RIGHT PAGB8. PAGE FOVn. DAILY EAST ORBGON1AN, PEN Dl .ETON, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER S3, IMS. AN INDKPKNDKNT NRW8PAPEB. FabMab4 vrry tfttrtiooa incept 8iindaj at PmlletoQ, Orrvo. h? the tAtT OREGON IAK PUBLISHINQ COMPANY. tUBSCEIPTTON BATES. Daily, mm year, bj null 0 00 Daily, Ms month t. bj tuall .W Dtllf, tr? mmitbt, br wall... LHtlj, om month, br null W Wwkly, on fear, bj wall 1-W Wkir, tlx months, br mall 75 Weekly, four moutua, br .call M ft? ml-Weekly, one jvar, bj tuall l.W ftrtnt-Wvekly, at munlha, br niall 7S fteml-Wwklx, four mootbi, br mall 60 Honker Scrlpna-Mrltae New Aaaoclatton. Tb B.nt Ort'jrontia U on tale at B. B Bloh't NVwa 8tHn(U, at Hotel t'ortland aiul Botel rerklna, 1'ortUnd, Oregou. Baa KraorUco Bareaa. 408 Fourth afreet. 1-htra ro Bureau , fcXM Security butldluif. Waablnffton. D. C, Bureau, A01 Fourteenth treet, N. W. TatepkoD Main 1. Bnterei at Pemll.too Foatafflr as aecoDd claia matter. crops. They will profit by It. Dairy ing alfalfa. foiiiKe feeds and corn ami Iiors should sill be encouraged. They pay. They enrich the' land and yield profits. Hut there Is considerable doubt In the minds of I'liuiiillii county people that their soil will wear out within a few years. althmiKh nothlntc but wheat may be Krown upon it. This Is noi iiui'silonins the theory advanced ty Dr. Wilhyeoinbc, In the least, for it is absolutely true, ns. ap plied (o nearly all kinds of soil. Hnl If the I'matlUa county farmer plows a little deeper and cultivate a little more each year, it will be some lime before he wears out his 100 feel of voleanie ash. Tin: xkw .ieiu'salem. largely anion- the travelers and aro as good spenders as any, so that there Is much American money left lit the city to be used In trade. pi.ka 101; MHiiii it i.ii i My soul, like wheeling swallows In the ruin. Files low files low Unto the roofs wherein desires remain And earthly lusts, like slow- fed embers, glow, Nor skies beyond gray clouds aspire to know My soul, like wheeling swallows In the rain. My soul, like swallows, builds her nest and bides Under low eaves, Within whose shelter, guarding, love resides And, careful, tender fledglings broods and feeds Changelings, that flesh by fettered spirit breedes My soul, like swallows, builds her nest and bides. Louise Driscol, in Literary Di- gest. REST rXU EVERYBODY. The Zionist movement contemplates j the settlement of the Jews of the i world in Palestine, under a govern I meni of their own. which will bring the scattered people together In a na tion, so that all Jews may have a country. Whether this dream Is ever realized! or not. It is evident that a new Jerusa lem is being bitllded on the old city of David. The tourist travel to Je rusalem Is enormous and constantly Increases. It leaves so much money there that the people are getting rich, ami a trade is springing up of such dimensions as to attract the attention of the commercial nations. In the long list of new articles in demand there are machines, sewing machines and others used in the do mestic arts. Iron bedsteads and metal furniture, modern mattresses and bed ding: and household goods and arti cles of luxury, bath tubs and plumb ing. The natives, grown rich, have taken to building modern houses In place of the sotiare houses with flat roofs of the liible times. These modern houses recpiirc modern mechanics In construction and much imported building material and furnishings. It is said that the hotels and lodg-j ing houses required to take care of the travel make one think of Los An geles, where the art of caring for tour ists has been fully mastered. It Jars one's sense of reverence somewhat to hear "hnwiers" soliciting passengers for Calvary and Uethsemane, but that It what the traveler want to see, and so it Is business. If Jewry assemble in Palestine, it is possible that the temple will DC re President Putler, In his address to the students of Columbia university, has sounded the keynote of a cam paign that should be taken up by all who have the welfare of tlie nation at heart. Ills arraignment of a large part ot the American people for an inordinate love for money and a lack of high moral principle is severe, but no one call say that It Is undeserved. Words like those uttered by Dr. Puller and the startling disclosures that have recently been made are, however, tending