EIGHT PACKS. PAGI FOUR. DAH.it E.YUT OKU tiO.a-., I'tv ui.E.njm, ui.ui.uvrn, i a. r.rsu.n, nmmiucji i, ia vv AN INDKIHNIIRNT NKWBl'APKH. taraakl af-rj aftarnoea (npl Suuilajr, PfD.llrloB. lln'n. br ta . UJT SRLGONIAM PUBLISHING COMPAlfT. tUBSCRirilON RATES. ttttty, an jr. Ii ntall lur, an am-aiaa. hj Dinll tiatlj, taraa a.milba, br tumll D.II7. aaa aaouth. tir mall a-al. ana yi-ar, bj ruail Weaalr. six BBoutha, by auall Hf-ralT. four mouths, bj rfiall U'k Iv. nn Ti-ar. br Diall ftarat-Wrs-atj. alt mimtha. by mall. laakl-Wcsllt ...(3.00 ... a.foi ... l. ... .W ... 1.60 ... .IS ... .Ml ... 1.60 .76 four ruoadia, by niall 60 aakar Scrlp-Wrlla N"wa Aaaoclatlon. Ta Eal Orrxonlaa la on a tlrb'a Niwa Mai'ila. at Hotel Uotrl IVrklua. I'ortland, Ort-s.41. ill- at K. R lurtlaQil tod Saa rYanr-laco Bureao. 4i'S Fourth atraat. faliaim Hurran. SOU Security hull.llii. Waahltigteii. 1). C. Bureau, 6ul r'ourtcDtb atrral. N. W. lytaakana. katarrst a .Mala 1. rrodl'too IVftutrira claaa matter. H0TICT TO ADVERTISERS. t,a tor atlf.Tltatn niutler to aptvar In IB Itaat Orronlan Dtuat be In by 4:46 y. m mt tba preeedh (lay; SM'T f'r Ittm.lay a paar mt ba In by 4:46 . m. tba i.rawllnt tatarSar. Sow. und look onward, upward Where the starry light ap pears Where. In spite of th doubting Or your own heart's trembling tears. You shall reap in Joy the har vest You have sown today In tears. Adelaide Anna Proctor. coward's NOT A YOS1MJ ; MK. expressed himself on the subject, out side of members of the city council, whom the Tribune hojies to thlold In grnntlnK this monopolistic franchise. The Kast OreRonlan has Riven ex pressions from lending business men and every one Is opposed to the feat ures of the franchise as now formulat ed. It Is a monopoly pure and simple, and will bar out any other cas com pany for the reason that there Is not room for two In a city of this size. The council will do the city an ir reparable Injuiy if it (.'rants this fran chise in lis present form. It fixes u monopoly upon the residents of this city that will retard its growth and advancement mote than nny other ac tion it could take. The chaiKes for Halting and fuel are vital tilings as they come Into every home with telllUK effect. If they are high and there Is no chance for them to be reduced, it will prevent and delay home bulldltiff and home Improvement, and there should be some regulation of these chut-Rcs by the city, in every franchise granted. l'eoplc want (as but they want It under proper conditions. They do not want a monopoly. They do not want to be throttled beyond any hope of relief, no matter who represents or hacks the company. The Tribune Is working against the vital Interests of the city In advocating and defending thin monopolistic franchise, and the people will remember It. There Is a world of capital that would gladly establish a plant here. It is not necessary to give a monopoly to any one company In order to get gas. These things should be closely studied and more closely guarded. The Paker City Maverick reviews the municipal campaign in Pendleton, nd says that the campaign for law and order has been a losing campaign bere and has about fallen through. The authority quoted by Maverick Is "a traveling salesman." presumably a whiskey drummer. What more can be expected than hat has ulready been accomplished bere with mayor, councilmen nnd po lice force opposed to the law and or der forces? Publlo and open gambling Is entirely juppressed. Sunday closing of saloons Is enforced practically to the limit, few complaints having been mude of clandestine Sunday opening, and row dyism in saloons and profanity and vulgarity on the streets have been re duced to a minimum, by the activity f the Law Enforcement league. A registration of nearly 1000 voters has been occasioned by the movement, and citizens who have not registered for a city election before are now on the books. All this Is worth much as wholesome results of the agitation. The campaign for better morals has Iot fallen through. On the other band, it is stronger among business men today than ever before, for they see now that the city will live and flourish without gambling and will thrive with a regulation of the saloons. It is something for the East Ore ronlnn to achieve this much In a year In a city that for 35 years has been completely dominated by the saloons. The campaign has made men think, and whenever sensible and honest men begin to think seriously there need be no fear for the results. HISTOKH' OltOl'Nli. In DEFENDING THE MONOPOLY. One thousand feet of gas Is 1000 feet of gas. whether measured out of a power valve or out of a parlor Jet. The proposed franchise says that gas for