PAG. BIX. DAILY EAST OREGON! AN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER T, 1005. EIGI1T PAGES. PLEDGED NOD NOVEL CAMPAIGN METHOD INTRODUCED IN INDIANA. Candtriaicti at Tipton Pledged to Obey the Law Heretofore Violated Willi ShamokwH Iinuntty Not Even a Cigar Wan I'snl in Uic Lino of Campaign "APKiimwil" Kvou Car riages Were Tabooed Except to Car ry the Kick and Disabled to the Poll All Parties in Uie Agreement. Indianapolis. Ind., Nov. 7. An election, unique In the history of In diana, Is being held today in the little city of Tipton, to fill the offices of the municipality. The campaign preced ing the contest at the polls was so novel thnt the result of the experiment is being watched with keen Interest by politicians as well as reformers. For many years there has been a clamor for reform in campaigns in In diana. The system of casting and safeguarding the ballot was somewhat Improved by the Australian election law, but the corruption of the voters haa Increased to such a deplorable de gree that the governor In his latest message to the legislature called at tention to It. The last legislature enacted a law to punish the vote buyer as well as the seller, but a similar regulation a few years ago did not bring about a reform, as it merely caused the par ties to the transaction to be more care ful. But at Tipton, a county seat of nearly 4000 population, an agreement was reached that may give the re formers a glimpse of the ideal elec tion. No money except for legitimate expenses was spent in the campaign Just closed, every candidate having pledged his word that he would not buy even a cigar to influence a voter. The understanding was that abso lutely no effort was to be made with money to get out the vote of either party, and according to report the agreement Is being rigidly kept. No conveyances were employed today to bring voters to the polls, except as were necessary In cases of soknes9 of physical disability. The candidates of both parties assembled at an ap pointed place at o'clock this morn ing and marched to the polling places. When all had voted they returned to the public square with the understand ing that they were to keep together until the polls close this evening. The plan Is regarded as the best test of practical reform ever witnessed in this state and the outcome Is awaited with much Interest. capital. That tribunal has gone for ward today as usual with its business, but even the members of the court have shown themselves to be not to tally divorced from the general con cern by sending out frequently for bul letins showing the progress of the contest. At the White House the president did not attempt to conceal his Inter est In the election. Bulletins began to come In over the special wires in the executive offices shortly after noon and all were at once communi cated to Mr. Hoosevelt. The chief executive appeared particularly Inter ested in news from Philadelphia, and it Is safe to say that In no locality will the bulletins from Ohio, Massachu setts, Maryland and elsewhere be wutehed more closely tonight than at the executive mansion. Crusade Against Wood Alcohol. Washington, Nov. 7. The assist ance of the American Federation of Labor has been asked by the painters' International union in a crusade against the use of wood alcohol In the mixing of paints and varnishes. The union has mad an Investigation of the nature and effects of wood al cohol, consulting many medical auth orities and has come to the conclu sion that the only remedy Is In a fed eral law prohibiting its use. Conse quently the coming session of con gress Is to be asked to place a high tax on wood alcohol, high enough. In fuct, to make Its use prohibitive. A similar crusade is to be undertaken also by the painters' union in Canada. The Race Question In Kansas. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 7. The race question in this state Is coming to an Issue here today before the state su preme court, when the mandamus Issued against the board of education of Kansas City, Kan., requiring that board to show cause why colored pu pils are not allowed to attend school at the same time and in the same building as the white pupils, will come up for hearing. The last session of the legislature passed a bill provid ing for separate high school buildings for white and colored pupils. The building for the colored children is now In course of construction and the school board has set apart half of each day at the white school for the use of the negroes. A Famous iViedicine A remedy is knowu by its cures. The more numerous the cures the better it is known. The marvelous efficacy of Beecham's Pills has given them an international reputation and world-wide fame. The sale of over 6,000,000 boxes annually attests the confidence of the public in their merit. And it is merit alone that has made them famous over five continents. Nearly sixty years ago they