PAGE KKillT. DAILY EAST OHgOONIAN. PENDLSTON, OIIF.UON, FRIDAY, XOVKMBKIt 3, lOOo. IUGHT PAGES. Everything Points To an active Christmas trade; the nights are frosty, with cle.- days, lust enough moisture for seeding; price of wheat and wool good; everybody In n happy frame of mind. We have a line this year that v.'ould make any one happy, too. MOItE LATER. WAKE UP THK HOLIDAYS AUK COMING Do you roallco that wo are the only exclusive crockery and glass dealers In the city. We study (lie market, buy direct from Kiirvean ami American manu facturers and CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. A Square Deal to All. HEAD CONSUL HERE EQUITY 1. 1. BOAK AltHIVFD l'UO.M LA fill AN DK TODAY. Public lteeeptlon Will !! (ilven to the Head Official of the WiknIiiicii of the World Tomorrow Nlslil ul the Christian Church lVmllnon Cump Will .Moot at 7 O'clock Tomorrow Night In Order to I'lnlsli Work In Time for the Hecoptiou. T BEGUN . X. SAYS f 13.000 I'KH MILE IS MOST I'X.H ST. Owl Tea House Chance on a dressed doll, boys' tool client and hand-finished game set, with 50c purchase. MET! TEACHERS UMATILLA COINTY IXSTI- TITE IIF.ING HELD TODAY. State Superintendent J. 11. Ackcraian, of Oregon, and Prof. A. W. Hen dricks Professor or English in Whlt man College, Arc In Attendance Ijeoture by Prof. Hendricks Tonight and an Address by lrof. Ackenimn January 1 pass Into the hands of u stock company, as arrangements have been made for the Incorporation of a company which will begin the first of the new year. The Boston Store Is a good paying and progressive Institution and C. E. P.oosevelt, the present proprietor, be lieves In giving the men who have been In his employ and who have done their part In making the business a success, an opportunity to share nl the profits of their labor, will take Into the company with all his salesmen and men employed by him. In order to reduce the large stock carried by the Boston Store, an Incor poration sale has been Inaugurated, and the price of every, article In the Tomorrow Afternoon Musical and Literary Program to Be Itendercd i store has been cut from 20 to 25 per Tonight. Ninety teachers are present at the Umatilla county teachers' Institute, which Is being held at the First Chris tian church today and tomorrow. State Superintendent J. H. Acker man is present at the institute as Is also Prof. A. W. Hendricks, teacher of English In Whitman college. At 7:30 o'clock this evening Prof. Hen dricks will lecture on "The Educa tional Demands of the Twentieth Cen tury" at the above named church, and tomorrow afternoon Superintendent Ackerman will lecture on educational work In general at the Christian church. An elaborate program is being ren dered, among the leaders being Su perintendent Frank K. Welles, of Umatilla county, Prof. L. R. Traver, city superintendent of Pendleton pub lic schools. Prof. J. W. Huff, principal of Pendleton high school, Prof. Hen dricks and Superintendent Ackerman. About 15 outside teachers are pres ent beside the entire teaching corps of Pendleton public schools, which were dismissed for the institute today. Among the outside teachers present at the institute are Miss Retta Andrus, of Pilot Rock; R. L. GIss, of Long Creek: Helen Clark, of Milton; Fay Roadruck, of Irrigon; D. T. Mackey, of Irrigon; Maud Cochran, of Miltom Alice Gibbon, of Irrigon; Margaret Collision, of Echo; Bertha Stackllng, of Helix, and G. A. Dellon, of Milton. The meeting is a very interesting and profitable one and Is attended by a large number of Pendleton people interested In the excellent schools of the city and county. A musical and literary program will be rendered tonight In addition to the address by Prof. Hendricks, In which Miss Mytalene Fraker and a quartet and choru from Pendleton high school will take pari. All are cordial-. ly Invited to attend ths exercises. BOSTON STOKE IXCORPORATKW, cent, and the stock will be reduced The line of goods carried by the Boston Store Is the, highest grade In me muraei ana inciuues sucn wen known makes of clothing as the Stein Block" In shoes, the Hannan, the Douglas and the Gloria, and In fact throughout the entire stock the mark of real merit is visible. Tomorrow evening's advertisement In the East Oregonlan will give prices which will show for themselves what It will mean to trade at the Boston during the great sale. CHANGES HAVE I BEEN PROPOSED, Huud Consul I. I. Boak of the Woodmen of the