DAILY EAST OREOON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBETl II, 105. TEN PAGES. 310 MILES OF CARS OPENING FALL SALE ALL THE NEWLY RECEIVED STYLES AND PATTERNS IN MEN'S CLOTHING LOWER. STILL Southern Methodist Services at the OaUoway Methodist church Sunday, 11 a. m. No service at the evening hour. Sunday school 10 a. m. Visitors always welcome. I. W, Brooks, pastor. CAR FACTORIES ARE ALL WORKING OVERTIME. If you li nut know that you can buy your Winter Supplies at the G. II. HcfriliiK of the Santa Fe Has Just Returned From an Extended Visit to the East and Finds Orders for All Kinds of Car Forty-One Thousand Cunt Are Needed Car Output Must Ho Doubled to Meet Xiw Lines. Salvation Army. Knee drill, 7 a. m,; holiness meet ing, 11a. m.; free and easy, 3 p. m.; salvation meeting, 8 p. m. Subject fur evening meeting, "The Rich Man's Disappointment." James Holder, cap tain; Frank Rutins, lieutenant. 5 en Me PAGE TWO. The CHURCHES Gold Store at wholesale prices, it Is your own fault. Wo have been ami nre mill selling now Full goods In every do purl incut eliccr than tliey worn ever before sold In Pendleton. Come anil got our prices. It will cost you nothing to Invest lento UiU matter. If II Is true you should know it. GENERAL NEWS. Miss Jennie McNamara is dead at Ithaca, N. T., afer lying paralyzed two years from injuries received by falling during a basket ball game. Unknown parties murdered Willis and Fred Olney and Alice Ingerick, their housekeeper, at Middletown, N. Y., for robbery. The perpetrators are known to have secured 1350. Luther H. Dearborn, a prominent Chicago lawyer and cbvic reformer and politician, was found dead at the foot of the stairs leading up to the front door of his home. He had been sandbagged by unknown assailants, for unknown reasons. President- Harper of the University of Chicago, Is on his death bed. Noth ing further can be done to check the growth of the abdominal cancer. Ho suffers intensely when not nearly be numbed from the application of strong sedatives and anaesthetics. At a meeting of 200 surgeons, mem ben of the Wabash Hallway Surgical association, held last night, Dr. T. N. Bogart, of Excelsior Springs, Mo., In an address, said that Blight's disease and kidney hypercamla are Increas ing among railway engineers, firemen and conductors. State Superintendent of Insurance Vandiver of Missouri, will undertake the prosecution of Insurance brokers in the state who are doing business without a license. He states that there are more than 400 insurance brokers in St. Louis alone, and only 167 of them have licenses. John W, Tldale, a wealthy western mine owner, has disappeared from the Hotel Seville, X. Y.. and cannot be found. There Is no known reason, as his business and domestic affairs are In perfect shape, and he did not have upon his person over $300 worth of Jewelry and money. The war between the New York Life and the state of Missouri has not yet got further than the gnashing teeth stage. Both are putting up a tremendous bluff and killing all the time possible In preparation for one of the biggest logal fights of the age. The Missouri department of Insurance will be reinforced by a boycott of the company by Missouri Investors. NORTHWEST NEWS. Today Is being played at Portland a game of football between the local football club and a team made up of British and French sailors. Efforts to Incorporate Oroflno, Idaho, are being made. The Initial proposition Includes city ownership of I low tv ouM it do for yoiu TOer t ) sell poor stuff or dear stuff as he sells Schilling's Dest? I.Ioneybac'.U Walters' Flouring Mills Capacity. 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat. Flour. Mill Feed. Chopped iiwrvi rtn Hand Feed 'P. About Chestnut Leaves Brock i Will lieturu Your Honey If You Are Not Satisfied. electric lighting plant and water sys tem. The Olcan Land company has sold to the Stanton Lumber company for $230,,000, 6400 acres of timber on the Humptullps river, near Aberdeen, Wash. Seven steam schooners are now be ing built nt different points along the Oregon and Washington coasts to be put Into commission next spring. The coastwise trade Is Increasing rapidly. The city of Aberdeen, Wash., con demned and destroyed some old build ings or "shacks," but the action was bitterly protested by the owners, who are now suing for an aggregate of (19,572 damages. Earl Baldwin, of Chehalls. was ar rested. In Victoria, B. C, last night, charged with kidnaping the 5-year-old daughter of Mrs. Hope, of that place, from tho grandmother, to whose cus tody the courts awarded the child. A man meeting of business men and all others interested will be held In Portland November 13, to discuss the advisability and ways and means of dredging Portland harbor and using the detritus to make fills on east side flats. Work on the north Jetty at Coqullle bar Is now fairly under way, and will be completed probably