were first offered to the people of England. Today they are sold wherever mankind exists. o)? (jfpnn opnp 1 U7 liU Zxa uviJ pnn n I . I are the world's best remedy for Indigestion, Bil iousness, Constipation and Kidney troubles. If your digestion is slow, if you have heartburn, belching or distress after eating ; if your tongue is coated, the breath foul or a dizzy feeling in the head; if your skin is yellow, or the eyes dull, your stomach and liver are out of order and you need Beecham's Pills. A short course of Beecham's Pills will remedy all these symptoms and prevent serious illness. Buy a box today and get well. Sold Everywhere in Boxes. IOc. and 25c, INTEREST AT WASHINGTON. Much Concern Felt, But Little Shown. In the Election. Washington, D. C, Nov. 7. Wash ington presents the usual election-day anomaly today In that, while there is no locality which possesses and feel a deeper Interest In the result of th9 political contests in the several states, there Is no real outward local mani festation of that Interest. This Is due to the fact that citizens of the Dis trict of Columbia are disfranchised, and are thus rendered Incapable of actual participation In a political con test Business In the government depart ments is apparently progressing as usual, but many desks are vacant. their occupants having gone home to vote. This applies as well to the higher officials. Probably the thinning out Is not so noticeable as In the days be fore the civil service era, when post tion depended absolutely on political activity, but a sufficient number still adhere to the old custom to make their absence noticeable. The United States supreme court constitutes one exception to the gen eral rule prevailing at the national Undo Sam Buying Tobacco. Washington, D. C, Nov. 7. The time for submitting bids for supply ing the navy department with 150, 000 pounds of tobacco, to the pay master general of the navy depart ment expired at noon today and the bids will be opened this afternoon. The time of delivery will not begin until next year, but it was considered advisable to have the bids sent in early enough, to gls-e the successful bidder or bidders ample time to Vnake the necessary selections in the mar ket The next lot of tobacco to be furnished to the government for the use of the anvy will have to go through inspection by sampling and otherwise at the Brooklyn navy yard. Monument to Jefferson Davis. Richmond, Va., Nov. 7. An event of much Interest throughout the southern states Willi be the laying of the cornerstone of the Jefferson Davis monument, which will take place In this city tomorrow under the auspices of the Daughters of the Confederacy, The monument Is to occupy a com manding site at the Intersection of Franklin and Lombardy streets, in close vicinity to the handsome monu ment of General R. E. Lee. The lay' Ing of the cornerstone will be accom panted by Impressive ceremonies in which noted guests from all parts of the south will participate. At Seattle George Beede fatally shot Rldney McDonald, and Is under ar rest McDonald had met Beede's wife by appointment, and was walking with her at the time of the shooting. OPENING FALL SALE ALL THE NEWLY RECEIVED STYLES AND PATTERNS IN MEN'S CLOTHING ( For Stomach and Liver REX BUGGIES. Are well built and they ftoid tr." simplest, satest and most luxurious means of conveyanse for town or country use. Prices all in your favor When you buy a wagon It's lust common business sense to look tor the vehicle that will give you the most for your money. WIXONA WAGONS, will prove an Investment and not sn expense. They are reasonable In price, they cost little to maintain, are honestly built, and will stand tb strain of a heavy load. We look after the Interests of our customers and they are protected by a shop well equipped with up-to-dat machinery. Neagle Bros. Blacksmiths BOYCOTT IS CHINA STILL CONSUM ING AMERICAN GOODS. ExporUi From Puget Sound Ports Have Rapidly Increased In Both Japan and China Ono Hundred Per Cent Increase Has Been En joyed in Many Lines of Export Trade. In the Straits of Oeorgla and Juan de Fuca. ONLY GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE. One of the most encouraging signs of the times Is the almost universal demand for Clothing of the Best Quality, and It Is a demand with which we not only are glad to comply, bat which we were first to meet and recognize In onr showing of K. N. & F. CLOTHES SEE DISPLAY IN CENTER WINDOW. ALEXANDER'S PENDLETON'S RELIABLE STORE Notwtihstanding the many reports which have been brought to this coun try regarding the boycott on Ameri can goods In China the trade In American goods exported to that and other countries of the orient continue to Increase with unprecedented rapid ity. Figures compiled from customs house reports and published by the department of commerce and labor show that In some lines at least there has been an Increase over the statis