East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 10, 1905, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ..HW.M,U.MM-im..i m..,.,-..!-............, ii rf.t..i. tiw. ... .. ,.v. i'-- i. itwiu mm-.M-,ih,.i,.n.nt,
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1 Coats, Suits, Skirts
n endless .Styles, Materials and
Prices. We can certainly show
you the nobbiest line in Pendleton
and the prices are right.
Lee Teiitsch's
Department Store
Nuf sed. U. C. Under.
C Hamley for harness.
Rader Furniture Kader.
Mn. Campbell for street hats.
Mra. Campbell lor school capa and
"Humane Harness," best on earth;
Nicely furnished mums, 610 John
ton street ,
Chatham Funning Mills at A. Kun
1 & Co.'s. Beat made.
Call at A. Kunkel & Co.'a and ex
amine their smut cleaner.
Come In, take u scut und hear the
InleHt music at Donaldson's.
Leave orders for Alfalfa hay at
Telephone Stables. W. F. Cook.
Beat grudes of suits and overcoats
mederutely priced, Boston Store.
All the latest school caps, Including
oil cloth tains. At Mrs. Campbell's.
Headstrom & ilreenawald, shoe
makers at Tetutsch's Department
For Kent .Store or office room In
brick building. Inquire at Hotel St.
. For Sale A good Sniith-I'remler
typewriter, cheap. Cull mornings, 314
Water street.
Wanted Dressmaking at home or
at homes of pulrons. Address M. M.,
.400 West Alta.
For fine shoe repairing, see Green
awald & ileudstiom at Teutsch's De
partment Store.
For Rent L'nfurtilahed house and
furnished housekeeping room. In
quire DOS College street.
You can work for board or tuition
and attend Pendleton Business Col
lege, the school that Is so popular.
'Phone Main 611 to do your hauling
at all hours. Leuthers Day and Night
Transfer. Office, Grltinan's cigar
Ready for business with 260 dif
ferent styles In turbans, poltea and
Tommy Atkins lead. Mrs. Rose Camp
bell, the milliner.
B. E. Turner's express wagons haul
anything. Stand In front of Hennlng's
cigar store, 735 Main street 'Phone
main 6. The yellow wagons.
For Sale Two lots and new six
room house with all modern conveni
ences, northeast corner Onrflold and
Washington street. Apply to Howard
A 8v Ingle.
Governor Moaile offers u reward of
IID09 for the men who robbed the
Q rent Northern near Taooma, supple
menting the company's reward of
16000 for each mini The be
lief Is gaining force and ground
that the men made a big haul.
U. C. Ruder. Nuf sed.
Justrlte at Donaldson's.
Rader Carpets Rader.
Carpets Ruder Carpets.
Furniture Rader Furniture.
Harness and saddles at Hamley's.
Pendleton Business College Is thor
ough. Best California oak leather used
at Hamley's.
Household goods for sale, 109 East
Court street. Mrs. J. A. Borle.
Hunan, Douglas and Gloria shoes at
Roosevelt's Boston Shoe Store.
Concert afternoon und evening at
Donaldson's. Everybody Invited,
come In.
Lost Oold Maltese cross charm;
Initials F. L. T. Finder please leave
at this office.
Best wages to experienced girl for
general housework. Inquire at 111
Jackson street
Shoes repaired lie you -wait by
Greenawald ac Headstrom at Teutsch's
Department store.
Most complete line of men's furn
ishings and haberdashery at Roose
velt's Boston Store.
For Rent Suite unfurnished house
keeping rooms In East Oregonlan
building. Apply at this office.
I Watch and Clock....
Is inrt of oar business.
You run no rtRk here with
your repairs, as we do only
Good Work, such that we guar
antee. Our prices are the low
est. We solicit a part of your pa
tronage. Be sure of the place.
720 Main Street.
At a Standstill a Yet.
Another day has gone by without
any decision being reached by the
county commissioners on the compro
mise proposition made them by the
O. It. & N. company. Although all
three members of the court were In
town today, no meeting had been
held up to 3 o'clock. In speaking of
the matter one of the commissioners
said lust evening that they might not
reach uny conclusion for some time
yet, lis they wished to go more thor
oughly Into the legal aspect of the
case before coming to a conclusion.
Tliurnriuy Afternoon Club.
The Thursday Afternoon rlub will
have a business meeting Thursday,
October 12, at 2:30 nt the home of
.Mrs. Llnu H. Sturgls. Chairmen of
committees and heads of departments
tire asked to be prepured to report.
