E1GUT PAGES. PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREUOMAN, PHNDLKTO.V. OREGON, FltlDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1805. Wholesale Prices Arc all you are asked to pay for winter supplies at the Golden Rule tore This Includes Dry Goods, Shoes. Clothing. I'nJerwMir, lory, Notions and, In fact, every article In the store. Every article Is absolutely Reduced from 20 to 35 per cent. from former prices. Don't be deceived by so culled "coat narks." It is Just as easy to raise a cost m irk as any other old mark. We can show you to a certainty that this Is being done. INVESTIGATE Is the uonl INVESTIGATE. GENERAL NEWS. NORTHWEST NEWS. The general naval board will recom-! At Cloverdale. Oro., N. P. Hansen's mend to the coming session of con-(dairy barns burned, together with Kress the building of three 18, 000-ton farm Implements and tho winter's feed battleships. Admiral Dewey Is pres- i for 50 cows. Loss, $3000, with $600 ident of the board. j insurance. At St. Louis Patrick Cummlngs has j The cooker in the oil and fertilizer been sentenced to two years In the plant of the Itnhlnsoii Fisheries com pcnitentlarv for false registration. His j i any at Anncortea. Wasn.. exploded, is tho first conviction under the new j killing one Japanese and perhaps fa- Mtssourl registration act. One hundred thirty-seven fire in surance companies have can cm- 1 the risks they carried on raisins and county, Wash., other fruit for the California ita,o..i i .rinilnnl law. I tally Injuring several others. A life sentence for burglary will be arrled out on John King of King under the habitual He has previously PROTECT THE SOIL DH. JAMES WITH YCOMI1K COM MENTS ON FARMING SYSTEMS. I, t in' m That the l'tiriiose of True Agriculture Is to Produce a Maxi mum Ylclil Intlcr Such Conditions us Will Conserve tho Strength of tho Laud for Posterity Summer Ftillouiug Luiul Hums Vu Enough Soil LI To to IkmIow Four Crops of Wheat iicllcvcti Tliut Improved .MoiIiihIs Are Necessary. Oorvullls, Nov. 2. (Editor of East Oregonian.) I read with much inter est your comment on my statement re garding the Injurious effects of the present system of growing cereals in the semi-arid districts. In order to explain more fully my position, kind ly grant mo space In your paper. It Is not in purpose to be ml alarm ist, but simply to point out, according to my Judgment, the serious errors of popular husbandry. 1 am not yet a convert to any system of farming that will enrich the father and Impoverish the son. .Neither do I believe that It Is the highest type of citizenship that disregards tho Inherent rights of pos terity. To despoil u country for the selfish lurpii.se of accumulating wealth Is wrong In principle and dangerous in practice. True agriculture means the production of maximum crops with the least Injury to the perpetuity of the productivity of the Mill. The doctrine of Inexhaustibility of soils is simply nonsense. Thut old thread-bare story of Scilly Is a myth. It Is perhaps true that a restricted area tributary to Mount Etna. Is an- OPENING FALL SALE ALL THE NEWLY RECEIVED STYLES AND PATTERNS IN MEN'S CLOTHING One- of tlio movt cucourairlng signs of tlu times Is the almost universal demand for Clothing of the llest gunUty, and It In demand with which w not only ore glad to comply, lt whloli we were first to meet and recognize In our showing of K. N. &F. CLOTHES SEE DISPLAY IN CENTER WINDOW. ALEXANDER'S PENDLETON'S RELIABLE STORE lug section of the Columbia basin. Truly yours, JAMES WITH Yt'O M BE. river Columbia. From every department men have been granted leave to go home to cast their ballots next Tues day. The outgoing trains tonight, Saturday and. Sunday will carry sev eral hundred voters In addition to those who have already left the city. Many clerks use their annual leave of absence for thla purpose, and It Is difficult to estimate the exact number The Secret of Succms, Forty million bottles of August Flower sold In the United States alone since Its Introduction! And the de mand for it is still growing. Isn't uually replenished us the result fthat a fine showing of success? Don't Growers' company. No reason is, erved two terms for burglary, of five given. I years each. The American steamer Barracouta ! At Castle Rock, Wash., a movement and Centennial, the German steamers headed by the Union Christian Kn- Kowloon, Hans Wagner and M. Struve and the Norwegian steamer Arnfrld. which were seized at various times by the Japanese, have been released. All the usual "signs" point to a large lemon and orange crop In Cali fornia the coming year. At Llmonera is the largest lemon orchard In the world, and from that town were ship ped 265 cars of lemons of the crop of U06. 