East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 10, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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The calibre of a man's bosiness
te shown by the size of hi ad. A
tg advertiser la never grasping.
Fair tonight,
ing cloudiness.
Saturday lucres-
VOL. 18.
NO. 55 JO
1 -.kj ;Lsm
Loyal Troops Surround Muti
neers at Kronstadt and
Compel a Surrender.
Tbe Streets linn With Blood For
So mo Tlmo It AK'u-od Uio In
surrection Might for the Tlmo Moet
Willi a Dogreo of Kuccws, tho Loyal
Trooiw Being Surrounded Admiral
Nobogutoff Puts I'p a Defense for
Ills Surrender in Uio Battle of tlie
Sea of JaHtn War of Extermina
tion Again Uio Jews Said to lie
Planned to Begin November 11.
8k Petersburg, Nov. 10. Seven
thou Hand loyal troops arc now In con
trol at KrniiHUtdt, having caught Uio
mutineers where they were surround
ed. Kmhle8 Slaughter.
Bt Petersburg, Nov. 10. The Amer
ican charge d'affaires, Spencer Ediy,
bos telegraphed to the governor of
Kronstadt requesting protection of
American Interests.
Later reports only magnify the hor
ror of the situation. The mutiny was
complete, not only the sailors but the
garrisons of some of the forts joining
in the Insurrection. The few soldiers
and sailors who remained loyal fought
all night against the mutineers and the
workmen who enlisted under the ban
ner of revolt. Barricades were thrown
The report that machlno guns were
used la apparently confirmed. The
panic-stricken refugees who escaped
by boats aay the Maxim guns were
-fired all night and this morning the
street wore literally flooded with
blood. They place the number of
dead and wounded far into thn hun
dreds. Today two regiments of Cos.
sacks and the Imperial horse guards
were dispatched to Kronstadt from
St Petersburg and a regiment of Uh
lans was sent there from Oranlen
naura, a few miles west of Petorhnf.
Altogether about 10,009 troops art
engaged in quelling the Insurrection.
According to some reports the sail
ors and strikers were finally surround
ed but have not yet surrendered. Both
sides have been losing heavily. The
troops lost eight officers killed or
wounded. Other reports aay the Uh
lans deserted to the mutineers and are
now fighting against the Imperial
Troops Surrounded by Mutineers.
8t Petersburg, Nov. i. It Is re
ported the troops at Kronstadt are
surrounded by 8000 mutinous sailors.
The troops are holding them In
Says He Ibid to.
81. Petersburg, Nov. 10. Admiral
Nebogatnff has arrived at home and
Is posing as a martyr, declaring he
deliberately sacrificed his name and
honor by surrendering at the battle
of thn Sea of Japan, and thus saved
the lives of the 2000 sailors of his di
vision. The admiral's sons was sub
ject to much derision by his comrades
and he was forced to leave the naval
Religious War or Kmtallly.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 10. It Is re
ported the "Mlack Hundred" Is plan
ning a great massacre of Jews and In
tellectuals for Saturday night It Is
said all Jews' houses are being mark
ed with red crosses.
Hon of a Section Hand Said to Be
Albany, Or., Nov. 10. After nearly
two weeks' Investigation by the defec
tive department ot ths Southern Paci
fle company, John Jones, who did the
shooting nt a passenger train near
Tangent, Linn county, Sunday, Octo
ber 29, was apprehended and was
taken to the reform school this morn
ing. For some time offenses against
tbe railroad company have been com
mitted in the Tangent neighborhood,
principal among them being ths put
ting of stones of a large size on the
rails. Jones Is It years old and Is
the son of a section hand. He Is a
degenerate, and entirely beyond the
control ot his parents.
Besides offenses against the rail
road young Jones has been a great
trouble to the entire community of
Tangent, and people have- been in tear
of serious loss from fires, eto. His
father stated that he has expected
something more serious than the re
form school for some time.
Practical and Costly Object leman to
a Jury.
Chicago, Nov. 10. A dispatch to the
Inter-Ocean from Unlontown. Pa.,
nays: For the sake of Illustrating a
contested point to a coroner s Ju, .
here yesterday, 2000 kegs of powde..
representing a value of about liO.OOO,
was exploded by a powder company..
The shock of the explosion was felt
In several surrounding townships, and
there was great excltemont through
out this end ot I ho country. 1
The coroner's Jury which had been
sitting on the cases of 18 persons kill
ed In the explosion at Kalrchance,
September 9, had expressed some de
sire for Information as to the direc
tion In which the exploding powder
exerted Its greatest force. The powder
people have taken the stand that the
big magazines which went off on
September 9, had been exploded by
some agency outside the magazines.
