East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 29, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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at the
Golden Rule
Positively going out of business
Watch for our big "ad"
Tom Johnson, mayor of Cleveland,
has won the final in the Ohio lupreme
court, which sustains the 3-cent street
car fare ordinance of that city. There
is no appeal from this decision.
The Indiana supreme court has de
cided that telegraph companies can
not be compelled to furnish market
quotations to brokerage firms which
do so-called bucket shop business.
Archbishop Bruchesi (Catholic) of
Montreal, Is making- & vigorous and
organized effort to have the populace
boycott Sarah Bernhardt, the actress,
who begins an engagement there soon.
A special 11 per 100 pound rate on
oranges from California to London has
been made, which will enable Callfor
uia, to compete In England with Flor
ida and the Mediterranean in citrus
fruits. I
A mob at Mexico, Mo., broke Into'
the county jail with the Intention of'
hanging E. J. Bailey, a miner wlroi
killed Jaw Lawder. Bailey had beenj
spirited away by the sheriff, and i
could not be found.
Frank W. Woctzel was found with
his throat cut and neck broken In
Detroit. The body had been placed
across a track, but was removed be
fore a train arrived. He Is supposed
to have been murdered for $200.
The Canadian tariff commission is
In session at Brantford, Ont, trying to
strike balances between the manufac
turers who want the tariff reduced on
American raw materials and the con
sumers who want the tariff reduced
on manufactures.
A movement Is under way Inaug
urated and led by Bishop Thomas B.
Neeley (M. E.) of South America, to
stop the exportation of negro women
from Jamaica to the Isthmus of Pan
ama for Immoral purposes. He ex
pects Roosevelt's co-operation.
A birch canoe has drifted ashore at
Grand Marias, Mich., which contained
the body of an Indian girl, apparelled
in expensive garb and with heavy sil
ver bracelets on the arms and ankles.
The whole Incident Is supposed to
stand for burial rites peculiar to some
clan of the Menominee Indians.
It is believed that Senator Reed
Smoot will Join the Forakcr crowd of
anti-railroad rate senators Immediate
ly upon the convening of congress,
and that he will get the solid support
of the anti-Roosevelt crowd In his
efforts to retain his seat In the senate,
when the fight for his expulsion
You inust have a peculiar
tea tste if no-one of the five
Schilling's Best is right for
you ; and coffee four.
Your grocer's; moneyback.
AND JEWELER. SOS Court Street.
Jewelry "Hide to order. Wedding
rings specialty. All work guaran
Wholly unable to give him aid, Mrs.
Eugene Schraezllne saw her drunken
husband fall off a wharf and drown
at Seattle.
Last spring John Booth, of Yam
hill county, owned a hen turkey. Her
product In eggs and young turkeys
during the summer have yielded her
owner 154.86.
E. R. Brown, a demented printer,
has been captured nearly naked roam
ing over the prairie near Winchester,
Wash., and nearly frozen and starved.
Brown has worked In Spokane and
President Howard Elliott, president
of the Northern Pacific, according to
a Minneapolis state house official, will
be succeeded by James N. Hill, a son
of President Hill, of the Great North
ern. J. N. Hill is now a vice president
of the Northern Pacific.
The clght-day fair at Our Lady of
Lourdes church af Spokane (Catho
lic) made a clear profit of til, 000.
The entire proceeds will be put Into
the new Sacred Heart hospital, which
Is to cost $150,000 exclusive of the
ground, which cost $100,000.
Bartholomew Shaugnessy died In
the Nome hospital of the Holy CroBS
from knife wounds given by Homer
and Lee Bounds. The trouble arose
over the boundaries of their mining
claims. Shaugnessy was an old-timer
of Garfield county, Washington.
Somebody, supposed to be tramps,
robbed the pest house at Great Falls,
Mont., of all Its movable effects, such
as dlphes, bedclothlng, etc., immedl
ately after the last of seven smallpox
patients had been discharged, and be
fore the place had been fumigated.
