PAGB SEVEN. DAILY BAST RBOOKIAW, PatMrrOW. ORBOON, WKDNK8DAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1005. Eiairr pages. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Acetylene Company Sustained. The Yakima Improvement company which Is building the acetylene gas plant In this city, has won It points of contention In the Injunction pro ceedings against the city. This morn Ing a large force ot men is at work digging trenches In the alleys to lay the pipe for the distribution of the gas. The cuse was heard before Judge Rlgg at Ellensburg Friday night and he rendered his opinion In favor of the company at once. The Injunction obtained by the city against the company Was dissolved, and the Injunction obtained by the torn puny against the city was contin ued and made permanent, Fred Parker represented the company and Ira P., Englehnrt the city. The case Is appealable to the supreme court The contention of the city In these proceedings wua that the gaa com pany was digging up the streets with out authority. The contention of the company was that lit had complied with every requirement of the fran chise granted it to do business here and also to the laws of the state and ItT. The acetylene company wtlf con tinue In Its work of establishing a gas system for the eltv. It now has about 123,000 worth of material on the ground. There are nearly six miles of pipe ready to be laid, and the foun dations for the tanks and furnaces for the manufacture and holding of the gas are almost completed. Yakima Dally Republic. Thomas, representing True & True, sash and door manufacturers of -Chicago, Ih now in Culilesac Inspecting the lumber as It Is loaded for shipment. The first three carloads were dipped last week and it Is expected tle final shipment will not be made for several days. The shipments from this point will aggregate 10000,000 feet for the year 1905 with a prospect of a large Increase next year. At the present time the Northern Pacific company Is asking for the construction of the line from here to arnngevllle, besides 150, 000 ties, which will probably bo sup plied by Crnlg mountain timbermen. Culdcsac Register. . Has- Not Left Catholic Church Rinhon Glorleux Ib In receipt of a letter from Rev. John H. Hennes, wno wn connected with SL John's Cath niln church here some time ago. Mr. Hennes states he has not Joined tne Episcopal church. It appears a story to that effect has been circulated, and Mr. Hennes writes the bishop to say he has not abandoned the Cath olic faith. Ho states he stayed some time at Episcopal schools and later with some Knlnrnmil clergymen in Wisconsin and Chicago, as he had no other place to go. He Is now with the Benedic tine fathers at St Melnard, Ind., mak ing his home with them until Arch bishop" Messmer can secure him a parish. Boise Statesman. Vast Numbers of Whlteflsh. Whlteflsh in great numbers have been swarming about the lake, where the Payotte river leaves it, for several days. Towards evening the water for a considerable distance appears black with them. Occasionally, either In olav or through frla-hL they rush about and churn the water up, the innermost ones be-Ins forced above the surface by the pressure of fish below. It Is unusual for them to sather at that Dlace at this season Thev usually Bnawn In the creeks at the head of tho lake this time ot the vear. and. unless the stream- Is closed by nets to them at that place It Is not easy to account for them being here. There appear to bo many thous ands of them, and some are being caught. Long Valley (Idaho) Advo cate. New Markets for Lumbar. The shipment of one million feet of choice yellow pine to Chicago from Culdesac marks a new development In the lumber industry of this section. The lumber is the product of the Col bv Coryell ft Howe and the Lewlston Lumber company's mills, the former company supplying more than 100,000 feet of the shipments. Mr. M. A. