PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST ORKOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MUD AY, NOVEMBER 21, 1905, EIGHT PAGES. 1 LOWER. STILL If you do not know that "you can buy your Winter Supplies at the Golden Rule Store at wholesale prices. It U your own fuult We have been and are still senilis new Pall goods hi every do luirtnient chiier thiin they were ever bcroro sold In lViHlIeton. Coine and get our prices. It will cost you nothing to Investigate this matter. If It l-i 'rue you should know U. GENERAL NEWS. The biittleBhip Virginia made a lour- hours high pressure run November 22, covering 19.3 knots for that length of time. The principal recommendations of the navnl board will be for three first class battleships of 18.000 tons, three scout cruisers and five gunboats. , The total of contributions received at New York and banked by Jacob Schiff for the Russian Jewish relief fund, is $660,756 to date. On Novem ber 22, $50,371 was received. Fire at St Paul caused a loss of about 150,000. The principal loss was tne Volks Zeltung Printing company, which publishes a dally German news paper, Its loss being 130,000. The first penalty Imposed In Ne braska under the recent anti-cigarette law was upon M. P. Raymond, aged 18 years, who was fined 150 and costs for rolling and smoking a cigarette. At Los Angeles two young children were playing with a shotgun which was discharged. The load struck the children's sister, Mrs. Frieda Schultz, in the back of the head, killing her In stantly. Henry While, American ambassador at Rome, has been selected to repre sent this country In conjunction with Minister Gumere, of Tangier, at the approaching Morocco International conference. Wtlinm II. Jones shot and killed Harry Britton and wounded Frank Brltton and then shot himself to death. Jones was madly In love with Jesse Britton, sister of Hurry 'and Frank, and his advances were repulsed by all the family. It is said that the Chinese Eastern j railroad (ceded to Japan) cannot be made serviceable in less than 13 months, as the Russians, before evac uating the line did everything possible to depreciate Its value. , At the last session of the Anti-saloon league, held at Indianapolis, General Superintendent Baker presented his annual report. It showed t 'at during the past year the league had received and expended In its work 1339.479. Senator Warren declnres that If the Colorado Southern does not build into Wyoming at an early date that the stttes of Colorado and Wyoming will Jointly build such a railroad as is Im- Ad u Iteration goes full length in slices and flavoring exiracts you t'.iink it isn't v.orth while to i.i such trifles four-fifths of "vanilla" is tonlca; cost's one or two cents for "$ i w o r t h". Schilling's Rrst are entirely pure ; at your grocer s. THE POtlTLAfeD e PORTLAND. OIIKliON. American plau. Vi lfr u Bod upwarc Headquarter for luiirtaia and t-nuiiurrl traveler 8erlal ratee Html to famllte simI alnirle gTitlaifi Iti manaiceaetj trllf be pleaiMHi ai e'l fle to nIimw room and ftve prtt-ee A m-!"-!! TilrklaB ba' eatahltahmeat to the bote! H f It,.,, PHI Manlfe About Chestnut Leaves Brock g Will Vo ir Honey prrutlvely needed by trade develop ments. So far 137 true bills have been re turned by the grand Jury against Prof. N. C. Pougherty, superintendent of the Peoria, III., city schools, 10 being re turnd November 23. His total bail Is now 3104.000. which he cannot give and Is In Jail. NOKTHWEST NEWS. Four carloads of hops were shipped from Aurora, Ore., November 22, of which one carload went to London, England. ; Five students of the State universi ty at Eugene, are under quarantine with smallpox, which suddenly and In explicably appeared In the Institution. At Pomeroy Wash., Miss Minnie Loy Is suing Peter Berrlnger for 32000 damages, claiming that Berrlnger has made unjustifiable reflections about her moral character. Goerge E. Kellough hns paid 326, 500 for the Betz-Butler property at the corner of Third and Alder streets. Walla Walla, and a four-story depart ment store will be built thereon. The December city election la going by default at Colville, Wash. Of 300 voters 106 have registered, and no candidates for the three vacancies on the board of councllmen can be found. Extremely clever counterfeit silver dollars and five-dollar gold pieces are being circulated on the Sound, and are supposed to be manufactured In the vicinity of Port Townsend and Port Angeles. , The steamer Shawmut of the Boston Steamship company has arrived at Victoria, B. C, from Manila with a cargo of 14,000 