World, arrived from lii Grande on the delayed O. R. & N. train at noon today and will take a much needed rest In this city until to morrow evening, when a public recep tion In his honor will be given at the First Chiistlnn church. Mr. Uoak has spoken In every large city and In most of the smaller cities In the northwest within the past month and takes advantage of an extra day to rest and catch up with his enor mous correspondence. To stiind at the head of an organisa tion of the magnitude of the Woodmen Pv iff t . i . (Continued from page 1.) Head Consul I. I. Iloak. of the Wood men of tho World. Who Will SmhU m Public Reception at Christian Church To morrow Night. V. E. ItnoHevelt to Reward People Em ployed by Him by Taking Them In to tlie Business1. Roosevelt's Boston Store will on CURE Don't Endure Golds Wearing out a cold means wear ing out yourself. The endurance method Is neither wise nor neces sary. Once it was hard to cure colds, now it Is easy. Our F. & S. Sure Cold Cure Will cure in a short time. Take them when the first symp toms of cold appear and the cold won't come. They stimulate all the vital functions. They relieve the congested condition of the head and throat. They cure and do It promptly and thoroughly. Price, 2&c. For sale at TALLMAN & CO. LEADING Dltl'fifilSTS. and the cost to the company Is the same. With the kind of price arrangement the company wishes, there would sim ply be no competition between gas and electricity. Thus the main object of a gas plant, (that of furnishing a competitor for electricity,) would be lost. Among many It Is the firm be lief that the officials of the Northwest ern Gas & Electric company realize that some day a gas company will come here in competition with them unless they themse'ves establish a plant, and that their main object now is to secure the field for themselves by securing a franchise which will give them control without competing with their electric business. Consequently, they favor granting the franchise only on such conditions as will allow the city to have a hold on the matter by having power to take over the plant should they wish to do so. Unless the Northwestern Gas St Electric company Is willing to accept a franchise on such terms, it Is the desire that a plant be established by the city or by an independent com pany holding a charter In which the city's Interests shall be protected. j i Petition for E. L. Smith. The petition nominating E. I Smith for the office of councilman in the fourth ward was filed this af ternoon with a list of signatures more than five times larger than the legal requirement Mr. Smith Is one of the popular and public spirited citizens of Pendleton, is largely Interested In the welfare of the city, has heavy property Interests. Is an active and progressive member of the public school board, and Is indorsed by his neighbors al most unanimously for this office. They Off.-r to Pay l'p on a Basis of .Mm Per Mllo for IH03 uud 1MM They Coin but the Men That It Is Just to Tux tlie Company on the Finning or the Entire Lino Rather 'limn 'Hint Portion in ITmatlllu County Tho Document Filed Toduy Is Lengthy. This afternoon Carter, Raley & Ra- lcy, local representatives of the O. R. N. Co., filed In the circuit court a suit In equity In which they seek to prove that the assessment of $12,000 a mile upon their roadbed Is unjust. The basis of the rullroad's case Is that It was unjust for the assessor to make a valuation on their property accord ing to the net earnings of the company for the entire line rather thun for that portion which is within Umatilla coun ty. They contend that for 1903 and 1904, $5800 per mile Is a Just assess ment, and they offer to pay that amount to the court. Whether or not this amount will" be paid to the cir cuit Judge even If not accepted by tho county as full puyment, seems to be undecided. However, some attorneys hold that the railroad must make an actual offer of the money, and that the circuit Judge may accept tho same and turn It Into the county treasurer, although the amount Is not accepted by the county as full payment. Judge Ellis being away today could not bo seen regarding this point. The suit filed today Is a lengthy af fair and covers many typewritten pages. Many of these are used In de scribing the lands owned by the coun ty. The complaint Is signed by the following attorneys: W: W: Cotton, Carter, Rnloy & Haley and A. C. Spen cer. CONCERT TO