EIGHT PACKS. DAILY EAST OltKOONIAN. PENDLETON. OK FX JON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, IMS. fAOB JIVE. Sil-kid Shoes for Women H $3.50 This is the shoe that is giving better satisfac tion than any advertised ladies shoe on the market. They fit better. They look better. They wear better and the workmanship Is better than most $5.00 shoes. They come in all leathers and all styles. Let us show you the Sil-kid. Lee Teutsch's Dept. Store CITY BREVITIES Nut sed. U C Rader. Carpets Rader Carpets. Leathers' Transfer, Phone Main ill. A dandy trade we have had, thank you. Hamley. ' Price reductions. Incorporation sale Boston store, best ever. 1 Presbyterian fair at Bowman build ing Friday and Saturday. Pendleton Business College Is In dorsed by business men. Pendleton Business college has no equal. Write for catalogue. John Gagen's Family liquor store, Court St., opposite Golden Rule hotel. For Rent rStore or office room la brick building. Inquire at Hotel St. Oeorge. For Bale Complete works Charles Love) and Bulwer Lytton. Inquire at ibis office. 'For Rent Newly furnished house-beeping- rooms. Apply SOI South Main street For fine shoe repairing, see Oreen awald A Headstrom at Tentsch's De partment store. Shoes repaired while you wait by Greenawald & Headstrom at Teutsch's Department Store. Bee the elegant booths at the Pres byterian fair Friday and Saturday kit lb Bowman building. The Incorporation sale of the Boston store la bona fide. You will see In reductions In prices very plainly. Dr. J. A. Best will, after December 1, occupy the rooms In the Savings Bank building now occupied by Dr. C. J. Smith. Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and Stark streets, Portland, Is the newesi and most modern house in the city Rates II per day and upward. Euro pean plan. Free 'bus. Its grill room la the handsomest and most unlqut on the Pacific coast, and prices art no higher than In places less attrac tive. This Is the picture of the new eye glass mounting. It can not come off and does not wrinkle the face. Come and let us show you this ne mounting. Louis Hunziker Jeweler and Optician 726 Main Street. o WE SERVE THE BEST o IN Made Ml C CHOCOLATE, SAME AS USED AT THUS OWN ST0BES ' AND WORLD FAMED. KOEPPEN'S Popular Priced Drug Store A. O. HOEPTEN, Prop. U C Rader. Nuf atC. Rader Furniture Rader. Humane Harness at JTamley's. Get next to Hamley, he knows huw to treat you right. ' We use the best California oak leather at Hamley'. . , . , . Now located In Pendleton at Boato lore Shoe repalior. 1 ' See the handsome goods at the Pres byterian fair this week. Leave orders for alfalfa r hay at Telephone stables, W. F. Cook. Craghead & Hayes of Athena, have tome bargains In business chances. Headstrom As Greenawald. shoe makers at Teutsch's Department store. Dr. C. J. Smith Is located In his new office in the Smith-Crawford build ing, 'opposite .the postofftca. - Dr. C. J, Smith will move his office to the Smith-Craford building oppo site postofflce, December 1. Wanted Girl for general house work. Best wages. Apply to Mrs. T. G. Halley, 111 Jackson street. Hot lunches and all kinds of useful articles on sale at the Presbyterian fair Friday and Saturday at Bowman building. Dr. Amy Currln will move her office to the Smith-Crawford building about November 25 and will occupy rooms and 7. Whooping Cough In La Grande. Twenty cases of whoop'ng cough ore now reported at La Oranclo. one fatality having resulted. Zephenlnh Wright, a cousin of Con stable J. M. Bentley, la expected to arrive hero from Clark, Randolph county, Mo., tonight, on a visit to Mr. Bentley and other relatives here. Mr. Wright Is a capitalist of his town and has never been In the, northwest be furc. Some of his relatives in this city he has not seen for 45 years, but Constable Bentley visited him in Mis aourl several years ago. , . King Oonrad Hypnotized. Last night the McEwen entertain ment at the opera house was devoted to the Eagles, and many members of that order were out to see King Con rnrt Platzoeder hypnotized. This was done to a nicety, and the well known butcher was compelled to do various Interesting stunts. Among other things he was induced to laugh, suck his lit tie finger, roll with a cramp In his stomach and otherwise provide amuse ment for his brethren. MIhsj Fraker to Sing. Miss Mytilene Fraker will sing at a high cUihs musical to be given at the Unptlst church at Baker City tomor row night Mrs. W. C. E. Prultt, for merly of this city, but now of Baker City, will accompany Miss Fraker. The American exchange bank at Browne, III., was robbed of $1,000, the safe being blown. A part of tho safe was blown through the building and across the sir -t. HOT CHOCOLATE TOWN, Fcmlljton, Oregon.' PERSOrl rEMMCN Mrs. F. 8. Ivanhoe - Is spending Thanksgiving In La Grande. Mr. and Mm. O. A. Coffin of Walla Walla, are visitors hero today. M. M, Butts of Milton, came down last evening for a short visit here. Mr. ). W. McCully, of Elgin, la a guest of Hotel St. George while In the city. Charles L. Swain of Irrlgon, Is upending the day here, having come up on the evening train yesterday. J. Vincent, of the Donaldson phar macy, left last evening for La Grande, to pass Thunksglvlng