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND SUR- geon. Office over crocs; at aacvo mas' drug store, formerly occupied by Whltaaer. H. J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Taylor's hardware stors Pendleton, Oregon. DRS. SMITH DICKOFFICE Pendleton Sayings Bank nuiiatng. Tinhnn.: Alain 101: residence. Main 1(91; barn. Red 111. JAMBS A. FEB, LAW OFFICE TS Judd Duuaing. HAILEY LOWELL, ATTORNEY." at Law. Office in uespain dious. DR. AMY CURRIN. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office, Room I, new Schmidt block. Office hours, 1 to I p. m. 'Phone 14. Disease 01 worn en and confinement JOHN W. MoCOURT, ATTORNEY at Law. Association outlaws. DR. R. B. RINOO. PHTSICIAN AND Surgeon. Rooms I and 4 Schmidt bull Ing. 'Phone, office, Main Ml. 'Phone, residence. Main II. CARTER ft RALEY, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office in savings nans building. DR. W. Q. COLE. OFFICE IN JTJDD building. Office hours, 10 to 11 flee in Judd building. Telephones: flee. Main 1171; residence. Main 1181. tr a nmirim.n M. D.. HOMEO- pathtc physician and surgeon. Of fice In juaa Duuaing- ouifuu. Office, black 1411; residence, re a DR. D. J. M'FAtAa JUDD BLOCK. telephone Main III; residence. black 1IL DR. T. M. HENDERSON. PHYBI- clan and Burgeon, omce in lnga Bank building, room 1. Office 'phone. Main 1411; resldenoe. Main, 1111, Grand Jury at Boise. From various sources, none of which, however. Is official, the States man learned that the matter of gam hlinr will be Investigated by the grand Jury, and that the members of that body will also turn their attention to the criminal conditions made public bv the recent exposures In the Capital city messenger service, where eight vaune- men and boys confessed to rommlttlna- three burglaries It is the ceneral Idea that messenger senr Ires of this sort are schools of crime, and that the sooner the strong arm of the law Is Invoked to the end that thev be eblierated. or at least,, made lo'ceme under rigid police isupervlsion the better It will be for tne youtn oi the city. Boise Statesman. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEB, CHRO ni. ami n.rvnm rilReaaes and die -k. nt wnman. Judd building. Cor ner Main and court sireeia. vmc nhone Main 71. X-Ray ana electric Therapeutics. ATTORNEYS. 11 uh&rf tfcvSj'&P- WANTED JAMBS B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylors naru- ware store. SALESMAN WANTED CASH AD- vancea weeaiy; gooa territory open; outfit free. Some are making lit to 1 1 R ft m mnnth Wh, nnt vnaf Ad. dress Washington Nursery Company, Toppenisn, wasmngion. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO a en Hm harhap trail In 1 VHkl Splendid opportunities. Graduates earn sis to zo weeaiy. oposane ner- oer college, v rruui uveuuv, opv kane. WANTED A WELL EDUCATED young man wants position as elerk Address W. L, Jones, Box 172, Pilot noci, uregon. FOR BALE. TTTWTWn a rftl.l .TTT.R LAWYERS Office, rooms 7 ana s. Association building. JOHN H. LAWRET, ATTORNEY AT law. umce, bavin., tu nuiaing. QTTT I U1N A PIHSHCE. ATTOR- neys at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices, and makes a specialty ot patent law. nooma iv, aa, as auio It,1 Association block. 