They claimed thut some one had a
splto against the company, placed and
exploded under the magazines, con
taining 10.000 kegs of powder, some
other explosive, either fulminate of
mercury or nltro-glycerlno. In defense
of this It was clnlmcd that powder In
exploding does not tear holes In the
ground, and the company offered to
prove this by practical demonstration
to the coroner's Jury. '
The coronor's Jury retired to a great
distance, and the battery was touched
off. The explosion rocked the entire
township and was hoard as fur as
After the powder exploded It was
shown there was no hole In the earth
caused by the explosion of this great
amount of powder.
Messages Parried Fourteen Hundred
Washington, Nov. id. The navy de
partment has been Informed that the j and produce for their Inspection the
wireless telegraph operator at San j registry books of the fifth election
Juan, Porto Rico, read signals which j district of the 26th assembly district,
were being sent from a wireless sta- R Is charged the returns were chang
tlon In the vicinity of New Tork. The i vd and allege much fraudulent voting
distance Is approximately 1400 miles, j n this district
This encourages the belief at the Under the direction of Attorney
department that It will be possible to General Mayer, aslBted by Jerome,
establish wireless communication be- the grand Jury todav began Investlga-
tween San Juan and the Washington
navy yard In the near future.
To What Limit May Purchasers Dur
ing Sale of 1885 May Go In Subse
quent Investments Issue Has Been
Taken Iuto Ute Federal Conns on
an Appeal From the Department of
tiie Interior by tlie Contestecs Be
tween Twenty and Thirty Litigants
Anxiously Await a Final Derision.
Among other matters that are be
ing held awaiting the appointment of
a federal judge for Oregon are 20 or
30 contest cases from this county, in
which the question Involved Is wheth
er or not parties who purchase land
on the reservation In the sale of 1886
could also purchase at the sale of
During the latter sale quite a few
people purchased land after having
already purchased under the former
sale. Thereupon co-tests wore filed
to have these entries cancelled. One
of the first of these cases was that of
Hoover vs. Jones, In which the former
wns contestant. This case was de
cided by the departp-ent of the Inter
ior in favor of the contestant, the
ruling of the department being that
no party who had purchased land In
the first sale could do so In the sec
ond excepting In cases where the 40
ucres of timber had not been taken at
the first sale. In which Instance the
right to make this purchase at the
second sale was granted.
However, the case was then taken
Into the federal court by the contes
tecs, and was under consideration at
the time of Judge Bellinger's death,
Since then It has been impossible to
secure any settlement, as the Judges
who have occupied the bench tem
porarily have refused to take up such
Since the department ruled against
the purchaser in ths Hoover-Jones
cose many other contests, all similar
In nature, have been filed and decid
ed In the same way. All of these
havo also been appealed In order to
keep the entries from being cancell
ed, and are now awaiting the appoint
ment ot a federal Judge.
Powder Valley Light A Power Com
pany Will Fight Northwestern.
The Northwestern Gas ft Electric
company, which practically controls
all the gas and electric light plants
from Holso to Walla Walln, will have
an opposition fight In Baker City, as
the Powder Valley Light & Power
company has petitioned the Baker City
council for a franchise
Tho Powder Valley company offers
to pay the city throe per cent of Its
gross earnings for the franchise, and
In addition proposes a maximum scale
of prices which Is far below that now
charged by the Baker City Gas ft Elec
tric company, which is owned and con
trolled by I. W. Anderson of the
Northwestern Gas ft Electric com
pany, says a dispatch from Baker City.
Tammany Heelers Are the Objects Aimed at by the Law and
Order Elements of All Political Parties.
Tammany Alderman Is Under Aire
Elections Is Summoned to Appear
Be Mnde to Indict Some District
Section Deputies of the Superintendent of Election g
New York, Nov. 10. Heurst has
offered an additional reward of 110,
000, making a total of 127,000 offerod
by him for the conviction of Tammany
district leaders.
Alderman Haggerly was arrested on
complaint of a poll watcher on the
charge of assault and arraigned this
morning. Case continued to Decem
ber 5.
A subpoena Is Issued for John Voor
hls, president of the board of elec
tions, to appear before the grand Jury
tion of the charges ot fraud in con
nection with the mayoralty election.
