lAO,T EAST OHEfiOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVKMBKH 2, 1908. IClliHT PAGES. rAGK K1G1IT. Everything Points To an active Christmas trade; the nights ore frosty, with cle- days, lust enough moisture for seeding; price of wheat ami wool (food; everybody in a happy frame of mind. We have a line this year that v.ould make any one happy, too. MORE LATER, WAKE UP THE HOLIDAYS AUK t'OMIXtt Do you realize that wo are the only exclusive crockery and glass dealers In the city. We study the markets, buy direct from KiiroiM'nit and American manu facturers and CAN' SAVE YOU MONEY. A Square IX-nl to All. Owl Tea House Chance on a dressed doll, boys' tool chest imd hand-finished gnino sot, with 50c purchase. F 0 HUNDRED WILL BE REACHED ASSOCIATION NEEDS HIT 43 MOKI. APPLICATIONS, L STORE BURNED AT HELIX DAMAGE TO BULBING AND STOCK $13,000. Origin of lire Not Known, Save That It Wu First Seen in the Oil Room Building and Stock Were Com plete Losh Hard Work and Much; Water Saved the Adjacent Proper ties Property Belonged t o tlie is for $103 alleged to be due the plaintiff for merchandise . furnished the defendant. Up to this afternoon no settlements hud been made and It la rumored that there are also other creditors who have claims against Hoch, and that he may take bankrupt cy proceedings. t Petition In Bankruptcy. This afternoon a petition In bank ruptcy was filed by Hoch, with Judge Thomas Flu Gerald, referee In bank ruptcy. The same was sent Into Port land on the delayed train. Although there Is no federul judge In this dis trict, and bankruptcy matters cannot be tried out, It Is presumed that the filing of the petition will be of the same effect as though there was Judge upon the bench. GOODBYE, SLOT MACHINES. Phenomenal Growth of Pendleton Commercial Association Ouli'lusse Ally Heeord In the Northwest Sa lem Has But 103 Member, ljculston But S00 at lllgli Tide and La Griinde But 200 Active Interest In All Feature of the Association Is Re viving, Mosgrove Brotliers of Athena New i Fire Company of Great Value- Helix, Or., Nov. 2. (Special to the East Oregonian.) Last night Mos grove Brothers' store, known as the Athena Mercantile company, of this place, was totally destroyed by fire, and damage to the extent of about $12,000 incurred. Of this amount, $10,000 is the valuation placed upon the stock by Manager George White head, while the other $2000 will cover the loss of the store building. The latter was a frame structure of one tor)' and was 30x80 feet in dimen sion. The fire started about 1 o'clock last night and originated In the oil room, though the exact cause Is not known. It was under a strong headway before the fire company could get Into ac tion, and although heroic work was done It was Impossible to save the building. Only by hard work could the other buildings adjoining and across the street be prevented from catching fire. The Helix postoffice is located almost oppslte the site of the burned store, and was for a time in danger. Had it not been for the new gravity water system recently Installed and the fire company that has been organized, it is said the fire would probably have reacted serious pro portions. The store which was burned last night belonged to Mosgrove Brothers, of Athena. From what can be learn ed it Is thought they had but $1000 Insurance upon their stock, and as a result will lose heavily. Whether or not they will rebuild is not yet known. I ' Walla Walla Police Will Have No More of Tlieni. An order was issued by Chief of Police Brown yesterduy for all slot machines to be put out of commis sion and as a result all of the money machines were turned to the wall last night and the man with a spare quar ter in his pocket had no opportunity to get rid of it by bucking the festive device known as a slot machine, says the Walla Walla Union. Chief Brown gave us his reason for the order that the machines were be coming so numerous that complaint would be made sooner or later. It is rumored that the owner of the ma chines, which In most instances are only rented to the saloons, is now in the city endeavoring to arrange mat ters so that they can continue to be operated or else remove them from the city, but he could not be located yesterday. Eighty applcatlons for membership in the Commercial association aro now with the secretary and 277 members are enrolled on the books, leaving but 43 more applications to be secured to reach the 400 murk set by the asso ciation for the next regular meeting which occurs Tuesday. November 7. Applications have been pouring In since the mark of 400 was set, tit the rate of from 10 to 15 per day, and It Is thought that