Erairr PAGES. DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. M'EDN ESDA Y, NOVEMBER, 3, 1905. tAam am. W Sil- kid Shoes for Women H $3.50 This is the shoe that is giving better satisfac tion than any advertised ladies shoe on the market. They fit better. They look better. They wear better and the workmanship is better than most $5.00 shoes. They come in all leathers and all styles. Let us show you the SU-kid. Lee Teutsch's Dept. Store CITY BREVITIES Nut ted. U C Rader. Carpets Rader -Carpets. Leather' Transfer, Phone Main 111. A dandy trade we have had, thank you. Hamley. Price reductions, incorporation sale Boston store, best ever, Presbyterian fair at Bowman build tog Friday and Saturday. Pendleton Business College ia In dorsed by business men. Pendleton Business college has no equal. Write for catalogue. John Oagen's Family liquor store. Curt St, opposite Golden Rule hotel For Rent Store or office room In brick building. Inquire at Hotel St. George. For Sale Complete works Charles ' Loral and Bulwer Lytton. Inquire at tbbj office , For Rent Newly furnished house keeping rooms. Apply 101 South Main street For fine shoe repairing, see Green awald Headatrom at Tentsch'a De- partment store. Shoes repaired while you wait b Greenawald St Headstrom at Teutsch's Department Store. Bee the elegant booths at the Pres byterian fair Friday and Saturday at Ike Bowman building;. The Incorporation sale of the Boston store la bona fide. You will see th reductions in prices very plainly. Dr. J. A. Best will, after December 1, occupy the rooms in the Savings Bank building now occupied by Dr. C. J. Smith. Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and 8tark streets, Portland, Is the newest and most modern house In the city. Rates tl per day and upward, Euro pean plan. Free 'bus. Its grill room Is the handsomest and most unique on the Paclflo coast, and prices are no higher than In places less attrac tive. i This Is the picture of the new eye glass mounting. It can not coma off and does not wrinkle the face. Come and let us show you tbla new Mounting. Louis Hunziker Jeweler and Optician 726 Main Street. ft WE SERVE TDE BEST IN TOWN. Made Willi e C1I0C0UTC. SAME AS USED AT THEIR OWN STOKES I AND WORLD FAMED. KOEPPEN'S Popular Priced Drug Store A. O. KOEPTEN, Prop, U C Rader. Nuf aeu. Rader Furniture Rader. Humane Harness at Jamley's. , Furniture Rader Furniture. Get next to Hamley, he knows how to treat you right We use the best . California oak leather at Hamley's. Now located In Pendleton at Boeto tore Shoe repalier. See the handsome goods at the Pres byterian fair this week. Leave orders for alfalfa hay at Telephone stables, W. F. Cook. Craghead & Hayes of Athena, have tome bargains In business chances. Headstrom At Greenawald, shoe makers at Teutsch's Department store. Dr. C. J. 8mlth will move his office to the Smlth-Craford building oppo site postofflce, December 1. Wanted Girl for general house work. Best wages. Apply to Mrs. T. O. Halley, 111 Jackson street Hot lunches and all kinds of useful articles on sale at the Presbyterian fair Friday and Saturday at Bowman building. Dr. Amy Currtn will move her office to the Smith-Crawford building about November 26 and will occupy rooms and 7. Mr. Silas U. Soule, professlona piano tuner. Is at the St. George this week. Orders taken at Tall man o.'s drug store. y Tryout Game Tomorrow Night Commencing at 7:30 tomorrow eve ning a basketball game will be play- ej In the high school gymnasium be tween two picked girls' teams. The contest will be held as a tryout for the game which will be played with Ia Grande next Saturday evening. The line-up of the opposing teams will be as follows: Team A. Gertrude Jor dan, Jessie Folsom, Eunice Vogel, Ed na Thompson and Norma Alloway. Team R. Faye Sullivan, Ray Vogel, Ivy Hill, Dixie Todd and Effle Tem ple. For the game an admission of 10 conts will be charged so as to meet the expenses Incurred. To San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker left last night for San Francisco, where Mr. Shoemaker will join H. C. Bick ers In a Mexican land project which they are now considering. They ex pect to remain In San Francisco for an indefinite length of time and pos sibly may go to Old Mexico before re turning to this city. It Is understood that they have an option on an ex cellent tract of land In Mexico and will make every effort to secure It. Is Not Pink Eye. Dr. D. C. McNabb, the veterinarian, says that the disease now afflicting horses In the vicinity of Echo Is not the pink eye, which has been preva lent In this county for several months past, but is a form of liver and back trouble and Is not contagious. f HOT CHOCOLATE Pendlaton, Oregon. i PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. William Hull are vis iting In the city. W. D. Chamberlain Is in the city to day from Athena. E. L. McBroom was In town yes terday upon a short visit. MIbs Constance Deapain, of Port land, Is visiting relatives In this city. J. H. Watson came up from Uma tilla lust evening for a short visit here. James Nelson, the Vinson stockman, has been In the city today upon a short visit A. D. Sheldon, of Olympla, Wash., has been In the city upon a short business visit Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kosberg, of Moro, Sherman county, were visitors here yesterday. ' ., J. J. Fitzgerald, detective for the O. R. & N. company, was here for a ehort time last evening. Miss Bertha Alexander Is expected to arrive home from Portland either this evening or on Friday. H. Connell, the well known O. R. & N. roadmuster of Umatilla, Is in the city today