4 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER T, 1905. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE SEVEN. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Now Power and Milling Plant. F. J. Englehorn, who Ib in charge of the Lolo plant of the Nez Perce Power & Water company, which plant applies light and power for the town of Nei Perce, was In the city yester day. Mr. Knglchorn reports that the sawmill recently ItiHtulled at the Lolo will noon begin operations. The mill will have a capacity of 110,000 feet dally and as a fine grade of yellow plno lumber will he turned out It Is the plan to ship large quantities to the outside market. With the Instal lation of the mill an auxiliary steam plant will be provided for the elec tric power plant, the latter having a maximum capacity of 280 horse-power wltli tho creek running at a nor mal stage. In Installing the dam for the power plant, a log storage pond one-half mile In length was made, and this pond will store four million feet of logs. There are now between 300,000 and 400,000 reet of logs In the pond which will be worked up at the Initial run of the mill. Lewlston Tribune. Woodmen Will Itnlld In Yakima. The Woodmen of the World will soon commence the erection of the largest public hall building In the city. It will be on the site of the old arm ory at the corner of South Third and Chestnut streets and will cost about t2l, 000 aside from the money placed In the lots, which have been purchas ed from William Poquette. The building will have a frontage of 75 feet on Third street and 125 feet on Chestnut street. It will bo two stories high. The second story will be divided Into two rooms for lodge purposes and the lower floor will be ono Inrge room to be used for dances, armory purposes, conventions and any ther purpose for which it can be put. Yakima Dally Republic. New 40,000-Acro Irrigation Kclicnie. The Shoshone Journal Is authority for the statement that a project for the reclamation of 40,000 acres near that place. Involving the con struction of 8 reservoir, has been fl uanced. In giving the story the Jour nal says: While we have not been at liberty to give reliable information In regard to the subject before, we are reliable Informed this week that the Willow creek reservoir will now be built. As far as can be learned the pro moters of the scheme are Ouy C. Ilarnum and I. Hill, of Shoshone; S. ItARLEY GROWERS 'OMIII.Ni:, imumoiu t ounty rnxlucxr tict l.x- cedent Prices Tho success of the Columbia county barley pool, In securing 'JO cents per cental for Its grain, has resulted In a, determination for a permanent organi zation of I near barley growers, says the Walla Walla Statesman. Already pluns hnvc been formulated for a Joint Btock company to be known as the Columbia County Hurley Growers' as sociation. Effort will be mude to get every grower In the county to become u stockholder and to pledge himself to sell his barley only through the asso ciation. The capital stock Is to be large enough, with what money can be borrowed, to buy the crop of any' member who desires to sell It at a lower price than that fixed by the as sociation. There Is a growing sentiment among tho farmers to unite for their own pro tection. They are enthusiastically taking hold of the project, and so nfuch progress has been made toward pcVmuuent organization that it Is claimed the enterprise Is already al most an assured fact. Similar associations In other coun ties are regarded uh evidence of the feasibility of the project. Grain transactions in the county are Im mense. This year individual crops will bring from 15000 to $50,000. Man's UnrousonithlcucMM. ! "ft 'i as great as woman's Thomas I. .MhMm. manager of nut the Ind., "Republican ' was not tnu fus,"l to nl!'" of I.envenworth. I-.' t 'i ::ito on hh wliv ,e , ..,itV ".li- u. i:y . "we (.oncluiicj to try Kleitili' 1 : tcrs. My wife was then so sick f'ic i.iuld hardly leave her bed, anil r i' ! .") physicians had failed to re His . her. After taking Electric bitters she was perfectly cured, and can now perform all her household duties," Guaranteed by Tallmun & Co., and Hrock & McComos, druggists. Trice 60c. CAVE DISCOVERY IN KENTUCKY Believed lo He Larger and More Bountiful Than Mammoth Cave. Glasgow Junction, Ky., Nov. 7.' Wlillo Investigating tho geological formation of this -district of Barren county, Dr. Hazen and John Thomp son found evidence of tho existence of a large cave or subterranean