lighting shall be charged for at the rate of J2.50 per 1000 feet and for pjwer at the rate of 2 er 1000 feet. The quantity of gas in 1000 feet is ex tctly the same whether measured for power or lighting, and no amount of Juggling facts and technical terms as attempted by the Tribune will change the actual fact. The Illustration of different freight rates on commodities hauled in the same car attempted by the Tribune falls flat. A mowing machine Is a mowing machine and the company charges the same freight rate on all mowing machines; the gas company ,es not do this with gas; It says that c m umers of gas for lighting shall I ly J2.50 per 1000 feet while con fj iicri of gas for power shall pay but J'i per 100" tee1- The railroad company does not harge one rate on a mowing ma- lue Intended for use In cutting al falfa, an 1 another rate on a machine to cut timothy hay. The Tribune Is r::l;.ed In Its illustrations. Just as it is u.i-cl on every other proposition It lfen Is. The East Oregonlan wishes to see a ga4 plant In Pendleton. It would If one of the very first applicants for ris for use In Us linotype burners. I u' It docs not want to see a monopoly f fried upon the people as the Trlb o i- is trying to do. "The Tribune Is no self-appointed ,.'..m,,ii of the Northwestern Gas & D ctrlc company," It says. If It Is anything In the world, this Is exactly hat It Is, for It has championed this monopoly ever since the gas franchise was proposed, against the solid Judg ment of every business man who has Every hill, valley and stream Umatilla county is liistoilc. We have become accustomed to these points of Interest and the stories connected with them, but the world will yet make pilgrimages to the Umatilla to look upon the spot where were enacted some of the greatest chapters in western history. The townslte of Pendleton and the banks of the Umatilla river from Its mouth to Its headwaters teem with historical Interest. Here It was that the Cayuse chiefs connected with the Whitman massacre had their residence and plotted the destruction of the mission. Sticcas, Peupeumoxmox, Talouka Ikt, Five Crows and the other leaders of the Cayuse and Walla Walla tribes lived where the wheat fields of Uma tilla county now greet the eye of the tourist. Over these very fields Whitman hur ried to and fro on his missions of mercy, while his enelmes, white and red, were planning his murder. Many a midnight trip did he make across the rolling hills between the Walla Walla river and the Umatilla to administer to the sick and dying Indians, and many a fervent, prayer' did this honest and devoted missionary offer for the salvation of the Indians, kneeling by the lodge fires on the Umatilla river. Every spot Is consecrated ground. In the light of history. Every field and stream l hallowed by his faithful and fearless life. He started the savages right, but his own race, the whites, have been the chief despollers of both the morals and the wealth of the In dians. We have taught our children the stories of King Philip. Powhatan, Oce ola, Ited Jacket and other of the great chiefs und tribes of the New England and southern coasts, but the story of Five Crows, Peupeumoxmox, Taloukaikt, equal In historic Interest to those of the eastern settlements, will yet be read with fascination and human Interest by more and more people as the story of the west be comes known to the east. Umntlla county will grow In his torical Interest as literature places Its trairKillm and Its saCred dramas be fore the world. HAT JOY I HEY BRING To Every Home as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, tle outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assirt nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs lias come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, who?e estimate of its quality ar.d excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. 1 Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. 'Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sals Jr. bottles of one si.e only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do net accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Fvorw fimil.r d-i-oiM okuivc linvf 3 hnttlo nn hinH ir ic Pni lnllv hpnpficial B. t-i v . . y ail.ll.ljr Jl IKJUlk 1 i , i.. y ' t . . - m v i tui iuf u v . tor the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. YOUR HOUSE your office or factory In the most sat isfactory manner aim ou. ...... Bv. pleasingly moderate for all such worfc. We carry in stock a hub in.o . Electrical Supplies Including Hutterles. Hells, An:.'