with friend in that city. Cecil Wade left this morning for Walla Walla, to attend the Whitman- Pullman football gums today and to visit with friends. t For several days past Marshal O. W. Coffman has been suffering from slight attack of grip, but has not been compelled to be off duty. Dr. L. K. Blakeslee and niece, Miss Ellen Stafford, left last evening for the hitter's home at Union, where they have been spending the day. J. H. Alexander, land inspector for the La Grande lund office district. Is a guest of Hotel St. George while here on official business for a few days. Miss May Harris, who Is teaching in the Pendleton public schools, left last night for La Grande, where she will spend a few days with her pa rents. Miss Grace Klrkley, of La Grande, passed through Pendleton yesterday. en route to Walla Walla, where she Is spending Thanksgiving with her brother, E. E. Klrkley, and family, B. B. Pitt, formerly an engineer on the Southern Pacific out of Roseburg, but now traveling for a dental supply bouse, Is In the city today. Mr. Pitt s well known to O. R. A N. railroad me nln this city, having served on the legislative committee for the locomo live firemen with O. R. A N. members several years ago. FIFTH GREATEST MINES. Gold Coin of Rye Valley, Has a 74- Foot Vein of Ore, The. Baker City Herald, speaking of the Gold Coin mine at Rye Valley, which Is owned by Pendleton people, says: I The Gold Coin mine near Durkee, 20 miles southeast of Baker City, takes fifth rank among the great mines of tho United States. There is every In dication that If the present ledge holds out It will soon-be up near first place. What gives the Gold Coin this great prestige Is the fact that It has ft 76 foot ledge, every foot of which' pans out gold. The mine Is owned and con trolled by Pendleton capitalists. ' It Is not a stock, company, there Is no stock for sale for love nor money, and not one of the owners is wanting to dispose of his holdings. For this rea son what Is to be said about the Gold Coin Is not hot air. " ' Mining men sny that with a 7 5 -foot ledge the Gold Coin takes fifth place, the order being the Comstock of Ne vada, the Homestake of Dakota, the Independence of Cripple Creek, and the Mlzpah of Tonapah, and the Gold Coin. Already 800 tons 'of ore have been shipped from the Gold Coin at a profit. The enormous ledge Is be tween well defined walls and there Is every indication that it will hold out to a great depth. FOOLED THE ALARM CLOCK.' Traveling Man Evened lp Old Score With Fate. There is a well known traveling man of this city who, this morning. took an unusual method of demon strating that It Is a holiday and that he was under no obligation to rise early to catch a train or do anything else he did not wish. He Is the rep resentative of a Portland wholesale drug firm, and during the past week has been compelled to catch a 4 or 5 o'clock train nearly every morning, much to his discomforture. However, this morning he took his revenge, and It was sweet. Last evening he set his alarm for 6 a. m and this morning it went off with a rattle that awoke the household. But the sound had no terror for the traveler, and he merely turned In his sleep and said "April fool." WON R.VDER'S CONTEST. licit Strum, of the High Scliool, Takes . . . First Prie as a Foot. Last evening the contest that has been conducted by M. A. Rader, the well known furniture dealer for the past two months in the Interests of the B. M. O. E. mattress, was decided by C. W. Myers, of the Morning Tribune, and Bert Huffman, of the East Ore gonlan, assisted by Mr. Rader. Twenty-four poems, lnudlng . the mattress advertised by Mr. Rader, were passed upon, and the following persons won places In the contest: Itert Strum, first prize, J5; P. Savllle, second prise, 13, and Q. W. Hanna, third prize, 12. The prize poem will be used In Mr. Rader's advertisement In the East Oregonlan. ON TRAIL OF THE GAMBLERS. Japanese Will Try to Bring Them to Justice. There will be no more gambling among tho Japanese of Pendleton, ac cording to Tom Shyaskl, who Is the leader of the local colony. This has been decided upon since the recent trouble with Ben Fukai and Tom To mlta, arising over the loss of 1560 which George Akakt suffered at the hands of these men. Mnce last Sunday, when a game which Fukai was running was brokon up by Shynskl and others, the former has not been seen here by the other Japs, and It Is thought he went from this place to Portland. This morning a picture of the missing sport was gvcn to Marshal Coffman by Tom Shyaskl with a request that It be for warded to the authorities In Portland so that they may be on the lookout for Fukai. Should he be found he will be brought back to Pendleton and prosecuted, so says Tom Shyaskl. According to the strenuous little leader of the local Japs there Is no gambling now going on among his countrymen, and they do not want any. At least they do not want any professionals among them. It Is said that thousands of dollars were won by Bon Fukai and Tom Tomlta from Hher Japs here, and consequently all have their fill of such business. BOWLING TEAMS ORGANIZED. Railroad Hoys and Carpenters Are ' - Ready for Contests. Two bowling teams have been or ganized at the Brunswick