on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Grady of La Grande, paused through today to spend Thanksgiving In Walla Walla. Miss Messle McBrlde will leave this ovenlng for her home at Athena, where she will spend Thanksgiving. Miss Alma Harris will leave tonight for her home at La Grande, where ihe will spend the Thanksgiving vacation. Ijirkey Fletcher, of Pilot Rock, his arrived In the city for the purpose of attending Pendleton Business college. Mrs. Clara E. Stocker left yesterday for Portland, where she will visit for a month with her daughter, Mrs. Fell F. B. Chapman, traveling salesman for Baker & Hamilton, is in the city and attended the charity ball last night. Miss Clara Carpenter, teacher In the city school, will leave this evening for Union to spend the Thanksgiving at her home. ' Miss Effle McBroom left this morn ing for Portland, where she will be married tomorrow to Mr. Herbert Da mon Newell. Misses Lurle and Grace Dorothy will leave this evening for their home near Milton where they will spend Thanksgiving. Assistant Superintendent William Connolly, of the La Grande division or ine o. K. N., Is in the city today on a tour of the system. Henry C. Lewis, of La Grande, one or me oldest active agents for the New York Life Insurance company In the west, passed through the city this morning to Athena to visit Mr. and airs. a. m. amis. Dr. W. M. Phy. of the Hot Lake sanitarium, is expected to arrive to night to take part In the annual Thanksgiving shooting tournament to be given tomorrow by the Pendleton Sportsmen's association. "' George D. Peebler came, down from nis farm at Meacham vesterdav oven ing on a trading trip. Very Httle snow noa ration on the summit when he left., but it has been atnrmfnir nn. stantly for the past 24 hours. H. T. Booth left this rnnmin. far Hcppner, Portland and Salem, where ne win remain on business for about 10 days. Mr. Booth will establish headquarters for the Parlfln Mutual Life Insurance company In this city.' To the Football Players: ' - ' Tomorrow several hundred' football games will be played In the United 8tates, and the ac- cldents and casualties will haps reach the maximum for the season. Let us not swell the list of deaths or accidents by- rough playinir in Pendleton. Let us remember that the game is Just as fascinating. Just as. manful. Just as InsDlrlnc-. with- out the rough playing that Is do- Ing such lrrc arable damage to the reputation of football play- ers throughout the country. WILL PAINT THE COURT HOUSE. ItofurblHhlng Will Greatly Improve Its Appearance. . Specifications are now being pre pared by Architect Troutman for the painting of the court house, inside and out, and the contract for the work will probably be let on Saturday. On the outside the body of the building will be made a steel grey color, while the colgnes and trimmings will be finished In white, with Monterey sand. The tower will be painted tho same as the rest of the building. On the Inside of the building all of the woodwork will be repainted or varnished. Consequently, when the work is completed tho old court house will look like a very modern building, and will serve Its purpose for many years to come. DEATH OF BROTHER. M. Alexander Passed Away at Stutt gartt, Germany. R. Alexander received Intelligence today of the death of his brother, M. Alexander, In Stuttgartt, eGrmany. The death waa the result of an oper ation for appendicitis which was re cently performed In a hospital In Stuttgartt. The deaecsad was 38 years of age and the youngest of four brothers. All of his life was passed in Germany. Inkman-Kasehurg. Robert W. Kosehurir and Miss Ted Inkman were united In marriage yes terday afternoon In the office of the city recorder. Judge Thomas Fits Gerald officiating. THREE UNDER ARREST. Names will Not lie Divulged Except Through Federal Officials. Says the Baker City Herald, In re lation to the latest developments con cerning the persistent robbing of mall boxes In that city: It Is expected that the United States marshal will be here in Baker City tomorrow or next day to take into custody the three persons arrested for stealing mall from the Individual mall boxes in tho Baker City postof flce. Inspector Leech, who was here for a few days to investigate the situ ation gathered the evidence and took It before the federal authorities at Portland while the three suspects were placed under a strict watch. The details of the case are kept from the public until such time as the federal authorities shall act,' but it Is understood that three persons are un der arrest and will be turned over to the authorities when they arrive In this city. Inspector Leech is expect ed to return within a few days to wind up the case. All of the officials deny that any arrests have been made. Rut since the visit of Mr. Leech the robberies have ceased, or at least there has been no further report of the boxes being robbed. It Is also understood that the three persons suspected are believed to have been the tools of one man who operat ed the scheme and for that reason the authorities have kept the matter very quiet, believing that they could catch the principal but evidently he has escaped. There Is no blame attached to any of the postofflce officials on account of the robberies aa the patrons have been warned to keep their mall boxes locked and when a combination was out of order to report to the postmas ter at once. TERRIFIC SANDSTORM. Snake River Road Burled Under Mountains of Sand. B. F. Simmons, the well known Snake river fruitgrower, was in Walla Walla today and reported a terrific sandstorm on Snake river Saturday night and 8unday. says, the Walla Walla