EIGHT PAGES. DAILY BAST OKKOONIAH. PKM il.KTON. OHEtJO. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER It, ltOB. Slaughter House Nuisance Wo admit those startling headlines are to attract your attention to our BMctUer Prices. We expect to enjoy a better Christmas trade this season man ever, aa we have especially prepared (or It with a greater variety of Ctdna, Sterling and Silver Plated Ware, and a bargain lino of Cut Glass. We propose to give you bargains In X man Goods. It piece Dinner Set, white and gold Semi-Porcelain il.5 41 piece Dinner Set, white and gold Reml-Porcolaln $4.75 It piece Dinner Set, cobalt blue. Semi-Porcelain $13.00 piece Dinner Set, cobalt blue Seml-Porcelaln $7.50 1st piece Dinner Set, Kenwood roae Seml-Porcelaln $14.23 44 piece Dinner Set, Kenwood rose Seml-Porcelaln $8.50 1(4 piece Dinner Set. floral pink Semi-Porcelain $11.00 14 piece Dinner Set, floral pink Semi Porcelain $$.75 144 piece Dinner Set, Peacock blue 60 piece Dinner Set, Peacock blue Soml-Porcelaln $$.50 100 piece Dinner Set, embossed white Seml-Porcelaln $7.50 Unhandlcd plain Tea Cups and Sauc cm, per set 45c Handled, plain Tea Cup and Saucer" per set 55c Oatmeal Dishes, per set, . .30c to 50c Plain breakfast plates, per set ...45c Handled China, Tea Cup and Saucers, per set $1 5 Embossed China Breakfast PI i ' per set "c We are closing out all brooms, wash tubs and wash boards at cost. I doten common Clothespins c Number 1 Hand Lamp complete . .25c Seml-Porcelaln $10.50 (Bay Dinner Set for your nils.) 14 OTIS: Do not be deceived by the word "China." China is transparent; Heml-Porcelain. or half China, Is not. wl Tea House n a dressed doll, boys' tool ones and band-flnMtod game set, with 50a pa rchase. PIANO OP MERIT. Klnaetla, the Gifted Musician, , Selects Melville Clarke in Prefer ence to All Other Instrument The Melville Clark piano scores gain, having been selected by one of Mew Tork'a talented musicians. Miss Klnsella, a recent arrival In thla city, at Us Kinaella has been soprano solo ist with, the celebrated Kattenborn Orchestra of New York, and has also appeared before critical audiences at the Madison Square Garden, Waldorf Astoria and the Mormon tabernacle. She Is a thoroughly cultured music tan, and having toured the United skates with various musical organiza tions, has had opportunity to test the quality' of all the leading makes of pianos. Therefore her selection of the Mel ville Clark piano in preference to all ethers Is a very Tattering tribute to the firm of Soule Bros., of Portland, and the quality of pianos they carry. This beautiful piano has been placed la Miss Ktnsella's home by Mr. Silas H. Soule, the well known traveling representative of Soule Bros.' Piano company. This firm buys direct from the faotory and sells direct to their customers, thereby saving to their patrons the enormous profit made by agents and commission men. Plane buyers order direct, and di rect your orders to Silas H. Soule, Boole Bros.' Piano Co., S74 Morrison street, Portland, Ore. BASKET BALL TONIGHT. Ho Admission Charged to Interesting Tournament. Tonight the second basket ball game of the Commercial association tourna- Combs Part of the combs In every heaseheld are apt to be In a eresplea oondltlon. Broken oenatM are a nuisance. Why not alcfc some new ones from oar preeeat large stock. We hare IS separate and distinct varle Uea, ranging In price from lvo Hair Brashes Are always needed and w are always prepared to supply the need. Our stock la kept tally ap to date, and quality consid ered, it Is Impossible to beat ear price. TALLMAN & CO. LEADING DRUGGISTS. ment will be played in the gymnasium between the Greens under Captain Marsh and the Oranges under Good man. The game will be called at 7:15 and the halves will be IS minutes long, with a five minutes' rest between them. The exact line-up of ths two teams Is not yet determined, aa the cap tains of the two teams have been com' pelled to select some new men In or d.r to complete their teams. No admission is charged for the basket ball games, and the public at large is invited to attend. "COUNT OP MONTE CRISTO.' The Play Tonight Lansing Rowan Company Closes Thursday Night. Instead of closing tonight with "The Count of Monte