EIGIIT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, IMS. pagb rm. LADIES' AND MISSES Coats, Suits, Sltiirts In endless Styles, Materials and Prices. We can certainly show you the nobbiest line in Pendleton and the prices are right. Let Us Show You To-day Lee Teutsch's Department Store PERSONAL MENTION CITY BREVITIES Nuf sed. U. C. Rader. C Hamley for harness. Radtr Furniture Rader. Mrs. Campbell for treet hats, lira. Campoell for school caps and bats. "Humane Harness," best on earth; Ham ley's. New located in Pendleton at Boston Stere Shoe repairer. The best finished shoe repairing is ne at the Huston Store. Household goods for sale, 101 East Court street. Mrs. J. A. Borle. Leave orders for Alfalfa hay at reiepnone Stables. W. F. Cook. Craghcud & Hays of Athuna have Mnie bargains In business chances. All the latest school raps. Including all cloth tarns. At Mrs. Campbell's. For Rent Storo or office room In fcrtck building. Inquire at Hotel St. Oeorge. For Sale A good Smith-Premier typewriter, cheap. Call mornings, 31 Water street. Best wages to experienced girl for general housework. Inquire at 111 Jaakeon street. Found A gold watch. Owner can have mime by culling on J. ). Fellows at Pendleton Steam laundry. You can work for board or tuition and attend Pendleton Business Col lege, the school that Is so popular. Comfortable, dwelling house for rent eerner Railroad and Franklin streets, squire next door of A. D. Stlllman. Wanted A good girl to do general neaseworek. Uood wages. Call at 311, corner Thompson and Water streets. Mr. Sllus H. Soule, professional satna tuner, is at the St. George this week. Orders taken at Tallman & Ve.'s drug store. Ready for business with 260 dif ferent styles in turbans, polles and Tommy Atkins lead. Mrs. Rose Camp bell, the milliner. Gold bearing ore, very rich, has been discovered 20 miles northeast of Murcola. If Investigation proves the ledge to be extensive, a stampede will at once start In. Preparations are making fur one now. Spread tails on tho Crow's Nest Pass tallway derailed Superintendent Er iikson's private cur, which broke loose and rolled down hill, turning com pletely over five times. There wero 12 people In the car, initio of whom were serloiiHly Injured. This is the picture of the new eye glass mounting. It can not come off itad dues not wrinkle the face. Come and let us show you this new mounting. Louis Hunziker Jeweler and Optician 726 Main Street. U. C. Rader. Nuf sed. Justrlte at Donaldson's. Rader Carpets Rader. Carpets Rader Carpets. Furniture Rader Furniture, "" Harnesa and saddles at Hamley's. Pendleton Business College Is thor ough. Best California oak leather used at Hamley's. Clornialy, the new tailor, 209 E Court street. Old shoes made new at .cpalr de partment. Boston Store. Come In, take a seat and hear the latest music at Donaldson's. Evening school at Pendleton Busi ncss College opens October It. Stylish clothing ttt Qormely's. the new tailor. Fruxer theater block. Headstrom & Greenawald, shoe makers at Tetutsch's Department Store. Concert afternoon and evening at Donaldson's. Everybody Invited, come In. For fine shoe repairing, see Qreen iwald & Headstrom at Teutsch's De partment Store. Shoes repaired lie you wait by Greenawald & Headstrom at Teutsch's Department store. For Rent Unfurnished house and furnished housekeeping rooms. In quire 109 College street. For Rent Suite unfurnished house keeping rooms In East Oregonlan building. Apply at this office. The Royal Neighbors will give a so cial tomorrow evening at the hall. Neighbors and Woodmen Invited. A package of kodak negatives and photos were taken from the Fair Store by mistake. Return to the Fair Store. The White Puss-Yukon railroad and everybody else Is making ready in Alaska for an early winter of deep and frequent snows. B. E. Turner's express wagons haul inythlng. Stand In front of Henning's .'Igar store, 735 Main street. 'Phone main I. The yellow wagons. Lust Point lace handkerchief, be tween J. W. Sullivan's residence anil Tollman's drug store. Reward for re turn to Tallman's drug store. For Sale Two lots and new six room house with all modern conveni ences, northeast corner Garfield and Washington street. Apply to Howard & St Ingle. For Rent Nicely furnished room, hanted, electric light, bath In con ectiun, suitable for two gentlemen. Board If desired. Inquire 307 South Main street. Surveying for the proponed rail way between Fletcher and Oonnell are once mora upon the ground. Act ive work will probably be commenced by November 1. James K. Bryant, aged 17, was al most Instantly killed nt Canyon City, Col., In u football game. He fell on his back w ith tho bull In his arms. The mob of howling rowdies fell upon him In a mass, and when they dispers ed Bryant was dead. The Tourney building at Second and Taylor streets, Portland, built 15 years ago by the A. O. U. W has been sold for 1100,000. It has been for several years owned by tho Qerinnn Savings and Loan company, of San Francisco, which got It on a mort gage. Hold your baggage checks for Leathers' Transfer company; five days free storage. 