1 Elihu Root, secretary of state, has come out openly and above board for Jerome, the independent candidate for district attorney of New York. The withdrawal of Flammer, the republi can nominee. Is atttrlbutcd In large class. deavor society is making a crusade to enforce the Sunduy closing law and the law prohibiting the sale of liquor and cigarette to minors. A mtzvllle. Wash., paper, says that mules are rapidly growing in populari ly in Adams county, supplanting horses on some large ranches, as rap Idly as they can be secured. Many are being Imported from Missouri. The latest report on the finances of the Roman Catholic university at A'ashlngton. D. C, states that It Is In lebt $50,0(10. which amount will bo lessened $10,000 Decvember 1. Its eneral financial condition la first- measure to Root's Influence. Living supplies to all government employes on the Isthmus of Panama Hre turnisnea ny tne government com-i The faculty of St. Benedict's college Atchison. Kas.. nrotests to the govern ment against the nppointment of Ccn. j mlssarles at about 20 per cent over James F. Smith to be governor gen- j the cost price, which brings the cost eral of the Philippines, upon the i 'f living to practically what It aver grounds that his appointment Is dis- I -os In the states. tlnctly detrimental to Catholic Inter ests In the Islands. The city of Manila will have 52 miles nf sewers and something more than 10 miles of water mains when plans the insular authorities have in view are carried out. The diameter of the water mains will be 4 2 Inches. To furnish an outlet for the sewer system, pipe to the length of 3600 feet will be laid below the bed of the harbor of Manila, and one double line of pipe will cross tho Pasig river. Stuart Pierson, a student at Kenyon college. Mt. Vernon, O., was found cut In pieces on the railroad track, after an extra had gone by In the night The dead boy had been se curely bound, as was evidenced by a rope and a gag. It Is believed he was bound and placed on the track as part of an Initiation into a college order. V Michigan peat company has sent 'ir several tons of peat from th pe-t '-'ds near Woodburn, Ore., and will imlyze and test the product tho--lughly. If it comes up to the Mlchl "nn uverage It will bo of great value is a regular product. W. C. Bolton, traveling salesman for be Pacific Coast Plscult comni"V ' -issing from his home at Portland, nd foul play or accident Is feired bv his wife and friends. He Is 32 years old, dark complexion and blue eyes, and Is 5 feet 10 Inches tall. Secretary Frown of the state land snrd. reports the total receipts of his office from all sources for the month i October, to be $26,818.53, of which S11.43l.08 Is deterred payments on shool lands. The cash has been turn ed Into the state treasury. Thn shin A I ili.n -Ttnaua filnflrAtl M. and that the hazers did not know an .pnty frnm Anacorte(,; WnBn., for ja pan with 300 tons of fertilizer made extra was on the road, and Intende I to release Pierson before a regular train was due. Tt n no small comfort f. have Schilling's Best on c . at your grocer's ; a pity o" cr.n't get everything such aw.! sol Walters' Flouring Mil! CiipHcity. 160 barrels a day. Flour exchanged for wheat Flnur. Mill F-ed. Cbipid nvi on inii 'in fish refuse. Two plants at that 'ice will put out 1500 tons of fertlliz e of this kind the coming year. It '1 made of skin and bones of the fish, and the refuse from the canneries. Estimates showing the cost of sub M'utlng oil for coal as fuel on the H-omotlves of the O. It. & N. and "o Southern Pacific companies' lines In Oregon place it nt $150,003. and It l understood the executive board of 'he Harrlman system has authorized the expenditure for the betterment of Cm service. The four-room dwelling of A. II. It -uall burned In the middle of the n u at Piedmont, a suburb of Port land. Mrs. Itandall and two small 'Mien were overcome with smoke r 1 would huvc been burned to death ' for tho vigorous work on Itan ' part. The Insurance was very slight. About Chestnut Leaves Chestnut Leaf Expectorant Is a M-iil remedy for Coughs, Colds, Ilfipi im csn and nil kindred troubles. A 'oi";h Itomedy sold under an ab solute r ' "(trainee by your home eo. t lc. ' '"Iritis of recommendation III Pcctll ton. i Brock (k McComas 1 Will I let urn Your Money If You Ar Not SatlHfled. the weathering of the mountain. Th valley .of the Nile Is supposed to be