East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 29, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    rck ax.
As Um Packages of Post Arrived,
Adams Opened Each, Extracted a
Few Ounces of Dust and Replaced
It Willi Black Sand Ono or Uie
" Boldest Systems of Ihtbtiery Ever
Detected on the Coast.
sldered advisable to lssuo bulletins In
the mean time, so that the knowledge
of what has been observed by the ex
perts In Manchuria may be Imparted
to those most directly Interested.
When the miner at Nome or the
Klondike washes out gold dust from
the sand he puts It aside In a leather
bag or poke, says the Seattle News.
When he needs money, he goes to
town to Nome or Dawson, as the
ease may be and sells his gold to a
The bank may first have the gold
assayed and thus determine what It
Is worth, or It may pay for it at the
general average value of gold In the
locality. . The buyer In so doing re
serves a fair sum for freight, assay
charges and profit.
When steamer day comes the bank
hands over the gold to an express
company, which undertakes to deliver
K to the consignee generally a Seat
tle bank. When the gold arrives here
the bank has It sent to the United
States assay office with such details
as will Identify the box or package.
The assay office gives a receipt for
the gold, stating the weight, and un
dertakes to ascertain its value by a
refining process.'
It was at this stage that George
B. Adams, assayer at Seattle, practic
ed his knavery. He would arrive
arly In the morning at the assay of
fice and opening the packages of gold
dust would take out a certain quantity
and replace It with black sand of like
Qe acted like the butler who takes
a gallon of whiskey from his master's
cellar and replaces It with water. Or
like the dairyman who puts water In
the milk.
In due course the assayer reports
that Poke A, No. 980, contained 60
ounces, of which 48 ounces are pure
gold and the remainder sand and other
Impurities. On this certificate the
chief assayer gives the miner a check
On a Seattle bank for the gold at the
standard rate. The miner may com
plain that the gold was really finer!
that he had washed and rewashed It
' and that soma of If had been assayed
at Dawson and found almost pure.
Tint fh hif n Mnvnr ran not Ira
' behind the returns and the miner
. goes away, dissatisfied, but without re
drew. Adams must have heard many
such complaints wKh callous ear and
hardened conscieqre. Adams sold the
gold dost In town, pretending that as
cashier or clerk he could not put It
J through the assajrtiffice himself. He
doubtless had tnanv otner obvious ore
texts, such as that he bought the gold
dust on his own account from miners
who needed the money at once.
The gold now goes to the San Fran
cisco mint where It is coined Into
pieces of five dollars and upwards.
The coinage department there re
ceives a certain amount i buiu uu
' Is bound to turn it Into coin with a
small allowance for wastage. This
coin soon finds Its way Into use and
forms part of the gold standard cur
rency of the country.
This mintage Is conducted by the
government for the accommodation of
the miners and the general conven
ience of trade. The system Is model
led on that of England, where the
purity of the coinage has been guard'
ed for centuries with the greatest vig
ilance. But no system is proof against
knavery such as Adams has practiced.
About Conglis, Colds and Bronchial
Troubles Given to the People of
Pendleton by Our Druggists, Brock
A McComas Co.
"In conducting a large drug busi
ness we naturally meet a great many
people at this season of the year who
suffer from coughs, colds and bron
chial troubles.
"As these troubles are easily con
trolled It the right means is taken,
we want to say to the people of Pen
dleton that we guarantee our cod liver
oil preparation, Vlnol.-will cure hang
ing on colds, stubborn coughs, bron
chial and lung troubles, quicker than
any preparation we have ever sold, be
cause It la the most perfect prepara
tion of cod liver oil ever compounded.
It contains no oil or grease to clog the.
system and upset the stomach, yet it
does contain every one . f the fifty odd
medicinal elements actually taken
from fresh cods livers In a highly
concentrated form, and Is therefore
the best cod liver preparation obtain
able. Vlnol Is not a patent medicine;
everything In It Is named on the back
label of the bottle and you know what
you are taking, so wltnout reserva
tion we Indorse and guarantee Vlnol
to strengthen every organ In the body
to do Its work as nature Intended to
cure coughs, colds, bronchial troubles,
Increase the appetite, build up the run
down, tired and debilitated and create
strength and renewed vitality for the
If Vlnol falls to do what we say we
will refund every dollar paid for It.
You know us and know we will do as
we agree." Brock & McComas Co.,
New Locomotives for the B. & O.
Baltimore, Md., Nov. 29. The Bal
timore Ohio railroad Is now receiv
ing at the rate of two a day, the first
of the lot of 110 new consolidated
freight locomotives, 70 of which are
being- built at.. .the Richmond, Va.,
and 140 at- the Schenectady, N. T.,
works of the American Locomotive
company. This order was piacea tne
latter part of last April, in connection
with an order for 85 passenger' loco
motives, five switching engines and
10,000 freight cars, at an aggregate
cost of about 114,000,000. . It will give
the road better and larger equipment
than ever before In Its history.
Recorded In Text and by Illustrations
at Washington.
Washington, Nov. 29. The military
Information division of the general
staff of the army Is In possession of
voluminous reports which have been
made by army officers who have been
acting as military attaches with the
Russian and Japanese forces In Man'
churla. There are more reports yet
to come from officers who have not
returned from the scene of activities.