tics of last year of 100 per cent The exports from the Puget sound customs district, for the nine months of this year for Instance, amounted In value to $39,349,425 as compared with but S16, 029,017 for the corresponding period of last year. Apparently the Chinese boycott has not materially militated against the export trade '. this customs district. The exports for the nine months of cotton to Japan amounted to 256,930 bales weighing 137,372,445 pounds and valued at 113,673,412 as compared with 28,095 bales for the correspond ing period in 1904 weighing 14.848,216 pounds and valued at $1, 799,622. Ap parently there is no boycott on Ameri can goods in Japan. The exports for the nine months of cotton cloth to the Chinese empire amounted to 431,673,268 yards valued at $25,566,286 as compared with 127,- 772,960 yards valued at $7,319,958 for the corresponding period of last year, an Increase of more than 200 per cent. From this it Is plainly apparent that the Chinese boycott haB not yet extended to the discrimination against the purchase of American cotton piece goods. SO UGLY niS FACE PAINED HIM, but Immaculate linen excuses many shortcomings In a man's make-up in good society. Don't let your short comings Include ignorance of the lo cation of the very best and most per fectly appointed laundry in town, where your linen Is laundered at all times to the acme of perfection In polish and color. It Is ROBINSON'S DOMESTIC LAUNDRY "Hyoinoi Cost You Nothing If it Falls," Say Tallnian - Co. Among the many medicines upon the market that claim to cure catarrh none but Hyomel has enough faith In Its own merit to offer to refund the money if It docs not cure. This scientific remedy for catarrh kills the microbes and germs of tho disease and from Its Introduction has been sold under a positive guarantee to return the money to all dissatisfied customers. Hyomel is the only method of treat ment that sends by direct Inhalation to the most remote parts of the air passages, a balsamic air that destroys all catarrhal germs In the breathing organs, enriches and purifies the blood with additional ozone, and makes permanent and complete cures of catarrh. The complete outfit costs J 1.00 and comprises an inhaler, a bottle of Hyo mel and a dropper. The Inhaler will last a lifetime, and additional bottles of Hyomel can be obtained for 50 cents. Breathe Hyomel for a few minutes four times a day. and your catarrh will grow better from the first day's use, and will be completely cured within a short time. Do not try to cure catarrh with or dlnary stomach medicines. Breathe the healing Hyomel which goes to every part of the air pasages and re spiratory organs, killing the catarrh germs and preventing their growth. It Is the only treatment for catarrh where you can get your money back from a local dealer, Tallman & Co., In case it does not help. TEETH EXTRACTED BT THE MOD ERN METHOD, BOO. We are thoroughly equipped with all modern met1 ods and appliances, and guarantee oar uork to be of the highest stand ard, and our prices the lewesl onststent with ftrst-clas work. T. H. White DENTIST ASSOCIATION BLOCK Telephone Main last A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because Indigestion and constipation have sapped It away. Trompt relief can be had In Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs, and cure headache, dizziness, oollc, constipation, etc. Guaranteed at Tallman A Co., and Brock & McComas' drug stores; 25o. Episcopalians In Conference. Atlanta, Oa., Nov. 7. Lay an clerical delegates from Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida and from the missionary dis tricts of Cuba and Porto Rico gath ered in Atlanta today for the initial conference of the fourth missionary department of the Episcopal church. The conference is to last three days and will be devoted to an exhaustive review of the missionary efforts of the church and the formulation of plans for the future. Fisheries Commission. Victoria, B. C, Nov. 7. The British Columbia fisheries commission met here today preparatory to going to Seattle later in the week for a con ference with the fisheries commission of the state of Washington. The chief purpose of the joint conference Is to outline the measures regarded as necessary for the preservation and development of the salmon fisheries Gold From Sea Water. Washington, Nov. 7. Consul Mahin writes from Nottingham, England that the Belgian process has been found successful In securing gold from sea water. The process Is described as follows: A ton of sea water Is treated with about five cubic centi meters of concentrated aqueous stan nous chloride, when the gold Is con verted Into purple cassius and precip itated together with magnesium hy drate and the excess of tin, by the subsequent addition of about a pound of slacked lime. From the precipitate the gold Is extracted with dilute po tassium cyanide solution and Isolated by any of