BE GIVEN. of the World, and answer all the de mands made upon a man In that po sition, Is a tusk that requires an iron constitution and Immeasurable pa tience, and those qualities Mr. Boak possesses In abundance. While on his present campaign of the northwest nearly every night In each week, excepting Sunday night, Is engaged for an address and most of the time which Is not consumed In speech-making is taken up In railway travel and so there Is little rest unlesB he catches a vacant date as he has done here. The ontertainment committee of Pendleton camp, consisting of John H. Lawrey, Col. J. H. Raley, Phil Mc Brion, A. D. Stlllman and Bert Huff man, met the head consul at the train and escorted him to his hotel on his arrival toduy. Complete arrangements are already made for tho reception tomorrow night and every one Is cordially invited to attend. The camp will meet promptly at 7 o'clock in order to com plete the business of the meeting In time to go In a body to the Christian church at 7:46, where the reception will bo held. Petition for Chariest Hamilton. Dr. F. W. Vincent Is circulating a petition for the nomination of Charles Hamilton for the office of city treas urer. Mr. Hamilton is the present in cumbent of the office. The only other candidate for the office so far Is Mark Moorhouse, whose petition was filed yesterday. No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine and ipeuil Hours souKing, i v,eeteninK, flavoring ' tii, l coloring when Jcil-O produces better results in two minutes? Everything in the package. Bimpiy add hot rater aui set tocuol. It's pertectioB. Asm- nrise to tlie housewife, no trouble, less ex oense. Try it to-4;iy. In Four Fruit FU oiM- Lemon. Orange, Strawberry, Hasp. "tr At irrocera. Ills. This Bank Issues Coupon Certifi cate of Deposits Issued for a period of two years, bearing Interest at 4 per cant from date. Interest payable every four months, principal payabla on any interest date. Intereste Is collected by cutting off the coupons and presentin gthem at any bank. Call and ask about this new form of Investment Savings Department. Commercial Nat'l Bank, Pendleton Mrs. Walter lleetl and Mr. leanilii- of Portland, to pHtir Hero on Xovcmlier 15. A high-class musical will be giveu In this city on November 15. at the Frazer theater, by a few ladles who are lovers of music and who are in terested In bringing the best possible talent to the city. Mrs. Waller Reed of rnrtlnnd. the popular and well known singer, and Mr. Alexander of Portland, also, will appear In the lending numbers of the musical. The matter Is not undertaken for the purposes of making profit, hut simply to bring a high-eln"s order of music to the city nnd to give nn en tertainment thut Is out of the ordinary and should any profits accrue they will be given to some worthy eatise In this city. WHY are more men buying $25.00 suits of this store who have hereto-fore had their clothes made by a local tailor? It is a fact that our $25 suits are commanding the respectful consideration of our best busi ness and professional men. tJtejflBlOCft Smart uotiGS vA f ffl have you seen our display of this line of Suits Overcoats Raincoats Dress Suits A First-class Shoe Repairer Here Storen Close for Woodmen. In honor of Head Consul Boak of the Woodmen of the World, all the stores of Pendleton will close at 8 o'clock Saturday cvonlng in order to give employes an opportunity to at tend the reception to be given to the head consul at the Christian church. A literary and musical program wil he rendered and the public Is cordially Invited to attend the reception. A $12,000 school bond proposition carried at Rosalia, Wash., but all the technicalities were not compiled with. and the election must he reheld. The second vote will he taken November 11. R.0OSEVELTS Boston Store i TO MEET WITH FAIR BOARD. Mayor Matlock Uift This Afternoon for a Brief Visit to Portland. Mayor W. F. Matlock left this1 after noon for Portland, where he will meet with tho state agricultural board, of which he Is a member, for the pur pose of deciding on the purchase of a lot of left-over stuff from the Lewis nnd Clark fair for use in Improving the state fuir buildings and grounds. For some time the state board has been considering the purchase of a large amount of useful property which could be utilized to good advantage In enlarging the buildings and Improv ing the appearance of the state fair grounds. It