bowling parlors and considerable Interest Is being manifested In local circles. It Is thought a tournament will be organized for the near future as both teams are comprised of expert players. Those composing the railroad team are Jack Jackson, operator; B. R. Wolfe, ticket clerk; diaries Hamilton, switchman, and Omar Stephens of the freight department. The, carpenters in the team are N. A. Anderson, John Relgcr, Jim Payne and Fred Chesshire. All the members of both teams have made excellent scores. , Congressmen Are Assembled. Washington, Nov. 30. More than half, the house and senate assembled here for the opening of congress Mon day. All arrangements are complete. Many Improvements have been made to the capltol. " The British allotment of 131,350,- 000 of the new Japanese loan of $125 000,000. was oversubscribed several times and the lists were closed three hours after being opened. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dan gerous because so decep 1 II I n tun v xrn........t.i. deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, . pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toadvance the k idney-poisoo V ed blood will at tack the vital oreans. causine catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves Dreax oown aim waste away cell by celt Bladder troubles almost always result from derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper r treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can. make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It; corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day. ana to pet up uiany times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Bingliamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the natne.Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address. Uinrhamton. N. V.. on ever Ibottle. Gold Medal That Is what the Charter Oak Stores and Ranges won at tho World's Fair. We will soil the first 10 coal Heaters, five wood Heaters and five SUcl Ranges at COST. This Is done to adver tise tho goods In tills city. Can yon afford to overlook this? We also liandle new and second hand Furniture. W. W. Bradley : 315 E. Court St. ; Is Your Home Without Music? Do yon miss the sweet notes of the piano, violin or other musical instrument that yon are fond of T Do you not often regret thatyou cannot sing or whistle the airs from the latest opera? Are your even ings slow, and Is It sometimes hard to entertain your guests? Then become the owner of an EDISON PHONOGRAPH It supplies every want in tho way of music and entcrtalnme-it. It does so with a naturalness al most beyond belief. The Phonograph requires no skill. It plays Itself. The cost, too. Is nominal com pared with Its remarkable powers as a means of amusement. Let me show you an Edison Phonograph . with Mr. Edison's latest improvements and I will convince you how good It really K The genuine Edison Phonographs are sold at one price the world over, and the agency for eastern Oregon is at 813 Main street, next to the Boston 6tore. J. A. OWENHOUSE Distributor of EDISONS, VICTORS and COLULB1AS Healthful j Helps for preparing the Thanksgiving Feast Whether It be a wood or Iron, tin enamel, plated or silver atoisl that Is desired for use in getting the turkey ready for the feast or foe serving It we can supply tlie deficiency with the right article, , Carvers, large line of best steel Carving Sets and single Knives. Roasters, Ladles, Table Cutlery, Spoons and Kitchen Utensils of aH kinds. Silverwear Ornament the table for the Joyous event with our silverware and it will add to the appearance and pleasure of the spread. Our Une la complete and highest grade, but at a moderate price. Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. HARDWARE 643 Main Street IIP Is a J tANYTHM vv.-a-u m s Sherman County land for sale at Klondike Sta tion, Oregon. ; tion, uregon. 480 acres at $25 per acre 800 acres at $25 per acre 320 acres at $25 per acre 640 acres at $18 per acre This land is all in cultivation, has line improve ments. For further particulars address H. E. SMITH, The Dalles, Ore. Exercises (lan be had In so many differ i that It Is luird to keep track of ' all. Rut whatever yoar partie bent, vie are abundantly able to grati fy It; whether your penchant Is fsa Football, Hand . Ball, Golf, Tenass, Itoxlng, Fencing or 1 unchlng Ifcs Bag. We have the apparatus fa every manly and womanly sport aasl exorcise. FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE Agents for SPALDING'S ATHLETIC AND GYM NASIUM GOODS. PLUMBING Purity in Laundry Work . . counts for everything. We use out pure water, pure starch and para , soap. That Is why there Is sub a glossy goodness on the ' COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS, etc., that we Launder. Is It any wa der, therefore, that we do a large bsav blew? . Pendleton Steam Laundry FISHMAN ft PETERS. "Phone 179. Family Washing at Family Rates. , j That House yon are going to build will look fee tcr, hist longer and cost less If we furnish the lumber. Contractors who pnss us by are losing not only money, but reputation; because we guarantes) the soundness of every stick that goes out of our yards. Oregon Lumber Yard Court House Pendleton. Oregon,