440 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 miles north of Athena, at 140 aa acre. Terms. Craighead ft Hayes, Athena. FOR SALE A SPAN OF HALTER broke driving bor s. Apply to Mrs. B. Cunningham, or at Dutcb Henry Feed Yard. FOB RENT. f-.rnnnr w ooittts. late CO UN ty Attorney rrom loano. uivii ana criminal law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgagee and contracts drawn Collections made. Room 17, Bchmld block. a t nr.ATirn ATTORNKT at LAW Offices in Deap&in building, at bead of stairs. J. A. CALLAHAN, ATTORNEY AT Law. Smith -crawrora Duiiaing. DR. H. VOLP PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office in Association block, rooms 11-10. Day and night 'Phone Main 607 OSTEOPATH8 DRS. O. 8. ft EVA Holslngton. uraauatea, rvirniu school. Suite 10-11 Despain block Phone Red 1111. All diseases treat ed. BATHS. irinnD niTTIS flAT.T nLOWfl. VIA t anil mUkllfl PEUnnini shmina Rait 11 Ot. oi address Mrs. F H. Sawtelle, 1x0 Coeble street getting Aronnd ClirlMtmaa lake. Ttvron Padv returned the lost of the week from a six months' absence in the Christmas lake district, which Just now . is . drawing more settlers . than nnu other nortlon of that section. The desert region which a year ago was barren of habitation now presents the o.nnearnce of a thriving agricultural region, many homestead cabins having been built to accommodate the large I number of Deoole who are now mak ing the desert their home. Crook County Journal. DENTISTS. Anti-diphtheria Serum. One of the leading medical Journals summarises a recent statement by an Investigator named Layson about the iMtinir Qualities of the antitoxin of diphtheria, which Is now an article of commerce. Testa were made which seem to correspond to all the condi tions to which serum would be ordi aarllv sublected. both In the labora tory and in the market. Dr. Layson concludes that it retains Its potency for a period much longer than has been supposed. When kept under the most perfect conditions, the 'majority af serums retain their potency undi minished for two to five years. Under less favorable conditions, such as commercial antitoxin Is rarely sub- wtmi to bv the nhyslclan or druggist the loss of antitoxic strength In one tn fivA venrs varies from that which ta Inunnreclable to one of SS 1-3 per cent Even the extreme loss Is not mic-h aji to bring the total antitoxic content of a package of American se rum below the labelled value, since the manufacturers add sufficient ex cess to cover this loss. DAILY MARKET REPORT. Raring and Selling Prices of Prodeet In Pendleton. with the advent of the holiday son, unusual Interest centers In the retail marketa. As a result groceries. meat fish and produce shops all carry larra stocks In anticipation of Thanks giving needs. The following prices are now current In Pendleton Fruits. Annies. 11.41 per box. Cranberries, II l-l cents per qeert Oranges, 40 cent per dozen. Lemons. II. cents per dozen. Bananas. 40 cents per dosen. Grapes, 10 cents per basket 100 Reward, tlOO. Tlie mi'lors of this psper will DJ,"J2 ID Iwirn Hint nitre m m "-""i "' tUxrsxra that srlMiee has hn able to cure In all li araiim. and that I" Catarrh. Hall 7.-7" r i. .i nMltlvt cure no tnawn to th- n.-....l f--.imliy. Catarrh Mnil S roilllliiM.p il .IlKi-nw. requires a eoo.H.a.lnnal it;- - ( lire i" nM'i - upon tlie bli1 and nncous siirtarea of tbr YHtftn. Iliereoj unuu,iu ... v"v ,t .Ja .i.i. i hi. Dattent trfimtb lars for any r " riW'ETa Toledo, O Ka.Y: f ailly Till, for conat.patlo. Rader Carpets ltaaer. Ilelnlng Rntejtaii Jew. Treasurer Ben Selling, of the local relief committee, yesterday forwarded .li.j cr.onn 'inRtnllment of Port- 1RI AllltM u- . - land's generous fund for the persecut ed Russlnn Jews, soys the Portland Oregonlnn. The money was sent to v o.i,iff in v.w York, chairman juaiu oviiit., ... - . of the National committee, who will In