pnssagc, With great caution the two explorers ponetrated Into the envo. Tliey found It to be of enormous size and ramify ing In different directions. They ex plored one brunch to. a- dlstanco of about 30 mites, when further progress was stopped by a wide und 'swlft flowlng river. As their lights were Insufficient to reach the other side of tho river, they were not nblb to Judge of Its exuet width. They returned to this place hnd obtained material for building a boat or raft, with which they will make an effort to cross the river nnd explore the cave . on , the othdr side. It is believed that the new cave Is larger and more beautiful everj than Mammoth cave. , 4 Destructive Form Tiro. J.' J. Hycrs, whose home is three and tine-half miles from Boise on the bench, met with a serious loss by fire Saturday night. His cow barn was destroyed together with 45 tons of hay, a Inrgo stack of straw, the milk D. Boone, of Hal ley, and several east ern capitalists. J. W. Waldron Is now surveying the reservoir site and when this Is finished, work on the reservoir will be pushed as rapidly as possible. With the Willow creek reservoir re claiming over 100,000 acres on the north, and the north side canal of Snake river reclaiming over 100,000 acres on the south, Shoshone may well he called a "creation of destiny." Sheep Denis In Grant o. Martin, of Big Basin, sold this week a band of mixed owes, lambs and wethers to Flnley Morrison, of that place. The sheep bringing an exceptionally high price of $4 per head straight through for the band. John Johnson, of Pine creek, and Nick Jonus,' of Deer creek, were transacting legal business In town Sat urday. Mr. Johnson recently bought 1200 head of ewes from Jonas broth era for (4 per head, and while here Saturday received an offer of 15 per head for the same band, but declin ed the offer- The ewes are among the best In this county. Monument Enterprise. Sheepman leaving Wallowa. F. W. Falconer, who for the past bIx years tins' been one of Wallowa county's most prominent sheepmen, has disposed of the large portion of hlB sheep and announces his Intention of selling the remainder this winter, with a view to leaving this county next spring, to locate In the Peace liver country, British Columbia. Wallowa Chieftain. Promoted (o Naina. Albert Igo, who has for mony years been engaged with the Short Line at Poeatello, has been promoted from the first trick In the dispatcher's of fice there to be chief dispatcher at Nampa, and has already taken charge of the dispatcher's office In the Junc tion City. He tnkes the place former ly held by J. L. Wellington. Boise Statesman. Twenty Cent Advance Wool. As an evidence of the way the 1906 wool clip Is beginning to move, the following Item from the Emmett In dex Is reproduced: James Ballantyne has sold hlB next year's wool clip for 20 cents a pound and received $3000 down. The clip from the sheep he now owns will be about 70,000 pounds, but he expects to buy more sheep soon and run the amount up to 100,000 pounds. separator and the pans and other I paraphernalia of the dairy. . Four calves were also burned No estimate of the loss has been ' made, but It reaches up to a good flg i ure with no Insurance. Boise States- nan DAILY MARKET REPORT. Maying and Selling Prices of Product In Pcmllvlon. The following prices on produce ar n effect today: I'X'S to PriKlmers Hens. 7o Ib. Roosters, 4c lb. Ducks, 9c lb. teee, 7c lb. Butter, country, 50 to COc per roll. Eggs, country, 30c dozen. Potatoes, lc lb. Dry onions, 1 l-4c lb. Selling Prices. Hens, dressed. 40c to 60c Young chickens, dresred, 30c to 40c Eggs, 30c per dozen. Country butter, 60 to 60c per rolL Butter, creamery, 70 to 76c roll, Cabbage. 2 l-4c Ib. Lettuce, 3 bunches. 10c. . Tomatoes, 6 l-4c lb. Cucumbers, 30c dozen. Turnips. $1 per sack. Potatoes, 1 l-4c lb. Pry onions. 