m mhwI a.fc s la niJtVvVjIlv-b - EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TL'EKDAV, OCTOBER 10, 1905. PAQE SEVEN. j AMONG THE OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Munt Reincorporate Because of the strln Kent law o-nv trnlng banks doing business within hub mute, mo brunch of the Spokane Eastern Trust compnny. doing bus lucss nt Moscow, Idaho, Is to be In corporated under the laws of the state f Idaho, with a capital of $25,000. While the bunk at Moscow will uereartr-1- be Independent of the Spo kane & Kastvrn Trust company, It will have the same stockholders and eirectors as the present concern. The whange is to be made so that the mpnny will not rind Itself handl oapped by the banking laws. The law provides Ihnl nil foroisn sunk Hhall be subject to the same regulation as the local banks, which is a good thing, but the clause Inflicts a flno of $1000 (it does not even pro vide fur a flno not In excess of $1000, but makes It flat $1000) for any in fringement of the law. It Is a diffi cult matter some times to keep from a slight violation and it might be un intentional, but the law discriminates gainst outside bunks to such an ex tent that we found It necessary to In corporate under the Idaho laws to protect ourselves. I,ewiston Tribune. Itallnmil Will Redeem I"ron-riy. The Northern Pacific Railway com pany will redeem all property except the right of way sold for taxes In 104 by paying the taxes of 1903 and 1S04. Jay Sedgwick, assistant tax oimniHslunvr, Instructed the auditor teday to propare a statement of the lands and taxes due which will be puld by the company as soon as com pleted. Several days work by the au ditor will be required, as tho property is covered by about 400 tax certifi cates on which Interest Is accruing at the rate of IS per cent. The action of the company surpris ed the county officials and a case In volving the validity of the tax Is now pending In the federal court. By pay ing the delinquent taxes the railroad ompany clears the cloud from the title to their lands and renders the bind more salable. Two years hence if unredeemed, the land would be sold at auction and tax deeds given pur chasers. --Italhdrum News. Veteran Wuuinil Dottur. Dr. owens-Adalr has Informed the Hi public that she will close her office aud retire from business here October 1 Dr. Adair has been In active prac tice for over 30 years, having been the first woman graduate In medicine In both Oregon and Washington. She CHICAGO MUTTON' MARKET. All Kinds of Khevp In Demand ImhI Week. The Chicago Livestock World snys: All kinds of muttons were uctivc. Killers wanted them and feeder-buyers were running around. The Saturduy afternoon decline of 15W25 cents on native lambs, owing to the Influx late In the day, was partially. If not fully restored. Fresh receipts were esti mated at 25,000 muking a four-day run 10,000 less than last week, but there is a deficiency of about 100,000 at the six western markets, compared with lust week. It has been an active market here all week, the only weak nesn being occusloued by the big dele nation of native lambs that got In un expectedly late yesterday. With a broad demand for lambs this murning sellers made a stand for bet ter prices, and quolably It was a strong market, with stuff worth $7 and up scarce. Yearlings were not plentiful and were wanted. Sheep were strong, western wethers being quotable up to It, with the bulk at $4.704.85. Na tive ewes were unchanged, with a fair Khare around $4.50. but the right kind fold readily at $4.75'n 4.8.1. Feeder-buyers upset market prece dent by making a lively week-end market at steady prices. Bulk of feeding lambs were on a $6 46.40 basis and wethers were badly wanted at $4.60414.65 on feed-lot account. WENT HOME ALONE. Wkhnv r"roiii tin- Euxt Fulls to Land Corvallls Man. The gyrations and screams