Crlsto," the Lansing Rowan acompany does not end its en gagement until Thursday night, when the play will be "A Ragged Hero." Last night the house was again comfortably filled to witness the sec nnd performance and the play pleased the audience even better than that of Sunday night and Miss Rowan and Mr. Farney certainly deserve a great deal of praise for their clever work in "Woman Against Woman." Tonight the play will be "Monte Crlsto," and a large house is assured. Two Indians In Court. In the police court this morning Sam-peek-ln-awa, a citizen of the Col' vllle reservation, was confronted with a charge of drunkenness. However, he denied the allegation and as a re suit his case was set for trial In the afternoon when the night officers who arrested him will have arisen. Francis, another Indian, forfeited IS ball for being found drunk upon the streets. GAMES ARE GUAiDED GAMBLERS FEAR LAW ENFORCEMENT LEAGUE. Hearing a Contest Case. Before Commissioner Parkes this afternoon the contest case of A. R. Carpenter vs. Adam Parr (Jack Brown) was heard. The land Involved lies north of Pendleton and abandon ment is alleged by the contestant. Almost Impossible to Get kilo One of jthe Gambling Rooms Wkhout Buy ing Checks in Advanced-Lookouts Are Posted at Peep-Holes In Gam bling Rooms and Signals .Are Given on the Approach of Danger. So1 persistent have been the efforts of the Law Enforcement league In trying v to suppress gambling In this city that greater precautions are now takon by the gamblers than ever be fore In the history of Pendleton. All the saloons where games are run have built boxes In the back end of the buildings, where the games are now conducted under the greatest se crecy. Peep-holes are provided In these boxes and a look-out Is kept on guard at the peep-hole at all times, so It Is Impossible for a stranger or any suspected person to enter the gambling rooms. The look-nut keeps a close watch upon the front door and at the least sign of danger warns the players who make ready to run or hide the gambling paraphernalia to prevent detection. ' The bartenders can tlso give signals to 4he look-out without being observ ed by people in the barroom and so all the five big games that are running on Main street are thus made almost inaccessible to the uninitiated. It Is said that the rece.it raid upon the game In the Rainier beer hall was made upon the Information of one of the boss gamblers who became ag grieved at the boys playing In this place because they had failed to con tribute to the fund kept up by the gamblers for purposes of protection and mutual aid In keeping out of court. When the boys failed to "divvy" with the boss he demanded that the game be raided. It is openly declared among gamblers, and thus they were made to feel the heavy hand of the law to the tune of a fine of from 110 to 115 each. In order to prevent spies from en tering one of the big rooms on Main street a new rule has been adopted. Heretofore any one could saunter into the gambling room and look on, and In this way several of the leading members of the fraternity have been caught and fined In that place. Now It Is necessary for a person wishing to enter this place to purchase $2.50 worth of "chips," ,or poker checks in advance, to Insure the keep er that the visitor is looking for a game for business reasons, nnd is not a spy. ": One result of the persistent efforts of the Law Enforcement 'league in collecting evidence against' gamblers has been to confine gambling to lock ed and barred rooms and j has taken It away from the front ropms where strangers and boys were enticed Into games, formerly. Gambling is now confined princi pally to professional gamblers and a few farmers who are in with them, and who furnish the principal part of the money with which the games are continued. for working without a license was dismissed because of failure of wit nesses to appear against them. Also Williams, whose real name Is Corterln, and who was arrested a few days ago for pointing a gun at Roy Stewart, was admitted to (360 ball and bound over to the circuit court Also, the same was done In the case of Knight, charged with larceny by bailee for having left the county; with a wagon belonging to Fred Weber. IIOLD UNION