V1 -V T'W J-aat" -1-1 ? PAGL 8IX. DAR7Y EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1805. EIGHT PAGES. . ..... -.W-U .K1WWwwi.; .1 FARMERS E HOIISL NOW CONTAINS 120,000 BIS11F.I.8 OK GOOD WHEAT. Waa Built ImM Summer Is 80x1 10x1 1 Feet in Slic and Built and Oper- leader of the democratic minority In ' the house at the last legislative ses sion, and lie has been regarded since that time as the probable nomlneee of his party for representative from the first district. He arrived In Port land last evening, and In the course of a conversation on this subject de fined his position In plain terms. "I am out of the congressional race altogether. I shall not be a candi date," and he added the explana tion: "I have too much Important business to attend to, so that I could not afford to make the campaign." , "Wound you accept the nomina tion if It were given to you at the ALBA NEWS NOTES! HEAVY RAINS HAVE BEEN OK VERY GREAT BENEFIT. uiri .in th, eo-ouerative Plan Is primaries?" m , , , 1 "No: I nm absolutely out of It. I the Culmination of Flv ea of nM be & e(Uld)(,ate , hear tmU Agitation lint t.ives ninn w nvo u h. Gilfrey, of Salem, the reading living Kittens All Joined Together, clerk tn the United States senate, may Four of Which Are Now Living. eek the democratic nomination, but 1 1 do not know." I Smith is said to be Interested In Milton Oct. 8. For the past five some important enterprises In South years the farmers of this section of , em Oregon which are absorbing his the country have been talking about me to tne exclusion or pontics. building a warehouse, but never took any definite action until this sum mer. A meeting was called and a farm ers' union for storing their own grain waa organised. A committee waa ap pointed to look after the probable amount that would be stored, and build accordingly. The result of this Is that they have a building 80x110x14 feet full to the top. The receipts show that there are something over 110.000 bushels of the best wheat hi the country, all under roof, and no one to dictate what shall be done with it, and subject to the price that the market affords. A Cat Freak. Samuel Thomas, an old resident of Milton, Is the proud owner of a pussy cat that gave birth to five kittens last week that were all grown to gether. The first two were attached to gether on the belly from the fore legs down, each having all the neces sary appendages and equipments that any cas has. The first one of these had its left fore foot grown fast to the third's throat. The second one of the double ones waa attached to the fourth by the right fore foot of the former and the left of the latter. The fourth and fifth had two of their hind legs grown fast from the lower Joint down One kitten has a web foot, and one only thre legs. Otherwise all are perfectly formed. The one that had a foot fast to Its throat died, and had to be amputated. It was only grown to the skin. Those who have seen the freak think that all will come apart In a few days, as movements of the kit tens seem to irritate the parts attach ed. Whatever the result is, the freak is one of the greatest curiosity. Should they remain as born, Mr. Thomas' fortune is made. I.argo Numbers Have Visited the Fair With lrofll and Pleasure Suwiiilll Is Running Willi Full Crow Four Hundred Hcaid of Stork KtenTS Sold IT at $2.75 Per Cut. Alba School Is T Running Fall Range Is Improving Rapidly. When asked whether he would seek another term tn the legislature, he replied that his plans for the future were unsettled. "I might move to Portland and take a' hand In politics up here," he added with a smile. MAYOR OF FRANKFORT, KY., Tells What Vlnol is Doing in the South. "To Whom it May Concern: For the benefit of the people of Pendleton permit me to say a few words in the columns of the East Oregonian en dorsing the peerless merits of that modern cod liver oil preparation Vlnol. "For years I suffered from Indiges tion, stomach trouble, and general nervous debility. I had spent lots of money with different doctors ana tried all kinds bf medicines, but with out any benefit whatever. Alba, Oct. 8. The earth has been moistened by heavy rains for the past two days, making the grass start up 111 good shape. Herbert Thompson and wife started for Portlund this morning. The Alba sawmill Is running with a full crew. Lumber has been In great demand this full. , Four hundred head of 3-year-old steers were sold here last week and were driven to Echo and Birch creek to be fed for winter beef. The price paid was 12.75. They were weighed at the I'kiah stockyards. Professor Tret is teaching the AJba school. A large number of people from this neighborhood have visited the fair at Portland and all have reported that the money was well spent. ALOANDE R'S PENDLETON'S RELIABLE STOKE Men's Clothing at next-to-nothing prices SIMPLE REMEDY FOU