of a Iruntic woinun at the railroad sta tion the other day paralysed tho na tives In that vicinity, says the Corvallls Times. She and her young son were bound east. He was on the train, while she and her baggage was not, and the train was pulling out. Some women under the circumstances would not have been uble to stop the train, bat she did It. Whether the war whoops she let out sent shivers up the back of the locomotive or caused the engineer to leap from his cab, or whether they merely electrified the conductor, the fact is that the train stopped and stayed stopped till she and her baggage were reunited with her son. The lady came to Corvallls about a mouth ago, and during tho Interim wns housekeeper for R. L. Taylor. She told a number of people that she same out to be a bride at a corres pendence wedding. It did not de velop so, however, and tho story Is that since her departure the proposed groom Is reported to have said that he is "durned glad she's gone." How's This? We offer One Hundred !). nrs Howard (r nny esse of Cittnrrh flint cannot be mrrd liy Unit's ('ntnrr)i Cure. K. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. We, Die nmliM-NicniMl. hnve known K. J. Chfiioy fr the InMt li years, nud believe blm jicrfeetlv hnnurnmc III nil imihIihhh trniuuK'tlons nnil flnanrlnlly able to carry ut nnv obllKnliom niude ly bis firm. WAI.IMNII, KINNAN A M Alt V IN, Wholesale KniKirlsts, Toledo, O. Unit's Catarrh Cure Is (liken Internally, acting directly unon the blood and mucous turfmen of tiie system. Testimonials Hent free. I'rlee 7ft cents per bottle. Hold by ail druggists. Take Hull's Family Tills for coiratlpatlon. The committee Investigating the gevornment printing house state that Its expenses can easily be reduced $1,000,000 per year. EXCHANGES has practiced In both states since the early '70s. It Is the doctor's intention to devote tho remainder of her life to literary work, and she hopes to have her first book for the press by early spring when she will return to her home In Clatsop county, Oregon. The doctor will remain with her son. Dr, HIII, till tho morning of the 14th. After a visit of a month with Colonel Adair and their son John at their ranch, she will go to San Diego, Cal. North Yak ima Republic. I'li-o Alarm System at Yuklina. The material for the new fire alarm system for the city has arrived. Com mencing next Sunday Chief Hauser will have men at work stringing the new wires necessary to complete the system, and will put up the boxes, They will be divided among the six wards of the city. There will be a large new Indicator placed In the fire department quarters and an automatic alarm for ringing the bell will be placed In the tower back of the city hall. When completed, the system will give the city what has been need ed for a long time. North Yakima Republic. Puyotte Water Itondfl Carry. The additional water works bonds carried at the special election on last Friday by a safe majority. Only Ktnall vote was polled, but there was practically no opposition and It Is to be fairly presumed that the vote would have been In the same proportion had all qualified voters cast their ballots. The total vote was 96; 86 In the affir mative and 10 111 the negative. Pay ette Independent. Madras Will Incorporate. A petition praying for the incorpor ution of Madras, will be presented at the October term of the circuit court The latter place has a population and eneigy to govern Itself and the right to local rule which will be granted will be an added stimulus to the growth of that section of Crook coun ty. Crook County Journal. Stmipman Sell Out. Colonel M. C. Nye, one of the best known sheepmen In Crook county, has sold his Interests on Dry creek to Ike Ward, the consideration being $27,000. The transfer included over 1000 acres of land, 8000 sheep and all the build' Ings and camps used In the sheep bus. Iness. Colonel and Mrs. Nye expect to move to North Yakima. Madras Plo nees. DAILY MARKET REPORT. Buying and Selling Prices of Product In Pendleton. The following prices on produce are In effect today: 'ices to Prmlik err Hens, 7c lb. Roosters, 4c lb. Ducks, 9c lb. Oeese, 7c lb. Butter, country, 50 to 60c per roll. Eggs, country, 30c dozen. Potatoes, lc lb. Dry onions, 1 l-4e lb. Selling Prices. Hens, dressed. 