Statesman. The Snake River Valley railroad was burled for nearly a mile under mountains of shifting sands which re quire the efforts of nearly 100 shovel ers and teams to remove so that traf fic over the road could be resumed. Sunday the company was compelled to use the N. P. tracks to move trains. Most of the sand was removed last night and traffic over the road was re sumed today. The storm was one of the severest occurring on the river In several years. Mr. Simmons says that very little snow fell on the Snake river bottoms, although the higher hills are well covered with the beautl fuL' MOVING THE CORN CROP. Railroads Will Handle 3,708,000,000 . Bushels This Year. ' The movement toi market of the bltrrest icorn crop that the country ever produced Is getting well started, and for the next three or four months the railroads will be unable to furnish all the cars required for the purpose, says the Chicago Livestock World. The traffic managers are now meeting with demands from every direction for cars to haul corn to the central mar kets. The government estimate of this year's crop is 2,708,000,000 bushels, which Is 240,000,000 bushels in ex cess of the crop of 190(4, and 185,000, 000 bushels larger than the crop of 1902, which was the largest ever pro duced, prior to this year, according to the estimates of the agricultural de partment, though some of the big crops prior to 1000 were probably about equal to that of the present year. It is certain that they were greatly underestimated by the agri cultural department. Nearly AU WIU Close. Practically all business will be sus pended In Pendleton tomorrow, aa most of the stores have signified their Intention of remaining closed all day. All of the banks, offices, both public and private, will be closed, and the postofflce will be open only between and 10 o'clock In the forenoon. Bar ber shops will remain open until 12 o'clock. Shipped 800 Turkeys. Eight hundred turkeys shipped from The Dalles by one firm and Thanks giving three days distant, Isn't going slow. No wonder we have to pay 26 cents a pound when the demand Is so great The Dalles Chronicle. At Knoxvllle, Tenn., two white men, J. O. Edwards and E. Luttrell, quar- eled and fought In a saloon. Lutt rell was stabbed till he will die, and Edwards was shot dead. Gold Medal That Is what the Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges won at the World's Fair. We will sell the first 10 coal Ureters, five wood II intern and five Slcri Ranges at COST, Tills Is done to adver tise tho goods In tills city. Can joa afford to overlook this? We also handle now and second hand Furniture. W. W. Bradley 315 E. Court St. Healthful -WJC Helps for preparing the Thanksgiving Feast Whether It be wood or bran, tin enamel, plated or silver atawsal that is desired for ass In getting the turkey ready for the feast r faa serving it, we eaa supply the deficiency with the right article. Carvers, large line of best Meet Carving Sets and single Knfren. Roasters, Ladles, Table Cutlery, Spoons and Kitchen Utensils of aal kinds. ... Silverwear Ornament the table for the Joyous event with our silverware and It will add to the appearance and pleasure of the spread. Oar llae la complete and highest grade, but at moderate price. Goodman-Thompson Hardware Co. HARDWARE PLUMBING 643 Main Street. The Home of Bargains That's wf at my store Is. I realise that money savins; prices are what bring the business, and will save you money on New and Second-Hand Furniture, on Chlnaware, Glass ware, Tinware, and Enamel Ware. . Come and see the extra special bargains I have In heating and cook stoves and steel ranges. V. STROBEL Sit nSAsT COURT STREET. IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT AU plumbing and tin, sheet Iron ar copper work entrusted to ma wlUbt done right and guaranteed. I have removed my shop to Court street second door east af Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do the highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, aa I have In my employ one of the beat plumbers In the business, and water, steam and other pipe fitting It solicited. a A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work. 5 B. F. BECK THE OLD RKI.IARLE PLl'MltEK AND TINSMITH, a ' Court Street, Two Doors Kaat of Golden Rule llotrL Exercises Can be had In so many different saaaa that It Is hard to keep track of aneaa all. Bat whatever your parllaalen? bent, we are abundantly able to BFWSV fy It; whether your penchant la, tar Football, Hand Ball, Golf, Tinaes, Boxing, Fencing or I uncfiiag at Bag. We have the apparatus lor every manly and womanly sport aaafl exercise. FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE Agenta for SPALDING'S ATHLETIC AND Taa NASIUM GOODS. Electric Lights Tliey are the beat. 'i They require no oIL They are the cheapest. J They give plenty of light. They require no cleaning. ' 1 ' They are always ready for nee. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. CORNER COURT AND GARDaQT SB? Purity in Laundry Work counts for everything. W ean east pore water, pure starch anal aaaa soap. That la why there Is smae a glossy goodness on the COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRT, esa, that we Launder. Ia i any weav der, therefore, that we de a ! Pendletorv Steam Laundry FKHMAN PKTEM. Phone m. Family Washing at Family IWHBak That fiouso yea are going ta balld win ter, last longer and cost leaa at we famish the lumber. Contractors arts paas us by are losing not only asanas bat reputation; becaaaa we gnaaaaaes) the soundness of every stick ana aaaa eat of ear yards. Oregon Lumber Yard Near Court House Pendleton Oieajsa.