tons of hemp, matting, tea and general merchandise, valued at 31,200,000. Wilcox, a small town i2 miles south west of Colfax, was almost totally de stroyed by fire. The total loss, which was confined to the business district, was about 312.000. Adam Luft, D. A. Myers, J. L. Williams and the Yeo men's hall, were burned out. In Portland warrants are out for the arrest of J. E. olazier, E. Blazler, Ell Davis, A. Erlckson, Victor Lem beck and Fred Fritz, for permitting women to be employed In places where llnuor is sold. Captain of De tectives Bruin swore to the complaints. Abe Lawrence, the well known Port land criminal who was sentenced at Colfax to the penitentiary, declares that 13 Is an unluvky number. He Is the 13th man to plead guilty at Colfax since January . last. He robbed Andy Banks of 313, and got 13 years In the penitentiary. Dr. 13. 11. Yount has escaped from the Medical Lake Insane asylum, In which Institution he has been twice before confined. He was committed from Wilbur and at one time he was one of the best known physicians of eastern Washington. His mind be came unbalanced from ne use of drugs. California Prune Wafers. The great tonic cathartic, an Invalu able cure for Malaria, Biliousness Constipation. Nervousness. Catarrh o the Stomach. Pad Breath, Oily Skin Sleeplessness. Wind and all Llvor Stomach and Pnwel trouble. Tallma & Co., 623 Main St.. Pendleton, Ore. 100 Wafers 2 Cents. Chestnut Leaf Expectorant Is a real remedy for Cnujilis. Colds, Hoarseness and all kindred troubles. A Cough Itemed sold under an ab solute guarantee by your home peo ple. Hundreds of recommendations In Pendleton. McComas If You Are Not Sut.nfliHj. J I CALIFORNIA PROFESSOR DISCUSSED CONDITIONS. Says a Change of Seed and the Pre ventioii of Smut Are Two of flic Most Iinimrtuiit Factors In Securing l4U-gc Yield Many Districts Show 10 Per Cent of Smutty Wheat In the Yield. Professor George W. Shaw, the wheat expert of the college of agricul ture of the University of California, has Issued an Important bulletin' re lating to the wheat Industry In Cali fornia. The principal topics discussed are smut nnd change of seed. The se lection of seed Is also treated at length. The bulletin, which has been compiled after a thorough Investigation, is In part as follows: There Is little doubt but that much of the present condition of low yield Is due to the lack of attention to the rational selection of first-class seed. This fact is being constantly emphasiz ed by the Inquiries made of the sta tion as to the quantity of Inferior seed which should be used to make up for Its admitted deficiencies. On account of the extreme con ditions which obtain In most parts of the state with reference to seed-wheat as a result of the dumnge from the rust attack of 1906. It Is deemed best to set forth some of the facts which seem to have been quite thoroughly demonstrated with reference to the matter of seed wheat. In regard to change of seed he says: There Is ti very widespread belief among grain growers that there is a necessity for frequent change of seed because of actual deterioration duo to continued culture under the same soil conditions. This Idea is held to such un extent as to be well nigh universal. Yet, the most carefully conducted Investiga tions, without a single exception, go to show that not only Is there no bene fit to be derived from the mere change of seed, but that actual loss occurs, except only when there Is a change to a better type of wheat, or toSi more vigorous grain of the same type. 1'ut this Is not the main object usually in the mind of the grower. Farmers are continually changing seed; the one having a stiff soil must have seed from a sandy soil, and he with a sandy soil must buy seed from a heavy soli. Then again, seed Is fre quently brought long distances and often from regions of very different climatic conditions, with the hope that some Immediate increase will be ob tained in the yield. Such Indiscriminate change of seed is a most potent factor against proper seed Improvement, ant there will be little hope of Improvement If one must give up a desirable strain every few years for one grown on some one else's land. Prevention of Smut. An examination of a large number of samples of California grown wheat shows a deplorable lack of attention to the prevention of smut. Farmers doubtless do not realize the large loss which occurs from this trouble. In a number of cases the samples have shown as high as 10 per cent of smut ted grains an amount sufficient to affect seriously the profit from the crop. This Is more to be deplored