40c to 50c. Young chickens, dressed, 10c to 40c. Eggs, 30c per dozen. Country butter, 50 to (0c per roll Butter, creamery, 70 to 75o roll. Cabbage, 2 l-4c lb. Lettuce, S bunches. 10c Tomatoes, 6 l-4o lb. Cucumbers, 30c dozen. Turnips, $1 per sack. Watermelons, 25c and 36c. Canteloupes, 10c to 15c. Potatoes, 1 l-4c lb. Dry onions, 2c lb. Grapes, 8 l-3c lb. Apples, $1 box. Celery, 8 l-3co bunch. Sweet potatoes, Ec lb. LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR. Portland, Oregon, June 1 to October 15, 1905. The O. R. & N. company announces rates from Pendleton as follows: Round trip, good for 30 days... $7. 56 Round trip party tickets, (10 or more persons on one ticket), good for 10 days $4.85 For organized parties of 100 or more, moving on the same day, a round trip rate of $6.85 will be made, good for seven days. For further particulars, call on or address E. C. SMITH, Agent Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday, 8:30 a. m., October 10, for the excavating for the J. H. Koontz basement nt Echo, Or. Bids will bo received at tho same time and place for the concrete foun dation, 60x90x8 feet high. All ac cording to plans and specifications, which can be had at the office of the architect, room 12 Judd building. The right reserved to reject any or all bids. C. E. TROUTMAN. Architect. National Convention Women's Chris tian Temperance Union, Los Ange . los, October 25-Novemner 2, 1905. Account above occasion, the O. R. & N. makes a rate of $47.15 for the round trip. Dates of sale October 19 and 20. For particulars, call on or address E. C. Smith, agent O. R. & N. Rooms for Pendleton and Umatilla County People at the Portland Fair. Write now, to Mrs. William B. Bol ton, 674 1-3 Fifth street. Portland, Ore. Convenient to the grounds. Rates $1.00, $1.25 anO $1.50, Including breakfast. Notice to Debtors. All people knowing themselves to bo Indebted to me are requested to call and settle at once.. H. M. SLOAN, Blacksmith. inn PHYSICIANS. J. A. BEST, PHYSICIAN AND 8UR geon. Office over Brock & McCo mas' drug store, formerly occupied by Whltaker. DRS. SMITH ft DICK OFFICE Pendleton Savings Bank building. Telephone: Main 201; residence. Main 1591; barn, Red 58L DR. R. B. RINGO. PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Rooms 2 and 4 Schmidt bull lng. 'Phone, office, Main (23. Phone, residence, Main 23. H. VOLP, A. M., M. D., PHYSICIAN ana surgeon, Office, Association block. Rooms 18 to ZU. 'Phone Main 2771. DR. W. G. COLE. OFFICE IN JUDD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 flee In Judd building. Telephones: flee, Main 1871; residence. Main 1381. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO- pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice In Judd building. Tenephones: Office, black 1411; residence, red 1633. DR. D. J. M'FAUL, JUDD BLOCK. telephone Main 931; residence, black 161. DR. T. M. HENDERSON. PHYSI clan and Surgeon. Office In Sav ings Bank building, room 1. Office phone, Main 1411: residence. Main 1561, DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEB. CHRO nlc and nervous diseases and dls eases of women. Judd building, cor ner Main and Court streets. Office phone. Main 721; residence, Red 1162. X-Ray Therapeutics. DR. AMY CURRIN. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office. Room 5, new Schmidt block. Office hours, 1 to o p. m. 