SERVICES. Churches Will Join in One United Service on Thanksgiving Day. Pendleton churches will hold A union Thanksgiving service on Thurs day, November SO, at the First Chris tian church. The services will be held In the forenoon, the exact time not yet having been decided upon. A special address and song service will be rendered, the full program to be published later, after It Is definite ly arranged. Rev. O. L. Hall, of the First Baptist church, will preach the sermon, but further than this the pro gram is not arranged. eee SCIENCE PREVENT8 BALDNESS. fas Fatal Oena aai Its Remedy New Faets of Sctcaoe. It la the rarest thing In the world for a man to be necessarily bald. No man whose hair Is not dead at the roots, need be bald if he will use Newbro's Herpl cide, the new scalp antiseptic. Herpl clde destroys the germ that cuts the hall off at the root; and cleans the scalp of dandruff and leaves it in a perfectly healthy condition. Mr. Mannett, in the Maryland Block, Butte, Mont, was en tirely bald. In less than a month Herpl clde had removed the enemies of hair growth, and nature did its work by cov ering his head with thick hair an Inch leng. and In six weeks he had a normal uit of hair. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co.. Detroit Mich. A. C. Koeppen & Bros., special agents eee e e eeeee&eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee New Crop of Nuts are in j Walnuts arrived to-day. The quality is extra line. New pack Canned Goods just in If you are in doubt as to what to prepare for break fast, order a Fancy Bloater Mackerel. We have the best.. Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Headquarters for Good Things to Eat ee i e No money come easier ban biu-rcst money, when once you liavO made a start It does not require a large amount to begin with. We will pay four per cent Interest upon amounts of one dollar and up- wards. There are no vacation periods with Interest, It keeps right on working for you days, nights, Sandays and holidays. Better Denjta now; deposit whatever yoa ean spare, add to It whenever possible, smd In time, your success la assared. We will welcome your account. large or small. ( Commercial National Bank L MORE ALLOTMENTS. Uinatlllas Who Have Keen Absent From the Reservation May Now Come Home and Re Given Their Land. At the time of the allotment to the Umatilla Indians a large number of the members of the rlbe were away from the reservation, with the Takl mas and N'ez Pcrces, and did not come home to take their land and conse uuently have been without a home of their own since that time. As they were ojily , visitors on the other reservations they had no right to land there, so they have been home' less. The members of the Umatilla tribe are now taking, up the matter of allotting these absent Indians on the reservation and the subject has been brought before the Indian commis sioner who will dlyc-ct an Investigation Into the subject In the near future. The Indians who are urging the al lotment of their brethren do not want to allow any lialf or quarter-breeds to have an allotment but Insist that the full-bloods only, who are absent from the reservation shnll secure their heritage, f .TOKE HAS REACTED. Idaho Is Champion. In one of the fiercest contested foot ball games played in the northwest, Idaho won from Whitman college at Moscow Saturday by the score of 4 to 0, giving Idaho the undisputed championship of Washington, Mon tana and Idaho, says the Walla Walla Statesman. The result came as a thunderbolt from a clear sky to the Idaho backers, who predicted a score at least 20 to 0, and when the game was ended with one accord the Idaho rooters cheered the plucky little missionaries. Goes to Nebraska. George B. Goldsby, who has resid ed In this county for the past 11 years has sold his farm on Birch creek to Leedy Brothers, and will leave to night for Superior, Neb., to reside permanently. Mr. Goldsby came to Morrow county first and then settled on Birch creek In this county, and while he likes the country, yet he pre fers a corn country and will invest In corn land In that portion of Nebraska. Two Cases of Diphtheria. Two cases of diphtheria were re ported today, both of them being at tended by Dr. C. J. Smith. One