to produce a better sentiment and arouse the dormant consciences of many who knew that evils existed but were too timid or too slothful to do anything to exert them selves against the tendencies of the age. It is to be hoped they will arouse in the student body, In those who a few years hence will have commer cial, industrial and professional af fairs In their own hands. Ideas of something nobler and better than those now generally prevailing. It would be vain to try to eradicate from the human breust the love of money and of the power which pos session of money gives: but it would be painful to be forced to admit that mankind Is so lost to all sense of dis tinction between right and wrong that present conditions must grow worse Instead of Improving. JUST . IN Right from the Fashion Centers New stock of latest Idea novelty purses. Colors to match all shades of dresses. They are the newest. They are the prettiest. They are the most fashionable. They are the best. See Our Window DONALDSON'S The Home of Sunshine Where Everything is Justrite i The selection of Judge James A. Fee to be the only candidate for mayor of Pendleton has prevented a bitter municipal fight which would have been disastrous for many Interests, and which would have retarded the forward movement for better morals perhaps Indefinitely. As it Is everybody has shown a spirit of fairness, and the co-operation ef business Interests for better morals and better government Is assured. But the work Is not begun yet. Friends of good government and law mllt- jUIt il)t t wlls tiullt by Solomon, enforcement must not think that be cause the selection of a candidate for mayor has been decided upon that the fight Is over. Good, solid, clean business men must be elected In every ward, to be associated with the new mayor and to this end everybody must bend their energies. Business men who have tested the sentiment of the city know that unless some regulation of the saloon Is en forced, that prohibition is the sure fate of Umatilla county. With wise and practical city government assured, the prohibition sentiment will be checked. Put with saloon candidates elected In every ward and a strong opposition to better morals and cleaner condi tions forced upon the city, that senti ment will continue to grow. Pendleton Is the pivotal point In the prohibition sentiment In tho county. The country people are watching the situation here us nowhere else and the very fate of the business Interests of the entire county depends upon the outcome of the city election. and one of the world religions will re new there Its glories In rivalry of Home, Iissa and Mecca. The United States has a consul at Jerusalem, Kelah Merrill, and it may be worth while for our merchants and manufacturers to enquire through him about the opportunity there for Amer lean trade. (lur countrymen figure Several itf the saloons of the city are violating the Sunday closing order of the district attorney. They are do ing this in the face of a growing de mand for saloon regulation and they are not making any friends for their business by their actions. Most of the saloons are obeying the order and are thus showing that they recognize the laws of the land and are willing to obey. Those which are keeping open should be detected and fined heavily for their offense. As long as the law In on the books it should be obeyed,! not by a willing few, but the unwilling many whom It affects. Gambling is running In defiance of the district at torney, the police, the court and the people. This should be stopped, no matter whose Interests are affected. It Is against the law. It Is detrimental to Pendleton and must go. If the po lice cannot find gambling. If they can not see what is being done under their very eyes, w hat Is the use of pay ing salaries for policing the city. The Law Knforcement league can find games and has been the cause of ad ding several hundreds In fines to tho school fund recently. It Is doing this service without pay, for the good of sociely. WILL UMATILLA WEAK OUT? D. James Withyeombe, in a lecture before the Oregon State Academy of Sciences In Portland Saturday night, sai l that eastern Oregon soil is being Impoverished by the changeless sys tem of raising wheat, without a rota tion of crops to rest and enrich the soli. With other countries, this Is known i to be true. Where