IJGHT PAGES. $909.80 gain in 1 1 days The but two weeks' business has been by fur the largest In the his teay of oar Pendleton business career, and It Is our aim to make tin) bbmOi of November the banner month of any since we started, the first 11 da? of this month we had an INCREASE IN OUR SALES OF t.B over the same month of last year. There must bo cause for its marvelous growth. Yes, there Is; and a good one, too. When you Mipara our prices with those of our competitors, you will at once under- I why our business Is Increasing so rapidly. Below we give yon a special for MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY: DRESS GOODS kT 1 (Oc, 5c, 76c and 85c Dress Goods SBo MOT 111.00, $1.15 and 11.36 Dress Goods Ago LOT I $1.50, $1.65 and $1.75 Dress Goods 95c LOT 4 26c and 36c Dress Goods 18c Ladies' Outing Gowns 15s Outing Gowns 67c 11.10 Outing Gowns 78c 11.72 Outing Gowns 03c tl.it Outing Gowns 11.19 $1.75 Outing Gowns $1.38 11.01 Outing Gowns $1.49 11.6 Outing Gowns $1.98 Hosiery and Underwear :0( dozen misses' Hose, black; regular 20c 13 l-2c 190 doicn ladles' black HoBe, 16c 9c 190 dosen ladles' Vests and Pants, heavy ribbed fleece, 36c; now 24c Ladies & Children Caps We put In four lots 76c ladles' and children's Caps 90c $1.25 ladles' and children's Caps 97a 1.00 ladles' and children's Caps 78c Lee Teutsch's CITY BREVITIES Nuf Bed. U C Rader. Carpets Radar Carpets. Leathers' Transfer, Phone Main 111. A dandy trade we have- had, thank yeu. Hamley. Price reductions, incorporation sale Boston store, best ever. Pendleton Business College Is in dorsed by business men. Pendleton Business college has no sjuaL Write for catalogue. John Oagen's Family liquor store, Csurt St., opposite Golden Rule hotel. For Rent Store or office room In brick building. Inquire at Hotel SL George. For Sale Complete works Charles Level and Bulwer Lytton. Inquire at tola office. For Rent Newly furnished house keeping rooms. Apply 301 South Main street For fine shoe repairing, see Green awald A Headslrom at Te'ltsch's De partment store. Shoes repaired while you wait by Qreenswald A Headstrom at Teutsch's Department Store. The Incorporation sale of the Boston stsre Ib bona fide. You will see th reductions In prices very plainly. Dr. Amy Currln will move her office to the Smith-Crawford building about November 26 and will occupy rooms and 7. Dr. J. A. Best will, after December 1, occupy the rooms In the Savings Bank building now occupied by Dr. . J. Smith. Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and Stark streets, Portland, Is the newest sad most modern house In the city. Rates $1 per day and upward, Euro pean plan. Free 'bus. Its grill room to the handsomest and most unique s the Pacific coast, and prices are higher than In places less attrac tive. This Is the picture of the new eye glass mounting. It can not come off sad does not wrinkle the face. Come and let us show you this new anting. Louis Hunziker Jeweler and Optician 726 Main Street. WE SERVE THE BEST IN TOWN. Made Willi QfUeo&ff CHOCOLATE, SAME AS USED AT HIES OWN STOKES AND WORLD FAMED. KOEPPEN'S Popular Priced Drug Store A. C. KOEPFEN, Prop, Pendleton, Oregon, I Ladies' Tailored Suits Just half their former price Flanelette Kimonos $2.26 Long Flanelette Kimo nos $1.78 $2.60 Long Flannelette Klmo na $1.87 $3.00 Long Flannelette Kimo nos $2.18 $3.60 Long Flannelette Klmo nas $2.78 $3.00 Long Crepe Klmonas ..$2.18 $3.60 Long Crepe Klmonas ..$2.78 75c Short Flannelette Klmo nas 82c $1.00 Short Flannelette Klmo nas 730 $1.25 Short Flannelette Klmo nas 87c $1.60 Short Flannelette Klmo nas $1.08 $1.75 Short Flannelette Klmo nas $1.18 $2.00 Short Flannelette Klmo nas $1.29 $2.25 Short Flannelette Klmo nas $1.48 Dept. Store U C Rader. Nuf seC Rader Carpets Rader. Rader Furniture Rader. Furniture Rader Furniture. Gormely, the new tailor, 309 E Court street Get next to Hamley, he knows how to treat you right. We use the best California oak leather at Hamley's. Now located In Pendleton at Bosto Store Shoe repalier. For Rent Furnished housekeeping rooms. Inquire this office. Leave orders for alfalfa hay at Telephone stables, W. F. Cook. Craghead & Hayes of Athena, have ome bargains In business chances. Headstrom & Greenawald, shoe makers at Teutsch's Department store. For Rale Cheap, two first-clou pianos, Ludwlg and Schlmmel. In quire of Joseph Basler. Pr. C. J. Smith will move his office to the Smlth-Craford building oppo site postofflce, December 1. Mr. Silas II. Soule, profesalono piano tuner, Is at the St George this week. Orders taken at