Muyer visited the criminal court
building early this morning and with
Assistant District Attorneys Sanford
Ohio Doctor Accused of at Iicast Nine
Dayton. ().. ..ov. 10. Dr. Oliver
IT.iugh, accuwd of murdering his
fmher. mother and hrothar- last Fun
clay, was arraigned this morning. He
pleaded not guilty and was remanded
for further hearing. He Is addicted to
Detectives are visiting Lorain and
Toledo, O., and Chicago and Milwau
kee, seeking evidence. It Is expected
the officials will charge Hnugh with
at least nine murders. It is alleged
Hnugh mnde earlier victims drug
fiends and then slowly plosoncd them.
Hnugh said today. "I might have killed
them when my mind was blank."
Lorn, $250,000 Gneet Have Some
Narrow Escapes.
San Luis Obispo, Cal., Nov. 10.
Fire at 3 this morning destroyed the
limima hotel, tausing a loss of $250,
000. Although the hotel was full of east
ern tourists, no one was Injured, and
Unless all signs fail the county com
missioners will accept tho latest O.
R. & N. company offer tnls evening.
This afternoon It wns said by the
members of the court that the matter
was to be decided by a secret ballot
upon the completion of some other
business then before them. From np
pearances the chances are nil In favor
of an acceptance of the offer, as Com
missioner Gillllund favored the accept
ance of the former proposition, and
Commissioner Wnlkor has virtually
signified his intention of favoring the
present offer. The sentiment of
County Judge Mean has not been as
certained, but It Is hardly thought he
A special from Colfax to the Walla
Walla Union of today In regard to
the hearing In the railroad rate cases,
The state railroad commission be
gan the second day ot Its sitting In
this city yesterday and Chairman
Falrchlld announced that the motion
of the railroads to quash the proceed
ings were overrated.
The state, represented by Assistant
Attorney Oeneral McDonald, then
tiled a demurrer to the voluminous
answer of the railroads to the com
plaint, which, upon being sustained by
the commission, cleared the tracks of
all obstructions, and the taking ot
testimony began.
Witnesses were called by the state
for the purpose of sustaining tho alle
gations of the complaint This testi
mony was In reference to the rates on
coal from Roslyn to Colfax, which was
supplemented during tho afternoon by
evidence from the Tacoma members
of the Northern Pacific Jobbers and
Manufacturers' association In refer
ence to rates on merchandise from
and the President ot Uio Board of
llefore the Grand Jury Effort WIU
lieuders for Frauds
In Tuesday's
Have Been
and Perkins, to whom Jerome dele
gated the work of prosecuting cases
and drawing up Indictments.
The grand Jury met at H o'clock
and Mayer appeared immediately.
Eight deputies of Superintendent of
Elections Morgan, a number of police
men and about 60 other witnesses
were called. It is said efforts will be
made to Indict some district leaders.
, Voorhls, this afternoon, discussing
the reports that ballot ooxes were
dumped Into the river, said:
"There Is nothing to this talk about
missing ballot boxes. The board of
election knows exactly how many
boxes It gave out, and how many re
turned. So far as 1 know, all came
back. The story about boxes being
thrown Into the river Is all false. If
u box was found In a barber shop 1
am sure It was one of the small boxes
for mutilated ballots, which are al
ways destroyed after the good ballots
a-e counted. Tho report that some
locks are missing Is untrue. Some
ai'als may have been broken in the
all saved their effects. The flames
broke out In the kitchen from un
known causes. A heavy wind at the
time and the flames spread with
gioat rapidity through the wooden
structure. Employes warned the
'k . end whenever they received no
response, the tioor v I kicked In. For
a tlmo a wild panic reigned, but by
systematic work the employes suc
ceeded In getting every one safely out
of the building.
The Ramnna wa comparatively a
new tourist hotel. It was a three-
story modern structure of S00 rooms.
Quotations From the Greatest Wheat
.Market In Uie United States.
Chicago, Nov. 10. Wheat closed to
day at 85 5-4. a decline from the mar
ket of yesterday. Corn closed at 45
3-4, and oats at 20 3-4.
King and Kaiser Hunt Boars.
Hanover, Nov. 10. King Alfonso
ana Kaiser Wllhelm left. In a motor
car this morning for the Forest o.
Springs to hunt boars. They will re
turn to Berlin tonight
will hold out longer In the matter.