'Phone 514. Diseases of worn en and confinement cases. DOCTORS G. S. AND EVE HOISING ion. Osteopaths. Graduates o Kirksvtllo school. Suite 10-12 Des pain block. "Phone Red 8181. BATHS. VAPOR BATHS. S T GLOWS. VIA. vt rubs and massage treatment Phone Red 2102. or address Mrs. F. H. Sawtelle. 620 Cosble street DENTISTS. DRS. COLLIER ft SWINBURNE 5enttsts. Smith-Crawford building DR. M. S. KERN, DENTAL BUR- geon. Office, room 16 Judd build ing. 'Phone, black 1261. E. A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST. OF. flee In Judd building. 'Phone re 1411. VETERINARY SURGEONS. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. D. C. McNabb. Office at Tallman's drug store. T. J. LLOYD, D. V. 8., VETERINARY Surgeon anu Dentist. The" only graduate veterinarian practicing in Pendleton. Office at Brock ft mci'0- mas' drug store. Residence telephone Main 131. BANKS AND BROKERS. THE PENDtVTON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton, Ore. Organized1 March 1, 1889. Capital, $100,000; surplus, $100,000. Interest allowed on all time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all principal points. Special at tention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, president; T. J. Morris, vice president; J. A. Borle, cashier; J. W. Maloney, assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PEN- dleton. Capital, surplus and undi vided profits, $250,000.00. Transacts a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi Ankeny, president; W. F. Matlock, vice-president; Q. M. Rice, cashier; George Hartman, Jr., assistant cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHE- na. Oregon. Capital. $60,000: sur plus and profits, $12,500,000. Inter est on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Ad ams, president; T. J. Kirk, vice-presi dent; F. S. LeGrow, cashier; I. M. Kemp, assistant cashier. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all klndJ of real estate. Does a gen eral brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non-residents. Reference, any bank In Pen dleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. W. S. HENNINGER, Vlce-rres. C. H. MA. II, S-... J. M. BEN'TLEY REPRESENTS TH3 oldest and most reliable fire and accident Insurance companies. Offlc with Hartman Abstr ct Co. JOHN HAILEY, JH., U.' 8. LAND Commissioner. Specialty made or lon flllnira unA nrnnf TnsiirAnrM and collections. Office In Judd Lutld- lng, room in. FRATERNAL ORDERS. B. P. O. ELKS, PENDLETON LODGE No. 288. Regular, meetings first and third Thursdays f each month. All brothers vlHltlng In the city most cordially Invited to attend. Hall In l,aDow block, couit street, u nomas Fits Gerald, E. R.; C E. Bean, Sec PENDLETON LODGE NO. 62 A. F. ft A. M.. meets the first and Ultra Monduys of each month. All visiting bret-iren are Invited. . LEWIS A CLARK EXPOSITION. FOR FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AND room accommodation In Portland during the exposition apply t onrt nd send your reservation fee of $2.00 to npply on rent of your room. Room' In nil parts of the city. 50 cents tc 2.00 a day. Reserve your roomi without delay and get your choice Write for full Information to Depart ment 11, Exposition Accommodation Bureau. The only official bureau of the Lewis and Clark fair. Goodnough Huiiumg, fort land, ore. Classified Advertisements BRING CERTAIN and QUICK RESULTS ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. HOWARD ft SWINGLE, ARCHI tects and Architectural Engineers, Practical and rellahle rtln na inH anarl. flcatlons and thorough superintend ence oi an Kinas oi building ana con struction. Taylor Building, corner Main and W er streets. B. TROUTMAN, ARCH-TECT ana superintendent . oom 12 judd building. Pendleton, Ore n. D. A. M-.Y, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on ail kinds of masonry, cement walks. stone walls, etc. Leave orders at East uregonian office. T. M. KELLER, PLASTERING AND cement walks a specialty. Esti mates furnished free. Work guaran teed. Leave orders at Goodman cigar store. Main stre t P. O. Box 104. D. NICHOLS, ARCHITECT ROOM i. Association block. BROKER. J. B. DESPAIN, MERCHANDISE Broker and Manufacturers' airent Office with Clark ft Bees, Main street next to E. O. block.' 