the soli Is thin It must be nursed and fertilized and rested. Where the clay streaks crop out on the surface and the black soli is spot-j te 1 over the surface, it Is necessary to; 'give It the most careful and painstak-' In; attention. Dut there Is a 100-foot layer or son coveting the wheat belt of Umatilla county. Ila-i Dr. Wlibycombe reckoned with this condition? Will It be possible to wear out 100 ' feet of soil growing wheat upon It? Does the general theory which Is np-! plicable to thin soils with clay streaks In It. apply to Umatilla county, whose 100 feet of volcanic ash seems to promise continual crops for thousands of years? In Sicily where the soil is of exact-j ly the same composition as in the wheat belt of this county, wheat has been grown continually wllh painful anl un iroken monotony for over 2000 years. The 105 crop was belter than the crops raised before Christ. And the methods of farming there are vitly Inferior to those of Uma tilla county. For various reasons Umatilla coun ty farmer should diversify their A TRAINED NURSE After Years of Experience, Advises Women In Regard to Their Health. Mrs. Martha Pohlman ot 55 Chester Avenue, Newark, N. J., who is a graduate Nurse from the Blockley Training School, at Philadelphia, and for six years Chief Clinio Nurse at the Philadelphia Hospital, writes the letter printed below. 8he has the advantage of personal experience, besides her professional education, and what she has to say may be absolutely relied upon. Many other women are afflicted as she was. They can regain health in the same way. It Is prudent to heed such advice from such a source. Mrs, Pohlman writes: "I am firmly persuaded, aftereight years of experience with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, that it is tbe safest and best medicine for any suffering woman to use. "Immediately after my marriage I found that my health began to fail me. I be came weak and jiale, with se vere hearing-down pains, fear ful backaches and frequent dirzy siiells. The doctors pre scribed for me, yet 1 did not improve. I would bloat after Mtinir and freotientlv become nauseated. I bad an acrid discharge and pains down through my limbs so I could hardly walk. It was as bad a case of female ELECTRJC POWER. (S THE MOST SATISFACTORY FORM OF POWER IN USE TODAY. YOU PRESS THE BUTTON, WE DO THE REST. TAKES AWAY ALL THE DRUDGERY. HEAT, DIRT AND DISCOMFORT OF STEAM POWER. IT IS NOT ONLY MORE CONVENIENT 3UT IS CHEAPER. FIGURE UP YOUR BILL FOR WOOD, WATER. LABOR AND RE PAIRS ON YOUR BOILER AND EN GINE AND THEN COME AROUND AND GET OUR RATES FOR A SIM ILAR AMOUNT OF POWER. IF YOU ARE BUILDING DON'T FAIL TO HAVE YOUR HOUSE WIRED. QUIT CLEANING SMOKY OLD OIL LAMPS, AND PUT IN LIGHT THAT ONLY REQUIRES TURNING A BUTTON. IRONING DAY THIS WEATHER IS LOOKED FORWARD TO WITH DREAD. NO NEED OF IT. WHAT IS THE USE OF HEATING YOUR WHOLE HOUSE UP AND MAKING A HARD DAY'S WORK OF YOUR IRONING WHEN WE CAN FUR NISH YOU AN KLI.CTRIC IRON AND YOU CAN OPERATE IT ON A METER AT AN EXPENSE OF ONLY FIVE CENTS AN HOUR. WE CAN FURNISH YOU A SEWINO MA CHINE MOTOR AND IT WILL ONLY COST YOU TWO CENTS AN HOUR TO OPERATE IT. ISN'T IT WORTH TWO CENTS AN HOUR TO YOU TO HAVE A MOTOR ATTACHED TO YOUR MACHINE. YOU CAN DO MORE WORK WITH LESS FA TIGUE THAN IN THE OLD WAY. WE WILL MAKE YOU A FLAT RATE IF YOU ARE A DRESSMAK ER OR 8EAMSTREES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK IT UP. COME A ROUND AND SEE US. Northwestern Gas (f& Electric Company YOUR HOUSE your office or factory In the meat sat isfactory manner and our charges are pleasingly moderate for all such work. We carry In stock a fine line of Electrical Supplies Including Butteries, Bells, Aununcl ators, Interior Telephones, etc. J. L. VAUGHAN PboneMain 139 122 West. Com Mr. R. F. Payne, (Payee's pharmacy) Idaho Falls, Idaho, writes: "We have Just sold ths last cure (TRIB), send ons-bait dozen at once. Trlb has eared five of the hardest kind of cases. One men here used It last Sep tember, and cannot smell wine, liquor or beer now without making htm sick. He had been a hard drinker for IS years." Father Desmarals, pastor ot the Roman Catholic church, The Dalles, Ore., writes: "I know of good results obtained by the use of your Trlb In cur ing liquor and tobacco users," LET US PILL YOUR BIN WITH Rock Spring Coat Recognised as the beet and most economical fuel. We ih prepared to con tract with you for yeur winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city Laatz Bros. MAIN STHEPT. NEAR DEPOt f Get The Bestj P. W. VINCENT, MANAGER. -eee-4 GUARANTEED NURSERY STOCK g Beautify your home with flcwcrs, bushes, roses, vines, trees and f! hedges. All stock grown In the west and adnpted to this climate. 