turn place It with the authorised ....n, irnironta abroad. The fund which goes from America to these suffering people Is only Indicative of the widespread generosity of the na tion and the broad sympathy of the American. "I Thank vne Lord." Cried Hannah Plant of Little Rock, Ark "for the relief I got from Buck len's Arnlco 8alve. It cured my tea -ful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and frou wnicn i naa . ., . five years. ' it is nmri- . . n..ta hums and woundi Guaranteed at ft Co.. and Brock ft McComaa- arug siore, . . i..i. -t.i nicVnd un a stick of dy. A IllViw . - m it. ivinff Aeroas a 'rail on tne w. ft C. R. track In the outskirts of Walla Walla. The child was playing with St when It was taken from her by a line man, n Is believed an attempt was made to wreok tho Dayton wain. Vegetables. Sweet potatoes, t cents per lb. Cabbage. I cents per lb. Parsnips, 1 1-1 cents per lb. Turnips, I cents per Ib. Celery. 10 cents per dot. Potatoes, 11.11 pe sack. Onions, 11.50 per sack. Butter and Eggs. Creamery butter, 70 to 76 cents pe mil. . Country butter, 10 cents per rolL Fresh esrrs. 40 certs per dosen. Case eggs, 15 cents per dosen. Miscellaneous. Sweet pickles, 80 cents per gallon. Sour pickles, 10 cents per gallon. Mince meat, 1 cents per id. Second Notice. All nersona knowing themselves te be Indebted to D. Kemler ft Hon call at old stand on Court street In the sect few days and settle their account Bt nnea and save cost - D. KEMLER ft SON. nnn mf.f IVP AV nWTNRTJKNB Lrvc . - . . . . Dentists. Bmlth-CrawTora Dunging DR. U. 8. KERN, DENTAL BTJR- geon. Office, room II .Judd build ing. 'Phone, black till. E. A. VAUQHAN, DENTIST. OF- floe In Judd building, -rnone ree 1411 VETERINARY BURGEONS. trvwDtuiav BTninnnNriR n. a McNabb. Office at : Taiimaa-s drug store. m y itnm n V a VTBTFRINARY Burgeon anu uentist. inv u graduate veterinarian practicing In fenaieton. utnee ai dc m .-..-mas' drug store. Residence telephone Main ill. BANKS AND BROKERS. ; iot oirvni ivrnv BAVTfia BANK Pendleton, Ore. Organisea aiarca 1, lllf. Capital, 1100.00; surplus, 1 1 aa nna tntArwat Allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold Ion all principal points, special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Atoms, vice president; J. A. Boris, cashier; J. W. Maloney, assistant casnier. in dot HiTinNAI. RANK OF FUN. dleton. Capital, surplus and undl nrnfltA tt&O OOA.OO. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange nougnt ana sola on an para oi ins n.i tnfrAMA tiAlif nn HmA A m nnal t Maxes collections on reawuaure terms. Levi Ankeny, president; W. . . . . . r V. aaauocK, yicv-prestaenti u. as. Rice, cashier: George Hart man. Jr., assistant casnier. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE- Ina, uregon. uapiuai, sov.vvvi sur plus and profits, 111.600,000. Inter- land domestic exchange. Collections 1 promptly attenaea to. nenry I t T irirk vlnAwnreal. I deni; r. a. Lieurow, ossnier; a. m. I Kemp, assisuint casnier. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS uiDTUlU A RSTRAfT r"0 MAKE9 reliable abstracts of title to all lands In tTmAtlllA eniintV. LOAVtLS tin CltV and farm property. Buys and sells 1 1 ... - & utat. Ham A ..n. all akliiua vi ivwa oswhv. ' - era! brokerage business. Pays taxes and maxee investments ior nun-roar dents. Reference, any bank in aieton. 