Tallman & "o.'s drug store. Call at the Mutual Life office and get a beautiful Indian head calendar for 1906. E. W. Saunders, resident agent John Schmidt building. The ladles of the Method 1st church will have home cooking articles for sale all day next, Wednesday at the Peoples Warehouse, grocery depart ment. Wanted Good live agent, lady or gentleman, to represent coast house In Umatilla county; also have other counties In eastern Oregon and east ern Washington. Large returns guar anteed. Enquire $27 Main street, room 1. Tliat Thanksgiving Dinner. DeMott & Co., will have In Btock all the eatables of the season. Oysters. Turkeys, Chickens, Geese and Ducks. Vegetables. " Sweet Potatoes, Young Turnips, Green Onions, etc. Fruits. Grape Fruit, Grapes, Cranberries, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and Ap ples. For Dessert Figs, Dates, Raisins, Nuts, Plum Pudding, Mince Meat and pure Sweet Cider. Charged With Horse Stealing. Charley Whirlwind, Jr., the well known Umatilla Indian, was arrested here this afternoon by Marshal Coff mon on orders from the Indian police at the reservation. The charge against him Is said to be horse stealing. Diphtheria Scare Is Over. The diphtheria scare Is practically over. It Is thought that all pupils will return to school during the present week. HOT CHOCOLATE' ( ' PERSONAL MENTION Jamos Calllson of Fulton, has been In town on a short visit. W. J, Gilbert of La Grande, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Mrs. J. O. Adams, of Latah, Wash., was a visitor here yesterday. A. R. McDonald, of Walla Walla, is in the city today on business. Herbert Boylen of Pilot Rock, was here yesterday for a short time. Col. J. H. Haley left this morning for Echo on a short business trip. Donald Ross of Vinson, has been here today on a short business visit Rodney Dupuis has left for Hot Lake, where he will spend the win ter. W. H. Dixon of Pomeroy, has been in the city for several days on busi ness. District Attorney O. W. Phelps Is expected home from Heppner this evening. Ed Forest, ot Athena, left this morning for his home after spending Sunday In the city. W. B. Shaffer and W. O. Shuham, of Waltaburg, Wash., are here today upon a short visit Will M. Peterson, the Athena attor ney, has been In the city today at tending to iegul business. E. J. Brown, representative of the Pacific Paper company, has been In the city today on business. R. R. Seel, traveling salesman for a well known shoe houBe, has been here since Saturday evening. I. M. Bates, representative of the Buffalo-Pitts company, arrived here this morning from Walla Walla. E. T. Wade has returned from Portland and Seattle, where he spent a week or more on a business trip, Roy Penland has finished seeding the wheat crop at Helix and will en ter high school this week. In this city. C. A. Miller, representative of Wy-man-Partridge & Co., of Minneapolis, has been In the city for the past two days.' - Mrs. Allle Launer, who has been visiting here the guest of Mrs. C. E. Cooper, left for her home at Albany today. B. W. Davis, registrar of the land office at La Grande, was here Sat urday evening and yesterday upon a brief visit , Fred W. Kees will arrive In the city from San Francisco December 6, to take a position In Bond Bros., clothing store. George A. Crux, assistant manager of the Caledonian Insurance company of Kan Francisco, Is here today on a visit with his local agent, A. L. Knight Joseph McCabe, vice president and general manager of the W. & C. R. company, arrived here this morning from Portland, and went to Walla Walla on the 9 o'clock train. F. L. Dunsmore, representative of the Oregon Fire Relief association, left this morning for Echo on busi ness connected with his company. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Frey, who left for Vancouver, B. C some time ago, are now In Portland on a sight-seeing trip, expecting to return to Vancouver soon. W. G. Shuham, cashier of the Mer chants' bank at Waltsburg, was a guest of Cashier G. M. Rice of the" First National bank" of this city Sun day' returning home this morning. P. J. Kelly has been In the city to day from his home 10 miles east of Milton. His farm Is In the new pre cinct that was established at the last session of the county court and Is to be known as Riverside precinct. The voting place will be at tho Kelly school house. E. L. McBroom, formerly a resi dent of Monument, but now of Pilot Rock, arrived In the city early this week to attend circuit court While he has disposed of his property In this county, he still