Many of the reports are accompan
led by photugraphs taken by the of
fleers themselves or obtained from
photographers with the troops. The
Japanese government has been care
ful about allowing these photographs
to get out of the country, but now,
with the termination of hostilities,
there Is no reason why such Informa
tion should not be made public. It Is
the Intention to have the reports of
the American officers carefully edited.
excluding everything of a critical na
lure and confining the approved text
to plain, unbiased descriptive passa
ges. It is planned to have these Is
sued in two volumes, one devoted to
the Japanese and the other to the
Russian army.
It will probably be a year before
fhe war department will be able to get
out all the reports, but It may be con
Steel Trust Buys Coal Lands. 1
Washington, Pa., Nov. 29. The coal
interests of two townships, Amwell
and West Bethlehem, in the southern
part of Washington county, are being
absorbed entirely by the United States
Steel corporation. For some . time
agents of the big steel corporation
have been at work here and the deal,
embracing about 1000 acres and for
which almost $10,000,000 Is to be
paid, has now been completed. This
is one of the biggest deals In the his
tory of this part of the country, and
will make the steel corporation prac
tically Independent of all coal troubles
for several decades. ;
Boston Jews Celebrate.
Boston, Mass., Nov. 29. Faneull
hall will this evening be the scene of
one of the largest gatherings of rep-;
resentative Jews ever held In this
city. The meeting has been called to
celebrate the 250th anniversary of the
first Jewish settlement In the United
States. Mr. Lee M. Friedman Is at the
head of the committee in whose
charge the meeting will be and there
will be a large number of prominent
Jews from this and other cities In the
east present, who will deliver ad
dresses on the historical and econom
ical Importance of the event, which
Is celebrated.
Detroit Pure Food Bhow.i '
Detroit, Mich., Nov. 29. The pure
food show, arranged by the Detroit
Retail Grocers' Protective association.
opened today at the Light Guard ar
mory and proved a remarkable suc
cess. . It Is by far the largest and
most comprehensive exhibition of - Us.
kind ever held In this state and -will
undoubtedly attract a large number
of visitors. . The number and scope of
the exhibits is far greater than In for
mer years.
Turbine Steamer Ready for Start.
Liverpool, Nov. 29. The Cunard
Line steamer Carmanla, the largest
turbine steamer afloat, is now in the
Mersey, preparing to start on Its maid
en voyage to New York on Saturday.
During six hours continuous run dur
ing the recent trial the Carmanla eas
ily maintained 19 1-2 knots, while her
speed over a measured mile was more
than 20 knots. The Carmanla is of
21,000 tons register; she Is 675 feet
long, has 75 feet beam and accom
modations for 3000 passengers.
Kansas Paupers Mont Shave.
Topeka, Kan., Nov. 29. The board
of control of state charitable institu
tions has decided to make the Inmates
of the various charitable Institutions
Championship Game
I;: V,; 111! i b
Pendleton Commercial Club
,':-'. :. -VS
Pendleton High School
'i I -II '.I. " - I I '
Game Called at 2:30 p. m.
Admission 50 cents
of the state shave. In the list of sup
plies on the requisition list of the
board are razors for each one of the
Institutions In which males are kept.
. . Nous From Gojoonda.
General Manager McCarthy was In
from the Golconda, purchasing neces
sary parts for the mill. To an Ameri
can representative the genial manager
"We are pushing work In the south
drift of the new oreshoot and It con
tinues In very fine ore. Work In the
north drift has been discontinued for
the present as the ground became
treacherous and I did not care to en
danger the lives of the men by taking
chances of falling earth. This part of
the shoot will be gone for on the In
termediate level during the coming
week and the south drift will be con
tinued steadily on the tunnel level.
"Shipments to the smelter will un
doubtedly be resumed next week, as
my absence was longer than expected
and the men had no authority to make
any. We are busy overhauling the
mill and will try to get It operating In
two weeks. The plan Is to drop ten
stumps on ore from the big shoot of
milling grade and ten on ore from the
dump. Somo fine stuff la being taken
from the latter by Mr. Ferguson and
I believe the lease given him will add
considerably to the Income of the
mine." Blue Mountain American.
. Inspecting Boise Chinamen.
H. D. Ebey, of Helena, the Chinese
Inspector for Idaho and Montana, was
In the city, accompanied byiMoy Don
Hhlng, the official Interpreter. He la
here Investigating the case of Fong
Yuen, a Chinaman claiming to have
formerly resided In Boise, who Is held
by the Immigration authorities at San
Francisco pending an Investigation.
His parents reside In Boise, and were
subjected to an Investigation at police
headquarters last evening regarding
their son. Boise Statesman.
The German Baptists of Weston,
have begun work on a church which
will cost 83000,
That when you send us our fancy Shirt Waists, Linens and Woolens, that we just throw tkem into a washing machine and
run them out any old way, as most laundries do. NOk INDEILD. We have an experienced hand washer that does all
this kind of work by hand. This is one of the SECRETS OF OUR SUCCESS.
Robinson's Domestic Steam and Hand Laundry