1 A VVO. TaHnJR 1Ma W. S. HENNINQER, Vlce-Prea. C H. UAHsn, oeo. J. M. BENTLET REPRESENTS THI oldest and moat renaoie lire am accident Insurance companies. Offlo wltn tiartman Aosimci v.u. a A. NEWBERRY, ATTORNEY AT Lasr. OflloM in Association biocb Main street . O. W. PHELPS, DISTRICT ATTOR- ney. Offices witn jona jaouour In Aseoclauon diock. ARCHTTECTB AND BUILPERR HOWARD ft BWTNOLH. ARCHT tmtm mnA A pehttairiiral Bhurlneers. Practical and reliable plana and aped- flcaaens end tnorongn supenntona n ail kitia of hulldlns and con struction. Taylor Huiiaing, oorner Main and W er streets. Ice. troutman, architect and Superintendent Room 11 Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. D. A. MAT. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Kstinuues rurnianna on all IrlnA. tttt maMRrV MmMlt WSlltS. stone walla, eto. Leave orders, at Bast Oregontan office. T. M. KELLER. PLASTERING AND .nnt araika a aDeclAlty. Esti mates turnUbed free. Work guaran teed. Leave oraers at uooaman a store. Main stre t P. O. Box 114. D. NICHOLS. ARCHITECT ROOM I. Association diock. PAWN BROKERS. UNCLE TOM'S PLACE. OPPOSITE Pendleton steam Latunary unre deemed pledges sold. Clothes, watch es. latola, guns, vneapeei niaus w penaieton. i FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED bath; gentlemen roomers preferred. Apply ova uaraen etreci, dock or ne- tel Bowman. OR RENT AN UP-TO-DATE FIVE roomed cottage. Inquire III Gar en Street FOR RENT FOUR NEWLY FUR nlahed rooms for single gentleasaa E-Unt r-ti lltfhta a rtr Ku t h . Annlw I A I West Court lit' Only two blocks) trM Main St. ' , ' NICE, NEW, LIGHT HOUSEKKXtP Ing rooms to rent; and rooms wMb or without board. . Call at E. O. otftae. ' UCENSED AUCTIONEER WM. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER - Cries nubile and private sales ef el kinds. Commission reasonable., Peat- office box 611. ' BUGGIES. . ii kniit and they afford All wai " " , simplest, safest and mo '"" means of eonveyanse for tewm ee . .. aa WsxtV. country use- ?nc" " ,n ' When you buy a wagon it's J common business sense to -the vehicle that will gWe yom the most for your money. WINONA WAGONS. . will prove an Investment and not an expense. They are reasonable to price, they cost Uttle to maintain, are honestly built wlu UB strain of a heavy load. We look after the interests of or customers and they are protected by a shop well equipped with up-to-dats machinery. NeagleBros. Blacksmiths ?: EXBCTBJCIANS. PLUMBING. Our Stock of Electrical Supplies Includes all th naiaaat and most aoDroved articles We wire buildings ot all description for lighting, bens, burglar alarms, etc AN ORDER ffivan in 11a aeta Immediate attention and you will be more than satisfied with the work we do. J. L. VAUCHAN Phone Main 139 122 Wut, Court JOHN, HAILEY. JR U. 8. LAND Commissioner, specialty maoe oi I I A l 1 1 nil nvnAf T II rB TIPA ImilU llllllB" " , , - and collections. Office In Jndd build- I Ing. room II. ITVERY AND t EKU STABLE. I COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED AND I gale ntaoiea. eimonion ona. m I i TAna DfUMtln, hnpwi hv r1V. m iwn , , 1 'w r Iweei: or montn a specmnr. class livery turn-outs. Aura street between Webb and Alia. , -rnone Black Ull. - CITY LIVERY STABLE. ALTA BT i aBW a iraniuiiv vpnnL i.iverv. feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab. line in connection. 'Phone Main 70 1. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. SANI- tary Plumb-re, stain au ah work first-class. Beet material naed. Prompt senrlce. Sewer connections made. 'Phone Main 111. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE n aaa Raaiilae maAttnra first and third Thursdays I eacn momn. All brothers visiting m tne city moat cordially Invited to attend. Hall In LaDow block, Court street Thomas Flu Gerald, S. R.; C. B. Bean. Bee nn,mt 1AIV11 NO. II A. F. a. a u mut- tha flrat and third Mondays of each month. All visiting bret-ren are invueo. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. 