since the methods which can be em ployed are both easy of application and extremely effective. UNDESIRABLE PUBLICITY. New Hide oh to Giving Out News Prom Naval Department. Washington, Nov. 24. Secretary Bonaparte has ordered that the an nual reports of the navy bureau chiefs which have not yet been made public ssall be withheld until he has had an opportunity to rend them, possibly un til the appearance of his own report. This order Is the result of the pub licity attending the remarks and rec ommendations of Rear Admiral C. W. Ras, engineer In chief of the navy, on the subject of naval personnel. The bureau chief went pretty thor oughly Into the question of the need of nnvy engineers, and In the course of his comments remarked that the navy was not in a position to win but tles, owing to the lack of trained en gineers and the failure of the navy de partment to provide engineer officers for ships of war. This assertion has attracted much attention, especially abroad, and Is considered to have been an Injudicious statement to make, ad mitting it to be true. There is no subject which is approached more gingerly on every hand by those In authority than anything wMch has to do with the naval personnel, and In that general subject a comment upon naval engineering Is regarded as In viting peril to the author. Most naval officers believe that the annual reports of bureau chiefs should not be edited, and that the opinions expressed In that quarter should not be Influenced by higher authority un less It Is desired that the Independ ence of chiefs shall be Impaired. The great trouble has been that the head of the department has little time to read annual reports and these docu ments hnve largely been Ignored on every hand. Hereafter there will be greater enre exercised in the perusal of these reports, lest there be some-, thing In the comments of the bureau chiefs which will embarrass the nnvy Vmrtmcnt in Its plans for obtaining legislation. It Is desired also that there shall be nothing In the reports ii iinh will attrac t much attention u broad. Opening Bids for Army Supplies. Washington, Nov. 24. Bids for a large variety of army supplies, to be delivered lit the depots of the quar termaster at either New York, Boston, Philadelphia, C :lrago Or St. Louis, were opened at the war department today. Among the supplies for which IE II bids will be received, are vnrlous kinds of wearing apparel, barrack chairs, mosquito bars, water) coolers, rubbor hose, electric batteries and fans and fire hose pipes. HomeseckerN' Excursion. New Orleans, La., Nov. 24. The homeseekers' excursion from the northern nnd northwestern territories, arrives here this evening over the Illi nois Central railroad. A delegation of state officials and others. Interested In the colonization plan, boarded the train or the excursionists this noon and w'lll escort the homesevkers to this city. . Whopping Hlg Fellow. Thl biggest man In the national guard of Idaho Is Color Sergeant Brld ger, of Albion, who stands 6 feet 10 1-2 inches in his stocking feet. Adjutant General Vlckers has a photograph of this young and handsome giant and not long ago sent a copy to President Roosevelt as a sample of the Idaho product. The president wrote a letter of thanks. Sergeant Bridger, In full war paint and feathers. Is a strapping big fel low. On dress parade, the crown of his campaign hat is Just seven feet two Inches above the ground. He is shapely an a young Spartan, and so perfectly proportioned that his excep tional height Is not noticeable. He was was a member of the Albion company, I. N. O.,- but has been made color sergeant on detached duty. Boise Statesman. Man's Unreasonableness. Is often as great as woman's Bu Thomas 8. Austin, manager of the "Republican," of Leavenworth, Ind.. was not unreasonable, when he re fused to allow the doctors to operate on his wife, for female trouble. "In stead," he says, "wj concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick she could hardly leave her bed and five (5) physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Electric bitters she was perfectly cured, and can now pe orm all her household duties." Guaranteed by Tallman Co., anil Brock & McComas, druggists. Price 60c. Hodmen tin Warpath. Alhrmembers of ITmaholls tribe of tho Improved Order of Redmen are requested to meet In Hendricks hnll Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock for the purpose of mnklng arrangements for the meeting next Tuesday evening at which time a large class of palefaces will be captured and adopted Into the tribe. Lunch