2c Ib, Ornpes, 8 l-3c lb. ' Apples, $1 box. Celery, 8 l-3cc bunch. Sweet potatoes, 6c lb. Cable Is Worthiest. That the section of the Alaskan ca Me stretching between Seattle and Sit kn Is comparatively worthless, and that within a short time this entire table will have to be discarded and re. placed by a, new wire at a cost to the government of more than $500,000, Is the opinion of thoso who are In clos est touch with such matters, says the Ketchikan Journal. As a result of two new and serious faults this line Is not working at all, nor will It be for a number of days to come. Communi cation between Seattle and nil Alas kan ports Is at an end until the cable ship. Burnsldc, now at Tacoma re turns to the north nnd repairs the breaks which have Just developed. This will bo next Sunday at least, It is said. $100 Reunnl, $100. The renders of this paper will be pleased t-n lesvn thnt there I nt lenut one (lreiuled (Hhpiihpb thnt science lins hern nhle to care In nil Itfl singes, unit thnt Is t'ntnrrh. Hull's t'ntiirrh Cure Is the onlv positive care now known to the meillrnl frnternlty. Cstsrrb being a constitutional disease, requires a eomoltutlonnl trentment. llnll's t'ntnrrh Pure Is Inken inlernnllv. netlng directly upon the hlnod nnd mucous surfaces of the system, thcreny destroying the foundation of (license, nnd plvlng the patient sti'putrtll hv building up the constitution and nsslst Inir nninro In imlng Its work. The pro prietors hnve so much fnlth tn Its curative powers that tliey offer One Hundred Hol lars for any rose thnt It fulls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: V. .1. CHUNKY & -'., Toledo, O. Hohl lv nil dnurlsts. 7.V. Take Hall's Family l'llls fur constipation. Cheap RntCA to Mining Congress On account of tho American Mining congress to be hold nt El Pnso, Texas, from November 14 to 18, tho O. R. & N. company will sell round trip tickets from Tendleton to El Paso, for $i0 good for return In 90 dnys. Dates of sale. November 8 nnd 8. 1905. Inquire of E. C. Smith, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. Price reductions. Incorporation sale, Boston Store, best ever. f PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHVS1C1AN AND SUK- geon. Office over Brock & McCo- mas' drug store, formerly occupied by Whltaker. DRS. SMITH & DICK OFFICE Pendleton Savings Bank building. Telephones: Main 101: residence, Main 1691; barn, Red 181. DR. AMY CURRIN. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office, Room 6, new Schmidt block. Office hours, 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 614. Diseases of worn en and confinement cases. DR. R. E. RINOO, PHY8ICIAN AND Surgeon. Rooms t and 4 Schmidt bull ing. 'Phone, office, Main 613. Phone, residence, Main 13. DR. W. O. COLE, OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 flee In Judd building. Telephones: flee. Main 1171; residence. Main 181. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D.. HOMEO- pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice In Judd building. Tenephones: Office, black 1411; residence, red Mil. DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK telephone Main (11; residence, black 1(1. DR. T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSI- clan and Surgeon. Office In Sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone. Main 1411; residence, Main, 16L DR. LYNN K. BLAKE8LED, CHRO- nlo and nervous diseases and dis eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office phone Main 72; residence. Red 1153 X-Ray Therapeutics. OSTEOPATHS DRS. G. 8. EVA Hoisington. Graduates, Kirksvlll school. Suite 10-12 Despaln block Phone Red 3181. All diseases treat ed. BATHS. VAPOR BATHS, SALT GLOWS. VIA vl rubs and massage ireaimeni TiKnnA nA 9109 nr address Mrs. F H. Sawtelle, (20 Cosble street DENTISTS. DRS. COLLIER S WIN BURN K Dentists. Smith-Crawford ouiming DR. M. 8. KERN, DENTAL BUR- geon. Office, room 16 Judd Duua- ing. 'Phone, black izsi. E. A. VAUOHAN, DENTIST. OF- flee In Judd building. 'Phone red 1411. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. D. C. McNabb. Office at Tallman's drug store. T. J. LLOYD, D. V. 8.. VETERINARY Surgeon anu Dentist. The only graduate veterinarian practicing In Pendleton. Office at Brock McCo mas' drug store. Residence telephone Main 181. BANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK Pendleton, Ore. Organized Marcn I, 1889. Capital, $100,000; surplus. $100,000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morns, vice president; J. A.' Borle. cashier; J. W. Maloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits. $260,000.00. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny, president; W. F. Matlock, vice-president; G. M. Rice, cashier; George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE na, Oregon. Capital, $50,000; sur plus and profits, $11,600,000. Inter est on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Ad' ams. Dresldent: T. J. Kirk, vlce-presl- dent: F. S. LeQrow, cashier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all klndj of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-residents. Reference, any bank In Pen' dletnn. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINOER, Vlce-Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. J. M. BENTLEY REPRESENTS THI oldest and most rename lire nn accident Insurance companies, ortlo with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN HAILEY, JH.. U. a LAND Commissioner. Specialty maae ot land filings and proof. Insurance and collections. Office in Judd build ing, room 16. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE No. 288. Regular meetings first and third Thursdays I eacn montn. All brothers visiting in the city most cordially Invited to attend. Hall In 1-nDow block. Couit street Thomas Fits Gerald, E. R.; C. E. Bean. Sec. nirrvni.RTON LODGE NO. 61 A. F. A. M.. meets the first and third Mond-.ys of each month. All visiting bret..ren are Invited. - CARPET CLEANING. TIME FOR FALL HOUSTC-CT.F. N Ing to hegln. Expert carpet cleaner nnd feather renovator. Open for Dul lness September 20. E. Blanchet. cor ner Rnv and Jackson streets. 'Phone Red 2722. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTELLI BROS., MARBLE and Granite works. Monuments of all descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone, for buildings. . Examine our work; 709 East Court street. SEWING MACHINES. 3D EBEN, WHOLESALE AND RE tall dealer In sewing machines and supplies. 209 East Court street. Pen eion, Oregon. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS ATTORNEYS. H. J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Taylor's hardware store Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEB, LAW OFFICB B Judd btflldlng. HAILEY at LOWELL. ATTORNEY at Law. Office In Despaln block. JOLN W. McCOURT, ATTORNEY at Law. Association building. CARTER ft RALEY, ATTORNEYS at Law. Office tn Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylor's hard ware store. WINTER & COLLIER, LAWYERS Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. JOHN H. LAWREY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office, Savin Bank bidding. STILLMAN PIERCE, ATTOR neys at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted tn practice In United State, patent offices, and makes a specialty of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 11 and 13. Association block. GEORGE W. COUTTS, LATE COUN ty Attorney from Idaho. Civil and criminal law. Estates settled, wills deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. R. J. SLATER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offices In Despaln building, at head of stairs. S. A. NEWBERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Offices -in Association block Main street. O. W. PHELPS. DISTRICT ATTOR ney. Offices with John McCourt In Association block. - - ARCHITECTS AND BUILDER8. HOWARD & SWINGLE, ARCHI tects and Architectural Engineers. Practical and reliable plana and speci fications and thorough superintend ence of all kinds of building and con structlon. Taylor Building, corner Main and w er streets. C. E. TROUTMAN, ARCHITECT and Superintendent. Room 12 Judd building. Pendleton, Oregon. D. A. MAY. CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Estl mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Goodman cigar store. Main stre t. P. O. Box 104. D. NICHOLS, ARCHITECT ROOM 3. Association block. PAWN BROKERS. UNCLE TOM'8 PLACE. OPPOSITE Pendleton Steam Laundry ' unre deemed pledges sold. Clothes, watch' pistols, guns. Cheapest place in Pendleton. PLUMBING. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. SANI- tary Plumb. rs, (43 Main St All work first-class. Best material Used. Prompt service. Sewer connections made. 'Phone Main 811. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. COMMERCIAL LIVERY. FEED AND Sale Stables. Slmonton Bros. A Corley, Props. Boarding horses by day. week or month a specialty. First class livery turn-outs. Aura street. between Webb and Alta. Phone Black 2921. CITY LIVERY STABLE, ALTA ST Carney & Kennedy, Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connection. Phone Main 701. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything you need in new ana secona-nana furniture, stoves, graniteware and crockery, call and get his price. No. 13 Court street. W NTED TO BUY YOUR 8EC- oni-hand goods. Graham A Hunt er, at old Basler stand. COMMISSION nOCSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO., DEAN Tatum, manager. Office at Pendle ton Ice & Cold Storage plant Doaleta In fruit, vegetables and dairy products Phone Main 178. BOARDING AND LODGING. ATHENA HOTEL LEADING HO tel In the city. $1.00 and $1.60 per day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER N.V- . MAN agement. Good meals and clean beds. If voj come once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help era nl overt. Ksueciai attention iven to commercial travelers. