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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1905)
ii m ir i-it mi ui i LROAD wai KM) wsr3', nwii. wj;, fcji i in ir mn .r.'tT...,.....,,,., r-.-; .7..L-; t, UTEfMRY BUREAU IS CLOSED Finis," the epitaph of the Michae ls ana fjiis worth railroad publicity uureau or Chicago, ha been written. The edict ha gone forth that the main office In Chicago, and all of the branch office throughout the middle weet ahall be closed. The hundred r representative who have been traveling Industriously over the eountry "Interviewing" the editors of newepaper and trying by one mean or another uiually the other to spread the propnganda against Presi dent Roosevelt's rnle regulation pro- an ruive been ordered in, to re eetve their last pny envelope and to have their elastic expense accounts cnecuea up. ine railroad men are a silent about thl closing order us they have oeen about their Interest In the bu reau aunng It existence. At the of. lice of the bureau Itself the subassls tant manager, who was the only per on In charge, declared that he had not bm-ti told yet to dose the office. Nevertheless the fact remains that the bureau Is to close. Why Hurenu tiimiil. There are soveral rumors as to why the bureau will close, both of which have their adherents. On the one hand It Is suld that Samuel Hponcer, and the railroad presidents who orig inated the Idea of having a publicity bureau to weun the people of the United States from President Itoosc velf I ilea on rate regulation, have uome to believe that their object Man been accomplished. ha been extremely expensive, the dlf icreni roads naving been assessed nearly 12.000,000 pro rata, to pay Its expenses. It Is said that the officials and directors will not be sorry to have this drain on their resource cease, especially as there will be new ex penses to be Incurred In connection with their lobby at Washington Another reason which is given for the closing of the bureau Is that flenrge V. 8. Mlchaelis. who is said to be Iho head and bruins of the bureau Is lying at death' door In a hospital in now York.' In this connection It is said that the railroad presidents feel that without Mr. Mlchaelis the bureau will not be able to continue the work a outlined, and that has helped them to come to the present decision to close the bureau. The other rumor concerning the closing of the bureau, and this has even more adherents than the first rumor, Is that the bureau has uroven 11 failure, and an expensive luxury, biiii ii nas uone. mo railroad cause incalculable harm, and scarcely any good. It is pointed out by those who believe In this theory, that the latest fiasco of the bureau was the rump convention in Chicago, which it or ganized to nullify as much as possible the law convention. Instead of help lug matters. It only brought Into more prominence the underhanded methods which the railroads have been using In (heir eampulgn. It is recognized by every railroad president in the country tliut In the use of the rump convention the bu- They It is nnlv A ulinrl tl.r... .l... convening of congress, and the -rail- ! rwlu '"d 11 Kri'Ht ,k"ttl of hnrm road will transfer ull their energies to Washington, to work direct with the congressmen and senators. It is suld that the railroad execu tive have been led to believe from the reports they have received from their agents In the bureau that the work has been eminently successful. were so open In managing the rump convention that every one with eyes could seo that It was no more than a railroad scheme. Another thing which has disgusted the railroad officials with the bureau Is the fact that while they were ex pected to work In the dark and ac are Beginning to voice the railroad's " .. ,,7. .7.7 7 1 side of the question, and that a major- t r, ' l'hou,' lty of the people would vote against ...LJ" that newspapers all over the country ! rom" 'r resuits and Issue their are beginning to voice the railroad's 1 pr"rallroa,d literature, editorials and against ."" proposition to lve h. !........ 