PAGE EIGHT. EIGHT PACKS. Slaughter House Nuisance . We admit thews startling headlines are to attract your attention to onr Haughter I "rices. Wo expect to enjoy a better Christina triulo tills season than ever, as we have oqicclally prepared for It with a greater variety of Oilna, Sterling and Sliver Plated Ware, and a bargain lino of Cut Glass. Wo propose to Rive you bargains In X mas Goods. It piece Dinner Set, white and sold Sem-Porcelaln I12.9S 4t piece Dinner Set. white and gold Semi-Porcelain $4.75 lt piece Dinner Set. cohiilt blue. Seml-Porcelaln $13.00 pleee Dinner Set, cobalt blue Seml-Porcelaln $7.50 10 piece Dinner Set. Kenwood rose 8eml-rorcelain $14.25 ft piece Dinner Set, Kenwood rose Seml-Porcelaln $8.50 it piece Dinner Set, floral pink Seml-Porcelaln $11.00 1$ piece Dinner Set. floral pink Semi Porcelain $6.73 Ul piece Dinner Set, Peacock blue Seml-Porcelaln $10.50 SO piece Dinner Set, Peacock blue Seml-Porcelaln $8.50 100 piece Dinner Set, embossed white Soml-Porcelaln $7.50 Unbundled plain Tea Cups and Sauc ers, per set 45c Handled, plain Tea Cups and Saucer per set 55c Oatmeal Dishes, per set, ..80c to 50c Plain breakfast plates, per set ...45c Handled China, Tea Cup and Saucers, per set $15 Embossed China Breakfast PI t -i. por set 00c We are closing out all brooms, wash tubs and wash boards at cost. 1 dosen common Clothespins 'c 111 WIN AH DKI NKKN FELLOW SHOOTS UP TOWN IN OLD STYLE. Shoot Deliberately at Four Men Without Provocation, Giving All Close Calls Frank Prestwood Had tlie Most Narrow Escape, Ills Coat untl Trousers Doing Perforated Chupimui Was Overpowered Only After Ills Gun Was Empty, and Spent the Night In JalL s Number 1 Hand Lamp complete . .25c (liny a Dinner Sot for yonr wife.) NOTE: Do not be deceived by '.he word "China." China Is transparent; Seml-Porcelaln, or half China, is not. Owl Tea Hoiise Chi nee on a dressed doll, boys' tool chest and hand-finished game set, with 50o pn rchaae. s UNION SERVICES AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Shooting Tournament, Football Game, Basketball and a Blanqnerade Ball Will Be the Amusements' of Tomor row The Religion Services mil Be Participated in by the Resident Pastors, the Sermon Being Preached By Rev. Hall; Special Made Pre pared by Prof. Traver. Tomorrow will be Thanksgiving day. and it will be observed in Pen' dleton by a general suspension of bus- lneas, the holding of special church services, a shooting tournament in the forenoon, a football game In the afternoon, and a basketball game In the evening. Also, there will be masquerade ball In Music hall, given to the general public. Special religious services will be held In the Christian church, In which all denominations of the city will p an ticipate. The program will commence at 10 o'clock and will last one hour. Special maslc for the occasion is be ing arranged under the direction of Prof. L. R. Traver. . The Thanksgiv ing sermon will be preached by Rev. O. L. Hall, pastor of the local Bap tist church. All who are thankful are cordially Invited to attend the serv ice. For the past few days, and espee- Please Don't Have Headache Headache), exhaust vitality nd cause undue suffering; but s cautious of harmful remedies. F. & S. Headache Wafero headaches. Hie remedy Is simple, harm less and effective. Sold on Its own merits. Price 2C. Tallman & Co. 623 Main Street tally this afternoon, the local stores have been scenes of activity, many purchases being made for the holiday. Naturally most of the business has been with the groceries and produce stores, but other lines of business have also shared more or less In the trade. From Indications at present the weather will be Ideal for the day and for the football contest in the after' noon. The snow furnishes the appear ance of winter and will tend to bright en the firesides around which the families of the city will gather tomor row. Within the past day or two quite a number have arrived here for the purpose of spending the holiday with relatives, and likewise many whose homes are not here have left to Join the family circle in other places. This evening many of the school people and others who live In adjoining towns will leave the city to return again by Monday. ALTA HOUSE CHANGES HANDS. A. J. Cumnilngs of Butter Creek, the Latest Purchaser. , Once more the Alta House has changed hands, the hostelry being purchased by A. J. Cummlngs, the Butter creek stockman. The deal for the place was consummated today, and the place will change hands at once, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Doherty, who have been running the hotel for the post few months, will return to Lex ington, Morrow county, where they also own a hotel. Mrs. Doherty and her sister, Miss Mary Sheridan, will leave for that place this evening. Organised Farming Company. Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the county clerk of Union county for the Grand View Farming company, the Incorporators being Walter M. Pierce, William G. Sawyer and T. R. Berry. The farm will be located in Union county and the capl tal stock U $5000. At New Orleans Mrs. Mary Lipps, an aged woman, and John Klein, aged 10, were burned to death in a dwel ling by a midnight fire. Several other Inmates of the house succeeded In escaping. STEIN "BLOCH SMART CLOTHES I What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let U3 answer it to-day. Try dJoBQ-dDp delicious and healthful dessert. Pre Kred in two minutes. No boiling I nt king I auu boiling water and set to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp uerry and Strawberry. Get a package t your grocers todav to eta. e e e GOOD GOODS Everything in readiness for Thanksgiving trade We will have the best turkeys in the market dressed or alive i Fancy King and Spitzenberg Apples Special Eggs I Imported Crapes, packed in Cork Wi have nude on extra effort to have enough fresh eggs to go around GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. Headquarters for Good Things to Eat No money comes easier luui Interest money, when once yon have made a start. It does not require a large amount to begin with. We will pay four per cent Interest upon amounts of one dollar and op wards. There are no vacatloi periods with Interest, It keeps right on working for you days, nights, Sundays and holidays. I letter begin now; deposit whatever you can spare, add to It whenever possible, and In time, your success Is assured. We will welcome your account, large or small. Commercial National Bank While crazed from the effects of drinking, Will Chapman, a young man run nmuck last evening about 6:30 and fired 11 or 12 shots from a revol ver before he could be overpowered. Although he was In the business part of town and fired promiscuously at whoever appeared, no one was hit, though there were several narrow escapes. Evidently Chapman cut loose with out any provocation other than that of his own feelings, us aroused by the whiskey he had been drinking.' He was first discovered on Garden street, directly back of the Armory building. He was then unaccompanied and be gan by firing two shots which he fol lowed Immediately with two more. The bombardment aroused T. T. Nel son, who was-at his desk In his black smith shop on the corner of Garden and Alta streets. With two other men Mr. Nelson came out to Investigate and started up Garden street sidewalk towards where the shots had been fired. However, when about half way there the man wheeled around and sent a bullet In their direction. At this, to nse Mr. Nelson's language, he "backtracked" at a good lively clip, feeling that such wan a good thing to do. About this time Gene Morgan, of the Hermitage saloon, was coming down on the north side of Webb street, on his return from supper. He heard the shots fired by Chapman, and as he reached the corner ' the young man was but a short distance down Garden street and was engaged In reloading his pistol. According to Mr. Morgnn he had just gotten past the man when a shot was fired, and he heard the bullet whiz past htm He then undertook to sprint and was encouraged by a second shot which was fired at him when he was about half way down the block. He finished the remaining distance and rounded the corner at what he feels was a nine-second clip. I In front of his saloon Morgan i stop ped and was telling his adventure to a friend, when around the corner loomed his pursuer with his gun still In action. Thinking he Was being followed, Morgan dashed into his sa loon, but instead of following, Chap man went down Into the amusement parlors, and commenced a fusillade there. Three shots were fired In suc cession, the first one being aimed at J. R. Palmer, who entered the room directly after Chapman. Quite a number of men were in the place at the time, and several had nar row escapes from being struck by the flying lead. Frank Prestwood, who was standing near the stove, had the closest call of all, one of the bullets passing through the smalt of his back, making a hole in his coat and also cutting the top of his trousers. , How ever, it did not touch his body at all. and it was not until afterwards that Prestwood realized how close he came to being hit , After the last shot had been fired by Chapman his gun was empty, and he was overpowered by Sam Williams, and others in the room. Meanwhile, Gene Morgan had run to the Henne- man cigar store and there turned in police call. Night Officers Sheer and Manning soon arrived on the scene and Chapman was taken to the recorder's office and searched and then locked In the city jail. He had $11 In money on his person when taken; also the gun, which