The regular meeting will take place
Thursday, October 19, nt the home of
Mrs. Henry J. Renn, Mrs. Bean and
Mrs. John McCourt being the hos
tesses at a musicolo.
Suit fitr Divorce).
Divorce proceedings were begun to
day by Thomas Balcoin, through his
attorney, Peter West, against Mnry
V. Balcom. In the complaint it is
salil that the two were married In
Michigan in 1884. and that five chil
dren have been born to them. De
sertion Is given as the ground upon
which a decree of divorce Is asked.
Thrown From Illcyclo.
Joseph Owenhouse was thrown
from his bicycle in the dark last night
and sustained serious bruises and
scratches on his fuce by. striking tho
To Whom It May Couct-rn.
All persons knowing themselves In
debted to the Red Front saloon will
please call and settle at unco at tho
t'olumhlu saloon.
Morrlajro License Issued.
A mnrriago license was issued today
to A. A. Frlddlcs and Laura A. Blan
chett, the former of Wallowa county.
Over 2000 easterners have availed
themselves of the privilege of slop
overs slnco the beginning of the
Lewis and Clark fair, to visit La
Grande, Union county.
The Christy Hoe Razor-- the
Safety Razor that wi 1 1 shave j-new
in design, new in construction,
yet so simple) has all the ad
vantages of other razors and ad
vantages others do not possess.
The Razor, 6 extra blades and
strop sell for $2. 00, Extra bladeB
$1.00 a dozen. Sold on a guarantee.
Popular Price Drug Store
Earnest Isaacs Is In the city today
from his home on upper McKay,
J. H. Parkes left this morning for
Spokane, upon a short business trip,
Dr. C. J. Smith was called to Echo
this ufternoon on professional bust'
Tim Donovan, O. R. & N. lineman,
is in the city today on a tour of the
Mr. and Mra. J. S. Rogers, of Echo,
ctt tit e up from there last evening for
a brief visit.
M. H. Wold, of St. John, Wash., Is
a visitor in town today, having arrlv
ed Inst night. ,
John H. Saunders, of Long creek,
Grant county, is In, town today, having
arrived yesterday.
County Commissioner T. P. Gill!
land Is In town today from his ranch
near Pilot Kock.
H. W. Cowan, an Implement deal
er of Walla ' Walla, came over this
morning for a short visit.
Rev. and Mrs. J. K. McGIUvray, of
Goldeiululc, Wash., are visiting here
having arrived last evening.
Will Moore, C. E. Troutman, Horace
Wulker und Dan Muys went to Echo
this afternoon on a business trip.
Mayor W. F. Matlock returned
home this morning from Portland,
where he has been visiting for sev
eral days.
Roy Ruley left lust night for Port
land, to be gone for several days und
to attend the K. of P. meeting tomor
row night.
Mayor L. A. Esteb, of Echo, was in
the city today on legal business, re
turning home on the delayed train
this afternoon.
J. W. Smith, of Athena, cam
down on the evening train yesterday
from that place and has been In town
during the day.
W. Sullivan, formerly with the Pen
dleton Scouring mill, returned last
evening, after huvlng been away for
a month or more.
George Strand left this afternoon
for Portland, to take part In tho K. of
P. contest that Is to be held there to
morrow evening.
Mrs. Thomas Fitz Gerald returned
home this morning from Portland,
where she has been visiting for sev
eral weeks past.
W. H. Reeder, formerly a resident
of Pendleton, and now of Tacoma,
arrived last evening and will visit
here for a short time.
Rev. H. B. Smith, pastor of the
First Chrlstiun church, at Milton, is
n the city today, visiting at the home
of Rev. N. H. Brooks.
Frank J. Macey, of the Boston
Store, left Inst night for Portland to
attend the K. of P. meeting that is
to be held there tomorrow.
B. E. Kennedy, now of Baker City.
passed through here lust night bound
for Portland, where he will attend the
Knights of Pythias grand lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Campbell, of
Lexington, Morrow county, came up
last evening und left again on the
westbound train this afternoon.
Roy Ruley left last night for Port
land for the purpose of taking part
in the Knights of Pythias program
that will be held tomorrow night.
A. Kunkel left this morning for
Spokane and other points In eastern
Washington on a business trip, and
will probably be gone for a week.