Dynamite exploded at a logging
camp 10 miles east of Olympla, while
it was being thawed out before a fire.
Duncan McCormlck, Eugene Berge
son and Edward Rogers, all of Taco
ma, were killed, and Bert Morgan had
an arm blown off, jaw broken and
eye torn out He will live.
Sam L. Patton, an Inmate of the
state Insane asylum, committed sui
clde by hanging himself Sunday. He
was sent to the asylum from Baker
county when 12 years old. He has
been In the asylum 13 years He has
never shown a disposition to kill him
self previous to this successful at'
DlliinK Ills One Torm as Member of
tile lionrr Hoiimp Ho Opposed Ills
Immediate Constituency and Saved
Hie County Kent to Pendleton Has
Lived in Umatilla County Thirty
live Year Wlien In Use Legisla
ture lie Was Nicknamed "Plilneas
Jerusalem" Kelly.
In I'. J. Kelly, the pioneer of the
Milton country, who visited here yes
terday, la a man who Is entitled to
mention In connection with a history
of Umatilla county.
About 35 years uk Mr. Kelley set
tled in the north end of this county,
when there were few people In Pen
dleton or elsewhere In tho county.
However, his career in the legislature,
where he served one term as a repre
sentative, is probably the brightest
period in his life. It was about 20
years ago thot he had the honor of a
seat in the Oregon legislature, and
during the session of that year he was
a characteristic figure. By some wit
he was dubbed "Phlneas Jerusalem"
Kelley. and by that euphonious title
he was known throughout the ses
sion and afterwards.
However, during his parliamentary
career the old gentleman proved him
self n good friend to Pendleton. It
was at that time that the question of
dividing the county was a redhot Is
sue, and strong efforts were made to
secure another county out of the
northern part of Umatilla, with Wes
ton or Milton as the prospective coun
ty seat. However, this proposition
was opposed by Representative Kel
ley, although he resided In the north
ern part and made many enemies by
his stand. However, he was warmly
applauded by Pendleton people, and
when, on a visit here soon after the
session was over, he was royally en
California Prune Wafers
Cure liver diseases and all stomach
troubles: they act gently but surely,
strengthen the bowels and stmulat
them to healthy action. Tallman A
Co., 623 Main street, Pendleton, Ore,
100 Wafers 23 Cents.
Cut Glass
Terra Cotta
In advance of Holiday we
are, showing elegant samples
of Real Cut Class (every
piece a diamond)
Imported Decorated China
and Terra Cotta Bronzes,
which we are pricing at bed
rock figures.
On display in our windows.
Brock i McComas Co.
Sleighing la Now In Full Blast In Uw
Wheat Town.
Athena, Or., Nov. 29. (Special.)
Union Thanksgiving services will be
held at the Methodist church Thurs
day evening at 7:30 o'clock.
A meeting of the members of the
Umatilla county Caledonian society
will be held In Athena Saturday even
ing, Decembej-9, and all members are
requested to attend.
Sleighing has been on in Athena
the past few days. The snow fell to
a depth of six Inches, and a number
of the people In town and surrounding
country were seen out in their sleighs.
The Athena football aggregation
will leave tonight for La Grande,
where they will play a game with the
La Grande team Thanksgiving. The
team has been In hard practice the
past week, and a good game Is ex
pected in the beet town. A return
game will be played Christmas at
One Was Land Patent Signed May
IS, I860, by President Grant.
Yesterday a land patent was filed
for record here that was Issued among
the first In this county, but has never
been recorded. The date of the pa
per is May IS, 1869, and It gives to
Napoleon B. Evans a title to the
southwest quarter of section 5, in
township 3, north of range 29, In the
district of Innds subject to sale at
Oregon City, Or. At that time none
of- the land offices in eastern Oregon
had been established. The patent is
signed by Ulysses S. Gipnt, president,
and I. N. Granger, recorder of the
general land office.