t'ATAIUUl. MA 7M MAYOR PARNKIX. NOT FOR CONGRESS. Robert G. Smith, of Josephine, Not a " Candidate. Robert G. Smith, of. Josephine county, familiarly known at the last session of the state legislature as "Josephine Smith," declares that under no circumstances will be be under no circumstances will he be a candidate for congress in the next campaign, says the Oregon Dally Journal. Smith was the recognised Nasal CATARRH In all Its stages, Ely's Cream Balm deanaca,aoouiea and heals the diicased nwrnbrane. It curea catarrh aud drives way s cold in the bead quickly. Cream Balm la placed Into the naatrila. spreads rcr the membrane and la abaorbed. Belief la lav awdlatc and a cure foliowa. It ll not drying doe at produce aneezlng. Large Size, 0 cenla at Drag. fiat or bj mail ; Trial Size, 10 cenla. XLT BROTHERS, 66 Warren Street, New York mm "Some of the city officials and prominent citizens here called my at tentlon to what Vlnol had accomplish ed for them, and induced me to giv it a trial. I must confess that it cer talnly worked wonders for me. It was delicious to take and did not upset my stomach like old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsion; it gave me hearty appetite, cured my stomach trouble and strengthened and Invlgor ated my entire system. I wish every sick person in Pendleton would try this great cod liver oil preparation Vlnol." J. S. Darnell, mayor Frankfort, Ky. Mr. Brock, of Brock & McComas Co., our local druggists say. "Th above letter Is perfectly genuine, and we endorse all Mayor Darnell says. We guarantee Vlnol to Increase the appetite, cure stomach troubles, re new the vitality of the aged, build up the run down, tired and debilitated, make the weak strong, cure chornic coughs, colds and build up -the con valescent, or we will return to the pur chaser every dollar paid for It." Brock & McComas Co. Just Breathe Hyomel Four Times a Day and Be Cured. If a few years ago someone had said you can cure catarrh by brenth- Ing air charged with a healing nai sam, the Idea would have been ridi culed, and it remained for that emi nent investigator, R. T. Booth, to dis cover in Hyomei this method of cure. Hyomei has performed almost mir aculous cures of catarrh, and Is to day recognized by leading members of the medical profession as the only advertised remedy that can be relied unon to do lust what it claims. The complete outfit of Hyomei costs $1 and consists of on inhaler, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei. Breathe Hyomei through the in haler for a few minutes four times a day, and it will cure the worst case of catarrh. It soothes and heals the ueous membrane of the air pus ses, prevents Irritation and effects a complete and last cure. In Pendleton there are scores of well known people who huvc been cured of catarrh by Hyomei. If it does not cure you, Tullmiin & Co. will return the money you pay for Hyomei. This Is the strongest evi dence that can be offered as to their faith In the remedy. 'KUH NATHAN 4 nStff CO Men's Stylish Suits $10. Just slop and think what the modost sum of 110.00 will do for you. It will pay your entrance feo into the enchanted garden of FIFTEKN DOLLAR SUIT VALUES. In fact, you can enter our store any day of the week and select the best Suit you ever purchased In this city for 116.00. We will press It out, fold It nicely and send to your home for the unparalleled low price of $10.00. They are made in the new Mixture of Scotch Tweeds, Cheviots, Worsteds and Cashmeres. olio Plans to Get Rich are often frustrated by sudden break. down, due to dyspepsia or constipation Brace up and take Dr. Kings New Life Pillsi They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness, too. At Tallman & Co. and Brock & McComas' drug stores; 25c, guaranteed. Enlarged and Improved. Two new departments have been added to the sanitarium bath rooms over the Domestic laundry. A sleep ing department and a new steam room. They are now as complete as any In the west and are open to the public. Ladles, 7 a. m. to 4 p. m.; men, 5 p. m. to 7 a. m., with beds for the night Haines Is Growing. There was filed yesterday morning in the office of the county clerk a plat of the new addition of Hammond to the town of Haines for approval by the county court. It is evident from all reports and from the personal observations of Ba ker City visitors to Haines that that burg is growing at a very rapid pace. It has now two or three large com mercial houses which would be a credit to any city of 6000 people. These houses are supplying neighboring mines and ranches at wholesale and retail with Immense quantities of goods, and are working up a trade that promises In the future to be a most Important one. The little town Itself Is growing, new houses are going up and the new town plat Is the result of this general growth. Baker City Democrat. Men's Stylish