to 0o..3g( ' Ladies' Wool Hoods LOT 50 Wool Hoods, 60c to 76c "48C LOT 6 Wool Hoods, 13c to 48c 19C Ladies' Golf Gloves Ladles' Gold Olovey, 60c to 60o 39C Ladles and Misses 25c and 28o 19C MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Dresses LOT 35 Misses and Children's Dresses; $3.00 to '3 - y '"$1.79 LOT 86 Misses and Children's Dresses; $1.60 .o ""$1.19 LOT 37 Misses' and Children's Dresses: $1.10 to i 33 95C LOT 18 Misses' and Children's Dresses; 65o to 86o 49c LOT 19 Misses' and Children's Presses; 13c. JQg Ladies' Kimonas LOT A Ladles' Kimonas; 65c to 75o 48C LOT C Ladles' Kimonas; $1.05 to 1-8S--$1.38 LOT D Ladles' Kimonas; $1.26 98C LOT E Ladles' Kimonas; $1.66 to $1.86 $1.3 LOT B Ladles' Kimonas; 90c to $1.00 78C These Klmonaa come In short and long.. Japanese patterns and German Eiderdown. Ladies' Outing Gowns LOT F Ladles' Outing Gowns; 86c to $1.00. -(8c LOT G Ladles' Outing Gowns; $1.10 to 1U"83C LOTH Ladles' Outing Gowns; $1.25 to $1.66.. ()gf LOT I Ladles' OuUng Gowns; $1.75 to 1--$1,38 LOT J Misses Gowns, 16c to 65c 49C New Dress Goods 88o Dress Goods . . ()$ $1.00 Dress Goods 73C $1.15 Dress Goods -"88C $1.25 Dress Goods 98C $1.60 Dress Goods $1.10 $1.66 Dress Goods $1.19 Ladies' Wrappers 76c Wrappers 63C 88a Wiappers 73C $1.00 Wrappers 83C $1.15 Wrappers 93 q $1.25 Wrappers 98C $1.50 Wrappers $1.23 Ladies' and Misses' Jackets LOT 1 Jackets; value $2.00 to $6.00 $1.50 LOT 2 Jackets; value $6.00 to $12.00 $3.95 LOT 1 Jackets; value 1.60 to $6.60 $2.95 LOT 4 Jackets; value $6.60 to $13.50. . . . $4,95 LOT 6 Misses' Coats; value $5.68 to $7.60. '$3,95 LOT 1 Misses Coats; value $3.96 to $6.60. .$3.85 LOT 7 Ladles' Capes; value $6.25 to $12.00 $3.4$ LOT 8 Ladles' Capes; value $1.40 to $1.76. . Q8C Ladies' Dress Skirts LOT 9 Ladles' Dress Skirts; value $1.76 to $3.00 $1.49 LOT 10 Ladles Dress Skirts; value $2.25 to $6.00 ipJ.95 LOT 11 Ladles' Dress Skirts; value $5.60 to $7.50 $3.95 Sateen Petticoats LOT 12 Sateen Petticoats; 78c to 880 59C LOT 13 Sateen Petticoats; $1.00 to $1.25. .. -Jf)Q LOT 14 Sateen Petticoats; $1.25 to $1.60.... Q8C LOT 15 Sateen Petticoats; $1.68 to $1.76. -$1.28 LOT 16 Sateen Petticoats; $1.88 to $2.60. -$1.49 LOT 17 Chambray Sateen Petticoats; $1.38 to 98c FURS-FURS Fur Muffn; value $19.50 $13 50 Fur Muffs; value $6.60 $4.35 Fur Muffs; value $4.00 JJJO 95 Fur Boas and Collarettes; value $28.00. -$19,50 Fur Boas and Collarettes; value $27.50.. $1$ 7j Fur Boas and Collarettes; value $25.00. -$17,45 Fur Boas and Collarettes; value $18.60. .jJO 50 Fur Boas and Collarettes; valuo $22.00. -$15,95 Fur Boas and Collarettes; value $12.60 $9,75 Fur Boas and Collarettes; value $13.50 --$X0 25 Fur Boas and Collarettes; value $7.85 $5,45 Fur Boaa and Collarettes; value $4.96 $3 75 Children's Coats LOT 75 Children's Coats; $1.60 89C LOT 76 Children's Coats; $2.50 to $3.60. -$1.19 LOT 77 Children's Coats; $3.76 to $4.25 . . . KO Oft Ladies' Wool Sweaters LOT 49 Ladles' Wool Sweaters; $2.00 to $2.60 $1.65 Ladies' and Misses' Outing Skirts LOT K Ladles' ami Misses' Outing Skirts; 38o to 50c 29c ' LOT li Ladles' and Misses' Outing Skirts; 63c to 750 -49c LOT M Ladles' and Misses' Outing Skirts; 76c to ,,0 " 69o LOT N Ladles' and Misses Outing Skirts; $1.10 to ,l " 88c LOT O Ladles' and Misses Outing Skirts; $1.60 to $1.29 IXT V Wool Knit Skirts; 75c to 88c 65C i Wool Crochet Shawls LOT 40 Wool Crochet Shawls; 25o to 36o. . J9(J LOT 41 Wool Crochet Shawls; 46c to 68c. . . 39( LOT 42 Wool Crochet Shawls; 66o to 80o. . . -59( LOT 43 Wool Crochet Shawls; $1.00. .q LOT 44 Wool Crochet Bhawls; $1.25 to $1.70. -f)8C Ladies' Waists Them Waists Come In Lawn, Flannel, Bilk and Mohair LOT P Waists, 70o to 90c 45c LOT T Waists; $1.16 to $1.76 89C LOT H Waists, $2.00 to $2.50 jjJ jg LOT 8 Waists; $2.60 to $3.00 $l"(8 LOT TJ Waists; $3.60 to $6.00 JJo ft Ladies' Handkerchiefs 18c Ladles' Handkerchiefs l-2(. 20o Ladle., Hundkerchlefs . .' , , J5g 26c Ladles' Handkerchiefs 18C 30c Ladles' Handkerchiefs. 23C 86a Ladles' Kandkerchlefs 28C 60o Ladles' Handkerchiefs 33c