'Phone Main 1741. PAWN BROKERS. UNCLE TOM'S PLACE, OPPOSITE fenaieton steam Laundry Unre deemed pledges sold. Clothes, watch es, rtstols, guns. Cheapest place In renaieton. PLUMBING. GOODMAN-THOMPSON CO. SANI- tary Plumbers, 643 Main St All work first-class. Best material used. Prompt service. Sewer connections made. 'Phone Main 811. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, FEED AND Sale Stables. Slmonton Bros, ft Corley, Props. Boarding horses by day. week or month a specialty. First- class livery turn-outs. Aura street between Webb and Alta. 'Phone Black 2921. CITY LIVERY STABLE, ALTA st t Carney ft Kennedy. Props. Livery, feed and sales stable. Good rlus at all times. Cab line In connec- tlon. 'Phone. Main 701. ELECTRICIANS. U VAUGHAN ELECTRICIAN Wiring of all de . lotions and elet trical work of all kinds premptl; done. Full line of electrical supplies Including chandeliers, door bells, etc Satisfaction guaranteed. 126 Wert Court street Mllarkey building. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND- hand goods. If there Is anything you need in new and second-hand furniture, stoves, granlteware and crockery, call and get his price. No, II court street WANTED TO BUY YOUR 8EC- oni-hand goods. Graham ft Hunt er, at old Basler stand. COMMISSION HOUSE. COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO., DEAN raium, manager. Office at Pendle ton Ice ft Cold Storage plant. Deal up in fruit, vegetables and dairy products 'Phone Main 178. BOARDING AND LODGING. ATHENA HOTEL LEADING Ho tel In the city. $1.00 and $1.60 per day. H. P. Mlllen, proprietor. HELIX HOTEL, UNDER Ni . MAN- agement Good meals and clean beds. If yoj ceme once you will keep a-comlng. Only white help em ployed. Especial attention -lven to commercial travelers. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Navln, proprietors. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. MONTERASTELLI BROS., MARBLE and Granite works. Monuments of all descriptions. Ornamental and cut stone for buildings. Examine our work; 709 East Court street GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. 'SQUARE DEAL SHOP" BICYCLE and general repairing. Wall paper cleaning a specialty. Knives, scissors and tools sharpened. All work guar anteed. J. H. Henselman, 318 West Webb St. "Phone Red 3361. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. M. A. l.ADER, FUNE1 AL DIR EC- tor and licensed embalmer. Grad uate of the Chicago College of Em balming. Corner Main and Webb streets. 'Phone Main 1301. Funeral parlors In connection. BAKER ft FOLSOM, FUNERAL Di rectors aud licensed embalmers. Opposite postofttce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone Main 76. CHINESE LAUNDRY. SLOM KEE, CHINESE LAUNDRY- man. Family washing a specialty. All work done by hand, and first- cl ss. Goods call-u for and delivered. 408 Court street MUSIC STUDIO. PROF. O. H. HARTUNG, STUDIO for mandolin, guitar and violin Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Pclinldt block, Rooms 8, 9. Over Great East ern store. SEWING MACHINES. 3D EBEN, WHOLESALE AND RE- tall dealer In sewing machines and supplies. 209 East Court street, Pen dleton, Oregon. CARPET CLEANING. TIME FOR FALL HOUSE-CLEAN- Ing to begin. Expert carpet cleaner and feather renovator. Open for bus iness September 20. E. Blanchet. cor ner Rny and Jackson streets. 'Phone Red 2722. CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS. PENDLETON STEAM CLEANING & Dyeing Works. 