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Navin, proprietors. FUNEnAL Rir.ECIoKS. M. A. RADER. FUNERAL DIRL tor and licensed embnlmer. . Grad note of the Chicago College of Em hnlmlnn-. Corner Main and Web streets. 'Phone Main 130i. Funeral parlors In connection. RAKER & FOLSOM. FUNERAL Dl rectors aud licensed embalmers. Onnoslte Dostoffice. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone Main 76. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE. CHINESE LAUNDRY man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by nana, and nrsi class. Goods called for and delivered 408 Court street. 11VS1NKSS CHANCE. SPECULATORS, WR E US FOR big bargains In Hurst Automntl Switch & Signal stock before switch goes on road Regular price 6. Our price much lower. How can w do It? We hold more shares than w can conveniently carry a.td must sac rifice to raise ensh. For particulars. address W. J. Curtis ft Co., 216 com mcrclal Block, Portland, Ore. 1 WANTED. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER; either a single woman or a married woman with a Bmall family. Apply 408 East liluff at 12:30 or 5:30 P. m. WANTED RAILWAY MAIL clerks for positions in Oregon: 10 Write at once, E. O. Heynen, 12 Bree men wanted to prepare for coming ex amination; beginning, salary $800; den Building, Portland, Oregon. SALESMAN WANTED CASH AD- vanced weekly: good territory open outfit free. Some are making $100 tc 160 per month. Why not you? Ad' ress Washington Nursery Company Toppenlsh, Washington. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO learn the barber trade in 8 weeks Splendid opportunities. Gradu-ttet earn $16 to $25 weekly. Spokane Bar ber College, 403 From avenue, Spo kane. WANTED A WELL EDUCATEI young man wants position as clerk d dress W. L. Jones, Box 172. Ptlo Rock, Oregon. FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW HOUSE- hold furniture and range cookstove. Over Domestic Laundry. 40 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND 7 miles north of Athena, at $40 an acre. Terms. Craighead & Hayes, Athena. FOR SALE A SPAN OF HALTER broke driving hor s. Apply to Mrs. B. Cunningham, or at Dutch Henry Feed Yard. FOR RENT. FOR RENT SUITE UNFURNISH- ed housekeeping rooms In East Ore- gonlan building. Apply at this office LICENSED AUCTIONEER. WM. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER Cries public and private sales of all kinds. Commission reasonable. Post office box 666. ELECTRICIAN 8. J. L. VAUGHAN. ELECTRICIAN Wiring of all descriptions and elt: trtcal work of all kinds prompty done f ull line or electrical supplies, lnclo.i- Ing chandeliers, door bells, etc. Sat isfaction guaranteed. 120 West Cour street, Mllarkey building. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. SQUARE DEAL SHOP" BICYCLE and general repairing. Wall papet cleaning a specialty. Knives, scissors and tools sharpened. All work guar anteed. J. H. Henselman, 318 West Webb St. 'Phone Red 3351. CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS. PENDLETON STEAM CLEANING A Dyeing Works, 208 Alta street Carr and Gault, props. Join the suit club and pay by the month, toadies' fine garments a specialty. Prices right Work called for and delivered. Phone Main 1691. ENGRAVED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS etc Very latest styles. Leave or ders at East Oregonlan office BUSCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON IRON WORKS RE pair work on all kinds of machines structural Iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and A.i.s streets. Marion Jack, Pres.; W. L Zleger, Mgr. NOTICE Of Stockholders' Meeting ot the Grant Mining ConiMUiy, a Corporation. Notice Is hereby given that a spe- clal meeting of the stockholders of the Grant Mining Company will be held at tho office of Carter, Raley & Ra les', in the city of Pendleton, Oregon, on the 9th day of December. 