1 u W,B uroaas, tney nave commerce commission rate making ,,ru?. fact mana8ed t0 ct power, if the question were t "o ! ' ,,g" th i"' them a referendum tomorrow. , thc r aen have been - t.wu , hjmuB w uiiuh newspaper The maintenance of this bureau ' publishers. wood is, plentiful. Over tooo Oords at the Blua Mountain Station Ready for Shipment Perhaps the Increased use of coal as fuel In this city and other wood consuming cities of the Inland empire is responsible for the plentiful supply of wood at the Blue. Mountain stations this fall, as the amount cut last sum mer was not as great as former years by many hundreds of cords, and yet the supply Is greater than for several years It seems. It is estimated that on thc blue mountains between Huron and Spring Spur, there are dOOO cords of excellent wood awaiting shipment to this city, walla Walla and other wood markots. Cars are plentiful for all present needs and the wood Is loaded out of the yards as rapidly a the orders are re reived. ATTRACTIONS AT THE FRAZER THEATRE. , ' 4es ViiiTg-sgiiiijnsiiawiniiia''k-' IIF,MOI)EUSO OFFICE. Will Greatly Imrove Uio Sheriff's Of ficial Quarters, Today the workmen at tho court house begun remodeling the sheriff's office, and us a result ull clerical work has been suspended, It being impos sible to use the office while the work is In progress. The celling of the room will be replustered and the walls papered. Also, the arrangement of the counter will be changed, and all of the woodwork repainted or varn ished. Some new desks are likewise to be added to the office, and when thr improvements are completed the office will present a much better ap pearance than In the past. CHANGES IX THE PARLOUS. Will Promote Warming of the IJbrary and flip Heading I loom. Some changes are now being made in the arrangement of the Commercial nssoclatlon rooms by Librarian A. W. Nye. The librarian's desk, together with the cards and cigars, are being moved Into the library room, thus al lowing more room for card tables. Also, It Is proposed to have the stove to the side next the library, so as to better heat both the library and the card or reading room. The Groat McEwen. The great McEwen and company will begin a five nights' engagement at the Fruser next Sunday night, with a Thanksgiving matinee at 2:30 on Thursday afternoon, November 30. Aside from his excellent hypnotic en tertainment McEwen Is accompanied by a first-clans company of vaudo- v v V I ... X I. I, . 1 ..'.2. . TLk -7it - J : 12 O led :Z 1IF.OERMAX WILL HE GOVERNOR. Will That Houso you are going to build will look bet ter, last longer anil cost less If we furnish the lumber. Contractors who pnss us by are losing not only money, hut reputation; because we guarantee tho soundness of every stick that goes out of our yards, Oregon Lumber Yard Near Court House Pendleton. Oregon. Siioowd Oteros January 22, In New Mexico. Washington, Nov. 24. The presl dent this morning announced the op polntment of Herbert Hegerman of Roswell, N. M., to be governor of that territory, to take effect at the expira tion of Oteros' term, January 23, 1906 Hank of Mendon DynamMM. Mendon, O.. Nov. 24. The bank of Mendon was dynamited last night and $75,000 is reported stolen. At a bullfight at Cludad Juarez, Mexico. Felix Robert, French matador was tossed and badly hurt, while Francisco Plquero, a Spanish mata dor, was tossed, gored and killed. !" ' ' Headquarters for TURKEYS We will have the best turkeys in the market for this season. f Last year our predecessors, Younger & Son, handled more turkeys than any other firm in town, having shipped over 1,1 00 -TURKEYS -1,100 At present we have over 300 fine fat birds on hand and are receiving hundreds daily. We intend to select for the local trade, only the finest turkeys in the entire flock and we will guarantee the lowest market price. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW GRAY BROTHERS GROCER Y CO. vlllc urtiMts who will assist In each vciiiug's entertainment. McEwen Is well known here, where he has ap peared before delighted audiencs on sveral occasions. "Jolly American Trump." The happy-go-lucky "Weary Wil lie," will be u new exponent on the stuge when Manager U. V. Newell presents E. E. Kidder's strikingly original comedy drama, "A Jolly American Tramp," at the Frazer on December 2. This piece Is said to be more strikingly Intense than the same author's other plays, "Peaceful Val ley" and "A Poor Relation," that he wrote for Sol Smith Russell. In '.'A Jolly American Tramp" he holds the attention of his audience by the quality of his wit, the deep touches of pathos that he has Inter woven In Its interesting plot, and the convincing comedy with which It Is Interspersed. Of course, the despised tramp turns out to be a hero In rags, and the supposed millionaire whose greed for gold leads him to commit felony, simply does what all his Ilk In the big trusts are doing every day. There are many scenes and Incidents portrayed that will be worth witness ing In that it shows how the rights of the many are ruthlessly brushed aside by the few, but In the end the wronged triumph, and justice gets Its reward. The cast that is to unfold this In teresting story contains tho names of many of this country's best players, among them being Clark Ross, Ber line Farnsworth, ' Cora Lee Jefferson, Virginia Melville. Vera Wilson, W. S. Ely and others. ' Much attention has been paid, too, to the costuming, each character presenting the exact prototype of the original from which the talented author took his conception. :0 :c 2 : THANKSGIVING GROCERIES Thanksgiving Linen Sale $2. f0 Yard; Table I,lnn; Pale Price... $1.60 Yanrt Table Unen; Sale Price... 