EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAJT, PENDLETON, OREGON. 'I I' END AY. OCTOBER 10, 1005. PARE TURKS. 4) Royal Worcester Stylish Effects in Dress Produced by Wearing ioyal Worcester orsets AMERICAN BEAUTY The new Fall Models; the new WalBt Length ening M xIi'Ik; the high BuHt Models the Dome of Corset perfection; the Corsets that are worn by the fashionable women the world over. All HtyleH f 1.1H nnd $1.00. t Centemeri Gloves $1.00 and $1.50 The gcn.ilnc t'enlemrl Oloves; exactly the name qualities tlmt are Hold In the larKe eaHtern cities ut $1.25 and 1 1.75. The Centcmrl i positively better than any H.25 glove in Pen dleton. "Dorothy" In the name of the bent grade and In Hold lu re at. a pair $1.50 They are Here New Tailor-made SUITS The special purchase by our New York buyers that we told you about last week. has Juki ar rived. They represent the very latest New York'deslgns. Our buyers got an Inside price, which will enable uh to offer you these sultt at fully one-third less than regular value. Trices range from $12.50. $17.50. $20.00 up tft $25.00 Flannelettes 7c Outlng.no A big range of colors In light or dark; our regular "e Flannel; special, per yard --fto 10c Our line at this price Is simply fine for Wrappers, dressing saccjues and children's dresses; It would be hard to be beat; at, per yard ,0c 12 l-2c. This assortment Is large and varied, mostly medium and dark colors; especially good for Wrappers, etc., at, per yard . . 12 l-2c I I,, As pretty a line of Persian colored Flan nelettes as you ever suw; for Waists and Dressing Sacnues; this would make a great 20c line; our price, per yard Ho 16 2-80 A very pretty line of double-fold Eng lish Flannelette; In an almost endless line of patterns and colors; nt, per yard 16 2-3c The hest quality lambs' fleece Down; In dainty patterns; this Is quite a different fabric to the other fleeced goods; the cloth is heavi er and the face Is fleeced: It Is almost like lightweight eiderdown. Ask to see It; Rt, per yard ,Sc Better Shoe Values Here Star Five Brand Our shoe trade this fall shows a 3B per cent gain over any previous year. "FIVK STAR Shoes ore kdrawlng the crowds to this 'Shoe depart ment and 'lis the selling of this reliable kind of footwear that brings the people here. Remem ber, IN NO INSTANl iu do you pay more for this make than the ordinary kinds cost you, but In nearly every Instance we sell them nt a lower price. 'TIs our buying powers that enables us to make you this saving. WOMEN'S mtOWN H FIVK STAR SHOES In every wanted style and leather; every pair guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. In fact we guarantee you the same service that you'v been getting from any Ht.00 shoe bought else where. Our prices $2.18 and $2.21 WOMEN'H WHITE HOUSE SHOES We can not help but brag about this line; nearly every day some woman comes In und tells us that she Is wearing a pair of these shops and that they are giving better wear and look better longer than any 3.B0 shoe she had ever found nt other places; nil the new fall shapes here nt, pair " 1 D JR Every section of the store brimful of the newest Fall merchandise bought in the world's recognized markets EVERY .DOLLAR'S WORTH OF MERCHANDISE IN THIS STORE COMES FROM HEADyl'ARTERS 50 OF THE MOST PROGRESSIVE. DEPARTMENT STORES IN WASHINGTON. .OREGON, . IDAHO .AND MONTANA COMBINE THEIR STRENGTH TO BATTER DOWN THE. PRICKS OF THE MANUFACTUR ERS. HOW WELL WE HAVE SUCCEEDED WE WILL LEAVE To YOU WHEN YOU SEE OCR OFFER INGS AND PRICES.. MILL'S ENTIRE OUTPUTS OF UNDER WEA R, . FOR INSTANCE. ARE CONTRACT ED FOR BY THIS GIGANTIC ORGANIZATION AND IS IT ANY SURPRISE TO YOU THAT NO SINGLE COMPETITOR CAN WITHOUT A. LOSS MEET OUR PRICES. . STOP. AND CONSIDER THIS A FEW MIN UTES, AND YOU'LL NOT WONDER HOW IT IS, WE CAN DO BETTER. Charming New Wearables THERE IS MUCH DESERVING OF ADMIRATION IN THIS DEPARTMENT MODISH WINTER COATS, CLEVER WAIST STYLES, RICH FURS, SUPERB SKIRTS IN THE FINER GRADES YOU WILL FIND NO TWO GARMENTS ALIKE. $6 Ladies' Skirts $4.95 A grand assortment of high grade garments, thai we selected tor a big rousing Rklrt Sale. All are modeled best even length, of the "Very best makes no back numbers at all, but the season's best styles all wool Mo hairs, Cheviots and Worsteds. None worth les than $6.00 and many sold as high as 16.60. You'll find them on renter tables, and they will go quickly at the price. So you had better hurry. Choice $4.95 New Fall Dress Goods 'A charming array of materials of the most approved sorts. The weaves and textures that arc the correct thing for this season's wear. We anticipated the biggest dress goods season we have had In years, so we are prepared and ready with the largest and best stock of fash ionable nnd serviceable fabrics to bo had. both In black and colors for street, evening, travel ing, house and every sort of wear. VF ADVISE EARLY SELECTIONS Willi, K. TUB STOCKS ARE W.MPLETE. WW 1 ..." " fWM " " " "" MEN'S FALL AND WINTER. UNDERWEAR GarnietiM of Ouarniltecd Goodness, yet Scillng for Prim Away Smaller llian Such Dependable ;hkIk aro Usually