1905, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day. for the purpose of considering nnd acting upon a proposition to sell all of the properties, both real and personal, of the said Grant Mining Company, and to transact any and all other business which may come before the meeting for consideration. This meetin- has been called by or der of the board of directors of said Orant Mining Comnany, duly and reg ularly made by resolution passed by said board of directors at a duly and regularly called meeting thereof, held at the office of Carter, Raley & Raley, at Pendleton, Oregon, on the 31st day of October. 1905, ot the hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day. Pitted this 1st day of November, 1905. T. J. KIRK. President J. H. RALEY. Acting Secretary. 'icoifs Santal-Pepsin Capsule-, A POSITIVE cum ForTrflrwiirn!ion orOi-r of th? liiadvK'ana Uiscu. HiiinoTA. Fj cure lo ph Curs quickly aa-i j?toi iirntl ib a wnrst Cft5ci i IsiMiiOrriiftt'si and ' i ro mattrrof how Jo.'d elan inc. Absolutely rminili--by druKglsto. I'rU' JM.i'O, nr liy m.iil, pon'-puic 4Hr.-,3bOif.i:.tS. THE SANTAl-PFPSIM PO in lepon rlB, OHil BROCK M'COMAS CO.. DniggWt- CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH EHNYR9YAL P3LLS ".-n. Orluhtul himI Oiitr llonninf U t-V4 r" PHU'IIKSIKK'S I.Xil.i." iSh w-n III, Bill (uill ninainr inr: 1 hUc no olhr li.ru I Uantxvmua futmllliiliin " lmlta ' tlutl. II Kf Of -.Uf iTtUIi.l Ar 1lt 4e. lb Jf itarups for nr(l-ttliir. Tratlmoiitftlt t Bud "lidls'l fur l.iHc."m !(( M rt f turn Mull. 1 t.mn i . -timot.iau S..M bj -r all tlru.ilt. MilotiMlrr t hrnilrstl ('a. vlMtrw tnU ! UtillMi houar. TUlL,.. A A. aSSSZ! MEN AND WOMEN, "u"nn".r Q innnun or ui.v.atlom . to irKi.r. f liiicjus r: uit.rium 7Mi..tU!. .:.'. -r.W v.i ' ; '-..,.(., n.-,K Dally East Oregonlan by carrier only IB cents a week. -. Oregon SHOjriiiiHt nUiroofl Pacific TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard ana Tourist Sleeper dally to Omaha ani Chicago; tourist sleeper dally to Kan sas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East dally. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PEND LB TON. EASTBOUND, No. 1, Ch'cago Special, arrive l.lt p. m.; depat, 6:40 p. m. No. . Mall A Express, arrives 4:1 1 p. m.; departs, 5 a. i... J3STBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, arrive :! a. m.; departs, 8:60 a. m. No. 6, Mail St Express, arrives 11 p. m. ; departs, 11 p. m. SPOKANE DIVISION. No. 7, Pendleton passenger, arrive 6:85 p. m. Np 8, Spokane passenger, departs. a. m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Special passenger arrives 8:4 a. m.: departs 6:46 p. m. Morning train connects with No. 1. Evening train connects wltu No. I. No. 7 connects with No. 1. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDTJZJL FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates subjects to change. For. San Francisco every five day. 8NAKE RIVER. Rlparla to Lewlston Leave Rlnaria dall, except Saturday, 4:06 a. m. Leave Lewlston dally, excerjt Fri day, 7:00 a, m. B. C. SMITH. Agent, Pendletsn YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets read over the Den ver and Rio Grande railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and point of Interest along the line between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If you are going. east, write far In formation and get a pretty book that will tell you all about It W. C. H'BRIDE, General Agent, 1X4 Third Street, Portland, - Oregon RUNS PULLMAN SLEEPING C.Mi ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CAR 8T. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THROCGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON And all points East and Bouth. Through tlrkets to Japan asd China, vis Ticoms and Northern I'aclflc StsssisS't Co. and American lln. . TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday at t p. m. Pur further Information, time cards. mspH aud tickets, call on or write W Adams. Pendleton. Oregon, or A. !. CHARLTON, Third and Vorrlson Bts.. Portland. Oi. Washington & Columbia River Railroad TARE THIS ROUTE FOR Chicago, St. Paul, St. Ixiiils, Kan St. Joseph, Omaha and City. ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Portland and Point on the Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fri day. i2.15 p. in. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:16 a. m. Lsav at 5 p. m. dally. Leave Walla Walla 8:16 p. m. tot east. Arrive Walla Walla at 9 a. m. Irons west. Knr Informstloa regarding rate asl aecumatoOstlous. call on or address W APAMM. Asst - Psndletna, Or S. B CAI.IIRRHKAD, o. p. a., : Wills Walla, Wsshlngtua.