thinks of returning and purchasing a stock ranch. Blue Mountain Eagle. FOR PERMANENT EXIUBIT. Matter Will Be Deferred Until Spring, When Permanent Place Will Be As signed. E. T. Wade, chairman of the busi ness men's committee on permanent exhibit at tho O. R. & N. depot this morning received a letter from Gen eral Manager J. P. O'Brien, stating that the matter was very favorably entertained by all the O. R. A N. of ficials, but owing to contemplated changes In the arrangement of the side tracks, It was asked to allow the matter to rest until next April, when tt would be again taken up and def initely settled. It Is understood that the company Is very desirous of placing the exhibit at the depot but hope to prepare a more favorable place, where It can be seen by passengers on all trains be fore locating It permanently. MUSIC IN SCHOOLS. Pupils Will Be Excused for Timo Used In Taking Musio Lessons. Pupils In the high school or in the grades will, upon request of parents, be excused from school during school hours, to take either vocal or Instru mental muslo lessons. All such requests will be presented to the city superintendent. Good work In music may be substi tuted for several of the regular school subjects. Music teachers of the city are requested to confer with the city superintendent regarding their hours and courses. Pupils may be excused from school for muslo lessons. Credit will be given for good music work. MANY JAPANESE INDIGNANT. Trouble Ahead Perhaps for Japanese Gambler. Slpce George Akakl, the Japanese Janitor lost $560 a few days ago to Ben Fukal and Tom Tomlta, there has been great Indignation among the lo cal Japs, and the trouble Is not yet over. Lost night it is said a gambling game was going on In the house on Garden street and that several Japs, led by Tom Shlyaskl, the Jiu-jitsu ar tist, broke In the door and stopped the game. This morning Marshal Coffman and Officer Meeker visited the scene and found the door to have been broken down with an ax. How ever, as no complaints were made, and the Japs evidently desired to settle the matter among themselves, no ar rests have been made. This afternoon one member of the local Jap colony said that a meeting was to be held during the afternoon for the purpose of discussing tho pat ter and to take action to stop gam bling among the Japs of the city. M EWEN HERE THIS WEEK. Crowded House Greeted tlie Opening Performance nt the Frazcr Last Night A crowded house greeted the Great McEwen at the Frazer last night In his opening performance in this city. McEwen having been here before was well known to many people and he was warmly greeted by his old friends as well as by many new ones who will be, Interested spectators during his en tire engagement here. In addition to his hypnotism and feats of remarkable skill and power, he is accompanied by an excellent vaudeville company which adds spice and vim to the performances. . As to the remarkable healing pow ers possessed by McEwen, through hypnotic suggestion, he promises to give some extraordinary examples during the week and as the engage ment has been extended until Friday night every one will have several op portunities to study his wonderful feats from a scientific standpoint Personally, McEwen Is a genial, af fable, approachable man and la ac companied by his manager, Mr. Lea vitt, who Is also a gentleman of rare and diversified accomplishments. Mr. Leavltt was one of the found ers of the order of Eagles; and la a member of 10 different secret socie ties and possesses a rare jewel, a pres ent of Seattle friends and a compos ite emblem of all the 10 orders to which he belongs. Mr. Leavltt will open next season In New York with McEwen, doing away with every feature of his re markable work excepting the hypnotic healing and expects to give a month's performance In that city next Sep tember. The engagement here was this morning extended to Include next Fri doy night SOCIETY LIST CUT DOWN. San Francisco "400' 'Is Suddenly Re duced to ISO. San Francisco society is reduced to 160. As In New New York, under the regime of Mrs. Astor, the 400 has been swept away, says the San Fran cisco Examiner. The 400, or rather the 360, of the most exclusive circles of the Golden Gate city has had 200 of Its members barred out Who Is responsible for this remains a mystery. But those who have been excluded bid fair to make things turb ulently interesting in a polite manner this season, for they are sure to insist upon an explanation as to why they are refused admission to the presence of the self-considered