5 Rare beauties In roses. The time to plant your bushes is In the fall. Our hedge plants make most attractive hedttes. j) The advantage of dealing with mo is that my line Is the most se- K lect, moat complete, and everything Is fully guaranteed and will be f replaced If It should not prove satisfactory. I reside here permanent- S ly and make good every promise. I can save you money on nursery S stock. Orders taken now for fall and spring delivery. Address 5 I mrs. etta Mcpherson g PENDLETON, OREGON, Good Dry Wood aud ROCK SI'RINO COAL The Coal that gives tlte mess brat. PROMPT DELIVERIES. W. C. MINNIS Leave orders at IIciiiiIiuth' cigar store, Op. People Ware house. 'Pliotie Main . e e "Cover the Earth" trouble as I have ever known. Lydia h. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound, however, cured me within four months. Bince that tinie I have had occasion to recommend it to a numlier of mticnts gutleriiur from all forms of female dilliculties, and I find that while It Is considered unprofessional to rec- I ...O..I..A 1 l,nnu.(ltf recommend Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, for I have found that it cures female ills, where all other medicine fails. It Is a grand medicine for sick women." Money cannot buy such testimony as this merit alone can produce such re sults, and the ablest specialists now agree that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is the most univer sally successful remedy for all female diseases known to medicine. When women ore troubled with Ir regular, suppressed or painful men struation, weakness, leucorrhcea, dis placement or ulceration of the womb. that bearing-down feeling, inflamma tion of the ovaries, backache bloat- Inir (or flatulence), general debility, In digestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as aizzi ncss, fnintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, "all-gone" and " want-to-be-left-alone'' feelings, blues and hopelessness, they should remem ber there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound at once removes such tronbles. No other female medicine In the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. The needless su fferlng of women from diseases peculiar to their sex is terrible to see. Ihe money which they pay to doctors who do not help them is an enormous waste. The pain is cured and the money is saved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ex perience has proved this. It is well for women who are 111 to write Mrs Pinkham. at Lvnn, Ma In her great experience, which covers many years, she has probably had to deal with dozens of cases just like yours Xler advice is free and contt dential. Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail The Building Materials We Furnish have made a name and place for themselves among builders and con tractors. For uniformly high grade quality our cements lake the lea They are fresh, harden quickly aad once set never crumble, rjive us s trial order in ..rick, Lime, Cements or Drain Tile nnd nolo your satisfaction at the result. OREGON LUMBER YARD Phone Main 8 BYERS' BEST FLOUR Is made from the choicest wheat thai grows, flood bread Is assured when Dyers' Rest Hour Is used.. Ilrnii, shorts, sixain rolled barley always on band. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. ' Tlut East Orccoulan la Eastern Oregon's representative paper. It lends and the eople appreciate It an' show It by 'heir liberal patronare. . It Is the ndvrrtWIiiu medium of this flection. You won't have to barn off Sherwin Williams paints. They never peel, blis ter or chalk. Always reliable. E. J Murphy in East Court Street. 'Phone lilack 5181. CHICKENS NEED SHELL DONE GRIT AND MANY OTHER THINGS WHICH C.F.Coleswortliy CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH. 127-128 EAST AXTA STREET. Ihe Grouse Season IS NOW HERE. WE HAVE A FV1 LINE OP AMMUNITION. COM, AND SEE US I1EFOHE YOC GO OUT FO RTHE BIRDS. Taylor Hardware Company 741 Main Street