206 Alta street Can- and Gault props. Join the suit club and pay by the month. Ladles' fine garments a specialty. Prices right. Work rnlled for and delivered. Phone Main 1691. 1 I ATTORNEYS. H. J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Taylor's hardware store Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE It. Judd building. HAILEY. ft LOWELL, ATTORNEY atLaw. Office In Despaln block. JOLN W. McCOURT, ATTORNEY at Law. Association building. CARTER ft RALEY, ATTORNEYS . .Law. Office In Savings Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Taylor's hard ware store. WINTER ft COLLIER, LAWYERS Office, rooms 7 and 8, Association building. JOHN H. LAWRBY, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office. Savin. Bank buldlng STILLMAN ft PIERCE, ATTOR nevs at Uv. Mr aHiiman ... admitted to practice In United Statei patent offices, and makes a special!) of patent law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 ant! . Awociauon oiock. WANTED. SALESMAN WANTED CASH AD- VanCed Weeklv trnnrf la,,lln " . outfit free. Some are making $100 t monm. wny not you? Ad dress Washington Nursery Company, Toppenish, Washington. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO ...... irMUC in a weeas. SDlendld nnnnrttinftlna na A.. . . . earn $15 to $25 weekly. Spokane Bar- uci v.unege, iva rront avenue, Spo- uinfl. WANTED INSTALLMENT COL- lector for murehnnfllM AM.mf. good salary and expenses. Address mauumuiurer, r. u. box 10Z7, Phila delphia, Pa. WANTED A WELL EDUCATED young man wants position as clerk Address W. L. Jones, Box 172, Pilot Rock, Oregon. WANTED CLASSIFIED ADS, SUCH as help wanted; rooms or houses for rent: fWtennri-hnnri trnnrl a fn- Hu. In fact any want you want to get miea, ine t.asi uregonian wants your want ad. Rates: 'Three lines one time 1K Mnli torn It six times, 46 'cents. Five lines one ume, zd cents; two times, 35 cents: to the line. Send your classified ads 10 me omce or man to the East ure gonian, enclosing silver or stamps to cover the amount FOR SALE. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW ROLL- top office desk. Apply over Domes tic L-aunary. FOR SALE THREE LOTS AND four houses, centrally located; ose twelve-room and . other three five room houses. All modern Improve ments. This Is a snap. 209 Gardea street between Tustin and High. FOR SALE 300 ACRES GOO wheat land at $50 per acre; tw miles rrom town; good terms. Crag head ft Hayes, Athena. Ore. FOR SALE A SPAN OF HALTER broke driving hor s. Apply to Mrs. B. Cunningham, or at Dutch Henry Feed Yard. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. Call at 601 Clay St FOR RENT 12-ROOM BOARDING and rooming house. Inquire 269 Garden street between Tustin and High. FOR RENT SUITE UNFURNISM ed housekeeping rooms In East Ore- gonian building. Apply at this office. ENGRAVED CARDS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, etc Very latest styles. Leave or ders at East Oregonlan office. BnSCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON IRON WORKS Rl pair work on all kinds of machines structural iron work and machine castings. Junction of Court and A.i streets. Marlon Jack, Pres.; W. L. Zleger, Mgr. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to magazines or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check or send to the EAST OREGONIAN the net publisher's price of the publi cation you desire, and we will have It sent you and assume all the risk of the money being :ost In the. mails. Tt will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the EAST OREGONIAN In remitting you can deduct 10 per cent from the publish er's irtre. Address EAST OREGON IAN PUB. CO.. Pendleton Oregon. tin OHicHrsTCR's ertauSH Pennyroyal pills S V-Vw Original and Only Ucnuinb pVlNBAFR. AI-.twelilMe l.d.Ilc. Wk IlruMlt- VNMl ter CHICHKSTKK'S KMiLISH HKI ni tiaM (urialllc bum ! rv with blot ribbon. Tnks other. Hf 1 &J Wewiii- Ntibatllaliuna mm4 ImIU fly lima. But of your Druet m. ar fad 4. la W yf iimp for Particular. TratlaaniaU l t and ' Kltr for I .ad Ira," in Uitm-. h r. A k' lorn Mail. lO.OtMt 1t1moDllt. 