Oscar Elliott left today for Port
land, und from there he will make a
trip to Seattle. Spokane and Ward
ner and other places, being gone sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. T. H. Johnson, of La Grande,
who accompanied her daughter to
this city to place her in Pendleton
Business college, left for her home
this evening.
J. H. Aitkin of Huntington, a prom
inent eundidnte for statu treasurer on
the republican ticket, passed through
the city today en route to Portland to
nttend the grand lodge sessions of the
Knights of Pythias.
Mr. und Mrs. F. E. Goodman left
last night for a week's visit at the
Lew is and Clark exposition. Newton
Johnson Is in charge of Mr. Good
nmn't cigar store during his absence.
J. C. Coombs, of Nye, Is In the city
on a trading trip. The first snow of
the season fell In the southern part
of the county Saturday night, hut
melted away In a few hours. Cattle
are in excellent condition and feed Is
William E. Narkuus of Briggson,
came dow n this morning for the pur
pose of entering the Pendleton Busi
ness college. He Is a graduate from
both tho commercial and shorthand
departments of the Weston Normal
For Fall and Winter Wear
Our comprehensive assortment of beautiful Hats for Fall and Winter wear receiving each day aeW
shipments from leading New York millinery establishments. Every new shape and trimmings In colors
everything desirable. Before purchasing your new Fall Hat It will bo to your advantage to Inspect our
showing of lute Hats, us while our Hats are always the latest our prices will be found more to your liking.
Latest Novelties in
Bags. Purses, Belts and Neckwear
We call your attention to our magnificent display of late Novelties In ornamental Combs. Nothing
lends more to one's oppearance than these finishing touches in the way of Bags, Purses, Belts, Combs,
ete. We show you all the latest novelties as soon as they appear in the Eastern Fashion stores.
November Delineator now here, 15c. copy.
Do you want the best?
Try our SHOES
The Peoples Warehouse
where it pays to trade
Among these were several who were
going down to attend the K. of P, con
vention and who were forced to go
down on the passenger that passed
through at noon today.
Mis. G. W. Kigby arrived here yes
terday from (Maresholm, Alberta, and
last night left for Salem accompanied
by her daURhter, Mrs. Cora It. Cook,
ltev. G. W. Rlgby Is expected here
from Alberta about November 1, und
tile two may live here during the
coming winter. I
Engineer .luck Thutchor, of the
R. & N. helper and switch engine at,
linker City, passed down the line to
day to Portland to visit the Lewis and
Clark fair. Mr. Thatcher has not yet
been outside the city limits of Baker
City since going there rtvo years ago,
and Is surprised at the Improvements
In other parts of Oregon.
Wullii Walla Gets Baker Cuttle.
Eleven carloads of extra fine beef
cattle were received In Walla Walla
today from Ituker City by the Walla
Wullii Meat and Cold Storage com
pany, which will be used to supply
the locnl demand for meat, says the
Walla Wullu Statesman. There were
300 head In the consignment. This
cnniiany is also Arranging to ship In
about 495 head more that urn now at
Baker City, which will be placed In
the stockyards In Walla Walla.
I'niight C Xcuiiy an Hour.
Because No. 5, last night's passen
ger train, mnde up nearly nn hour's
time after It was reported late, several
Pendleton people missed catching it,
Governor Pardee Is Alive.
Governor George C. Pardee, of Cal
ifornia, president of the National Ir
rigation congress, has written Montie
Gwlnn, chairman of the executive
committee, Inqurlng what he can do to
assist In making .the meeting In Boise
next year a success. The governor
states he wishes to take an active part
In promoting the meeting and ex
presses a willingness to undertake
i.ryuiins that he can. '
The method of the congress Is to
leave the arrangement of the program
for the meeting to the chairman of tho
eecutlre committee, but Governor
Pardee wishes to do his part toward
making the meeting a success and
stands ready to lend his assistance.
General Manager Bancroft, of the
Short Line, has assured Mr. Gwlnn
that the company will co-operate with
him to the fullest possible extent In
carrying out the plans for the meet
ing. Boise Statesman.
Charged With Embcszlememt.
J. V. Mundell, ex-assessor and ex
recorder of Elmore county, who was
arrested Thursday charged with em
bezzling county money, was arraigned
Saturday afternoon before Probate
Judge Stimson, and placed under f 600
bonds, which he furnished.
Mundell had served his two years'
term as assessor and tax collector, and
his slowness In making final settle
ment with the county awakened the
suspicions of the county commission
ers, and they employed J. S. Bogart,
of this city, to expert his books.