Another paper almost as old as .the
above was also filed yesterday, both
being handed in by Colonel J. H. Ra
ley. The second instrument was a
quit claim deed given in 1884 by
James H. Raley et al to Ben F. Ra
ley. For the consideration of 2428
all of the Interest held by the first
named In the northwest quarter of
section 6, township 3, north of range
29. E. W. M., Is given to the party of
the second part.
The Graee JohiMon Company.
The Grace Johnson company, which
comes to the Frnzer theater for a
week's engagement, commencing Mon
day, December 4, is a company of
recognized nblllty, and produces the
latest comedies and melodrama suc
cesses of the season. The opening
pluy, "An Artist's Wife," Is a foreign
melodrama In four acts. Intermingled
with pathos and laughter. The Grace
Johnson company comes to us well
recommended from neighboring cities.
Refined vaudeville specialties are in
troduced between acts, making a con
tinuous performance. The company
carries a quartet of excellent singers,
special scenery and costumes are used
in every production. Seats will be on
sule Sunday morning.
High Scliool Basket Ball Team Mak
ing Ready for the Game Next Sat
urday. The high school basket ball team
of girls, under the direction of Mana
ger Norman Alloway, will hold"- a
practice meet at the high school gym
nasium tomorrow night for the pur
pose of training for the game at La
Grande next Saturday.
The first and second teams of the
high school will play In this prac
tice game which will be held at 7:20
o'clock and all the players are urg-
ently requested to be present. The
line-up for the Saturday game at La
Grande will probably be decided up
on at the meeting tomoirow night.
The Ilne-up of the La Grande team
Is as follows: Center, Lela Wilson:
forwards, Hattie McMerry and Edna
Canter; guards, Bonnie Forrest and
Ethel Gulling; subs, Beatrice Green
and Grace Hopper,
New Board of Pendleton Academy
Will Hold First Meeting Next Frl
day Evening.
The first meeting of the newly
elected board of trustees of Pen die'
ton academy will be held at tic or
flees of Carter, Raley & Raley at 7:B0
Friday evening, at which time the
board will be organized and the pUns
for the ensuing year discussed.
The prospects for the academy, nrc
now better than ever before an 1 an
aggressive program of enlargement
and Improvement will be begun at
once. The academy is the only scroM
of the kind between Portland and
Caldwell, Idaho, and occupies one of
the finest fields in the entire north
Son Lost Mother.
"Consumption runs In our family.
nd through t I lost my mother.'
writes E. B. Reld of Harmony, Mo
"For the past five years, however, oi
the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold
I have taken Dr. King's New Dlscov
ry for Consumption, which has save
me from serious lung trouble." HI
m t tier's death was a sad loss for Mr
I eld, but he learnej that lung troubt
must not be neglected, and how to
cure It. Quickest relief and cure for
oshi and colds. Price 60c and I
Guaranteed at Tallman St Co., and
R roc It ft McComas' drug stores. Trial
bottle free.
Three words I
to the "wives"
are sufficient
Golden Gate
Sold only in aroma-tight
tins. Never in bulk.
aa rnnslteo
Plenty of Them In Pendleton,
Good Reasons for It.
Wouldn't any woman be happy.
After years of backache and suf
ferlng. Days of misery, night of unrest.
The distress of urinary troubles,
She finds relief and cure?
No reason why any Pendleton reader
Should suffer in the face of evidence
like this:
Mrs. D. Coffman, of 221 Stonewall
Jackson street, Pendleton, Ore., says:
"I was having considerable trouble
from Irritating throbbing pains across
the back, I think caused by failure of
the kidneys to perform their proper
functions and aggravated by cold set
tling In my back. I knew about
Doan's Kidney Pills and went to
Brock & McComas Co.'s drug store and
procured a box. They helped me from
the start, and in a short time not a
pain or an ache remained. My kid
neys were toned up and I felt better
In every way. I know others who had
the same satisfactory experience,
which leaves no doubt In my mind
about the curative powers of Doan's
Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers Price
50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, solo agents for the United
States. ,
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
1 Painless. Natural Childbirth.
. ., , iii ...! I... rtln nrt'naration OS
uany-s coming into in woria snouia ue ptn.rm.-w u,
the part of evory woman who expects to lecnine mother. M " "
duty to her unborn babe, and to herself ; her duly to her unuorn ba K is louse
every means within her power lo aid hit entrance into U ";lD S , i ,,.