8TROBLE, DEALER IN 8BCOND- hand gooda If tnere is auytnms you need In new and second-hand n i ... u n... vranltainira and crockery.' call and get his price. No. II court street. W NTED TO BUT TOUR SEC-onl-hand gooda, Graham ft Hunt er, at eld Basler stand. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTE RASTELLI BROS., MARBLE and Granite worse, aaonumenui ui all descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Examine our work; 701 East Court street BOARDING AND LODGING. atottkja hattct a ntNO Ho tel In the city. $1.00 and 11.10 per day. tx. f. Jlllien, propnswr. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER N- MAN- oaaa mMA im ana ciaan beds. If yoA come once you will keep a-coming. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention iven to commercial travelers. Mr. and Mra J. P. Navin. proprietors. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. RADER. FUNERAL DIRK'- tor and licensed emoaimer. unw uate of the Chicago College of Em . . r Main and Web Daimina. v,ui imi streets. 'Phone Main UOa. Funeral parlors in connection J. L. VAUGHAN. ELECTRICIAN Xtrtrtnm a all ilMnrinHntu aiwl aLt.- trical work of all kinds prompty done run line or eieoirivai buuuiibb. iiauiau In nkaniUttAM itiuir Italia At Aat Isfaction guaranteed. 110 West Cotf street Milarkey building. . GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. "SQUARE DEAL SHOP" BICYCLE naMl M.Un. ValA aarat cleaning a specialty. Knives, sctesortl and tools sharpened. - All work guar-1 anteed. J. H. Henselman. Ill West Webb St 'Phone Red ! CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS. Dpum vnu cfffiu ra.vAXTTxrrc a I Dyeing Works, 111 Alta street Rlee I and pay by the month. Ladles' fine I garments- a specialty, r rices ngnt. i Work called for and delivered. 'Phone Main ism. laSCELLANEOUS. pBMnt.Krnw tnnj work's ni: 1 All If ! n ,1 a r. t marhilial structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction oi lourt ana . streets. Marlon Jack, Pres.; W. Zleger, Mgr. Wood & Coal Rosryn Coal' $6.50 deEy ered, $6.00at the shed Reslya Ooal. after ttAoroaask exhaaetire Wats, has . bees SSv leoted by the U. S. gortramrm tar. the ase oi its) war as It stood the highest flaaiailn Red . Fir. ' store-wotai teagUv $J .jm , cord. deUvered. . , DVcaAa am large quantities. ' 1 PROMPT DELIVERY. ' Roslvn Wood &. Cool Co. PHONE MAIS t. 1 J Get The Best Good Dry Wood I of. ROCK SPRINU COAL "f rhe Ooal that gies the . heat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS i Taam ardera at nennlncs' CtaSaT Z nM ihiL ranoies warwa . y honae. Thone Main . i NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS No tice Is hereb- given that there will Ka an annual fraatlnr of the Stock-1 holders of the East Oregonlah Pab- llshing company on weanesoay. urn-1 camber 6th. 1906, at 4 o'clock p. m.,1 nrfiM ni aiin nn m ti i. n v , ru. I Aiann rtniffnn. for the nurooee ef I electing officers for the ensuing year. C. 8. Jackson, president; Fred Leek- ley, secretary. NOTICE Of Stockholders' Meeting of the Grant Mlnlna- Comnany. a Corporation. Notice Is hereby given that a spe- clal meeting of the stockholders of the Grant Mining Company will be held at the office of Carter, Raley ft Ra- i ,n . l. n rf PAnrllatnn OrAffon. on the 9th day of December, 1906, at . i ........ .am Arnlni.k a m nf aAtd day, for the purpose of considering and acting upon a proposition to sell 1 1 Aa v. ..nnatla hnth real and ail w t" " t .-.