will be served after the meeting at the hall 8unday afternoon. Visiting Redmen will be welcome at both meetings. Quick changes from hot to cold and back again try strong constitutions end cause, among other evils, nasal ca tarrh, a troublesome and offensive disease. Sneezing nd snuffling. coughing and difficult breathing, and the drip, drip of the foul discharge In to the throat all are ended by Ely's Cream Balm. This honest and posi tive remedy contains no cocaine, mer cury, nor other harmful Ingredient. The worst cases are cured In a short time. All druggists, EOc, or mailed by Ely Bros., 58 Warren street. New York. The order of Jesuites will erect In Chicago at the corner of Devon and Evanston avenues, the largest Catho lic Institution of learning In America. I Honesty is the H best nol icvl r j Golden Gate - Coffee proves the proverb JA.F0LGEHe' Sold Igor No priies no coupons. Nothing but satisfaction. J. A. FOLGCR & CO. Saa Francisco KSTA .ltMIO e BARGAINS 1 V . X Oil ! merit. Two fine building lots, 1200 each. B-room house, two lots: good well; located near school, price 11060.00. Good (-room house, larce barn, two large lots, nice shade and fruit trees, large chicken yard. 7 rice 13600.00. House, and lot near West End school, 1800. House and two lots on Maple St, 1650.00. House and barn, 7 lots, good orchard, plenty well water, 12,000.00. These three places must be sold within 30 days. Come early and m cure a bargain. 860 acres on Birch creek, 26 acres alfalfa; a great bargain, 17,500.00. 160 aore ranch on McKay creek, to exchange for city property. y PHONE MAliI 4. And Still We are beating all comiietltlon on the following line of GOOD RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. RUBBERS AND OVEKoIlOKS we are actually selling for kn money than the WHOLESALE NET price In Portland. Bring your list, or wo will show you one, and sell you nearly every kind at lees than wholesale prices. CLOTHING We are closing out this department and expect to lose money on It. WE WILL SELL YOU A SUIT OR OVERCOAT AT LESS THAN ACTUAL COST. HARDWARE AND TINWARK This department Is also being closed out. Prices on everything cut to the bed rock. Watch Oar Window for Bargains The Fair Store MAIN STREET, PENDLETON IT WILL BE DONE RIGHT All plumbing and tin. sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to me will be done right and guaranteed. I have removed my shop to Court street, second door east of Golden Rule Hotel, where I am better prepared than ever to do the highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, as I have In my employ one of the best plumbers In the business, and water, steam and other pipe fitting Is solicited. A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work. B. F. BECK THE OLD RELIABLE PLUMBER AND TINSMITH. Court Street, Two Doors East of Golden Rnle Hotel. ceavaiur n ') . Byers' Best Flour Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread ks as sured when BYERS BEST FLOUR Is used. Bran, Shorts, Steam Rolled Barley always on hand. PENDLETON W. S. BYE US, IN REAL 160 acres one and Athena at a bargain. HARTMAN BENTLEY We Lead Purity in Laundry Work countH for everything. Wo use only pure water, pure starch and pure soap. Hint Is why there Is such glnewy goodness on the collars, crrrs, shirts, etc., that we Ijiunder. Is It any woo. dT, therefore, that we do a largo bust- tllCMM? Pendleton Steam Laundry FISIIMAN A PETERS. Phone 17. Family Washing at Family ltotcm. SACK SLITS FOR ALL will lie the most worn style of clothing for general and business. In our well assorted stock you will find tho meal carefully selected fuhric made up fa thorn two stylfM, In worsteds, chevtoM and cawdmercH. . They are most ek gnntly cut. Insuring not only a perfect fit, hut have that smart, snappy effort so much detthred. Despain's Cash Store ROLLER MILLS Proprietor. Electric Lights Tliey arc the liest. They require no oil. They are the cheapest. They give plenty of light. They require no cleaning. They are always ready for use. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. CORNER COURT AND GARDEN ST ESTATE New 8-room house, large tarn, chicken house, S lots. Price $8600.00. halt miles southybf Also vacant lots In all parts of the city. If you wlBh to build we can sell you a lot and furnish you the money to build your home. Finest residence and two lots In the city. $7,600. Vacant lot on Jane street, near Court, $626. 800 aere wheat ranch, 860 sown in wheat, $l.00'i; 12 miles from Pendleton, 8 miles to market 90 acres; 620 In wheat, II miles south of city. COURT ST, PENDLETON, ORB.