It soon became noised about that
he was short, although the exact
amount 'was not generally known for
some time. First a deposit of $800
was made by the ex-collector, and later
(700 more was paid Into the county
treasury, but when the report of Ex
pert Bogart was made public It was
found that his original shortage had
been slightly over 12(00, leaving; a
balance of about 11100 unpaid.
Mountalnhome (Idaho) Bulletin.
Cashing Checks,
Should a check be drawn on an
other bank, It is not necessary for you
to present the cl.ee; to that bank for
payment We will gladly do so for
you, without charge. We cash drafts
on any city In the United States or
Canada, and handle Items on any city
in the world.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Thomas M. Reed, a pioneer of
Washington, who for over 40 years
continuously secretary of the Masonic
grand lodge of Washington, died at
Olympla Saturday night after an Ill
ness of several months.
Lightning Fires Trees.
In the recent pipptrle atnrm lha
lightning struck three trees near the 1 X
home of w. M. Dexter. Two of the
trees Ignited and burned for several
days, and but for the prompt and ef
fective work of Mr. Dexter and two
of his neighbors, might have resulted
In u forest fire of considerable size.
Cambridge News.
lost. Strayed or Stolen.
Irish setter pup. Owner's name
scratched on collar. Missing since
Sunday morning. Reward for return
to Will a id Bond.
Try a sample lot of our
....SLAB WOOD....
you wilt find that It Is the most economical
wood that you can -ny. f
Tel. Main 8.
"I hT ttffr(M) with pllei for thirty-.. year.
One rw un lMl April I beean taking Cmim
for constipation. In tue conrie of week 1 noticed
the pile bee an to dliannoar ami at. th. ...
weeks they did Dot trouble me at all is,re.m.u
fTe.f,.ne woler form. 1 am rnttrHr corvd anil
feel like a new man." U surge Krjrd.r, Napoleon, U.
Best For
Tu. ex. t
candy cathartic
Pla. a r. . P.I .VI- D rf n , r. . r m
N.rer fcloken. W ..lean or Grip.. 10c. SSc. c. Nevor
old In bnlk. Th. tsnuln Ublet tmp.J COO.
UUftr.olftd to euro or your money b.clt.
Sterling Remedy Co.. Chic.co or N.Y. n
Is made from the choicest wheat that grows. Good bread Is
assured when Byers' Best Flour Is used.. Bran, snorts, steam rolled
barley always on band.
W. 8. BYERS, Proprietor.
Beautify your home with flowers, bushes, roses, vines, trees and
hedges. All stock grown in the west and adapted to this climate.
Rare beauties In roses. The time to plant your bushes Is in the
fall. Our hedge plants make most attractive hedges.
The advantage of dealing with me is that my line is the most se
lect, most complete, and everything is fully guaranteed and will be
replaced If it should not prove satisfactory. I reside here permanent
ly and make good every promise. I can save you money on nursery
stock. Orders taken now for fall and spring delivery. Address
mr.s. etta Mcpherson
bargains in real estate
Two fine building lots, $200 each.
6 -room house, two lots; good well; located
near school, price S 1060.00.
r-room house with bath, hade trees. Price
4-room house, city water, shade trees. Price
New 4-room house, two large lots; well, city
water, fruit and shade trees. Price $1500.00.
Good 6-room house, larce barn, two large
lots, nice shade and fruit trees, large chicken
yard. Trice 62600.00.
Good 6-room house, bath, stone cellar, all
open plumbing, porcelain tub; shade trees.
Price 6,2000.00.
4-room house, barn, city and spring water.
Price 6760.00.
9 room house for it; close In, suitable
hie for boarding house.
2 lots and small house. Price 6.200.00.
6-room house, bath, shade and fruit trees.
Price 61800.00.
New 8-room house, large lam, chicken
house. S lots. Price 63600.00.
4-rom house and lot Price 61000.00.
160 acres one and a half miles aouth of
Athena at a bargain.
Also vacant lots In all parts of the city.
If you wish to build we can sell you a lot
and furnish you the money to build your home.
160 acre ranch to exchange for city proper
ty. 6 acres, 7-room house; all In fruit and al
falfa; close In. All three of the above are
snaps. Call at office for price.
160 Ranch on Birch Creek. 26 acre f
talfu. Good house and barn. Spring, dmall
orchard 64,260.00.
.............. Ililttf.l.lfltflfftlllfflltllltlllllllffffftllll9tlltllllllllt