'Phone us; we cull Tor checks ond fill orders at all hours. Reliable, reasonable and responsible, office Grltman's Cigar Store. 611 Main street. Phone main 511 after 10 p. in. black 3761. EVERY MAN HIS OWN BARBER The Christy Hoe Razor-- the Safety Razor that will shaves new in design, new in construction, yet so simple; has all the ad vantages of Other razors and ad vantages others do not possess. The Razor, 6 extra blades and strop sell for $2. 00, Extra blades $1.00 a dozen. Sold on a guarantee. K0EPPENS' Popular Price Drug Store ossaiassjs)0sj9sti T. a. Halloy visited Pilot Rock and Hitch creek yesterday. John Rnulstone was here today from his homo neur Adams. H. C. Rogers, of Echo, was In town yesterday upon a short visit. Frank Spike, constable at Echo, Is here today, having come up last even' lug. Clark E. Nelson, of Weston, came down lost evening for u short visit here. J. T. Laccy and M. Aylor of Rupert, Idaho, was here last night between trains. Fred Schnelter left this morning for Portlund, where he will visit lor a short time. James A. Howard, the Sumpter min ing promoter, is In the city today upon a short visit. T. J. Kirk, the prominent Athena wheat raiser, was here upon a short visit Saturday. T. J. Norvell of Helix, came down from there this morning for a short visit In the city. J. H. Watson and daughter, of Uma tilla, came up from that place this morning for a visit. W. T. Shaw, the pioneer Irrigator of the Hudson Bay district. Is down today on a business trip. H. C. Means of Umatilla, came up from that place last evening and re turned home this forenoon. H. A. Newberry returnei this fote- noon from Helix, where he had been upon a short business visit. W .F. Nlnneman of Hope, Idaho, passed through here luBt night, com ing In on the Spokane truln. E. C. Burllngame, a prominent con tractor of Walni Walla, Is hero today having come over this morning. J. P. McMnnus and O. T. Carnes, of Pilot Rock, came In from there yes terday morning for a short stay. li. B. Richards of Cambridge, Idaho, but formerly of Helix, camo down from the latter place this forenoon. V. D. Hansford left yesterday for Portland, where he is associated with the Smith Bros. In the real estate bus iness. Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakeley left this ufternoon for Kustland, to get an old man who is reported to be de mented. , Dr. E. A. Vaughun returned this morning from La Grunde, where he visited yesterday and purchased some property. Dan May left this morning for Echo, where he has the contract for the ex cavating and foundation work for the new Koontz building.' John Owen, the well known pioneer stockman of Bear Creek, came to the city yesterday for a short visit, ac companied by his wife. O. D. Teel, the Echo irrigatlonlst. came up from that place lost night, and has been attending to business mutters here during the day. Miss Ellen Stafford of Union, a niece of Dr. I.. K. Blakeslee, has ar rived and will be employed as stenog rapher in the lutter's office. Mrs. J. B. Smith and two little daughters came over from Pendleton, where they reside, to visit friends for a few days. I .a Grande Observer. A. C. Ruby has Just returned from I Nebraska and Iowa, where he went to bring u ship men tofhorses from Kear ney. The horses will arrive In a few days. A message was received today by Major Lee Moorhouse to the effect that Black Elk, the widely known Umatilla Indian. Is very sick at La Grande. Dr. Thomas Vaughan Is now In As toria and will work lu the dental office of his brother, Frank Vaughnti, until Christmas, after which he will return to Pendleton. A. S. Pearson of Freewater, came down this morning on a business trip. C. T. Godwin, the well known Mil ton attorney. Is In the city today on legal business. Miss Mabel Olln. niece of Dr. U K. Hlukesleo, who has been employed In the hitter's office here for the past three months, will leave tonight for her home In Los Angeles. V. T. Paine. Thomas C. Huvcll und A. D. SprOwis. three members of the federal service, were here last night and registered from Washington, 1). C. Tills morning they left on the 0 o'clock train for Spokane. J. H. Watson, the popular and well known O. R. & N. foreman at Umatil- u left for his home this morning ufter a brief visit. Mr. Watson formerly lived In Pendleton and was one of tho first locomotive engineers running into this city. Dave Horn, the well known pioneer of McKay creek, Is In the city today on u trading trip. A considerable fall of snow visited the foothills near Mr. Horn's farm on Upper McKay last week, and some snow Is yet found on the higher hills lu that vicinity. . I). ('. Crawford, who has been In charge of the extra gang on the W. & C. R. at Van Sycle canyon, passed through the city today on his way to runt's Junction, from a visit with his family nt La Grunde. His little girls accompany him and will visit a few lays with him. James Moss, a prominent farmer of Sand Ridge in Grand Itonde valley, Is In the city today on his way home from Walln Walla, where he attended the funeral of W. W. McCoy, an uncle who died lu Portland