replenished by the sedimentary deposit from the annual Inundations. But re cent agricultural explorers declar that the productivity of this valley is not so much duv to this sedlmentaiy deposit as It is to the growing of ber seem, an annual clover. As to the depth of soils, this mat lei s but little with cereals whether it Is 1(1 feet or 1000 feet deep. Wlie.it roots rarely go deeper than four r'eet. It Is doubtful If- there is unother section In the world that yields such bounteous crops of wheat with so lit tle moisture as does the Columbia river basin. For example, the average precipitation last year, as given by the seven different points of observa tion, was 12.47 Inches and this was .42 Inches more than normal. It ranged from 7.74 Inches at Umatilla to 28.34 inches at Weston. The problem confronting agricul ture In this section Is not one of ex haustion of the plant food In the soli, for most of the wheat land Is phenom enally rich in plant food. It. Is a question of the physical condition of the soil, or In other words, it. is the question of the ability of the soil to conserve the maximum amount of ca pillary moisture. Thus it Is a problem of moisture and not of soil fertility. It Is a well established fact In agri culture that soils which are well sup plied with organic or vegetable mat ter are capable of producing crops with much less moisture than are soils which are deficient In organic matter. Thus the fundamental principle of successful agriculture In chls section Is the maintenance of organic matter In the soil. Now as ta the relation of the bare summer fallow to organic matter, It is probably safe to say that a first-class summer, fallow will oxl iize. or in plain terns, burn up more oreanlc matter than Is necessary to produie four crops ofm bushels of wheat per acre. The nitrates as a result of the oxida tion of the organic matter, do not leach out of Uie soil In seml-arli dis tricts as they do In humid sections, hence there is no material loss of soil fertility as a result of tho summer-fallow In eastern Oregon. The gicat injury to the potentiality of the soil is the physical change due to the gradual reduction of the or ganic sujstance. There Is a slight re plenishing by plowing the stubble and weeds under, but in some sections the farmers even burn the stubble. . In fact, in a general sense, there Is prac tically no attempt whatever on the part of the farmer to keep up the vegetable matter In the soil. Organic matter In the soil performs a distinctively three-fold function.- It Is the source of supply of soli nitrogen, tonserves molstute and holds the fine particles of soil together, thus pre vents drifting. Tho first evidences of a lack of organic matter In the soils of semi-arid districts are crop failures In dry seasons and tho drifting of soils, ,k.u. inner fallowing In some sections Is absolutely Indispensable In order to conserve a portion of the moisture of two seasons to Insure a crop of cereals. AssoHalel with tho summer-fallow should be some method to replenish the organic matter In the soil. In sections like Umatilla county this can he done with alfalfa arrtl stock, but In the more arid sections perhaps the iorc reaslblo plan would be the grow ing of a crop of peas every five or 10 years and plowing the vines under, cr depastuie with stock. Whatever the system adopiel there should at least be some attempt make to keep up the humus In the soil, How long the present system can be contlnuoJ without disastrous results Is problematliul. In sections where the annual prcii nation reaches 29 ln"lioj or more It may take centuries, but In districts which only receive from 8 to 12 Inches the crisis Is much nearer at hand. The present Bystem, however, if continued means inevitable ruin sooner or later. In the Judgment of tho writer this Is by far tho most serious problem con fronting tho agrleultu.u of this state. There Is a vast area of .non-lrrlgablo land In the soml-arld sections of this Btate which, with correct systems of agriculture, can be made to maintain Indeilnituiy a large, prosperous popu lation. It Is an economic problem worthv of the most serious considera tion of the state. Porhafs It would be well If an ut'e-tipt were -nade to " o-k out thees problems under competent supervision In a typical wheat-grow- It prove that August Flower has had of vote " l,om "" The unfailing success in the cure of indi gestion und dyspepsia the two great test enemies of health and hnpplness? Does It not nfford the best evidence that August Flower Is a sure specific for all stomach and Intestinal