Is a 38 callbre, hnmmerless Iver-Johnaon revolver. Says He Doesn't Itemember. Chapman Is but little over 20 years of age, and Is the son of . Charles Chapman of Buttea creek. For some time past he has been employed in the Walters' flour mill and quit work there yesterday. According to H. H. Wessel, who is well acquainted with the young man, he Is perfectly reliable and ordinarily Is far from being quarrel some. Consequently, he is of the opinion that he was certainly drugged In some manner. Those who were In the amusement parlor when Chapman first entered say that he did not appear drunk and handled himself well all during the affair. Because of this it Is believed that he must have been given some doped liquor, or else he drank just enough to put him in a bad humor and make him want to play the role of bad man. This morning he was perfectly sobered, and declared to the oflcers and others that he could re member nothing that he had done last evening. This morning a number of the wit nesses to the shooting were summoned before District Attorney Phelps and an Indictment will doubtless be re turned against Chapman, either this afternoon or Friday. The charge will probably be that of assault with a dangerous weapon. The penalty for this offense may be made anything from one month to 10 years Imprison ment, or a fine of from $100 to $1000. I . asssssssssssssssssy- ssssssssasssnssssissssassssasssssssssSMS e : e MEN'S OVERCOATS INCORPORATION SALE BOSTON STORE the charge of drunkenness, and the whits men for vagrancy. D. McKay, half-breed, was charged with being drunk and disorderly and was consequently given a sentence of $10 or five days. Ty-con-e, Pete and A-ma-tam were charged with being drunk on the streets and were given the customary $5 or three days. C. G. Corbett and Charles Rogers were each given three days for being with out visible means of support. ,, , BALL REALIZED $250. Proceeds Will lie Devoted to St. An- thony's Hospital. The charity ball given last night by the ladles' auxiliary to the broth erhood of St Anthony, was highly successful In a financial sense as well as socially. According to the ladles .In charge the sum of $250 was realli ed from the proceeds, and this amount will be given to the St Anthony's hos' pltal. Going to Ohio, James Cox, who has been employ' ed In Oray Bros.' store for a week past will leave In a few days foi Ohio. He was here several years age and was a fielder on the league base ball team which represented Pendle ton fit that time. A week or mon ugo he and his wife came here from Reardan, Wash. IN POLICE COURT. Four Indians and Two White Men Go Through the Mill. Four Indians and two white men appeared before Judge Fits Gerald this morning, the former being , one Potty Pilfering Reported. Considerable petty pilfering and at tempts to break Into box cars are re' ported in the O. R. & N. yards. Noth ing has been stolen, but several at tempts have been discovered and close watch will be kept on the yards A large number of Idle men are now passing through the city. CLOTHING for Men and Boys Boys Suits, Knee Pants tl.SO to IS.M Boys' Suits, Long Pants fS.ftO to $I.M Boys' Overcoats SS.00 t 110.04 Men' . Suits $10.00 to $35.0 Men's Overcoats , 97.50 to I9H We have anything and everything In (lie apparel line for meat nd boys. Baer Daley Clothiers and Hatters Sale of Basler Stock We are selling the remainder of the Basler stock of Furniture, Chlnaware, Glassware, Stoves, etc., regardless of profit, cost or ex pense. It must go to make room for new goods now on the way. Biggest snaps for buyers ever offered In Pendleton. Come In. GRAHAM & HUNTER e COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS. 1 Temple Will Build Residence. The contract for the erection of new residence for E. M. Temple has been let to Boothby & Hale. The house will cost $3500 and will be lo cated at the corner (of Lee and Lewis streets. The work Is being done under the direction of Architect Troutman. Clergy Permits on Hand. The new form of clergy transporta tion permits for the year 1906 have been received at the O. R. & N. ticket office and will be Issued to Pendleton ministers between now and the first of the year. Fifty Years the Standard DR Si CREAM BAKING A Cream of Tartar Powder Hade From Grapes No Alum Byers' Park Addition Opens The cheapest place in the city to build o pretty home ' Call at FRANK IB. CLOPTON'S REAL ESTATE ACENCY and Get. Prices 112 Court Street Sterling Silver for Thanksgiving The making of "ng Silver Is now a fine art. We are allowing a line specially bought for Thanks giving, which surpasses iny we have ever handled. The patterns are rich and artistic and we have a large variety to select from. Ton can afford Sterling Silver at our prices). WINSLOW BROS. oitofflce: Block Jewelers and Opticians