The present offer of the railroad
company Is to accept tho valuation of
310,000 per mile for their roadbed,
and to pay all back taxes upon that
basis, and to also pay interest on tho
delinquent tax. Approximately 3HJ,
000 will be due the county upon the
acceptance of tho railroad's offer, and
the amount will be paid over at once.
With the acceptance of the offer by
the commissioners will end the long,
hard fight which has been mnde by
Assessor Strain, hacked oy the coun
ty court for the raising of the railroad
assessment, and through which the
company's taxes have been practically
doubled In amount.
that city to points on the O. R. A N.
The contention ol the Tacoma wit
nesses Is that by reason of a lack of
the Joint rate between the Northern
Pacific and O. R. ft N. railroads they
aro shut out of the markets In many
of the Inland empire towns.
The vigorous defense and objections
of the proceedings of the commission
Indicates that they will not comply
with the rulings ar finding of the
commission, If contrary to their de
sires, until it Is decided by the courts
that the commission has the power to
enforce its rulings.
The best legal talent In the states
of Oregon and Washington has been
secured by both sides and no matter
what tho decision ot ths commission
may be on the question, the case will
be carried to the supreme court. The
introduction of testimony during the
remaining days of the session Is mere
ly a matter of form that the proper
foundation may be laid by both side
for ths contest In tbe courts.
Prom all appearances the sittings
will continue until Saturday.
Wyoming Capitalists Will Secure 300,
000 Acres for Settlers.
Cheyenne, Nov. 10 G. W. Westen
dall, Union Pacific colonization agent,
accompanied by a party of four prom
inent Iowa capitalists, have arrived
here by way of Laramie. Walden and
North Park on a trip which It Is be
lieved will have a far-reaching Influ
ence on the future growth and devel
opment of northern and southern Wy
oming. The party Is In quest of options on
between 260,000 and 300,000 acres of
land, which they propose to dispose of
to settlers for the purpose of raising
sugar beets, the syndicate to establish
a series of large, modern factories at
various places on the lands to be re
claimed. Nearly 300,000 acres of land has
been selected which can be reclaimed
at a small cost per acre.
Young Done Wanted al Sliunglial Has
Been KclouMcd.
Sun Francisco, Nov. 10. Adolph
AlKtrup. the young Dane a Tested her'
and for whose capture Shanghai has
offered a reword o? $500. vaH releas
l by the police today no Instructions
having bpen received j-gardltig extrn
.1.1 ion.
Als'rup hq be"n Ir th-t employ of
the East Asiatic company, and is
charged with embezzling 120,000. He
received a cablegram yesterday fom
his father, a prominent merchant of
Copenhagen, asking hhn to com home
Indicating the matter had been com
promised. He will leave fir liemnnrk
at once
Guests of General Grant.
New York, Nov. 10. Prince Louis
and party lunched on Governor Is
land, the guests of General Grant. Af
ter lunch they were guests at a re
ception at the Brooklyn navy yard by
Admiral Coghlan.
"rmrrcAii evangelist.
Firm of a Series of Public Meetings
W ill Be Held In Hendricks' Hall
Saturday Night nt 8 O'clock: No
Admission Charged, and the Gener
al Public Is Cordially Invited to At
tend Parlor Meeting Being Held
Prior to Securing a Place Suitable
for General Audience All Free
The Spiritualists ot Pendleton, and
many others who are by no means
Spiritualists, are enjoying a visit this
week from Rev. R. C. Coon, a travel
ing evangelist of ths faith mentioned.
Mr. Coon is accompanied by his wife,
who is a medium.
Rev. Coon, like many others of the
best known, most able and effective
preachers of this church, came Into
the work through and out of ortho
doxy. As a member of the Advcntlst
church and afterward of the Baptist
church, he put in many years at ex
horting and in purely reformatory
work under the auspices of those or
ganizations. He has done much slum
work of reformatory and evangelistic
nature, having solicited for and pro
moted Crlttenton homes (for fallen
women), Christ's Rescue Home work
and Millennial Dawn work.
Itev. Coon has been in the Spiritual
istic lecture field for about seven years
and was ordained a minister of that
church at New Era camp, by Harrison
D. Barrett, president of the National
Spiritualistic association. His home
is San Francisco, and most of his pub
lic life has been spent In California,
his residence for many years, while
associated with orthodoxy, being at
San Jose.
Like the great majority of Spiritual
ists, Rev. Coon is neither an Infidel
nor an atheist, but Is a devoted ad
herent of the Bible, regarding It as
"the greatest work on Spiritualism
ever written."