of the new cases Is that of Daisy French, who lives on Thompson street and the other that of Clara Groves of 1000 East Webb street. Both cases are said to bo mild, as in thfc caso of those pre viously reported. Gone to Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Betts, former' ly of Helix but later of Athena, pass' ed through the city last night on their way to the state of Rhode Island, where they will spend the holidays with their parents. Sliver Medal Award. Today County Clerk Frank Baling received a silver medal award which was given Umatilla county for Its peaches and prunes exhibit at the 8t Louts fair. Indians Are Returning. Umatilla Indians who have been absent at Grand Ronde and Yakima, have about all returned home and the children are now entering school. Kcxuli of Burning a lh-unkcn Ger- mans' Feet With Alcohol. .llttle affair that was meant as tat Umatilla, may have a serious loon Joke was played a few days at Umatilla mad have a serious ng for the perpetrntor. The vlc In the case Is Charles Schmidt, an uiu German who became drunk a few days ago at Umatilla and. lay down in the back room of a saloon to sober up. While thero Tad Stevens, a bar tender, is said to save poured alcohol upon his feet and set the same afire. Instantly the old man's shoes were In a blaze, and as tie bystanders could not get his shoe eff, his foot became badly burned. Also, his shoe and sock were burned off. . This morning tie old man went be fore John McCourt, acting district at torney, and told h:m of the affair. As a result a complaint was filed against Stephens, and It li said he will be in dicted before the circuit court unless a proper remuneration Is made the old man. Should Stephens be prose cuted it would be upon the charge of assault and battery, for which the maximum penalt) would be one year In the penitentiary. CHARGES WIRE DISMISSED. Two Men Were Bonnd Over to the Clrcet Court. In the justtce'i court today the charges against tie two negro barbers Baking Powder Makes the lightest most delicious and tasty hot biscuit This Incorporation is no joke WE PROPOSE TO INCORPOR ATH AND THAT IS A GOOD REA SON FOR HAVING A SALE. WE MUST REDUCE STOCK TO THE MINIMUM. ALL PRICES ARE RE DUCED TO EFFECT THIS END. AS YOU KNOW, AND ALL OTHERS KNOW, THE STOCK OF THE BOS TON STORE 18 OF THE LEADING WELL KNOWN LINES. NOT THE "JUST AS GOOD" NOT "WITHOUT REPUTATION," BUT THE LINES OF KNOWN REPUTATION8 THAT ARE HOUSEHOLD WORDS FROM MAINE TO OREGON. ALL OF THESE ARE REDUCED IN PRICE. EVEN AT OUR REGULAR PRICES THEY ARE GOOD VALUES, BUT NOW AT IN CORPORATION SALE PRICES THEY ARE DOUBLY SO. WE DE SIRE THEREFORE THAT YOU IN VESTIGATE OUR CLAIMS. WE BID ran your patronage. ROOSEVELT'S Boston Store . Where goods are sold at Cut Prices Also a SHOEMAKER CLOTHING for Men and Boys Boys Salts, Kmee Puts $1.50 to $5.M Boys' Salts, LoDg Pasta $S.S0 to itl.M Rots Overcoats M.OO to $10.00 Men's Suits 1 10.00 to $25.00 Men's Overeoata tT.50 to Of We hare anytalag sad everything In the apparel line for mesj ad boys. Baer b Daley Clothiers and'Hatters e -e Sterling Silver for Thanksgiving Tlie milking of Sterling Silver Is nnv a fine art. We are showing a line specially bought for Thanks giving, which surpasses any wo liavo over handled. The patterns aro rich and artlstlo and we have a largo variety to select from. You ran afford Hurling Silver at our prices. WINSLOW BROS. Pottorfice Block Jewelers and Opticians Ladies Tailoring and Dressmaking Parlors Having located In Pendleton, In the new Schmidt building, rooms 1 1, 12 and 14, I cordially Invite the ladles to call and see me. I am a graduate of Storey's DroHHmaktng, Tailoring and MUliaery College of Chicago, and Prof. Mol pole's Tailoring College at Washington. I have hod nine years' experience conducting high-class Tailoring and Dressmaking parlors In Denver and among my patrons there were the most fashionable ladles. I make a specialty of artistic, stylish tallor-mnde suits, beautiful dresses and party gowns. DONT GO TO PORTLAND " Ladle, It Is no longer necessary to go to Portland or Spokane to have youVTtiwte) and gowns made, as I make a specialty of the highest grade work and guarantee satisfaction. MADAM JONES Rooms 11, 12 and 14 New Schmidt Block