East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 07, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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tho field, while other Interests havo a
few scattered parties out trying to as
certain I, t.elng done by the more
active operator. .
Inu-rMllnr InrhtoiitM Prom Carltale
ImliHn fcX'Uwl Lillians Ato Natural
rixuball PlaycrH and Stand an Aw
ful lot of ruiilHlimeiit t'arllMle Hat)
an KxoHlimt Indian Team.
Indian - football players are truly
tllsciplcs of the philosopher Zcno In
that their stoicism Is a thing to be
marveled at, eajrH a letter from Car
llslo Indian school. The quality of re
frainlng from speaking of tholr In
Juries, great and small, has always
proved to be a stumbling block In the
way of football coaches who have had
In the past to deal with rcd-sktnned
players at Carlisle.
It Is hard for the coaches to dotoct
injuries to football candidates outside
of making a physical examination of
the men each day after practice. The
Injuries of the avcruge Indian foot
balliHt may be of an alarming char
acter, yet not be deemed Important
enough to complain of.
Ann Wax SmoHhttl.
Laiit week a candidate named Aug
ust Hednoso arrived at Carlisle from
New York state. lie was In good spirit
and upon being Interviewed by Super
intendent Mercer declared his willing
ness to play football. Major Mercer
noticed a slight swelling on the man's
wrist and Inquired as to iUt extent and
received the reply that It didn't
amount to much. On further examin
ation InslHled upon by Mr. Mercer at
the school's hospital It was found that
llednose had a compound fracture or
the upper arm, a smashed elbow Joint
und dislocated wrist, which will prob
ably Involve the loss of his arm and
to Carlisle a beefy football candidate,
Tho man had been run over by a
wagon two days before. Two weeks
ago Center Kennedy dislocated a toe
and never mentioned tho fact until It
wan noticed laying back along his foot
by a rubber while ho waa dressing.
Natural FVkxImiII lMaycrx.
Indian physical characteristics are
not essentially different from those of
his paleface brother, but It la remark
able that along the line nf football
redskins are assisted In playing the
great college game by a number of
peculiar phases of their natural devel
opment that are not possessed by the
average college boy.
Klat and parallel feet are the por
tion of practically every Indian boy.
In a certain proportion of cases the
redskin's pedal extremities arc pigeon
toed, but as a rule they point straight
ahead. Frank Hudson, the famous
punter, who Is now coaching the abor
igines on the Carlisle football eleven,
bas noted this peculiarity and Just be
fore kicking a drop kick points his
body facing the goal, and Inasmuch
its hi toes point exactly In the same
direction, gives no thought to turning
his foot as the average white kicker
would have to.
The fumnus Indian runner. Frank
Mount Pleasant, who Is playing quar
terback on this year's Indian football
team and who Is a 10-second runner.
Jumps 23 feet A Inches and punts 70
yards, has feet which are long, flat
and bunched with muscles upon which
ordinary knocks have no effect.
Ono of the most eminent authorities
has stated that a pound of Indian
muscles, ao far as endurance and tena
city Is concerned, is worth one and
one-half pounds of white man's mus
cle. IiCarnliiK Now Formations.
The past week's training for the
Carllslo Indian school football eleven
haa been radically different from
that gone through In the preliminary
training season in that there has been
an elimination of all kinds of work
generally classed as the Yale exer
cises, which does not bear directly
upon work actually done during the
progress of the game.
The hours of practice have been
rut down to two a day and those from
2 until B p. m. The scrimmage work
has been lengthened by half and the
period given to Individual coaching
has been also elaborated upon to the
exclusion of all other kinds of work.
Most notable of all points on the
present week's work Is tho fnct that
Coach Woodruff has Inaugurated
secret practice and now having at his
disposal and ample squad, well trnlncd
In fundamental football, has begun to
give the redskins the elements of the
wonderful plays which every coach In
the country Is keeping a sharp look
out for.
Woodruff calls them new forma
tions, and from what thnso who are In
a position to know at the Indian
school say, the new plays will modify
tho game of football In nn unusual
manner. Tho new plays havo been ef
fective against as many as 19 plays
on the second or opposing tenm.
Direct lrf-Klliitlon Loiiriip
Now Ijihs.
The following Is a synopsis of seven
amendments to the constitution, which
It Is now the aim of tho direct lauda
tion league to hove the people vote
upon at the general election next
No. 1. A constitutional amendment
giving tho peoplo Initiative and refer
endum powers on all local, special and
municipal laws, and single Items of
appropriation bills.
No. 2. A constitutional amend
ment giving tho people power to dis
charge any public officer by vote at
a special election.
No. 3. A constitutional amendment
giving cities power to mako and
amend their charters, subject to the
constitution and general laws.
No. 4. A constitutional amend
ment allowing the enactment of laws
for tho election of officers by propor
tional or minority representation.
No. 6. A constitutional amendment
to allow the stato printer's office, du
ties and salary to bo regulated or
abolished by laws.
No. 6. A constitutional amend
ment giving the people exclusive pow
er to create public Institutions at other
plnces than at Salem.
No. 7. A constitutional amendment
giving the legislature power to pro
pose constitutional amendments, and
to the people power to prevent calling
constitutional conventions.