within a year. This Is part of the Improvements along the Coqullle river, for which the gov ernment recently appropriated $55, 000. The Jetty will be extended 656 feet seaward. Charles Sweeney has refused to re new the lease on the Dekum home stead at Portland, and thus gives rise to a rumor that he has plans for building a $1,000,000 hotel there. Several months ago Mr. Sweeney of fered $650,000 for the Portland hotel, and some of the large stockholders were anxious to sell. Others defeated the plan, however. Mr. Sweeny later offered $650,000 for the Oregonlan building. This was refused, the com pany demanding $7S0,000, and Mr. Sweeny rejected that proposition. Man's Unreasonableness, is often as great as woman's Bu Thomas S. Austin, manager of the 'Republlcun," of Leavenworth, Ind. was not unreasonable, when he re fused to allow the doctors to operate on his wife, for female trouble. "In stead," he says, "we concluded to try Electric Bitters. My wife was then so sick she could hardly leave her bed, and five (5) physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Electric bitters she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household lutlei." Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., and Brock & McComas, druggists Price 60c. Tom reel Captured. Tom Peel, smooth tin horn and crook, who spent several months here during the spring of 1904, and who later achieved distinction by stealing some horses In Wheeler county, get ting caught and la.er breaking Jail at Fossil, making a clean getaway, has been heard from In Wyoming, where he was lately arrested for horse stealing. He Is lirjall at Caspar, and Sheriff Keeton, of Wheeler county, Is In communication with the authori ties at that place looking to his re' turn to that county. Peel Is a smooth crook. Condon Globe. Rader Carpets Radcr. Chestnut Leaf Expectorant Is a real remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and all kindred troubles. A Cough Remedy sold"undcr an ab solute guarantee by your home peo ple. Hundreds of recommendations In Pendleton. McComas Orders for cars are pouring Into the eastern cur factories so rapidly that every avultable shop is working night and day to meet the enormous de- maud. 15. H. Hef fling of the mechnn-and tnu,r frlendg Rt the mornln(r ,cr. Icul department of the Santa Fe, at vice. At the morning worship the an Atchlson, Kan., was In the city en ' nual offering for education will be route from Spokane to Portland last , taken, Tho evening service will bo In night, and gave the East Oregonlan a'cim,.e of ,n members of the Bible list of orders now placed with the eastern car factories. He lias Just returned from an ex tended visit to the east and Is In close touch with the mechanical depart ments of all the railroad systems In the United States, since he Is an air brake expert and has traveled over most of the systems In tho official ca pacity of airbrake examiner. The following orders for cars have Just been placed with eastern factor ies, besides numerous large or lers placed some time ago and not yet filed :0. R. & N.. 200 fiat cars and 200 box cars, latest designs; Northern Pacific, 150 refrigerator cars of 70. 000 pounds capacity; Santa Fe, 500 flat cars; Barrett Manufacturing Co., 25 tank cars of 10,000 gallons capaci ty; Cleveland Electric, 60 convertible electric cars; Merchants' Coal com pany of Raltimore, 1000 coal cars of 100,001) pounds capacity: New York Central and Hudson River, 2000 gon dola cars of 80,000 pounds capacity; New York Central lines, 20,000 cars of Jlffereut clusses from flats to passen ger coaches; Baltimore & Ohio, 10, 000 freight cars of different capacl- ties; Not folk & Western, 500 hopper ; cars of 100,000 pounds capacity each, 1000 box cars and 40O fiat cars of dif ferent capacities; Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault .He. Marie, 50 refrigera tor cars of 50,000 pounds capacity; Minneapolis & St. Louis, 900 box curs and 200 stock cars, 60,000 pounds ca pacity; l.ake Superior & Ishpeming, 100 steel ore cars of 100,000 pounds upacity; Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suult Stc. Murle, U90 box curs of 60,000 pounds capacity; Louisville 4c Nash- ille, 61) fiats; Chesapeake & Ohio, 1000 flats and gondola; the Erie, 2200 joiulola coal cars. This Is a grand total of 41,000 ears r enough to make 136S trains of 30 cars each. This string at cors would , be 310 miles in length or would reach from Portland to Hot Lake on tho O. K. & N. system. This does not Include 10,000 Pull mans and passenger coaches that are being built at this time, nor a large ! number of freight cars that are being ! rjullt by different companies In their own shops. According to Mr. Heffllng the ca paclty of the car shops In the United Slates must be doubled within the next year In order to meet the de mands for cars occasioned by new lines that are to be built. MONDAY NIGHT CONCERT: MeMhin s Orcliostra Will Play an Overture From "Pandfui." On next Monday evening McMinn's orchestra will give the first ot a series of orchestra nmcerts at Music all, the special feature of the Mon day night concert to be an overture from "Parsifal" with which Pendle ton people have been made familiar by a moving picture entertainment at the Frazer recently. The program for Monday evening will be as follows: March The Black Eagle. .. Isenman Selection From 111 Trovatore. .Verdi Clarenett Long, Long Ago D. A. Rlckard Overture Parsifal Wagner Trombone Solo The Special M. H. McMinn Medley Overture Popular Jingles. . Recker Cocoanut Dance Characteristic . . Herman Star Spangled Banner . . . Orchestra CIIIVALROCS DAYS. "Whim Knighthood Was In Flower" Coining Novomlier 17. 'When Knighthood Was In Flower" a stage production. Is a complete success. The events follow the scenes of the novel more closely than the ensual render would have thought pos sible. The story Is as clear as If every l'ne written In tho bonk were spoken by the charatrs. From the opening scene In Windsor Park until the cur tain drops on the final union of Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon, Charles Major's book Is before the audience. In short, the dramatization Is conced ed to be better than the novel, a fact which Is seldom encountered. And In Roselle Knott, who portrnys the chnrm'ng Tudor madcap princess, the audience sees Mr. Major's delight ful heroine stepped from the pages of fiction nnd vivified In a most convinc ing manner. At the Frazer November 17. "The Bfnrrlnge of Kitty." A comedy of such unquestionable fame as "The Marrloge of Kitty," presented by a cast headed by such pripulnr and clever nrtlst as Alice Johnson, and the whole under the di rection of Jules Murry, Is a triple as surance of a dellghl'ul and novel en tertainment nt the Frazer, Tuesday. November 14. Jules Murry's com panies are always high class and al ways contain good material, but 't rnny be questioned If any company or play he has sent out this nei" has proven to be of such excellence or capable of creating so much laugh ter and wholesome enjoyment as this, his comedy company, In "The Mar rlage of Kitty." Baptist Church. "Joy In the Holy Spirit," the sec ond sermon In the series now being delivered by the pastor. The pastor will h entl to welcome All Rnntlsta school. Elble day exercises will be the order. Singing, speaking and class exercises by the children. Remem ber that special meetings arc to begin In this church on November 20. Rev. H. Jones, formerly of Buffalo, N. Y., Is to be here and help. PresbytiTlun Church. The services of tomorrow will be held In the old but' ling. The work of raising funds for the Improvement of the building Is progressing very satisfactorily. The trustees expect to have practically the entire amount necessary for the work In hand before the contract is let.- The subject for to morrow at both morning and evening preaching services will be, "The Faith of the Christian: First, the founda tions of faith; arc they well establish- .ed? Second, how faith grows. The school meets at 12 rn. Young Illbl people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Spec ial music at both morning and even ing wrvlces. Clii'lsllnu Scientist. First Society of Christ Scientist. Services held In the East Oregon luii building, room 6. Hunday morning at 11 o'clock, lesson. Subject, "Soul nnd Body." Also, Wednesday even Inglng, at 7:30. All are cordially In vited to attend. McIImmIK Kplscouil Chlirclu. Sunday school, 10 a. m., A. J. Owen superintendent: 11 a. m., preaching by Rev. O. W. Rlgby; 12:15, class meeting; 9 p. m.. Intermediate league: 1 6:3(1 p. m., Kpworth League, topic. "The Imngers- of Indulgence," leader, Mr. Tarbett; T:J0 p. m., sermon by Rev. Mr. Brooks, of the Southern Methodist church. All are cordially invited to these, services. Hubert Warner, pastor. Church of Hie Redeemer. Services for the ?lst Sunday after Trinity: Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11; evening prayer and ser- man, 7:30. . Subjects of sermons: Morning, "Another Fruit of the Spirit; Power Developed From the Divine t side of Man, Frotm the Moral Sontl- ments. Not Frnm the Animal Side, Not From the Animal Passions." Evening subject, "A Question 1900 Years Old, Asked First of the Wheat Growers on the Plains of Esdraelon; Propounded Now to the Wheat Grow ers of Umatilla." The public cordial ly Invited to all services. Rev. Henry Dixon Jones, pastor. Congrcgationiil Churcli. Services tomorrow as follows: Sun day school at :45 a. m. Morning preaching service at II o'clock. Meet 'tig at trie West F.nu at 2:30. Junior C. E. at 6:30. Evening song and praise meeting at 7:30. Rev. H. N. Smith, of Portland, will be with us over Sunday. The present pastor closes his work with this church No vember 19. He would be pleased to fee all his friends at the services for 1 'he next two