elect. The distressing news will be con veyed to the 200 that they are to be regarded as outsiders by the Assembly ball which took place Monday night. That there will be weeping and walling and gnashing of teeth by the excluded goes without saying. In fact a social war is Imminent In San Francisco to enliven society functions for the season of 1905-06, for the debarred aro not expected to accept the decree with Indifference. It Is not Improbable that they will organize to dethrone the leaders of the first so cial circle In order to regain admit tance to such sacred portals as those of the Assembly. Tho Assembly list has been, how ever cut from 350 names to 160. Al ways exclusive, the Assembly has be come ultra-exclusive. The social pow ers that be have delved into social se crets; they have handed down a de cision which is like unto that of the cour de cassation. Inasmuch as It Is breuking to social aspirations and as from it there Is no appeal. December SuggCHtlon. In the December Issue of the New Psychology magazine for thinkers, "Suggestion," (Chicago) there Is a valuable chapter on the Psychology of habit and character, taken from a work of Professor James of Harvard. This magazine deals with the practi cal problems relating to health, hap piness and success, and the editor en deavors to show the Importance of the mental or psychic forces In the affairs ot life. Other subjects dis cussed are druglcss methods of heal ing, nature cure, psychic research, every day psychology, the formation of correct habits, practical hygiene, and In general the practical every day applications of the principles of the new psychology for health and happi ness. Eagles Bny Magnificent Piano, The Pendleton lodge of Eagles has purchased from Ellers Piano House a magnificent Hobart M. Cable plnno to correspond with the Bplendor of the fixtures and furniture of tholr fine lodge rooms It will have when It moves Into the new building. The piano Is a beautiful style L, Ho bart M. Cable Instrument, In an ele gant English oak case. The Eagles are leaving nothing undone to make their new quarters as fine as there tt In the state. Two Days' Vacation. In the Pendleton schools the Thanksgiving vacation will cover all day Thursday and Friday, and school will be resumed on the following Monday. The Throne The day when the Dining Room Reigns Sup-en 'Thanksgiving THE DAY WHEN OLD Kl NO TURKEY IS THE IDOL. TOT TIME WHEN ALL MINDS ARE CENTERED ON THE DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN. TO PROPERLY OBSERVE THE JOYOCB DAY LET YOUR DINING ROOM IiOOK THE PART. OUR BP. CIALTY IS TO MAKE ALL ROOMS OF THE HOME LOOK OOfcY AND ARTISTIC BY SUPPLYING THEM WITH SUCH CARPWDt, RUGS AND FURNITURE AS WILL MAKE THEM NOT ONLY AR TISTIC, BUT COMFORTABLE AND COZY. FIRST, WE DIRECT YOUR ATTENTION TO OCR LARGB STOCK OF DINING ROOM FURNITURE IN THE VARIOUS LINES OF TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, BUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETS AN CHAIRS. ALL IN SHADES TO MATCH IN RICH GOLDEN OAK, OR THE POPULAR WEATHERED OAK IN MISSION LINES. IV THE PARLOR NEEDS BRIGHTENLNG UP A LITTLE JUST TAKB A PEEP AT OUR LINE OF PRETTY PARLOR PIECES: COUCHES, ROCKERS, MORRIS CHAIRS, ETC. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE IN EASTERN OREGON, ALL AT PRICES THAT ARE R IGHT, L 1 A if- ' Yours M. A. Healthful PL LEGAL BLANKS atogve of them. A foil supply always kept hi stock. n to Please RADER That House yoa are going to bnlld will look ea ter, last longer and coat leas tt wa furnish the lumber. Contractors) who pass us by are losing not only money, but reputation; because vre guanutas) tlie soundness of every stick thai gom ut of our yards. Oregon Lumber Yard Near Court House Pendleton Oregon. Purity in Laundry Work counts for everything. We use oaty pure water, pure starch and para soap. Thut Is why there Is sach a glossy goodness on the COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS, etc, that we Launder. Is It any worn dor, therefore, that we do largo bus iness? Pendleton Steam Laundry FISIIMAN a pirnou. 'Phone 17. Family Washing at Family steam. Exercises Can be had In so many different way that It Is hard to keep track of them all. But whatever your particular bent we are abundantly able to grati fy H; whether your penchant Is for Football, Hand Bull, Golf, Tennis, Boxing, Fencing or I unchlng tts Bag. We have the apparatus fa every manly and womai.ly sport and exorcise. FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE Agents for SPALDING'S ATHLETIC AND GYM NASIUM GOODS.