Overcoats $9.2 We have bunched into another big lot, Overcoats to fit men of all sises and proportions, that were made to retail for 815.00. And now we invite the most skeptical bargain-seekers of Umatilla county to enter our store and take their choice of the excellent fitting Overcoats that are made of Scotch Tweed Mixtures and Beaver Cloths at $0.00 THE GIBSON we make a specialty of Men's Tailor-made Suits at $15.00 These are hand tailored and finished equal to any $25 or $30 Suits to be found anywhere. You can make your selection from woolens of the best American manufacturers, of the newest pattern. Remember, our spe cialty Vice R.0O SUIT. Cuban Inilopendenco Day. Havana, Cuba. Oct 10. Today is the 36th anniversary of the beginning of the .first Cuban revolution, which dates from October 10. 1868, when Cesnedes Agramontc at Yara Issued the famous proclamation, demanding "Liberty or Death." The day Is gen erally observed as a holldny all through Cuba and patriotic celebra tions are being held In every town and village. In this city there will be spe rial exercises In the afternoon and a memorial performance at the National theater In the evening, with speeches and music. Kleiner Troubles are easily relieved and cured In the beginning, but as the disease grows in severity we must find a more potent remedy. Here is wnore irvin s uuenu Wafers excel as a cure, ut course, they give quick relief, but more than that, they give a sure and lasting cure. They positively purify the blood. Sold at 60c a box by Tallman & Co.. 623 Main street, Pendleton, or. 3 A new lot of Clear Dark Crystals. -'irC DIUC aJlUllC rigni Kind, mat prevents smut, ft Right price. $ Formaldehyde The most economical smut killer In the world, dow. and surest Be? our win- Brock McComas The Old Reliable Druggists. Dally East Oregonian by carrier, only 15 cents a week. UY A PIANO Of U. DONT BE DECEIVED BY FALSE STATEMENTS AND AND PROMISES OF BARGAINS, BUT COME AND INVESTI GATE OUR OFFERINGS BEFORE YOU INVEST IN A PIANO OR OTHER MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. ITIE CELEBRATED AND ALWAYS SATISFACTORY STEINWAY PlAJiO, RECOGNIZED AS THE HIGHEST GRADE INSTRUMENT MADE, ARE HANDLED BY US. WE nAVE THEM IN BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY AND EBONY CASES. FOR TONE AND FINISH THEY ILVE NO SUPERIOR. THE GREAT LCD WIG, THE PIANO THAT STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL IN ITS CLASS. A PIANO BUILT TO PLEASE THE PURCHASER. THEY ARB GOOD ALL WAY THROUGH, AND THE BETTER PERSONS BECOMES ACQUAINTED WITH THE LCDWIG THE HIGHER ARE THEIR PRAISES. THE EMERSON PIANO, THE BEAUTIFUL BUILT IN STRUMENT WHICH IS SUCH A GREAT FAVORITE WITH MUSICIANS ALL OVER THE WORLD, IS ANOTHER GREAT INSTRUMENT THAT WE ALONE HANDLE IN PENDLE TON. THESE THREE INSTRUMENTS ARE THE LEADERS AND ARE SOLD ON THEIR MERIT. WE HAVE NO SMOOTH, OILY-TONGUED, HIGH-PRICED AGENTS SALESMEN SINGING FALSE PRAISE FOR OUR INSTRUMENTS THEY DONT NEED IT. THEY ARE SOLD ON MERIT ONLY. THEY RECOMMEND THEMSELVES. WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO, DON'T PAY FOB TALK, BUT INVEST IN AN INSTRUMENT OF REAL WORTH, ONE THAT IS GOOD IN EVERY POINT. ONE THAT IS NOT BUILT FOR SHOW ALONE, BUT FOR SERVICE. ONE THAT THE INTERIOR IS AS PERFECT AS THE OUTSIDE. The Three Pianos We Haudle.... The Celebrated Steinway The Beautiful Ludwig The Perfect Emerson Represent the Highest Skill in Piano Making THERE ARE NONE MADE THAT ADD MORE BEAUTY TO A HOME THAN THESE THREE. ALL ARE SOLD ON AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. WITH OUR LIGHT EXPENSE WE CAN SELL THESE HIGH-GKADE INSTRUMENTS AT WHAT OTHERS WOULD CHARGE YOU FOR INFERIOR MAKES. BEAR IN MIND THAT WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO THERE IS MORE TO CONSIDER THAN THE APPEARANCE OF THE OUTSIDE CASE. THE REAL PIANO IS INSIDE THE CASE. TIME AND TRIAL HAVE PROVEN THE STEINWAY, THE LUDWIG AND THE EMERSON TO BE THE MOST PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS IN THE PIANO LINE. CAN WE NOT HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF SHOWING YOU A PIANO AND EXPLAINING THE SAVING WE CAN MAKE YOU IN YOUR PURCHASE? YOU DONT BUY A PIANO EVERY DAY, BUT ONCE IN A LIFETIME, AND THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE BEFORE YOU DECIDE. OUR .. PERSONAL GUARANTEE IS BACK OF EVERY INSTRUMENT WE SELL, BESIDES THAT OF THE MAUFACTURER. WE HAVE ALSO THE EXCLUSIVE SALE IN PENDLE TON OF THE Aeolian Piano Player IT'S IN KEEPING WITH THE HIGH-GRADE OF OCR LINK OF PIANOS. WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK OF SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND COST IS ALL WE ASK FOR THEM. BESIDES THE GREAT SAVING WE CAN MAKE YOU ON A PIANO WE SELL ON THE EASY PAYMENT PLAN. A SMALL AMOUNT DOWN AND THE BALANCE ON INSTALLMENTS. MAIN STREET Jesse Failmg Piano House NEAR BRIDGE