Sunday T. R. Egerton. First Chrlstlun Church. Bible school, 9:45 a: m. Bring your Bibles. Morning service, 11 o'clock; 3 p. m., Junior Endeavor) 6:30 p. m Senior Endeavor; Evening service, The Wilson Heater The Renter that wives yon. money on your fuel bills. The orlg. Iiial Wilson Alr-Tlglit coal nnd wood heaters stand as far ahead of other Imiters today as they did nlmvo tho old style heaters when tliey first came out and ri-volutionlacd tho heating problem. Tho Quick Meal iMillshed steel range, with malleable top, don't break or crack. It tie:s Its name from the fact that It can ho halted quicker than uny other rango und la a fuel suver because nil heut Roes where It docs good. We are tho only dealers in Pendleton that have the sulo of the Wilson Heater and the Quick Meal Goodman-Thompson Co HARDWARE PH'MUING. 43 MAIN STREET. One of the most encouraging signs of the times Is the almost universal demand for Clothing of the Rest Quality, and It U a demand with which we not only are glad to comply, hut which we were first to meet and recognize in our showing of K. N. & F. CLOTHES SEE DISPLAY IN CENTER WINDOW. ALEXANDER'S PENDLETON'S RELIABLE STORE 7:30 o'clock, vited. N. H. Tho public oordlally In Rrooks, pastor. , Under New Management. The Pendleton Btoam Cleaning and Dyeing works at 206 East Court street, has changed hands and Is now con ducted by Rico Foreman, an experi enced man In the business, who will give all work-careful und prompt at tention. He will guarantee first-class work. Uoods called for and delivered to any part of tho city. 1691. 'Phone Main fried of Consumption. Mi.., W Tlikwara rllod vt-Mlnnlnv ' afternoon 'at her homo erne nnd a half1 i, wi. ., tw.mii,! river ,of consumption, and was burled nt No II n this afternoon. She was about 4G years of agn and leaves ul husband and four children. She had I been a sufferer from consumption for a number of years and her death was not unexpected. Thousands Hays Kidney Trouble and Ifever Suspect it How To 'Bind Out. Kill a lxittle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence o kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to jkiss it or pain in the back is also, convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in thu knowledge to often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad cflects following use of liquor, wine or lieer. and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often .iiirimr the day. and to get up many tunes damn; the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, it, siuiiub uic mgnm for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug. gtsts.in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all nbout it, both sent freegfj? DV man. Aimrcss nr. gjjr; Kilmer & Co., uing hamton.N. V. When H inf writing niciftiou this paper and: don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tile address, Iliughauiton, N. Y. Ranges. iii CIi !! :?! Prosperous Umatilla Co. 94 Pianos Sold in II Weeks Many Rich Farmers Buying Costly Pianos O.U. Morrison of Adam ha. Jart purchased a Chlckerlng Quarter Grand. I 1 nis is ine nrsi urunu nauo mum in this county, outsldo of Pendletoa, and the price paid wai 1900. Cenrre L. Peebler has lust BUT- j cmls0(1 a magnificent Hobart M. C- ble, the finest style mude. T. R. Hampton also secured one of the tlae Hotmrt M. Cables, as also did 3. It. Shields of Milton, and Mrs. J. W. Uum sett. a music teacher of Weston. John F. Harvey secured a fine style Marshall & Wendell, as also did the Commercial Athletic Association of Pendleton. John F. Crowe also' selected a fine Clarimleii Piano 111 a beautiful mahog any case. Many of the fine pianos are goiag into Pendleton homes as during this great sale prices are lowered to a small margin of profit, this being made possible by the great number sold. You can now buy a piano at wholesale for the same prlco the atnaH dealer or agent pays. For Instance, a pin no that an agent would ask yea $300 for. we would sell to you far f F!6; then you have the advantage of selecting your Instrument from a great asortment of the finest pianos; bes'des ya have the Ellers Piano House guar antee of "money back" If not .is rep resented. Kvery purchaser a pleased purchaser It their aim. You can exchange your organ aa put payment. ( Filers Piano House 813 Main Street. Next to Boston Store. J. C. GALLAGHER, Manager. New Implement House Wo Invito you to cull nnd Iimm our stock of Implements und Vehicle. We wish to cull your special atten tion to tho New Steel Star WIND MILL It has roller bearings nnd die strongest tower built. It Is recognised as the hent wind engine In tho world. See us for Carriages. JOHN NISSEN (SSON k NEW TAYLOR RUILDING, OPPO SITE HOTEL PENDLETON. Hie Kast Orpgwnimn ia Eastern Ora con's representative paper, it leads and the people appreciate It and ahow It by tlielr liberal patronage.. It la the advertlslnc medium of this sectloa. illiiRII ll