Is not known yet Just wnui me board will buy until it takes an esti mate of the stuff for sale. If It can be purchased at a very reasonable figure It will be bought as much of the property in use at Portland could be used to good advantage by the board at Salem. The other members of the agricultural board will be In Portland for this meeting and tne matter will be definitely settled at this time. Nervous Women THcdr SuS.ring-s Art Usually Duo to Utorino Disorders Perhaps Unsruepetoted A MEDICINE THAT CURES Can we dispute the well-known 'fact that American -women org ner vous T How often do we hear the expres sion, "I am so ner vous, it seems as if I should fly j " or, "Don't speak to I At.. UP -iAme. iuueimngs v""-""WMrvn '--""7 yon and MANY NEW HOUSES. Building Is Increasing in the City and Country. The Forster planing mills are now preparing the finished woodwork for about eight new houses In the city and country adjacent Among those wno are now building are J. T. Brown and Olenn Wlnslow, each a new dwelling house north of the river; Claude Pen- land, two new houses in the west side of the city; Levi Johnson and Nnthan Moore, each a new dwelling near the race track east of the city, and wil nam Duff, a new farm residence northeast of the city. Other houses and improvements to houses are In contemplation In differ ent narts of the city, and there prom ises to be more than usual amount of winter building In the city and coun try. Will Bo Burled at Kennewlck. The body of Mrs. B. D. Collins, who died suddenly on Butter Creek wea nesday, was brought here last even ing and Dlaced in the Rader under tuklnr narlors. Tonight it will be shipped from here to Kennewlck. Wash., over the W. A C. K., and burled there. Big Discount on Sweaters I We desire to close out our entli. stock of men's and boys' Sweat ers. Here Is your chance to buy a good Sweater cheap. 76 sweaters go at Uc 1 1.00 Sweaters go at 75c $1.26 Sweaters go at $1.00 11.50 Sweaters goat I1JO 12.00 Sweaters go at 11.(0 $2.50 Sweators go at $3.00 $3.00 Sweaters go at 13.40 $3. SO Sweaters go at $2.80 Baer Daley Clothiers and Hatters make yon irritable i you can't sleep, yon are enable to quietly and calmly perform your daily tasks or care for your children. The relation of the nerrea and gen erative organs in women is so close that nine-tenths oi tne nervous proa tratlon. nervous debility, the bines. lAAnlmunesa and nervous Irritability arise from some derangement of the organism which makes her a woman. Fits of depression or reHnewucw miu irritability. Snlrita easily affected, so that one minute she langhs, tho next minute weeps. Pain In the ovaries and between the shoulders. Loss of voice; nervous dyspepsia. A tendency to cry at the least provocation. All this points to nervous prostration. Nothing will relieve thia distressing condition and prevent months of pros tration and suffering so surely as Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. M. E. Shotwell, of 103Flatbnah Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: 'I cannot express Ui wonderful relief I have experienced by taking Lydla E. Pink ham's vegetable Compound. I suffered for a long now with nervous prostration, back ache, headache, leas of appetite. I could not sleep and would walk the floor almost ""I bad three doctors and got no batter, and life was a burden. I was advised to try Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it has worked wonders for me. " I am a weO woman, my nervousness is all gone and my friends say I look ten yean younger." Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong by Lydla B. Pink barn's Vegetable Compound convince all women of its virtues ? Surely yon cannot wish to remain sick and weak and discouraged, exhausted each day, when yon can be as easily oured as ethar women. Hawkes Cut Glass (Grand Prise Parts Exposition.) The Hawkes good name Is built upon more than twenty-five years of progress In the work of glass manufacture. Hawkes Cut Glass is In a elans by Itself. No low grade glass, but every piece the HIGHEST QUALITY. We are exclusive agents here. See oar window display. WINSLOW BROS. Jewelers and Opticians Bvers' Park Addition Opens Tbe cheapest place in the city to build a pretty home c D at FRANK B. CLOPTON'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY and Get Prices 112 Court Street, LEGAL BLANKS gonian for a free cat alogoe of them. A foil uopply always kept ha itock.