disor ders? that It has proved Itself the best of all liver regulators? August Flower has a matchless record of over 35 years in curing the ailing mil-: lions of these distressing complaints a success that Is becoming wider in Its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flower spreads. Trlul bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by Tall man & Co. most of those leaving are residents of Ohio, Maryland und Massachusetts, which Indicates that tho most Interest Is taken in the elections In those states. AISKANSAS BAPTISTS CONVKNE. (irmt IrogrvK Made by tho Chnrcti During Pust Year. Hot Springs. Ark., Nov. 3. There are about 1500 delegates in attend ance at the meeting of the Arkansas General Baptist association meeting here today. Announcement was made that over $3000 was raised for con tribution to the mission fund. The convention will continue in session un til next Monday. There were visiting delegates from adjoining states among the early arrivals today. Reports showed that the association has accomplished much more during the past year than In any previous year of Its history. It Is stated that more churches are in co-operation and more converts and baptisms are belnfr reported by the missionaries. Ten missionaries have been uctlvely engaged preaching where there are no churches nnd where churches are run down or practically extinct. ItiiHincNH Itcsuincs lit New Orleans. New Orleans. La., Nov. 3. Iulsl ana Suite university opened today. Other schools throughout the state are nearly all open. Business general ly has been resumed throughout the stulo and city. The opening of the schools Indicates the end of all fear of any further spread of the disease this year. lupmlcHe RniKiror' ntrtbemy. Tokio. Nov. 3. The emperor cele brated his 63rd blrthduy today nnd the capital and. In fact, the whole empire, was en fete In honor of tho anniversary. Mulsu Illto, ruler of Ja pau, who has emerged successfully from the most critical period that his country has experienced since tho be ginning of his reign, ascended the throne of the mikados in 167. Ha was the son of Komel Tenno, and was murrled In 1S6 t" Princess Hartiko. He has three daughters and one son. Crown Prince Kotalshl. A gallon Is exactly 10 pounds of dis tilled water, Troy weight. The battleship Virginia, with a dis placement of 14.94H tons, is nearly ready for commission. Irvlng's Ituchu Wafers are a true remedy for all Kidney Due ease, from Its most simple form paia in the back, to its worst and very daa pcroos condition Ilrlght's Disease. Wo mean It when wo say they will cure you and we would not say It IT we had not confidence In them, which is the direct result of our knowledge of their cures in cases that seemed al most hopeless. Sold nt 60c a box by Tallman Co., 623 Main St., Pendle ton, Ore. j III -llip f Without Health j STOMACH 5 ." ' Many Going Homo to Votm Washington, D. C. Nov. 3. Today ; ft?? witnessed the beginning of the usual j -f.ii;ul-iSi3it exodus of voters from the District of; You are badly handicapped In life's racei Success Is almost Impossible. Why not build up and strengthen the entire system by using the llltlr? It is backed by over 50 years of cures and can sure ly be depended on In your case. Ifostetter's Stomach Hitters Is the medicine needed by every sick niun it nd wom an nnd the onner It Is obtained the swuu-r vur Stomach, Liver, Kidney or Bowel ailments will dis appear. Start today. It nlwuys cures Dyspepsia, Intllgcxtkiit. Poor Apiietltc, ItelcJilnir, IIoadarh( Cramps, :iuhcu, CiiIiIh, und Midarlu. Fever nnd Ague, I Don't accept anything but Hosteller's If you value vour health. Genuine has our Prlvute Stamp over neck. Saturday Specials AH day Saturday you may buy goods at these Extraordinary Prices For Men and Boys 25c Bow Ties, brand new styles, 3 for f,,(c 35c Four-ln-Hand Nocktles for o.jc 65c wide Puff Ties for only ri0e 60c and 65c Dress Shirts, only Sc Extra heavy fleeced underwear, lot nearly gono 35,, Heavy Cotton ribbed Underwear, special ,, jhc For the Ladies TD Pearl Shirtwaist Sets free with each Shirtwaist. Eiderdown Dressing Sacques nt one-fourth off for one day. Dark colored Outing Flannel, 10c kind, for one day, at, por yard. 20 per cent reduction on every pair' of Lace Curtains. All wool mixed color Suitings, yard 'Vide, only 10 yards of best Calicos for , 10 ya.-il-i of Dress Olngham, dr able-fold, . for ISlg Discount 011 LndloV .Tnckeis. One-linlf Saved. Cook Ilook F I4ich Piiriim.Her of ft.1.00 or More. .7 I -2c ... .nsc . . . tile 7Se KKK to The Fair Department Store