Offered. Seo Window Display and Inside Exhibition. Men's Underwear 45c. Men's extra quality fleeced Under wear, well finished, extra heavy would be good value at 60c. Special at 45c Men's Underwear 65c. Men's extra heavy wool, fleece-llncd Underwear, silk taped, extra long. The best wearing garment you can buy. Price 11.25 a suit. Each..6Kc Men's Underwear 85c. Men's heavy wool ribbed or natural wool Underwear Shirts and Draw ers a splendid wearer and a full 11.25 value In nearly every store here. A garment 98c The Great Eastern Dept. Store THE PLACE Women's Paddock and Semi-Fitted COATS Lung straight new market paddock and hip seam ,Couts of Broadcloth, Kersey and Tweeds, untrlmmed with the exception of a touch of velvet In self or contrasting color on the collar and cuffs. These are ultra fashiona ble styles, and In the eastern cities are having a big run. The Empire Coat leaiis. but those who are looking for something different from the ordi nary., something a little more swagger are buying a Paddock. We are show ing some beautiful garments in this style at prices from $15.00 to $25.00 Accordeon Pleated Petticoats An Immense purchase by our New York buy ers at 6i l-2c on the dollar. They have just arrived and will go on sale at just 37 1-2 per cent less than regular. Prices are 98c, $1.19, $1.39, $1.69 up to $2.48 The Great Eastern's Special Suits for Men $12.50 The entire resources of this powerful organization have been called Into play to produce this special Huit. It Ib our purpose to give for $12.59 more style, service and durability, than was ever known before. The suits are made of all wool Tweeds, fancy Worsteds, iMay Worsteds. Every Suit Is well tailored. Many a man has paid $15.00 to $18 for a suit that was not one bit better than these. Choice of all sizes at $12.50 Men's Underwear $1.15 Men's all wool Camel's Hair Under wear. Men's all wool pink ribbed Underwear; men's genuine Wright's hygienic all wool fleeced Underwear, the greatest values ever shown. Kaeh $1.15 Men's Underwear $1.15 Men's pure wool plush back Under wear, very heavy and very soft, but durable exceptionally well made. Kach $1.1 A Men's Underwear $2,25 Men's pure Australian Iambs' wool Underwenr, buckskin colored, flat weave, not too heavy, very fine and soft. Bach $2.25 TO SAVE MONEY Our Invincible Hosiery and Stocks Sultan is the BEST 1 3c A good servicable Ladles' Hose. This is ,an excellent 15c value and Is absolutely fast black ,Sc 1 3c A full and complete line of Misses' Hose; extra heavy, evenly knit and would sell regu larly at 20c; we price them this number at, per pair l,iC 19c. two ulrs for 35c This number is full fashioned, well made. Ladies' Fleece Lined Hose; It's a good 25c value; lc, two pair 35c 25c At this price we offer you either a fleeced Hose or a good wool Hose for ladles; both are the best value you ever saw at this price; ask to see them; at, per pair 25c ill,. Our offering at this price is the best 2x2 Misses' Cashmere Hose In Pendleton; we have not seen any 35c Hose to euqal It; at, per pair T 2c 4 Ic This Is a Ladies' Wool Ribbed Hose that has no equal In the country at 50c; this Hose is sure to Interest you; at, per pair -Mc f Kven at this price we are showing a La dies' full-fashioned fleeced elastic ribbed vest; Is neatly trimmed; light mixed gray in colors; per garment lllf a good fleece lined ladies' seamless, glove fitting. Onelta Union Suits can be had this week at the ridiculously low price of, per suit 50c for a ludies' heavy fleece lined, ribbed gar ment: this Is the famous Setsnug Underwear: also a complete line of pure white fleece lined Ladles' Underwear; neatly trimmed with crochet edges and silk draw-strings at neck; per garment 30c 8c Ths Is a Ladles' fleeced Union Suit of the oneita brand, which always stands for per fection and entire satisfaction. We also show a full line of ladles' fine wool Underwear at this price 8c XI. 2:1 This line we wish to call your special attention to well made, elastic ribbed, wool Vests and tights with silk finishings and silk draw-strings at waist line of tights. See them at. per garment $-1 .2.1 Rich Furs YOU SAVE AT LEAST 20 TO 30 PER CENT ON EYEKY PIECE OF FTR YOU PlTt. CHASE HERE. We haven't as yet made any statement that we could not make good. This will prove a walkover, and we'll be only too glad to have you compare our FurB and prices with any fur dealer in the Northwest. Prices begin at 98c. and go up gradually until $25 is reached Bedding Bargains always biggest here Sheet Blankets AT 9Hf Kxtra large 11-4 blankets In tan, gray or white; pretty borders; worth $1.26; price, per pair 98c OTHERS AT $1.48 AM) $1.60. Woolen Blankets AT XI.9H -I 1-4 gray woolen Rlnnkets with pink and blue borders; extra large and heavy; a big IS value; we offer at, pair $4.9$ Other big values at $5.89 to $8.75 Silkaline Comforts $1.119 Full size Silkollne Comforts; yarn tied; filled with pure white cotton; each ....$1.69 S2. l.irge fluffy sateen Comforts, the heavy twilled satin covering; big and warm; filled with best laminated cotton. It's a big 3.00 value; each $2.69 i I i