--I - - -, . personal, oi tne saiu urani anmw Company, and to transact any and all other business which may come before the meeting for consideration. irki. mttHni. Vina Kaan rftlled bv or- Aam Ih, T-fl nf rilrertOfS Of Bttld UC " . ii ini n n rnmv.Anv Hiilv anil nw urani aiiiuifl " " w . ularly made by resolution passed by said board of airectors at a amy mu I 1 -aii-A maatlnff InA-AOf. held 1 Ifuiai i j i . v . .......... .a " ' at Pendleton, Oregon, on the list day of October, 1906, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day. Dated this 1st day of November, 1906. T. J. KIRK. - President J. H. RALEY, Acting Secretary doit's Santal-Feosin Capsule.! Aaaaat a. a - m salltlfe 9or Tr Qtumatloti or 0rr or me Hisvaoc-F ano u KUIoey. Vj euro bo P-' Cures, qaleklr an4 Penna otly Um wnnt omm o 4ronrrber w.ri Tn mUt4rof how m)auc sTtnoo bT drusctiw. mc TIDE POPTJIaAR PLACW TO EAT IS THE ) The French Restaurant Everything served ftret-rlsss Beet regular meals in toa f or SB seats. SHORT ORDERS A SPECIALTY. ' Polydore Moens, Prop. THE PORTLAND or- PORTLAND, OBBOON. ; Asterlcas plan, II per day sad spwsrf. Ueedguanera (or tourlats and cosnaerclal trarelers. Hpeclal rates made te famlltaa nd slngls swtlesna Tbe sutasgemat III be pleased at all tinea to'ebuw rooaa and give prlraa A aodars Turkish ealb awwnaawii .a " " B. C Rnwsne, Ms BAKER ft FOLSOM. FUNERAL DI- . ...a iinanaait amhalmsra raciwi , , A i . IPiinaral narlor. uppoauv nuaw,.w . r- - Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night, -pnone Main n. ar by mall, poatpald la. ai al si.w.t THE SAKTAl-PEPSm CO ivnaaoNraiaa. oam ItltOTK ft M'OOMAS CO.. Drngglai CMiCMtSTte-e crtausn CHINESE LAUNDRY. cmichcstik-b artaLior, Portland and Sk . K . ,i;.,mii.ih uia. ... rt'wia I CARPET CLEANING. mum MD flit HnTTHTrjT.HlAN Ing to begin. Expert carpet cleaner .a i.ait... MiniMtn, Onan fnl bus. Iness September 10. B. Blanchet, cor ner nay ana dacasou streew. ruuna Red 1711. SLOM KEB. CHINE8B LAUNDRY- man. Family wasning a ain.-ia,.r. All wora oona uj class. Goods called for and delivered 411 Court street. ' COMMISSION HOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO.. DEAN I'm ... m Mnanaaaa (irnna by ranflfl a rnl fllnrava nlant. TtoAlala in fruit, vageianies ana aairy proaucxa rnone aiaiu ate. " KNQRAVTCn CARTW. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS etc very latest etyiea wa i dera at East Oregonlan office. SEWING MACHINES. -r amii wnnT.nntT.ll! AND RE- Oil BMW.., . . , .it Aaiaa in aaarinr machines ami supplies. I0 Bast voun sirm, r-- ,' eton, Oregon, P SaSmUlsSl Itsl Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity, 111 barrels a day. Flour exchanged tor wheat. Flout. Mill Feed. Chopped reed, to., always en hand. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, 8k Paul, St. I inula, Kaaeaa City, St. Joseph, Omaha aaa ai.i. POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Portland and Points on the Bound. rLtK,SArK. Ai,,rlt,i.a la4lft. 71 Ta." with Wiw ribawi. Tnke aa alhf. Srfaa llaaaaiaaa taballillw aa lailla ItM. aJ J..' nniMi.l. ar wa-l . a Map ar I'arUrMUra, TtallwaalaU 1,1 R.11t tWr LadlfA" t a . M .11. Ill A 1 1 II InllantMl, SaAM an Drmul.u. t-.lrk.awr I'Walaal C wIEN AND WOMEN. P Bl fi-r otin.t.ral aW..rM.lnflaAiai.UoDa V:.a" al lirtutloni or uiwialKiii fti tii t (itado. T .... t. . Pu,.,,,., rvi sfut or poieonou. ' - -ii ,i- a-... in ti ft I M A. J V " V; .1 -. l. t'iprwi.. pr-pai'l 1-n Vii '-?NanVKj ll.ill. or J iH tllia. I-'T5. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday. Wednesday and Fri day, At: II p. m. On Tuesday, Thnra. lay and Saturday, iv:i a. so. lawvs I at I p. m. dally. Leave Walla walla i:ii p. m. lot east. Arrive Walla Walla at I a. m. Irom west. .. . Intnpmatlna FAaanflna rataa aal ceooiBiodatloaa. call on or addraae w. Ai'AMn. a aaa a. s. B. CAMIBBHKAD. O. P A yaiia w ana, w.aniaaioa.