the methods commonly used In the cyanide process. Bea water from the Mediterranean and English Channel yielded no gold by this pro cess, whereas samples from the at lantiu furnished abundant traces. Dry Wood i Get The Best, j Good ROCK SPRING COAI. Die Coal that gives tho mom heat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at Hennlngs' cigar store, )pp. Peoples Ware honse. Phone Main . CHICKENS NEED SHELL HONK GItll AND MANY OTHER THING WHICH C.F. Colcsworthy CAN SUPPLY YOC WITH 117-12 EAST ALT A STREET Culdrano Needs School Room. The public schools of Culdesac are experiencing considerable difficulty In the school question. All of the rooms are over-crowded, notwithstanding the new building that was recently erected. Those who graduated from the eighth grade are now waiting for the county superintendent to Inaug urate a high school course. The schools are well equipped and have plenty of teachers. The finances are In good condition and there Is noth ing to. hinder the establishing of an other grade for the advanced pupils. Culdesac Register. An Important Business Deal Consumated Last Week IN ADDITION TO THE VICTOR AND COLUMBIA TALKING MA CHINES, J. A. OWEN HOUSE SE CURES THE WORLD-FAMOUS EDI SON GRAPHOPIIONE FOR THIS TERRITORY. THE NEWS COMES AS A SURPRISE AS HE ALREADY HAD THE VICTOR AND COLUMBIA AGENCIES. THE FIRST ORDER OF 20 MACHINES AND 3000 REC ORDS TO ARRIVE MONDAY, NOV EMBER 6. In addition to the famous Victor and Columbia Talking Machines, J. A. Owenhouse secures the agency for the EDISON GRAPHOPHONE AND RECORDS IN EASTERN OREGON Pendleton will now have as fine s Graphophone store as anywhere In the entire northwest An Initial or der of 25 of the world-renowned Edison Graphophones and 3000 Edison records will arrive Monday, Nov. 6. This means that Pendleton people will have the pleasure of hearing the three greatest talking machines In the world before making a choice. A complete line of all these makes will be kept in stock at all times and all the very latest records, both In the disc and cyl inder makes will be handled by Mr. Owenhouse as fast as they are put on the market In the new style Edlsons that will be on display next Monday prices will range from $10 to 160, the Victors range from 115 to 1100, and the Columbia from f 15 to (150 any of these machines can bo purchased on the easy payment plan and all rec ords will be exchangeable as often as desired. Recitals will be given dally at EILERS PIANO HOVSn, on Main Street, where the machines are on display and all of the very latest Machines for Christmas will be stored records will always bo found In stock, for you when a small deposit Is made and with any of the above machines you can have the world's greatest tal ent In your own home every evening at your own convenience, making THE VICTOR, THE COLUMBIA, or THE EDISON a very desirable and useful gift, as good music, well ren dered, will educate, lift up. Inspire and ennoble, A cordial welcome Is ex tended to all. J. A. OWENHOUSE Distributer for Eastern Oregon with Ellen Piano House, Main Street THIS rWnrnrV f'i BARGAINS TO-DAY AB of Block 209 - . $525.00 E.X Lou 13-U, Block 185 $475.00 Chas. A. Hill 106 E. AltaSt. Kidney Troubles are easily rclloved and cured In the beginning, but as the disease grows In severity we must find a more potent remedy. Here Is where Irvine's Buchu Wafers excel as a cure. Of course, they give quick relief, but more than that, they give a sure and lasting cure. They positively purify the blood. Sold at 60c a box by Tallman ft Co., 623 Main street, Pendleton, Or. SCHEDULE OF PEN DLETON-UKIAH Si age I foe r-- Daily trips between Pendleton and Ukiah, except Sunday. Stage leaves Pendleton at 7 a. m., arrives at Uklah at 6 p. m. Return stage leaves Uklah at 6xa. m., arrives at Pendleton 5 p. m. i Pendleton to Uklah, $3: round trip, 15. Pendleton to Alba, $2.75; round trip, $5. Pendleton to Ridge, $2; round trip, $3.60. Pendleton to Nye, $1.50; round trip, $2.60. Pendleton to Pilot Rock, $i; round trip, $1.60. Office at Brock A McComas' drugstore The Grouse Season IS NOW HERE. WE HAVE A FINU IJNB OF AMMUNITION. COMB AND SEE US BEFORE YOU GO OtJT FOR THE BIRDS. ' Taylor Hardware Company 741 Main Street j Wood & Coal j a at RosrynCoal $6.50deliv- ered, $6.00at the shed Reslyn .Joal, after thorough exhaustive testa, haa been se- lected by the V. 8. government for the nse of Its war vessels, as It stood the highest test ' Cascade Red Fir, sawed in e stove-wood lengths, $6.00 per cord, delivered. Discount on large quantities. ! PROMPT DELIVERY. Roslvn Wood & Coal Co. PHONE MAIN M. THE PORTLAND or PORTLAND, OBROON. American plaa, $8 per day and npwva Headquarters for tourists and commercial travelers. Special rates made to fern! I tea sod slngls gentlemen. The atsnagesieat will be pleased at all times to show roomi snd sire prices. A modern Turklsk bate eeubltahmut la the hotel. B. C. BOW BBS. Ifaaater