help himself In tills ordeal, therefore mother must. He has a ham ""'"p"
alter his arrival, so let us make his coming easy. Mis nealin in aiier
greatlyupon tlx manner of his coming : would you have your child a "Wl";
J would you have him a toner of sl.enBth? Mrong men aie but
Ufo.wwkto.he curt of little Wlplrn cripplM, delornwU by
uirift ao noi aiiow your iu w - - -rr
fJJotifcar's Friend
,, , llnimen. .hid. .Ml forestall any t
Dirtn : mat is, ii n-wse. --.V . mlh.r.;
and permilst I an easv access 10 mu i". . ' '.Zi-Z
oain. and so assists nature that when baby comes lie starts
out In hliM'.r'l a consilium'" ' T 7 V
and to bloom into strong pur. manhood Hut is the comfort
and dcli-'it of ev-rv true niotlicr's heart.
One dollar Is tn p re ai an uik
book on " Motli.n hood." It is free.
Dr ad Held Regulator Co."
- -
: Cxi
Linen Sale
12.00 Yard Table Linen; Sale Price $1.39
21.10 Yard Table Linen; Sale Price $1.09
21.21 Yard Table Linen; Sale Price 89C
So Yard Table Linen; Sale Price 69C
7ts Yard Table Linen; Sale Price 47C
4So Yard Table Linen; Sale Price 29 C
lie Husk Linen Towels, each Q(
Beautiful Pictures
The most bosutlful and large colics?) km of fratnotl piotnrrsv
ever brought to Pendleton are now cll-qilayesl In our store. These
pictures were bought at a bargain and everyone Ih mild at a bar
gain price. '
The stock constats of all sizes from the small neatly and ar-'
tlstlcally framed to the larger and more heavily ami more substan
tially framed.
These pictures range in price front 10c up to f 10, and all are
bargains. The frames alone on many of these -pictures cost more
than we ask for pictures, frames and all.
The finest Une late style stationery in boxes, and tablets, with '
loose envelopes to match, ever shown here can be soon at our store, i
All the bright new ideas are Included.
Cook Perry
lit. lusst Oregoulau la Uauttero Oregon s rnirrmistaUs passe.
It Ii'hiN ami Uie ietiple aireclaie It an ' show It by -heir Ubsral
rwitmnsre It Is the artm-ttMni inprtltiin of this wells us.
School Enrollment at Sampler.
School enrollment has reached (ho
handsome figure at. 231 and several
more are expected after tho holt lay
season. The largest enrollment last
year was 2B2. which shows that Sump
ter has not lost much population, de
spite the "knocks" of outside papers.
Blue Mountain American,
Two fine building lots, 2200 each.
l-room house, two lots; good well; located
near school, price 210S0.00.
Good l-room house, larce barn, two large
lots, nice shade and fruit trees, large chicken
yard. 7 lice 22600.00.
House, and lot near West End school, 3100.
House and two lots on Maple St, 26(0.00.
House and barn, 1 lots, good orchard, plenty
well water, 32,000.00. These three places mut
be sold within 20 days. Come early and tv
cure a bargain,
200 a Tea on Birch creek, 25 acres alfalfa;
a frat bargain, 17,600.00.
1(0 tore ranch on McKay creek, to excha ge
for city property.
New 2-room house, large Urn, ehlckea
house, 2 lots. Price 23600.00.
120 acres one and a half miles south of
Athena at a bargain.
Also vacant lota In all parts of the city.
If you wish to build we caa sell you a lot
and furnish you the money to build your home.
Finest residence and two loU In the cltr
$7,600. .
Vacant lot on Jane street, near Court, 3621.
100 aore wheat ranch. 260 sown In wheat.'
216.000; 12 miles from Pendleton, I miles to
0 Mres; 620 In wheat, 12 miles south ef