8 Id kj - - T all I)ru'"- ChlrhMUrfhrfJiltMiU. HaaUM this we Madlao miur. 1'UILA.. 44, ocoit's Santal-Pepsin Capsule POSITIVE CURE PorTcftaiURiatiOn OTOrJTb of the BUddf and itaeased KidnojB. Kj cure do pnv. Cnrea qolokly and Ptnna. neatly tbe worst oun of onorrho aad wktt, no nwitf rof how lotift stand ing:. Absolutely oaxnilfsa. Bold by druggists, Prloe 01 .00, or by mall, postpaid. 1.00,iioissia.76. THE SANTAl-PEPSIN C0n nEtLEFOrtTAINa OHIO. BROCK. A M'COMAS CO., Drnntiflta. niEN AND WOMEN. V Bin for a n nil t oral r1acbrRt4, Inflammations, irritations or ulceration of mucous membrsn.!, Psinlflss. and notsjtrii: gent or poisonous old Dy ursnisisj or sent In plain wraptsL by viprvss, prepaid, to II TO, or a bottlea, fcJ.TS. uvular tout ou roijvMit, g Bt to auialar. fTillHEtlHSCNUiriL JMiMiNwn.o.EJlJI mm OREGON amd UfllON PACIFIC TWO TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILI Through Pullman standard aai Tourist Sleepers dally to Omaha and Chicago; tourist sleeper dally to Kan sas city; tnrougn Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weeaiy to Chicago; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. TIME SCHEDULE FROM PENDLaV TON. EASTBOUND. . No. J, Ch'cago Special, arrive 1.36 p. nu; depart, 6:40 p. m. No. 6, Mall ft Express, arrive 4:14) p. m.; departs, III, - JJSTBOUND. No. 1, Portland Special, arrives l:l( a. m. ; departs, 8:60 a. m. No. 6, Mall ft Express, arrives 11 p. m.; departs, 11 p. m. SPOKANE DIVISION. No. T, Pendleton passenger, arrives 5:36 p. m. N 8, Spokane passenger, departs, m. WALLA WALLA BRANCH. Special passenger arrives 8:40 a. m.; departs 6:46 p. m. Morning train connects with No. 1.- Evening train connects with No. I. No. 7 connects with No. 2. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FROM PORTLAND. AH sailing dates subjects to change. For San Francisco every five days. SNAKE RIVER. RlDarla to Lewlstnn Tmvi tj i -t dall, except Saturday, 4:06 a. m. Leave Lewlston dall v. nnt PSH. day, 7:00 a. m. E. C. 8MITH. Agent, Pendleton YOU WILL BE SATISFIED WITH TOUR JOURNEX If your tickets read over the Den ver and Rio Grande railroad, tke "Scenic Line of the World." BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of Interest along the Una between Ogden and Denver that tbe trip never becomes tiresome. If you arc going east, write for in formation and get a pretty book thai will tell you all about It. W. C. SI'BRIDE, General Agent, 124 Third 6treet, Portland, - Oregon RUNS PULLMAN SLEEPING CARJ ELEGANT DINING CARS TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO TO GRAND FORKS CROOKSTON , WINNIPEG , I HELENA and BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON And all points East and South. Throng tickets to J.Dan tad China, via Tscoma sod Northern Pacific BtMnsV.s Co. and American line. TIME SCHEDULE. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday at t p. m. Por further Information, tlm. earea. mipe sod tickets, nil on or writ 7 Adams. I'endleton, Oregon, or A. II. CH ARLTUH, Third and Vorrlson Sts.. Portland, Or Washington & Columbia River 1 Railroad TAKE THIS ROUTE FOR c'lilcago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Portland and Points on tlie Sound. TIME CARD. Arrive Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, 11:16 p. m. On Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday, 10:15 a. m. Leave at 6 p. m. dally. Leave Walla Walla 6:15 D. m. for east Arrive Walla Walla at 9 a. m. Iron west For Informatics regarding rates aal sccomsiodstlons, call on or address W. ADAMS, ageat, Pandletoa, Oracsa. S. B. CALDBRHRAD, Q. P. A., Walla Walla, Washington.