.: ators. Interior Telephones. eU. J. L. VAUCHAN Phone Mair. 139 122 West, C-n LET I'K HI. I. YOI H IIIN WITH Rock Spring Coal Recognized as the best and most economical fuel. We aaai prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to an; psrt of the city Laatz Bros. MAIN NTRKH WHY WASHINGTON LEADS. One reason why Washington sur passes Oregon In growth and develop ment is the care and Interest taken In the public schools, says the Coast Magazine of Seattle. At the last meeting of the Oregon legislature J 100,000 was appropriated for state educational purposes and then tied up by a set of fellows who objected thut It was too much money to spend on schools. Washington spends over half a mil lion dollar each year on normal schools alone, and today stands as the leading state In the Pacific west in the matter of maintenance and grade of educational institutions. Settlers always look first for good lands and then good homes. No good homes can be had without good Bchools. All things being equal as to land, the I man who makes the country produce will go where he finds the good schools. British Columbia and Idaho are working along educational lines for excellence, and they are reaping the benefit in growing population and in creasing wealth. It Is hoped that Oregon will remedy her error at the first opportunity and spend more for schools than ever before. If Oregon would only support her schools as well as she does her other Industries, It would keep Washington hustling to stay ahead of her. I'OK ALASKAN FA IK. point 12 of its members ns representa tives of the body on the board of di rectors for the exposition, says the Seattle News. The communication was presented to the chamber at Its regu lar weekly meeting this afternoon. The board of directors for the ex position will consist of 74 members, of which 60 will be from Alaska and the Yukon territory. Twelve members of the board will represent the Alaska club and the other 1 2 the chamber of commerce. The board will hold Its first meeting at the rooms of the Alaska club in this city on November 10. Already about 40 of the commissioners, repre senting the different districts of Alas ka, have arrived In Seattle and others are expectefl to reach here between now and the time for the meeting. for personal effects on vessels arriving from the orient, says the ban fran clsco Call. Of this sum E. H. Harrl- man paid $2000' and Robert Goelet, Jr.. $74. The belongings of Miss Alice Roosevelt and her suite were forward ed In bond to the customs collector at Washington, D. C. so that the amount due for duty on her personal effects Is not known ut the Sun Francisco custom house. Heavy Ciisionvt Duller). Pugguge customs collections on the steamship Siberia, which a-rlvcd from the orient lust Monday, aggregated something more than $4300. which breaks the record for federal revenue Irf-.HH4.il III I'Ii.vkIoIoh.v. The Knnsas papers tell how school teacher was giving his pupils a lesson regarding the circulation of the blood. "If I stnnd on my head, by way of Illustration, the blood rushes to my head doesn't It?" Nobody con tradicted him. "Now," he contlnuud. "when I stnnd on my feet, why doesn't the blood rush to my feet?" "Cause your feet uln't empty," answered daring youngster. Why not eliminate every element of chance or uncertainty, by getting our figures when you need anything In lumber? Gray's Harbor Commercia' Company . J. r: I I I . Mnoucav. Ptxilie Mr. Ill VS. ' The city of Butte Is advertising u bond issue of $400,000, to carry 4 per cent. To Bur-bank. The seedless orang" makes us glad, The stoneless cherry"s pleasing, too; The grape that's all Juice Isn't bad. L'ut. Luther, listen, kindly do; One lone-felt want vou've yet to fill For never may man's fondest wish He sweetly realized until You triumph with the boneless fish. Why monkey with the rose's thorn Or bother o'er the seedless date Or seek to give us husklcss corn? For such small blessings wo can wait; Your greatest work must yet be done. Since never may man's fondest wish fie sweetly filled till you have won Fame's laurels with a boneless risn. Chicago Record-Herald. Godfrey Chealander, promoter In hlef of the proposed Alaska-Yukon exposition to be held In Seattle In 1907, this afternoon wrote a letter to President McOraw of the chamber of commerce asking the chamber to ap- All Rights Are Kqnnl. There Is no such thing as man's rights and woman's rights separate and distinct from each other. Wo man's rights are smlply human rights. The sexes belong to each other; whnt benefits ono helps the other; what elevates either uplifts both. Mnn Is the outdoor and woman the Indoor partner In the firm of humanity. Yakima Dally Republic. At Memphis Dan Patch paced one mile In 1:D9 1-4, duplicating the world's record made some years ugo by Star Pointer. The two records ex actly tie. IT DRAWS HARD On a woman's vitality to do work: far Which She is lmliUi:il, kinl we wonder how Home of the wuiu'-m V of "lir 'ami I (SJ thnnicli a siimic --r";' t'w-wii-on of tile:i.