11.26 Yard Table Linen; Sale Price. Dc Yard Table Linen; Sale Price... 7Sc Yard Table Linen; Sale Price. . . lie Yard Table i.lnen; Sale lrict . 15c Huck Linen Towels, each $1.39 $1.09 89c 69c 47c 29c 9c ALEXANDERS PENDLETON'S RELIABLE STORE THANKSGIVING GROCERIES Hi : Z: ca: O: l 2: O: 2-5 Of O: 2 C; FRAZER. THEATRE H. L. LEAVITT presents PKOMPT PAYMENTS. One of the Many Thankful Patrons of the Conservative Life Insurance Co., Kxpif-we Ills Appreciation. This is one of many letters of appre ciation received from policy holders In Umatilla county for the payment of accident and health claims under their combination policies held In the Con servative Life Insurance company of Los Angeles California.: Pendleton, Or., Nov. 14, 1906. C. A. Youngberg, Special Representa tive Conservative Life Insurance Company: Dear Mr. Youngberg: This is to acknowledge receipt of check for $150.00 In settlement of my claim for three weeks' accident Indem nity under my policy, No. 2S822. I want 'to thank you, Mr. Young berg, and the company you represent for the very prompt and satisfactory manner In which you have handled this matter. I am very much gratified with the treatment received, and as sure you that if ever I can be of any service to you In recommending the company, or otherwise, I shall be very glad to do what I can for you and the upbuilding of Conservative Insurance company In Oregon. Yours very truly. WILLIAM R. MEINERS. AN APPEAL FOR HELP. People of Oregon Asked to Send Thanksgiving Offering. The Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, has Issued an appeal for Thanksgiving donations and as usual Oregon will respond liberally: A year ogo Pendleton public schools collected over $200 worth of money, food and clothing for this In stitution and It Is thought some effort will be made this year to duplicate that gift Thc superintendent's annual report shows that they have cared for dur ing the past year 408 children. Out of this number 269 were entirely new cases, the balance were children re turned or recalled from family homes for cause. The 259 cases were from the following counties: Baker. 1: Ben ton, 10; Clackamas, 4: Clatsop, S; Co lumbia, 4; Coos, 6; Crook, 2; Joseph ine, 1; Lane, 14; Linn, 2; Multnomah, 181; Marlon, 7; Polk. 2; Umatilla, ; Wallowa, 1; Wasco, 6; Washington, 4; Yamhill, 4. : : For Five Nights and Matinee Thanksgiving Starting Sunday, Nov. 26 THE GREAT McEWEM AND A LARGE COMPANY OF VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS. SEE The har.dl erchlef ome let. Mysterious Asiatic box. Miser's Dream. Hindoo Clock. FLYTO, and many other wonders. Hypnotism Maglo Vaudeville The blind will be made to see; the deaf to hear, and lame to walk. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF PRICES 10 20 30 CENTS HEAR C. B. Martin, a singer who sings coon songs. Miss Susie Hardy, char acter sketch artist. Bigger, better - and brighter than every. Many i.ew features Singing dancing and humorous acts. A con tinuous performance. Curtain Is always up. A Disastrous Calamity. It Is a disastrous calamity, when yo lose your health, because Indigestion and constipation have sapped It away Prompt relief can be had In Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache dlsxlness, colic, constipation, etc. Guaranteed at Tallman A Co., and Broek MoComas' drug stores; He. PRINCESS MONAMADA, Calcutta's latest sensation. This act alone Is worth double the price of admission. Seats on sale at Ilrock and McCoiuaa'. PROGRAM CHANGED NIGHTLY Second Notice. All persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to D. Kemler It Son call at old stand on Court street In the next few days and settle their account at once and save cost. D. KEMLER SON. Humane Harness at I.amley's. THE PORTLAND or PORTLAND, OBBOON, American plan. It per day and npwara Headquarter for toerlats and eosasMreui travelers. Bpeclal rates mad to fexslllei and single gentlemen. To. anageaiiH III be pleased at all tinea to show rooau and (It. prices. A modera Turk las hats eitabUstaiaut la the koteL B. C. BOWUs, - s