Itiucrlo of a Mosquito.
"It's a hard row to hoe, and for
growling this human race Is the won
der of the universe. I've got to live
as well as the rest of "em, but If I ap
proach a victim and sing ere I sting
he growls and swears but he wouldn't
mind it so much If I didn't sing; then
If I steal Upon him silently he com
plains that he wns hit without warn
ing. And then when the doctor's
can't discover a fever germ they swear
I'm at the bottom of this whole busi
ness and have my picture taken and
write books about me and make na
tional reputations at my expense, liut
It's all right, I guess, and I reckon I'll
pull through; I'm really nn arlstoc-at
in disguise and good blool flows In
my veins In fact the best in the coun
try." Atlanta Constitution.
Thomas Collins at No. 17 Milwaukee
avenue, Chicago, has been arrested
and an Immense quantity of photo
graphic apparatus and photographs
seized. ' Collins is accused of turning
out trip Iflriroat mimHow- ,e . . . I .. .
togrnphs of any dealer In the United
Country Is Filial With Kullroiul Agi
tation. .Strung all along two or three
routes extondlng from Seattle to the
heart of Montana more than a score
of surveying parties are running locat
ing surveys for new railroad routes.
Practically all of these parties are
making determined efforts to conceal
the Identity of the Interests represent
ed by them, and In some casos the men
In charge of tho parties do not know
themselves for whom they are working.
Efforts have been made from time
to tlmo to convey the Impression that
these surveying parties represent rival
enstorn railroad Interests, and that
there is much contention between
those Interests for rights of way and
for the first possession of strategic
points along the proposed route or
Hut In this connection It Is slgnlfl
cant that up to tho present time there
ha been no clashing of any kind be
tween these parties or any of them,
which fact would strongly Indicate
that the theory that thero Is rivalry
between different Intoresu la based on
the fact that one big wealthy Intorest,
presumably Hill, has many parties In
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it
How To Find Ont.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours i
unhealthy con
dition of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the ureal kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
snd every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
ml scaldinc pain in passim; it. or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
jjistsin fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle and
Irnok that tells all
atiout it. both sent free
by mail. Address Dr. SSftfjiHW
Kilmer & Co., Hing-
hanitoii, N. Y. When Bom. Bwunp-Root.
writing mention this paper and don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, rtinghamton, N. Y.
J"! hmrm taffftiwd with I1m for thirty-its ytr.
o raftr o Ust April I becftn Uktnc CurtrnM
or constipation. In the coarse of t wrek 1 noilcM
the pi! ticKnn to dliapptr nd at tha end of itg
wenfct thfljr did not trouble Die tt all. Curimt
bavfj tlnne wondnri for me. I am entirety cai and
feel like a new man." George KryUr, hapoleoo, (
Best for
Cov cathartic
PtMant, Palatable, potent, Tatte Good, Do Ooost,
Verer BIckeo, Weaken or Urine, lee, SSc.lOc. Neve
old In bnlk. The cnnln tablet Rtamped OOCt
Guaranteed to ear or yoar money back.
Sterlinff Remedy Co., Chicago or N.V. joj
In all Its stage,
Ely's Cream Balm
cloaium, soothes and hr-als
tho diM-Mfd membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
sway s cold In the hood
Cratm Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, spread
over the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief laim
niedlate and a euro follows. It Is not drying docs
not produce ani-crlnR. Larue Slae, M eeaU at Drug
gists or by mail Trial 8 lie, 10 cents.
SLT BttOTIIBRa. 8 Warren Street, Wew York
lV bWt Jtfnl
w 14 m
1 m. aTrader. 'Zryp
One Week, Nov. 6-11,1 905
Shrewd Buyers Big Bargain Week
We areFoverstocVfrr in many departments, so most reduce stock and raise money. To do this we
decided t.o make bargain corners of some lines but in trying to select lines in which we are long, we
find ourselves overstocked in nearly everything so we have inclnded every department in this match"
less, money-saving sale. We need the money, you need the goods. Take advantage of this saving
or we both lose money.
Tuesday, Nov. 7 Rockers, Chairs, Tables Stands, Keey your eye on
Tell your friends of Sideboards, BuffetS, China these bargains. They
these bargains Cl0SetS, etC. will not be duplicated
Wednesday, Nov. 8 Couches, Lounges, Morris Chairs
This is your oppor-
wonderful Savings Parlor Pieces and all nice
Come again Upholstered Goods You need it.
Thursday, Nov. 9 Iron Beds Bed Room Suites Chif- You spend one-third
These are things fonierS, DreSSerS, Springs, Mat- of your life in bed.
yu need , tresses, Pillows, Quilts, Blankets sleeP y- Rest wen.
Friday, Nov. 10 Combination Cases, Book Cases Good Friday,
ruu ., Ladies Desks Office Desks,
First come, first served etc. Cood Office Desks.
Saturday, Nov. 1 1 Carpets, Rogs, Linoleums, Mattings, A whirl of bargains.
Sweepingjreductions " Carpet Sweepers, Door Mats, Get one of our big
Save the dollars and dimes etc. Rugsfor 95c.
Bargains in the different lines will be found on the various days given above.
Yours for Bargains,