Parlor meetings were held Wednes
day and Thursday nights, addressed
by Rev. Coon, at the home of W. O.
Hodder, on the north side, and a third
meeting will be held tonight at the
same plact.
At Hendricks' Hall.
Tomorrow (Saturday) night the
first of a series ot public meotlngs
will be held In Hendricks' hall by
Rev. and Mrs. Coon, beginning at 8
o'clock sharp. No admission will be
charged, and the general public Is in
vited to attend.
Kmfkm In Adams County SWIm for
f 11,000.
A deal was closed in Walla Walla
today by which Fred Ingalls of Adams
county disposed of his farm In that
county, comprising one section, says
the Walla Walla Statesman. The pur
chaser was O. Schwank of Freewater,
the price paid being $14,000. The
property Is snld to be among the best
whent land In eastern Washington.
Changes in Management Were
Made But Did Not Correct
the Trouble.
Rendered by an Albany Attorney for
Many Yours an Employe ot the In
surance ConiMuies Being Investigat
ed Special Investigators of the
Bureau of Commerce and Labor
Have Opened an Off loo In Chicago,
and It Is Rumored Uie Standard Oil's
Relations With Uie Railroads, and
"Pluggers" Are Being Investigated.
New York, Nov. 10. William
Barnes, sr., of Albany, 40 years an at
torney, voluntarily appeared to tes
tify In the insurance investigation this
He said he was employed by various
thsurance companies at different
times, and told how frequently he has
recommended a change In the man
agement of the companies. In a tir
ade against the Equitable he declared
the changes made did not change at
all, but asserted that one man power
still remains.
Investigation at Chicago.
Chicago Nov. 10. Dr. E. D. bur
and, Herbert D. brown, S. E. Schlnd
ler and F. L. Hawes, special investi
gators of the bureau of commerce and
labor, have opened headquarters in
this city to conduct an Investigation
about which much secrecy Is main
lat den.
It Is rumored the Standard Oil's re
lations with the railroads Is subject
to Investigation.
They are also said to be Investigat
ing the alleged attempt to pack the
recent rate convention. All Inquiries
are met by reference to Commissioner
UaifleiaV '
Lush of Salvage Will Be Greek Will
Go In Fleers Rapidly.
Eureka, Cat, Nov. 10. Firo last
night destroyed what remained of the
wrecked steamer St. Paul, whlcn went
ashore on Point Gorda early In Octo
ber. Captain Iverson of the stoamer
Pasadena, reports this morning that
when he passed the St. Paul early last
evening she was ablaze from oijm to
stern. Many thousands ot dollars In
salvage were aboard the craft, and i
Is supposed Borne one ot thu wrecking
crew accidentally upset a lamp The
vessel will now -apidly go in pieces.
Part of tho Saloon's MbMion.
Walla Walla, Nov. 10. While the
8-months-old baby of a woman named
Dorrance was crying pitifully from
hunger and cold, all afternoon yester
day In a room of tho Bee Hive lodg
ing house, its mother was having a
drunken revel In tho rear of a down
town saloon. The landlady ot the Bee
Hive telephoned to the police, and the
officers, after a brief nearch, found
the Dorrance woman In her shameful
condition of debauchery and placed
her In the city Jail. The father of the
child, who is a drunken loafer about
town, will be placed In Jail also as soon
as the police can find him.
Three Trainmen Killed.
Blueflelds, W. Va Nov. 10. A
freight train was wrecked and three
trainmen killed this morning Dear
May Render Necessary the Cloeaos; of
School Room.
Another cose of diphtheria has been
reported, and the little girl having
tho disease Is from the same room in
the east end school that two former
cases have been reported. The latest
case Is that of the Mttle daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Raymond, living at
the corner of Main and High streets.
She is said to have been 111 at school
yesterday, and this morning the cass
was declared to be diphtheria by Dr.
W. O. Cole.
In view of the fact that three eases
of the disease have now occurred
among children of the same school
room, it is probable that the room
will be ordered cloned by the board
and precautions taken to prevent a
spread of the contagion. Tho room Is
the one taught by Miss Eva Froome.
The other cases were those of ths
child of Mr. and Mrs. Young, which
proved fatal, and ot the child of Mr.
and Mrs. James Jones, reported a few
days ago.
Four hundred and eighty-two em
ployes of the Furniture Exhibition
company, of Chicago, which occupies
an eight-story building, had narrow
escapes by the burning of the build
ing. Four weru badly Injured. Only
perfect organization and promptitude
In clearing the building, prevented