the 400 will be secured by Saturday evening, leaving Monday and Tuesday's applications to be for good measure over the mark. Great Interest Is being taken by till the members In securing applications and a revival of Interest In all the features of the association is now be ing enjoyed, as well as In the gym nasium features. New Interest Is displayed in the li brary since it has been placed In new quarters and enlarged and It is evident that the association will take some ac tive steps toward organizing a city park agitation. In the near future. The record of this association is utmost phenomenal compared to the growth of other associations in the country. The Lewiston association had but 300 members ut Its highest tide, the Greater Salem Commercial club has but 18 members. La Grande has but 200, although it enjoys an elegant club building devoted exclusively to the purposes of the association, and Baker City has but a small association, while Pendleton Is close to the 400 mark and will reach It. The gymnasium equipment In the Pendleton association is superior to any equipment In the state excepting possibly the V. .M. C. A. and the ath letic association equipment In Portland. lease was given to the land by the owner, It being the .custom In those days to give such leases Instead of ac tual deeds for the land. Numerous oilier cases similar to this one have existed, anil In some cuses the prop erty has reverted back to the heirs. Whether or net such will occur In the Hall estate remains to he seen. How ever, efforts are being made by the 37 heirs to the estate to have their claims honored, and strong attorneys In the east have been retained In the case. The BO-ycara lease has now been ex pired for two years, and seemingly there Is a good prospect for the heirs to prove their lii-his mid secure the land, or else dispose of their claims for a valuable consideration. For some time past Mrs. Bowers has been ennimunlcatliiK through Attorney C. H. Carter with parties In the east re garding the estate, but the exact status of the case Is not definitely known at present. According to Mr. Bowers an effort was made some 30 years ago to break the lease upon the land, but without success. However, nt thnt time there seemed to bo no question but that when the lease had expired the prop erly would revert to the heirs of the original lessee. F00TBALL0N FRIDAY WALLA WALLA IS AFTER A POSSIBLE RETRIEVE. Ilie Local Teum Is Hopeful, But Takes Nothing for Granted, and Will Go Into tlie Game Willi the Intention of Making a Vigorous i'lirlil Line-up Is Identical With the iMnt Game Game Aro Sched uled Tor Colfax, linker City and Salem. w HY are more men buying $25.00 suits of this store who have hereto-fore had their clothes made by a local tailor? It is a fact that our $25 suits : are commanding the respectful : consideration of our best busi- ness and professional men. : JteJn-locli Snaituom$s Ml BASKET BALL ORGANIZED. May Return to England. The call of his native land is ring ing so loudly In the cars of Rev. John Warren, trie well known rector of the Episcopal church of Heppner, that he may decide to return to England some time during the coming year. He left this morning for Athena on a brief visit, after spending last night In the city. Mrs. Oxter Improving. Mrs. F. G. Oster, who has bear critically 111 In Salem for the past year, submitted to an operation last i son and Lamblrth. Saturday and Is now rapidly lmprov- Team No. 4 Marsh, captain; Boyn Four Tennis Selected for the Winter's Tournament. ... In tlie gymnasium last night a bas ket ball meeting was held, and four teams organized for the purpose of a tournament, which is to be held dur ing the coming whiter. A. P. Knight, Glenn Goodman, G. Marsh and W. Hoffman were chosen us the four captains, and they then proceeded to draw their teams by let. The follow ing Is the line-up of the teams as se lected: Team No. 1 Knight, captain; StrlckHn, Alexander. Penland, Smythe, King and Mllarkey. Team No. 2 Hoffman, captain; McDaniels, Renn, Folsom, French, Lambert and Sturgls. Team No. 3 Goodman, captain; Strand, Rupp, Harris, Baum, Thomp- 6TATE HOTEL SALOON CLOSED. Rumored That Hoch May Go Into Official Bankruptcy. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon the State saloon owned by Joseph Hoch, was closed under attachment proceedings brought by Anton Nolle. The papers In the case were filed late yesterday afternoon by Attorney J. T. Hinkle. and were served by Sheriff Taylor during the evening. The attachment against the saloon Syringes When a byringe Is required there Is no reason why you should be lim ited In your choice or pay an ex orbitant price. Our stock ii'clude.j every style and kind of Syringe made. We have many varieties not commonly carried and while differ ent grades are handled our price on each Is the lowest to be had. Hot Water Bottles Prevent Cold Feet . "e have a special line of hot wa ter bottles, which we guarantee, ranging In price from $1.00 to $2.25. Examine our line of rubber goods. You will' find them to be Just as recommenced. Tallman Co. LEADING DRUGGISTS. ing. Her general health Is better than It was before the operation and every hope Is now entertained for her com plete recovery. Three Games Are Running. In spite of the alleged suspension of gambling In this city three places are known to be conducting games where playing is Indulged In by all comers. Nearly all of the old gam blers are here, and many new faces are coming to town every day. Heavy Freight Business. Six heavy freight trains passed over the O. R. & N. this forenoon, three each way. Business In the freight department Is Increasing continually, while the passenger trains are all moderately loaded with homeseek- ers. The hoodlum element in the Wes leyan university at Buckingham. W. Va.. burned the president, John Weir, in effigy, beciuse of his hostility to football. ton, Drake, Nissen, Raley, Storle and Hessian. The teams will begin practice Im mediately, and It Is expected that by the end of next week they will be In condition to take part In regular con tests. In training for the tournament each team will be under the direction of Its captain, and It Is expected that some good hard games will be played. It Is the Intention to have two games a week during the tournament, thus bringing each team Into one game weekly. The games will be so ar ranged as to decide the champion- ship. Thomas Milarkey, jr., was chosen as manager of the association basket ball team which it Is proposed to or ganize later from the best players of the association. He will commence correspondence at once with other club teams, with which games may be arranged. Tomorrow afternoon the cities of Walla Walla and Pendleton will strug gle here for football supremacy, each place being represented by Its high school eleven. From Indications at present a close and Interesting game will be played, for It Is certain that tlie Walla Wnllans will try to redeem the defeat which was administered to the Whitman college second team last Saturday. During the past week tile local boys have been trained faithfully by Coach Smythe, who has sought to remedy the defects that became apparent In the last game. Quicker action has been developed in the back field, and all members of the team have been coached to avoid fumbling, hlcli was responsible for much loss last Satur day. With the additional practice and the experience of the last game, there is no reason why belter ball can not be played tomorrow than In the Whitman game. However, the local management is making no boasts on the outcome, but Instead Is making every effort to make the score favor able to Pendleton. . The line-up of the Pendleton team will be exactly as In the Whitman game, which was as follows: Strlck len, left end; Means, left tackle; Stan field, left guard; Baker, center, Reeves, right guurd; Scott, right tackle; H. Thompson, right end; Pierce, left half; Strand, right half; Turner, quarter back: Storle, full back and captain. Substitutes, Good man, Penland, Dickson, Gilbert, J. Thompson, A. Means, Cresswell, Hoo ver, Johns and Cooley. There Is a possibility that Means may not play, ns a result of an Injury received in the Whitman game, and In that event Reeves will be shifted to left tackle and Goodman put at right guard. The Walla Walla learn will nrrlve here on the morning train tomorrow, and the game will be called at 2:30 on the Matlock grounds. There will be no school tomorrow because of the teachers' Institute, which will be In session. The game tomorrow will be the last one on the local field before Thanks. giving, as the team will be playing away until that date. On November 11 they will play at Colftix, and on the isth against Baker City high school at Baker. Then on Thanks. giving day they will play against Sa lem high school for the state school championship. ' jr. xt V:' V S ISA Lid v, have you seen our display of this line of Suits Overcoats Raincoats Dress Suits A First-class Shoe Repairer Here ROOSEVELT'S Boston Store BOAK COMING TOMORROW. TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM, Is tht Oalr Poa.lblc Way of Having Aa Effective Cure. If you see a woman or a man with lux uriant glossy balr, you may be sure nei ther has dandruff to amount to anything. In nearly every case where women and men have thin brittle hair, they owe It to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep arations that "claim" to cure dandruff, but not one but Newbro's Herplclde tells you that dandruff Is the result of a germ burrowing Into the scalp, and that per manent cure of dandruff and its conse quent falling and baldness, can only be bad by killing the germ; and there is no other preparation that will destroy that germ but Newbro's Herplclde. "Destroy the cause, and you remove the effect." Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. A. C. Koeppen & Bros., special agents. This Bank Issues Coupon Certifi cate of Deposits Issued for a period of two years, bearing Interest at 4 per cent from date. Interest payable every four months, principal payable on any Interest date. Intereste is collected by cutting off the coupons and presentln gthem at any bank. Call and ask about this new form of Investment Savings Department. Commercial Nat'l Bank, Pendleton I lend Consul of the Woodmen of the World Will Arrive Prom I.a Grande on No. 1. Head Consul I. I. Boak of the Wood men of the World, will arrive from Lu Grande tomorrow on No. 1 and will remain In this city until after the public reception to be given In his honor at the First Christian church Saturday evening. He will attend a monster meeting of Woodmen from surrounding towns at 1a Grande tonight. His private secretary, A. Tuttle, of Denver, Is now In this city, having come heer last night to remain over two days and catch up with the enor mnus correspondence of the head con' ul's office. Mr. Tuttle travels with Head Consul Boak ordinarily, but oc casionally It Is necessary for the sec retary to go ahead and do several days' work In answering correspon dence and attending to the business of the office. .JOINT HEIR TO ESTATE. Thirty-Seven People May Yet Share $60,000,000. There Is a possibility that a Pen dleton woman may acquire property In the city of Baltimore that Is worth millions. Bhe Is Mrs. C. L. Bowers, wife of the owner of the Teelphone Stubles, and she is one of 37 heirs to a tract of 100 acres said to be situ ated within the above city. The prop erty Is now valued at about $60,000,- 000. The property was originally owned by Cable Hall, a pioneer resident of Baltimore, and the grandfather of Mrs. Bowers. In 1804 a 99-year high Valuable 1'lirin Sold. The following Important real estate transfer was recorded yesterday: E. H. Stone and wife to Uetta May Potts for the north half of the north half of section 28, In township 4, north of range 34, E. W. M.; also, the south west quarter of section 21, township 4 north of range 34, E. W. M. A total of 320 acres. Consideration, $22,400 Mrs. Mom Improving. Mrs. Wlllium Moss, of Island City, Union county, who submitted to an operation for a tumor yesterday even Ing at St. Anthony s hospital, rallied from the operation and Is much lnv proved today. There Is every hope that she will completely recover not withstanding her advanced age, she being over 70 years old. Four Indians In Court. Four Indians were arrested by the police for drunkenness during last night and yesterday afternoon. When notice court convened this morning the following were given the usual sentences by Judge Fltz Gerald: Chas. Light foot, Joe Williams and Jim Barn hart. Heniilnger Shot a Buck. J. Hennlnger of the Hartmnn Ab stract company, has returned from the southern part of the county, where he hunted deer for several days. As a result of his trip he brought home a small buck which he shot In the moun tains near Uklah. Elks' Meeting Tonight. A meeting of Pendleton Lodge No. 288, B. P. O. E will be held at 8 o'clock tonight at Hendricks' Hall. All members are urgently requested to bo present. Big Discount on Sweaters I We desire to close out our entl. . slock of men's and boys' Sweat ers. Here Is your chance to buy a good Sweater cheap. 75 Sweaters go at 10' $1.00 Sweaters go at 7,v" $1.26 Sweaters go at $1.00 $1.60 Sweaters go at 9t.M $2.00 Sweaters go at $1.60 $2.60 Sweaters go at $2.00 $3.00 Sweaters go at $2.40 $3.60 Sweaters go at $0 Baer Daley Clothiers and Hatters About Chestnut Leaves Chestnut Leaf Expectorant Is a real remedy for Coughs, Odils, Hoarseness and all kindred troubles. A Cough Remedy sold under an ah solute guarantee by your liomc peo ple. Hundreds of recommendations In Pendleton. Brock McComas I i Will Return Your Hooey If Ton Are Not Satisfied. i Bvers' Park Addition Opens The cheapest place in the city to build a pretty home c a at FRANK B. CLOPTON'S REAL ESTATE ACENCY and Get. Price 112 Court Street LEGAL BLANKS STtX alogce of them. A foil sopply always kept to slock.