-urc or dissipation. 7IC.7 ir ill - with tears in their eyes, when they nienlloii the sub ject at all. "If If n lifrffl pull." that with pu in. weak ness and weariness tliey ure "almost drugged out." Munv. in this con dition, revirt to alcoholic stipjilants a nil " invigoruius," the alter ellrcts of which lire very injurious. Dr. II. V. Pierre, forty years, aiso found that won en worn being mistreated throiirrli isiiorniicf! or ri'relessiies nnd dclfrmiiii'ii to devote his life und energies to their relief. ffinfiif (omul miine of their suf fering, lir. "iifjrt Hiiuijlit fur the tmms o relief, and found in .Voiiirc's Inlinritiimj tlin eiirtli. certMin roots w hich lino n markalile and v.ilinihle nieilirinul virtues for t us cure of i ii ui incuts. Using clieinirully pine glycerine, of proicr strength instead of ulrnhol, lie prepared extracts of these, and the result was so satisfactory that the comlina- tlon liccame his " Favorite Prif.Tiptiiili. The roots used are: I.tulv's Slipper root, lilark Colin h root. Unicorn root, Hlno Cohosh rout und tiol'len Seal root. The world knows It lis 1)11. PlKIK'K.'H Kavoii- itk I'nKKciiiiTioN. which has the won derful and unpariilleled record of a half million of cures In the last forty years. Writo to Dr l'ii rre, HtilTiilo, N. Y., for advice, given without churge. "I am glad to tie able to testify as to the merits of lir. I't-'fre's Favorite I'rrvrliiliou fur the many Ills that women sutler wtiii." writes Mhs Gertrude Mil. lull (President, Yonnir I.ailies' ultristinn Kndeavor Society), a:i('olmnlla street. K.. Detroit. Mich. "After many years of sntTrrhig and tialn. I tMik your nifdlriiH', it n.J in a short time Is'trait to fifj ammircr. Iierumn more rcgiilnr and didn't have the bci ring-down pnlns whirl) had been my lot for sr. loinr. Shall never ceaso to )H3 very irrntcfnl thnt It was hroulciil to my notice. I have no pains, and feel tnurh Stronifer generally." Dr. Pierre's Pellets elrftansn the rlnggcl trstem from accumulated Impurities. Electric Lights Tlicy are the, Ih-mU Tlii'j miulro no oil. They lire the) iiictixa. Tlicy give plenty of light.. Tliey require no i 'lining. They ore alwuys ra-uily for tst. Northwestern Gas & Electric Co. OOltNEIt COljRT AND GARDEN 8T 444)4 1 BYERS' BEST FLOUR l- niHile from the choicest wheat thai grows, flood bread Is .Mired when liter' ltet Hour Is used.. Uran, short, steam rolled iiMi-ie always on liuml PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS i V KYKHS, Proprietor. HIGH GRADE UauiMlcrliig of Collars, Cuffs and Klilrts. The most fastidious men will luive nothing to lie desired If tlieirl linen Is entrusted to ns for luundeting. A I.AUNDItY licro yon will lie saved all worry as I In the condition of your clothes, ilu-yl ire always right. Pendleton Steam Laundry The I'll -to-1 u to Uliundiy. FISHMAN PKTI1US, Proprietors. 'Phone Main 179. Turn your steps here when yoo want good, clean coal. We furnish our trade with the best thut Is mined and we want your orders. You can't- do better than give us your order. Henry Kopittke DUTCH 1IKNRT. Office, Piiiilleton Iro & Cold (storage Company. 'Phone Main I7. Mr. R. F. Payne. (Payne's pharmacy) Idaho Falls. Idaho, writes; '"Ve have Just sold th last cure (TRIB), send one-half dozen at once. Trlb has oured five of the hardest kind of cases. una man nere useu ii last Bp- a tember, and cannot smell wine, i liquor or beer now without making him sick. He had been a hard drinker for IS years." Father Desmarals. pastor of the Roman Catholic church, The Dalles, Ore., writes: "I know of good results obtained hy the use of your Trlb In cur ing llnuor and tobacco users." .' a : IT WILL HE DONE nir.HT All plumbing and tin, sheet Iron or copper work entrusted to mo will he done ti ;ht nnd guaranteed. J I have removed my shop to Court street, second door oast of r-ih'en Rule Hotel, where 1 urn better prepatcd than ever to do tho ? highest class work. Plumbing done by experienced and proficient men, as I have In my employ one of the beet plumbers In tho business, and water, steam J and other pipe fitting Is solicited.. A specialty of tin, sheet Iron and copper work. I F. F. BECK THE OLD KKMAUUO PM'MIIKR AND TINSMITH. Court Sir. fit. Too Doors Kast of Colden Rulo Hotel. TIIK POPULAR PLACE TO EAT IS THE The French Restaurant Everything, served first -claan. I lest regular meals In Pendle ton for 2S cents. SHORT ORDKR8 A SPECIALTY. Polydore Moens, Prop.