last week, and was buried nt Wullu Walla yesterday. Mr. Moss formerly freighted from I'mnlllla Landing to Idaho and re members Pendleton w hen it was but a village of a few houses. He Is surpris ed at the remarkable growth of the city. i Wastom Mraitek POTATOES NOW JS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SUPPLY The Peoples Warehouse Where it pays to trade there was but standing room only. If the first night's attendance is to be taken as a criterion, the stay of the Empire company In Pendleton will certainly be successful. They will be here for eight nights, concluding their stay next Monday. The company 13 a large one of Its class and for a 10, 20 and SO-cent at traction It Is certainly an exceptionally good one. Tonight the sensational comedy drama, "The Diamond Neck lace Robbery," will be played. Guest of Judge FIU Gerald. C. L. Hunt, chief quartermaster's clerk at Vancouver barracks, Is the guest of Judge and Mrs. Thomas FHz Gerald. Mr. Hunt has held his pres ent position for many years, and has witnessed many changes In officers at the barracks. In 1898, at the out break of the Philippine war, he was ordered to the Islands to be chief clerk of the quartermaster's office under General Otis. However, on reaching San Francisco he found other orders awaiting him and he did not go to the islands. His position Is under civil service rules and he practically has charge of the quartermaster's depart ment at tho barracks, the officer de tailed as quartermaster being but nominally in charge. Casliiiig Checks. Should a check be drawn on an other bank. It la not necessary for you to present the ci.ee to that bank for payment. We will gladly do so for you, without charge. We cash drafts on any city In the United States or Canada, and handle Items on any city In the world. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Kxccllent Entertainment. An excellent picture and singing en tertainment was given at the Congre gational church last night. The famil iar old songs were sung and Illustra tions of the scenes represented by the songs were shown by the stereopticon. Sermon by Hev. Wooddy. Rev. C. A. Wooddy, the well known Baptist minister of Portland, preached an interesting sermon lust night at the Baptist church to a large congregation. Rev. Wooddy Is a forceful and enter taining speaker and Is considered one of the best pulpit orators In the state. Marriage License Ismied. A marriage license was issued Sat urday to Ray W. Colby und Katie Johnson, both of this county. Wood for Burning There Just came Into our store a shipment of all the latest designs and shapes of stamped woods for pyrographlc work. Some exceptionally beautiful new ideas. Burnt woods make beau tiful gifts for Christmas presents. Now Is the time to commence mak ing your gifts. FRAZER'S BOOK STORE lu an address to the students of the University of California, President Benjamin Ide Wheeler said: "Ameri can football, as It Is plnyed today, will have to go, or It will have to be more modified than It has ever been." SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24th Mexican Talcum Powder TO IXTRODUCF. THE GOODS WE WILL SELL ON TUESDAY ONLY, MEXICAN TALCUM POWDER AT 10 CENTS A JAR. THESE GOODS ARE GUARANTEED IN EVKRY WAY TO BE EQUAL TO ANY ON THE MAR KET. IF PURCHASER IS NOT SAT ISFIED, CAN RETURN SAME AND GET YOUR MONEY. Great Eastern Dept. Store (((((a !! BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE AN EXCELLENT COMPANY. "A Broken Heart" Was Seen by a House Crowded to the, Doors. Last night the Emplro Theater com pany presented the four-act romantic comedy drama, "A Broken Heart," as Its first night's performance here. The Frnxcr Ihenter wns packed to the doors, and long before the play began Two fine building lots, 1200 each. 6-room house, two lots; good well; located near school, price $1060.00. r-room house with bath, hade trees. Price $1600.00. 4-room house, city water, shade trees. Price 1600.00. New 4-room house, two large lots; well, city water, fruit and shade trees. Price $1600.00. Good 6-room house, larce bain, two large lots, nice shade and fruit trees, large chicken yard. Trice $2600.00. Oood E-room house, bath, stone cellar, all open plumbing, porcelain tub; shade trees. Price $.2000.00. 4-room house, barn, city and spring water. Price $750.00. 9 room house for wit; close In; suitable ble for boarding house. 2 lots and small house. Price $.200.00. 5-room house, bath, shade and fruit trees. Prlc $1800.00. New 8-roorh house, huge I am, chicken house 3 lots. Price $3500.00. 4-rom house and lot. Price $1000.00. 160 acres one and a half miles uouth of Athana at a bargain. Also vacant lots in all parts of the city. If you wish to build we can sell you a lot and furnish you the money to build your home, 160 acre ranch to exchange for city proper ty. 5 acres, 7-room house; all In fruit and al falfa; close In. All three of the above are snaps. Call at office for price. 160 Ranch on Birch Creek. S5 acr af falfu. Good house and barn. Spring. Small orchard $4,260)0. HARTMAN BENTLEY 'PHONE MALI 84. COURT ST., PENDLETON, ORE. tt